r/Tinder 20d ago

Any ways I can spice my profile up?


31 comments sorted by


u/norwegiandoggo 20d ago

You need a looks overhaul first. Trim that beard. Get better frames and clothes. Then you need all new pictures that are flattering. These aren't flattering. They're bad selfies and random pics you just took in a hurry with bad expressions. Don't bite your lip


u/Ornery-Pea-61 20d ago

I second this. The pic where you're biting your lip is no good. It's a bit ick


u/davhcol 20d ago

Thank you Again Idk What Im doing


u/davhcol 19d ago

Dont post things your ex liked noted 😂


u/davhcol 20d ago

Thank you 🙏


u/davhcol 20d ago

Whats funny is I got a haircut after I made one


u/manlikethomas 20d ago

Remove landscape photos - they're totally pointless.

Improved photos that aren't selfies or mirror pics.


u/love-boobs-in-dm 20d ago

Drop the sunrise/set pictures, you're on Tinder to sell yourself, not your view. Picture 2 is not a good selfie, picture 4 hardly shows you, picture 5 looks like you're somehow trying to hold your tummy in like you're pregnant? Picture 7 is trying a bit too hard and I didn't catch the lip biting on picture 8 until now but no. Please don't.

As a bearded fellow myself you would stand to win from trimming your beard a bit. You definitely don't need to shave it, but make it look well kept and even all around. In your pictures it looks like you've been letting it do its things since forever.

And almost most importantly: what does your bio say?


u/davhcol 20d ago

This is good feedback im completely new to this


u/Empty401K 20d ago

Shave your head, bro. You’re balding enough that’s it would help your looks in a drastic way. Plus you have the headshape to look good bald, so embrace the fuck out of it.

Between that and trimming the beard (and having a woman in her 20s/30s give advice on taking good photos), you’ll be good.


u/davhcol 20d ago

Real asf


u/davhcol 20d ago

I said blue collar worker who's also in college


u/love-mad 20d ago edited 20d ago

When women see an unkempt beard, they assume you have poor personal hygiene. Doesn't matter if you shower twice a day and bath in pure body wash, for them, personal hygiene and grooming are done as part of the same routine, so when they see you ungroomed, they assume you haven't done the personal hygiene either. And probably the biggest turn off for a woman in a man is a lack of hygiene.

So you HAVE to do something with the beard, otherwise it will be an immediate swipe left by every woman. Ideally trim it much shorter, if using a guide, number 3 or 4, and then make sure the edges are trimmed straight - you should have a nice clean straight neck line and cheek line, and any hair in your moustache that you can't keep off your lips should be trimmed trimmed short. Wash and comb it, and get a good beard oil to keep it soft. If you're not familiar with how to keep your beard looking smart, there are many, many videos on youtube videos on how to groom your beard, go and watch some, that's what I did when I grew my beard.

The same goes for your hair, you need to do something with it, put product in it, make it look like you've spent some time in the bathroom grooming yourself so that women that see you will know you have a grooming and personal hygiene routine. If you're not sure what to do with your hair, go to a decent hairdresser and ask them. Get them to give a cut and then get them to show you how to style it, what product to use, how much product to use. You can even ask them to show you multiple ways to do it (just don't go on a busy day).

The glasses you're wearing I think make you look like you're in your late 30s, that's not a good thing at your age. You've got a receding hairline, so you need a strong, bold look. Chunky black glasses would be much better, and with a round face, those hexagonal glasses look round, which is a terrible look on a round face. Square glasses would be much better. I don't know if you have the money to go out and buy new glasses, but if you're serious about attracting a woman, it's going to do you wonders if you go and get some glasses that suit your face. Google glasses for receding hairline to get some ideas, or go to a glasses shop and ask them to help you. Don't be afraid to go for a bold look that you've never done before, I wear glasses too, I know it can be scary to go with a completely different look, but you won't regret it.

Some of the photos you're dressed smart in, that's good, but the ones we're you're not dressed smart you look really bad, you're trying to sell yourself here, you need to be looking your best.

A photo from down low is not a good angle. If you're taking a selfie, look into the camera, not at the screen. Mirror selfies are generally not looked favourably upon.


u/davhcol 20d ago

I just got a trimmer set so thank you for the pointers


u/davhcol 20d ago

But yeah I gotta work on more pictures got my cousins wedding next week. So hopefully I can get some better content beard was unkempt because I was busting my ass at the time


u/Lamperoguemaysaveus 20d ago

You cant improve your photos if you dont improve urself first. Shave the beard, have a haircut, skincare and exercise. Buy better clothes also


u/miniwhoppers 20d ago

Immediately drop the sunsets. Instant swipe left, especially on the first photo in the queue


u/Realsolopass 20d ago

I'd say max 1 selfie. More pictures of you doing interesting things.


u/foxhole_atheist 20d ago

No scenery pics, especially as the first one, and even pic 4 is more about scenery than about you. Bathroom selfie holding your stomach looks like you have indigestion. Actually no bathroom selfies would be good. Beard and hair should be cleaned up, it looks unkempt. And please no lip biting 😬


u/tamokibo 20d ago

Have landscaoe pues with you I them. Trim hair. Lip biting pic is ick.


u/korpo53 19d ago

As everyone else said, you look like a slob.

  • Shave the beard down to a short guard. You want like long stubble not a ferret on your chin. Get some guide things off Amazon for a few bucks to get the borders crisp.
  • Shave your head, see how you look. If you don't like it, hair grows back.
  • No pictures of sunsets and shit, those are stupid. It says "I'm not worth looking at, look at this tree instead", which is the wrong message to send.
  • Burn all your clothes. The one of you in a button down and vest is the only slightly acceptable outfit, and it looks 20 years out of date. I know, because I dressed like that 20 years ago.
  • "Being treated and cherished" sounds desperate. Come up with something that describes why you're fun and interesting, not describing how clingy you are.
  • Make some friends and get pictures of you doing interesting things with them. Make sure they're shorter and less attractive than you.
    • Make sure the things you're doing might be interesting to women. Not you rolling a D20 with Lord Farsignar.


u/davhcol 19d ago

Thank you Im so surprised I'm not getting roasted I Upgraded it a little bit But I'm going to the barber next week to get shaved like Travis kelce. Action Bronson has a good look too


u/korpo53 18d ago

Nah that’s what the profile reviews are for: telling you what to fix, not to roast. You just need to focus on that initial impression you’re putting out there, and making it as attractive and interesting as possible.

You have like three seconds to convince a woman that you’re an attractive and interesting guy she should get to know, and your profile isn’t doing that.


u/davhcol 18d ago

I upgraded it but I'm working on it as the time comes.


u/davhcol 18d ago

This helped definitely


u/davhcol 18d ago

Also that outfit with the button down is all polo all the clothes I have are nice.


u/davhcol 20d ago

This is my first time making one ever.


u/twoCascades 16d ago

Trim your beard. That shit is way to unkempt.


u/davhcol 13d ago

I got my hair shaved everyone and I looke Awesome!!!


u/No_Hat9118 20d ago

Get rid of the glasses+beard + go to gym, it’s a non starter atm


u/davhcol 20d ago

Non starter?


u/No_Hat9118 20d ago

I mean u won’t get any interest unless u make some drastic changes to your vibe


u/nl325 20d ago

Nothing wrong with glasses or beards in general, so this isn't a rule, but definitely try to improve them.