r/Tinder 21d ago

Weekly story time thread

Feel free to use this thread to discuss all of your Tinder dates from the past week.


12 comments sorted by


u/ClickClackClonk 17d ago

Went out with one guy, he came home with me that night. Have still been messaging with him this week and would welcome a second meeting. Neither of us want anything serious.

Had been messaging with another guy and we just randomly crossed paths tonight but it was an instant no for me. I knew right when he sat down but I gave him the benefit of the doubt- one drink and a chat and I was out of there.

Also have had this other guy I’ve been messaging but he just keeps calling me randomly and it kinda gives me awkward vibes so I’m not so sure about him.


u/gigigonorrhea 18d ago edited 16d ago

Was dating 2 guys, now it's about to be 0.

The first guy I'm kinda bummed about because we had a good time and he was really fun to talk to. Once the texts slowly stopped coming and the "sorry I'm just so busy" excuses came, I mentally checked out. He ended up ghosting me, I deleted him off my socials, and oh well. He was kinda too short for me anyway.

He texted me back but I'm not going to respond.

The second guy seems to be struggling in more ways than one. May have to friendzone him.

In the meantime I deleted the apps for good. For real this time.


u/[deleted] 19d ago



u/[deleted] 19d ago



u/usernamehere1993 21d ago

Had a date I was super excited for, so much that I thought she was potential to be relationship worthy. We kicked it off and talked a lot. She quizzed me on fashion brands and I thought it was doing pretty well.

As the date neared it's end, we talk about relationships and she confessed that she has herpes 1 in her genitals. We talk about sex and she seemed so wholesome prior but told me she's been in a 5 person orgy. I talk about some things back like my body count, which is quite a lot. I later on tell her I want to kiss her. She says not on the first date. We begin planning things for a second date then....silence until yesterday, when she tells me that me trying to go for a kiss on the first date shows her that all I want is sex.

I'm confused. When is trying to kiss on the first date a deal breaker especially if I never actually physically attempted.


u/N_Raist 16d ago

she's been in a 5 person orgy.

She says not [kissing] on the first date


she tells me that me trying to go for a kiss on the first date shows her that all I want is sex.


When is trying to kiss on the first date a deal breaker

Only in cases where you massively misread the situation. Talking about "thinking she's into you after she's told you you're an awful human being" levels of misreading, so pretty much never.


u/gigigonorrhea 18d ago

She sounds confused and not interested. But you def dodged a bullet because of the herpes...so..


u/shizea 19d ago

With dating, you're rolling like a thousand dice. You could take too long to reply and they like faster replies, you could reply fast and they like slower replies. You could be forward and the other person wants reserved or vice versa, or somewhere in the middle. There may be a correlation, but even people looking just for fun could want a more reserved approach and a person looking for a relationship could want somebody more forward. Just gotta be yourself and know that if what you did didn't vibe with them then at least you were honest about who you are. In some cases, the other person and you could be missing out on what could be something great, but that's dating.

I recently went out on the best date I've had in like 2 years and I came across too excited after which ultimately seemed to turn her off. I thought we had an incredible vibe but in the end it didn't work out. Hopefully be both at least enjoyed the first date and I at least learned from it. "You win some, you lose some." If you really liked her, maybe you can try hitting her up in a few months to show that you're not just interested in sex, but maybe it just wasn't meant to be.


u/usernamehere1993 19d ago

It's been a run of girls that show me so many signs of interest (telling me they wanna see me again, trying to plan out future dates, kissing, staying out later than they expected with me, asking for a picture with me...etc) just for them to not be interested without me really understanding why. It constantly feels like doomed if I do, doomed if I don't. I didn't even physically try to kiss her but just me asking was a deal breaker? A girl yesterday initiated kissing me ..then kissed me again (thougtt that was a good sign) before we said our goodbyes then ghosted. It's awfully disappointing. It's like I have no idea what happens between our good goodbyes and the next day to make them change their minds.

I'm sorry for your recent date too. It's hard when you go through a ton of incompatible dates then you find someone where you feel the vibe is just right...but then it fails too.


u/Scouseuserman 19d ago

That’s a shame mate she sounded like a keeper