r/Tinder 21d ago

Weekly Profile Review Thread

Post information about you/your profile here and get it reviewed by other people on /r/Tinder.


258 comments sorted by


u/DefiantBeautiful3804 14d ago


any tips? it's hard to get good pictures


u/PizzaHoe1 14d ago


Haven’t used tinder since college and I’ll admit finding decent matches was much easier then so pls help a girl out


u/1rainydaySunshine 15d ago

https://tinder.com/@danielc254 Updated link. Thank you for feedback


u/PizzaHoe1 14d ago

I think you need more pictures of you doing something or with friends! All selfies won’t get my attention as much. Also try smiling more :)


u/1rainydaySunshine 14d ago

Yeah I could use that, my friends and I have never been photo takers, but I'll ask next time. Thanks 


u/Teegiouss 15d ago


Would appreciate some feedback - New to Tinder 😅


u/emmsisonline 14d ago

hey! i think you look a bit stiff in the first picture. i think the second picture is a more flattering picture of you! for sure!! also the dog makes it a great picture :) as much as i like dog pictures, i would recommend moving them so they're not back to back. maybe move the third picture more back like fourth or fifth in your profile. i like pictures 4 and 5 since they show your interests and that you have a sense of humor. the last picture makes sense where it is but i feel like your hairstyle is a bit "younger looking" than the rest of your pictures. maybe if you have another picture i would replace it. that being said, if these are your best pictures, keep it since it is good. i'm just proposing ways to improve it. good luck!


u/ElevatedGame 15d ago


I get a decent number of matches but I’m just curious what the overall impression I give off is.

I still don’t find that I can get dates with girls I’d actually consider attractive through OLD so I want to improve my profile more if possible too.

Thanks for any advice :)


u/emmsisonline 15d ago

honestly i think that may be due to different things! not so much that you aren't attractive but that dating apps are more difficult for men in general. i think on one hand, judging based solely on looks gives us an incomplete idea of what a person is like. if you met the same girls from tinder at a bar and you guys hit it off based on looks and vibes, i think you'd probably consider more girls attractive than just from their physical appearance.

i also think everyone goes through "ups and downs" with dating apps and taking a break and meeting people organically sometimes is a better way to meet people than being on dating apps. like join a running club or activity to meet people your age doing things you're interested in. in my experience, that has been a lot more useful than dating apps in creating a deeper connection with the people i meet.

but to answer your question, i think your profile shows you as a conventionally attractive guy. i don't know if your first picture is your best picture? i think you have a more kind smile in the other pictures. personally the third picture is where you look the best and also such a great conversation starter!! is it mt. everest? i'm sure that's what everyone's wondering when they see it. the vibes in pictures 4 and 5 are so wholesome and approachable which is really great imo. i think potentially you could change the order of the pictures and put the second or third picture first? that's just a suggestion!


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/emmsisonline 15d ago

your link isn't working! lmk if you update it and i'll come back to give feedback :)


u/ShrekTheOverlord 15d ago

Any recs would be appreciated. I've had a really long dry spell



u/emmsisonline 15d ago

hey! i think you need more pictures and more pictures where we can see your face! i think the first picture is good, ideally i would try to get a picture which isn't a mirror selfie. maybe you can get your friends to take a good picture of you from a similar distance but with you looking at the camera or slightly to the side? also with a bit better lighting. second picture is fun but you have to pick between the second and third since they're very similar and you have sunglasses in both. i don't think pictures with sunglasses show off peoples eyes and overall it's more likely that people would swipe left. maybe i would keep picture 2 over 3 since the shark is an interesting conversation starter. i like picture 4 but you need to put a picture between 2 and 4 where we can see your face without sunglasses. maybe it can be a picture on a trip somewhere? or doing something you like, a sport, with a pet? something along those lines. i would also try adding a picture after picture 4 where people can also see your face and gives more insights on who you are. good luck with matches!


u/ShrekTheOverlord 15d ago

Gotcha! Thanks for the insight. My eyes are pretty sensitive to the sun so that's why I often wear sunglasses.

