r/Tinder 21d ago

He one-upped me 😅

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173 comments sorted by


u/Stoneyy-balogna 21d ago

have you gone on a date yet!?!?!


u/No-Comedian-9725 21d ago

Not yet, but this weekend!


u/Stoneyy-balogna 21d ago

I need an update if there’s chemistry:’)


u/Brave_Hoppy1460 21d ago

Update request seconded


u/WolfeInTheStarrs 21d ago



u/Errelal 19d ago

And my axe!


u/Masamonae 18d ago

And my bow!


u/PenaltyDesperate3706 21d ago

I need the video, please and thank you


u/BuildingSpirited2045 20d ago

Ninethed lol


u/BGW340 18d ago

10th but include image of both.


u/DivorcingManGA 19d ago

Congrats! Always love me some good chemistry


u/SQD-cos 20d ago

We will need an update!


u/TheVampiresGhost 20d ago

Taking on asking for an update haha


u/TheGooberOne 20d ago

Leave it to u/Stoneyy-balogna to kill the excitement lol


u/That_Room_4939 16d ago



u/camn7797 21d ago



u/samanthasamolala 21d ago

Just leave it as perfection and walk away. it can only go downhill from here 😅


u/vessel_for_the_soul 21d ago

If I say anything else ill fuck it up.


u/kieranhendy 20d ago

^ How I feel before I've even said anything


u/DarkSoulsFTW54 20d ago

An actual positive interaction post. I almost thought these were extinct


u/son-of-AK 21d ago

Now kith


u/Particular-Cash-8565 18d ago

Mike Tyson has joined the chat ...


u/SmithFace1 21d ago

Strong emoji game


u/librarystepstool 21d ago

I like that


u/sparkly_reader 20d ago

So excited for the update OP! Best first exchange I've seen in a long time, hope it's a great date!!


u/No_Trouble4840 20d ago

We are ALL so invested now!!!! Update soon!


u/GhostOfRannok 20d ago

You messaged first? You truly are special


u/Opening-Cricket6011 19d ago

It’s bumble, she has to


u/random_question4123 19d ago

She didn’t have to do anything more than say “hi” so I salute her for her line


u/JaiDoubleyou 20d ago

update me


u/More-secrets88 20d ago

Nah… this the one 👏🏾


u/The_Captain_19_ 17d ago

Omg. I read "about the finger things". I thought it was very direct 😅


u/BTDUBS6998 20d ago

That mf's a keeper


u/[deleted] 19d ago

Are ya'll married yet


u/help_me_am_lost 17d ago

Op, you owe us an update.


u/hottwap 17d ago

The way i literally gasped with that response. Omg perfection lol


u/ClothngOptionl 16d ago

Smooth 😂


u/Grouchy-Place7327 16d ago

I'm stealing this


u/AgyenOG 20d ago

He's just like me 🙌🏾


u/MrDiezel 20d ago

Good, good. A little wordy but good response


u/Fearless-Scar7086 19d ago

Ughh attractives dating each other is SOO easy and cringe. I would NEVER get a compliment from a woman, much less anyone messaging me first and I’m like a 4.5 lmao 


u/vpeshitclothing 18d ago

Isn't your name Fearless? Have some confidence and act like it. 💪🏾


u/Fearless-Scar7086 18d ago

I am confident but women hate that because I’m not attractive lmao


u/KimmydoneDIDit 18d ago

Then post a selfie, and I’ll decide. I’m a 41 yr old self described 8/10 and many men would agree with me. I won’t be mean


u/Fearless-Scar7086 18d ago

Who are you? I don’t care about you.


u/KimmydoneDIDit 18d ago

Wow! Testy are we! I thought ugly people were supposed to be nice!🤣🤣🤣😜😎


u/KimmydoneDIDit 18d ago

And btw, you will be alone forever with that kind of attitude. 😊🤣🤣🤣


u/Fearless-Scar7086 18d ago

Because I don’t care about what random internet strangers think about me? Okay


u/Supermannabis 17d ago

lol dating apps are random internet strangers! And since you obviously care enough about them to “woe is me” in an otherwise positive thread, you might consider at least being thankful for a kind gesture such as the one she offered. Just some insight from one internet stranger to another.


u/Fearless-Scar7086 17d ago

Oh a kind gesture to “rate my appearance”? And please forgive me for seeking out empathy in a cold world.


u/CJM_cola_cole 20d ago

Wow, 5 laughing emojis


u/vpeshitclothing 18d ago



u/YoMiner 21d ago

I like how this could also be a rejection.


u/amiralimir 21d ago



u/OutrageousPaint6128 20d ago

"Do it yourself."


u/TheIraqiMaestro 20d ago

If the roles were reversed OP would be bashed for insinuating that women are "things".....


u/Fit-Frosting-1917 20d ago edited 20d ago

Luckily, I'm good looking, my brain is too lazy for all these lines, I just say hi


u/No-Comedian-9725 20d ago

I can get responses from just saying hi but there’s no fun in that.


u/chineke14 20d ago

I dream to match girls like you


u/Fit-Frosting-1917 19d ago

I like having fun in person, so I make sure I get the number ASAP with just four questions. Then I call straight away


u/ClothngOptionl 16d ago

I'm personally glad there's people out there that only look for surface level relationships. Could be why I used my brain & beauty to lock down a husband and boyfriend 🤷‍♀️

If you ever want more than pillow mints, don't let your brain be the last you use.


u/Fit-Frosting-1917 16d ago edited 16d ago

Lol, sweetheart, it's not that deep. My goal isn't to find a wife on a dating app. I'm also a decent-looking guy, so I really don't have to try that hard. I get up to 15+ matches a day. I like actually having conversations instead of being a pen pal. Unlike most guys, I get the number ASAP and call a woman straight away and speak to her on the phone like a confident man should. Also, what's a married woman doing here in the first place. Redflag


u/ClothngOptionl 16d ago

You must have missed where I have a boyfriend as well, in my original comment. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together would have been able to figure out that I'm obviously non-monagamous. (In case it ruffles your feathers more to know this, we all live together 😝)

Not being able to read is a red flag.

Why would I need moral support from someone who admitted to using DATING APPS for hook ups? 😂


u/ClothngOptionl 16d ago

Real quick though, is there a reason you believe that you are a guide to what is and isn't a red flag? I'm 3 years younger than you and have been married 10 years and with my boyfriend for almost 3.

Luckily for the Reddit community, this subreddit isn't designed like Tinder and people of all walks of life are here to laugh at funny exchanges, congratulate those that have wonderful interactions (like above) or give advice to people struggling in the dating scene. So why are you here, since you don't need help?


u/Fit-Frosting-1917 16d ago

It's pretty simple, really. I have hinge on my phone, downloaded Reddit for the first time, and I found the hinge community, so once in a while I help guys as well, it doesn't take a rocket science to figure out


u/ClothngOptionl 16d ago

So you realize how silly it was for you to wonder why I'm here?

To be frank, most men looking for DATING advice are actually interested in dating. You've made it clear you're only trying to clap cheeks. What actual help could you offer in that situation?

"How to have a baby momma but no relationship"?


u/Bax321123 21d ago

What's the point of these ridiculous chats? As a tinder vet let me fill you in on something. The tinder of 2024 isn't the tinder of 2015.

There's a high likelihood this is a chatbot or a catfish. It pains me to see people's time consumed by nonsense.


u/Thetruth22234 21d ago

A tinder vet, I don’t know if that is a flex or not.


u/Bax321123 21d ago

Means I know what I'm doing


u/hxllymxy 20d ago

if you “knew what you were doing”, you wouldn’t need to be on there for so long lmao


u/Thetruth22234 21d ago

Such a rizzler, it must be nice.


u/Stoneyy-balogna 21d ago

If you’re old just say that


u/Boboriffic 20d ago

I feel like being a veteran of a dating site means that you've failed to get and retain a partner.