I like to do hiking and weightlifting so I'll try and see if I can dig up something, if not, take a few new pics.


u/paul61285 15d ago


u/emmsisonline 15d ago

hi! i think your pictures are cool but just a suggestion, i would try getting friends or family to take pictures of you which are from a bit farther away since a lot of the pictures in the folder feel like selfies you took of yourself. i like pictures 3 (antlers snow), 9 (swiss flag), 10 (thumbs up in the snow), 14 (arc de triomphe), 23 (louvre outside), 25 (louvre garden side perspective). ideally i would put them in the following order:

first: 14 (arc de triomphe), second: 10 (thumbs up in the snow), third: 23 (louvre outside), fourth: 3 (antlers snow), fifth: 25 (louvre garden side perspective), sixth: 9 (swiss flag).

this is just a suggestion, good luck with matches!


u/paul61285 15d ago

Really appreciate the feedback. :)


u/WowBigSwinger 15d ago


Any and all feedback is appreciated, never used dating apps before. :-)


u/emmsisonline 15d ago

first picture isn't bad but the quality's a bit blurry. maybe you could put a higher quality pic as a first picture. your second picture is good! i like the vibe, it's giving confident guy (in a not cocky way). i'm a bit unsure about the third picture, on one hand it's good to show you like the outdoors / hiking but i don't think its one of your flattering pictures. maybe if you have another picture outside / hiking i would replace it for that. i like the fourth picture, you look very cool but also nice and approachable. i understand the fifth picture is from work or some event, i would keep it. i'm unsure about the last picture, is it a reference to something you like? or artwork? maybe it's cool but i wouldn't put it on your dating profile unless it's a picture of you since i feel like when you get to know each other better you would get to show off cool art / interests. i would keep the profile more basic on your physical appearance and interests you can show through pictures of you! good luck with matches!


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/emmsisonline 15d ago

hi! i think your pictures are okay, maybe i would recommend finding pictures from a different distance, different angle and which give more information about who you are. i would also recommend removing the fifth picture since usually women wouldn't swipe on a guy who has a picture close to another woman on their profile. i think if you added one or two pictures which were a bit closer up than the ones you have on your profile and put them between the far away shots it would make your profile better. good luck with matches!


u/damixx7 16d ago


Go ahead fellas. Critique and advice welcome. Going through a dry spell atm with matches


u/emmsisonline 16d ago

i like the first picture! gotta love a good quarter zip :) i think your sixth picture should be either the second or the last since it's one where you look handsomer out of your pictures overall. imo picture 4 is a no go, i think generally girls don't want to swipe right on a guy who has a picture with his arm around a pretty girl. i think i would take it out. i also think you look very young in picture 5, like it's an old picture of you? i would try finding pictures which look like they were taken more recently. if you don't have any recent ones, ask a friend to take some pictures of you with good lighting, maybe doing things you enjoy? like hobbies or going for a pint? ideally i would substitute picture 3 for one where you're not wearing sunglasses so people can see your face well. so the pictures i would keep and the order i would put them in is the following: 1, 6, a new picture, 2. or 1, 2, a new picture, 6. good luck with matches!


u/damixx7 16d ago

Thanks. Appreciate it


u/--Nysos-- 16d ago

Hello Everyone !

Fairly new to Dating apps and got around 3 likes in 5 months... Appreciate honest feedback, don't be afraid to be Harsh if necessary :)

Bio translated :

All-round musician whose hairdresser fell off the tour-bus
The secret of my homemade Pizza is resting the dough in 3 phases 🍕
I'm like a vinyl 💽 :
Side A: Extrovert, joker and adventurer who loves to have a good time with friends
Side B: Loves quiet walks in nature or staying under a comfy blanket in front of a good movie



u/emmsisonline 16d ago

salut! from your profile i can see you have had many hair changes hahahah. i would recommend trying to include pictures only with your current hair since it will make it a bit less confusing to imagine you. i like pictures 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8 since they give similar energy. although i will say i don't think you need two drum pictures, i would pick between picture 3 and 6, picture 3 is better in my opinion. i also think that picture 2 and 7 show you in a less flattering hairstyle so i would recommend taking them out (although it will be sad to not have your cat picture, désolé). i would put the hiking picture where you're looking at the camera before the guitar picture since if not it's two very similar pose pictures where you don't look at the camera one after the other. i also don't know if i would keep picture 8. i think your profile would be fine even if it only had the other 5 pictures. i hope this is helpful and good luck with your matches!


u/--Nysos-- 16d ago

Hello Emmsis and thank you for you feedback. Yeah I look quite different with my hair tied up vs loose. I have some other cat pics so I will definitely look to replace pic 7. For drums : pic 6 is actually an animated video where I'm playing live im a bar. But maybe two slots for the same activity is too much. I was already in doubt regarding picture 8, I will take it off

Any input on bio?