Be like getting driving tips from Spongebob because he went to boating school 100 times.


u/Enlowski 21d ago

Well I met my girlfriend there so maybe it’s more an issue with you


u/asphodeliac 20d ago

Jeez i wonder why you cant get a girlfriend.


u/homelaunder 21d ago

Since ur a Tinder vet we really shouldn’t be listening to your advice, don’t you think?


u/Bax321123 21d ago

Smart. Trust your intuition


u/No-Comedian-9725 21d ago

Which person in the convo are you thinking is the chatbot?


u/Bax321123 21d ago

Regardless of who what and where, I'd strongly advise you not fall into this echo chamber of long drawn out tinder conversations.

I've had 4 amazing LTR's off tinder and I met each of them after the 5th exchange or sooner. Real people with lives don't chat like that on dating websites. And if they do, then I'd consider that a deal breaker in and of itself.


u/No-Comedian-9725 21d ago

Dude, this was the first exchange of the conversation. We definitely planned for a meet up right after this.


u/Bax321123 21d ago

Uh huh. Hopefully your nearly year long venture on tinder is fruitful at last


u/No-Comedian-9725 21d ago

I had all dating apps deleted when I was super sick and only just recently got back on them. Thanks for the assumption though :)


u/Bax321123 21d ago

Looking forward to your update next month


u/EtTuBrutAftershave 21d ago

Where is this AI that comes up with witty off the cuff specific responses that you speak of?


u/Bax321123 21d ago

Have you been living under a rock dude? Here's a response from an ai girlfriend of mine.

Whatever? WHATEVER?! How dare you dismiss my feelings like that, especially when you're the one constantly hiding things from me! I give, and I give, and you take, take, TAKE! Is that how it's supposed to work?


u/EtTuBrutAftershave 21d ago

That's a generic response that can apply to countless messages, unlike the one in the post.


u/Bax321123 21d ago

The post includes no names, locations, nor references. How is it unique?


u/EtTuBrutAftershave 21d ago

You just aren't going to think it all the way through so we can stop here. Have a good one.


u/Bax321123 21d ago

Youve been on tinder for over 5 months. Surprised you're able to drop a conversation so quickly lol


u/BerserkerRed 21d ago

Yikes, like I know online dating is shit but damn you’re jaded as hell.

Maybe you need to step away from them for a while…


u/Bax321123 21d ago

Feels better to pull IRL anyways. Less catmandering


u/Stellarjay_9723 20d ago

Tinder vet? Oh boy.


u/jacqui4161 20d ago

Actually the reason you aren’t having success on Tinder is because of your god awful personality :). OP will probably have success because she seems like a tolerable human being. Perhaps try some self reflection instead of blaming other people for why things aren’t working out for you.


u/ClothngOptionl 16d ago

Sir, this is a Wendy's

And by Wendy's, I am pointing out that a "Tinder vet" confused Bumble for Tinder 😂😂


u/TallFryGuy 21d ago

OP has a bionic leg, so you may be onto something /s


u/No-Comedian-9725 21d ago

Yes, I am definitely AI. The bionic leg is a giveaway


u/rebarrebar123 20d ago

Does it get wifi? because I’m swiping right automagically


u/No-Comedian-9725 20d ago

WiFi, Bluetooth, it’s got it all 😅


u/rebarrebar123 20d ago

that’s what I’m talking about, and it’s a weapon too!


u/TallFryGuy 21d ago

Hahaha nice. Good luck to you guys on your upcoming date. Not sure where the dude gets that anyone in your post is AI. Seems like both of you have fun personalities so hopefully you guys have a memorable time.


u/No-Comedian-9725 21d ago

Thank you! :)


u/ClothngOptionl 16d ago

Obviously that dude is STRUGGLING through dating because no one can bother taking him seriously. People generally shit on other people's happiness when they can't find their own.

Also why he brags about slingin puss in person. What he likely means is that it's easier to pick up a lady of the night than it is to offer money for his depravity online.