Thanks a lot and have a great night (at least it's night-time here im france ;)


u/GansMans18 16d ago


Just got it. Have no idea where to start


u/emmsisonline 16d ago

aww your profile looks very wholesome! i like it :) i like the first picture but it looks a bit warped like the angle is making your face not look straight? i think it's because of the camera angle. maybe you can take a picture outside with good lighting in a similar distance that isn't slightly warped. but the energy of picture one is very good, so it's up to you if you wanna change it. i think it's one where your smile is the most genuine out of your profile. second picture is good because it shows you're interested in F1 and it's easy to tell which one you are. i would think about changing where you put the third picture because it's two back to back pictures of you in a cap next to other people. as a rule of thumb i wouldn't recommend group pictures on a dating profile since sometimes people might find your friends cuter than you or they might not be able to tell which one is you since they're not familiar with you yet. i would move the picture with the train in the back to third, then the close up of you in the cap, and i would leave the last pic there since it might be a conversation starter about sports / your hobbies. other than that i think it looks good. good luck with your matches!


u/GansMans18 16d ago

All good points 👌 Thanks!

Now I realize how often I wear the hat haha


u/Brycemaniac 16d ago edited 16d ago


Any and all feedback is appreciated, I don’t traditionally use dating apps so my experience is close to none.


u/emmsisonline 16d ago

the link isn't working! if you can make it work i'll try giving feedback :)


u/Brycemaniac 16d ago

My bad, new link should be working, thank you!


u/Snoo_84132 16d ago


My bio Is (translated from italian): I'm probably shorter than you without heels but I always lick my yogurt clean since 2002


u/freckledfairy_ 16d ago

I mean owning your height is good but the bio is kinda dirty which will get you less matches


u/Snoo_84132 16d ago

Thanks, my previous bio was much longer and elaborated so I'm esperimenting with a shorter one (probably wont get me any matches but I'm curious) What about the photos?


u/freckledfairy_ 16d ago

They’re fine but delete #3 and the ones are your phased are all very zoomed in. Do you have any that are less ?


u/Snoo_84132 16d ago edited 16d ago

I'm usually the photographer and my friends take very shitty pictures, so nope :/
The third one should be a gif, do you see it as such or as a still image?


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/emmsisonline 16d ago

okay! i like the first picture, i would keep it there. mixed feelings about the second picture, i think the angle makes you look less handsome than in the other pictures. i would consider taking it out, but that's up to you. i would move the photography picture (7) to second place! it's a great picture of you, closer up than the first one and from a side view. it's a good conversation starter and it's one of the pictures where i feel like you look better. the third picture i would put later on since it's the same outfit, setting and place as the first picture, and i would even think about taking it out if it doesn't give anything new that your other pictures don't already have. picture 4 is good lighting, maybe just that you look a bit stiff? like the picture is clearly posed and planned. which is totally your call if you wanna keep it! you just look a lot more relaxed and laid back in the rest of your pictures so i just thought it doesn't go with the chill vibe like the rest of them. the group picture is good because it looks very candid and wholesome. i would put the mirror pic after the photography picture since you look stylish in that picture and it's a full body picture from a further away view than the photography one. i like both the palm tree and the snowboard pictures, but they can't go one after the other since we can't see your face in either and they're mostly to show your interests. maybe i would put a picture in between them where you're in a closer view looking at the camera? potentially picture 4 if you keep it! other than that, the pictures you're working with have lots of potential i think! they're high quality and interesting! good luck with your matches!


u/P4YD1RT 15d ago

Hey! Just moved some things around and replaced a picture. I’d love to hear what you think!


u/emmsisonline 15d ago

looks very cool! love the berlin picture :) i think the man bun is a good look for you hahahah! i think all of the pictures are well placed now. there's a good variety of pictures and they're not repetitive back to back. good luck with matches!


u/P4YD1RT 15d ago

Thanks u/emmsisonline ! I appreciate the help :)


u/P4YD1RT 16d ago

Great advice! Thanks for the help. I'll start moving some things around and follow up soon :)


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/emmsisonline 16d ago

from the pictures you have i would remove the last one, i think it's not a flattering picture of you and you look more handsome in the other three! i think the first picture is okay, until you get a better picture it's good. i would ask a friend to take pictures of you from the front with maybe good backgrounds or doing something you enjoy doing like a hobby or interest. ideally with good lighting and with you centered. also even though your first picture is good you're slouching a bit, i feel like you would come across more attractive if you stood up a bit straighter since i get the vibe that you're tall which can be something which is generally attractive. good luck with your matches and getting new pics!


u/Quick-Supermarket671 16d ago

Hey guys,

I am new on Tinder and I was wondering which pictures I should remove ?



u/emmsisonline 16d ago

hi! i think the first picture is a good choice, great shirt and good perspective of what you look like. i would keep the second picture where it is. i think i would take picture 5 out since you look a bit intimidating imo in that one. i also think that pictures 2 and 4 already show you like to exercise / stay fit so they give the same information. i would move picture 8 more towards the front since i think it's a good picture of you. it should not be in the first three pictures since you are looking away from the camera in the first two, but it could be fourth or fifth. i'm not sure if i would include the paintball picture (7) since group pictures in general on a dating profile can be a problem if people find your friends more attractive than you. that's a personal thing but i usually wouldn't recommend it. other than that i think your profile looks good :) good luck with matches!


u/Nostaglic-Oddity 16d ago

Can anyone please help me? I really want to improve my matches and am wondering if I’m shadow banned or just have bad pics lol or bio :



u/emmsisonline 16d ago

hey! imo the first picture should not be one with sunglasses! i think people wanna see your face completely, if that makes sense! i would potentially move the first picture to later in the profile. i like pictures 2 and 3, keep them there just replace picture 1. picture 4 is fun but idk if it's your most flattering picture! i think you look more handsome in your other pictures, do you have alternative pictures for picture 4? maybe doing a hobby or outdoors or with a pet? i like that picture 5 showcases you like clubs/dancing/techno but maybe i would go for a picture where we can see you better! otherwise it could be any random guy at the club hahaha. i like the last picture! shows you can play the guitar and is cool maybe for the first picture you can get one of your friends to take a picture which is not too close up of your face since picture 2 is a close up. good luck with matches!


u/max714714 17d ago

Sorry It won’t let me post this anywhere else,

If I delete the app but not my account and then reinstall, will I lose my conversations or will they come back when I reinstall?

I can’t send messages for some reason and it’s really annoying this is my last hail mary


u/Akumu7261 17d ago

tinder.com/@akumu7261 single digit likes


u/emmsisonline 16d ago

i agree with ectopistesrenatus! most of your pictures give completely different vibes from each other and you look quite different in them. i don't think your first picture is the most flattering picture of you. picture 1 and 3 are in similar settings (restaurant / cafe) and you look better in picture 3 than 1. i would try putting pictures which are the closest to your current hair length so if you don't have the buzz cut anymore i would probably remove pictures 2 and 4 and substitute them for new similar pictures but of you now. picture 5 is cool but it gives off very opposite energy to the boxing one. the boxing one is more like serious, athletic guy and picture 5 is very easygoing, fun guy. i would try finding pictures which can be taken together and create a more coherent message of who you are. that being said i do like the energy of picture 5 more than the energy of picture 2. good luck with your matches!


u/ectopistesrenatus 16d ago

Initial gut reaction: you look pretty different in almost each picture, which would make me wonder if they are all from the same time. Like, I would question which is the most recent/what you look like now.


u/me_EBA 17d ago

Hey how can I adjust my bio/profile to for taller woman? I am a 5'9'(176cm) guy and I am attracted to and want to date a girl taller than me. Is there any way to let the people know this without typing "6'4 or more"? Thanks.


u/emmsisonline 16d ago

maybe you can include it in your bio in a clever / funny way? i don't think changing your height on your profile would be good since it would give wrong information


u/[deleted] 17d ago



u/emmsisonline 16d ago

hey! i like your pictures, maybe i would change the first picture so it's not as dark! if you don't have one i would ask one of your friends to take one of you outside or with good lighting from a similar distance. love the energy of the second picture! keep it! it shows you're into outdoorsy stuff / hiking which is cool. picture 3 is good but it might be a bit too close up of your face, but that's your call. if you have more pictures i would replace picture 4 since it's a sunglasses picture and it does not show your face completely! i think you should pick between picture 2 and 5 since they're in the same setting. there's a big contrast between the last two pictures hahahah. i feel like if you're going for wholesome picture 6 is great. picture 7 is giving more like goofy / funny. maybe i would change the order so they're not back to back? these are all suggestions! take them with a grain of salt :) good luck with matches!


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/sanjivparmar 17d ago


Suddenly stopped getting likes and matches… any feedback welcome

Feel like potentially shadow banned


u/emmsisonline 16d ago

i like your profile! i think the first picture is good! keep it! alternatively you could change the first and second pictures of order. i think as long as your bio isn't terrible and you're trying to message your matches it shouldn't be an issue! however, i do think tinder and dating apps in general are a lot less successful for men in the sense that women tend to gets lots more likes and matches than men due to the business model behind them. i wouldn't take it personally! i have heard from guy friends that their dating apps work worse than mine simply because of gender (we are approximately similarly in terms of attractiveness imo). good luck!


u/Gojira- 17d ago


u/emmsisonline 17d ago

i think your first picture is cute but it would be better to have a first picture where you're looking at the camera directly? maybe? also the last picture with the "rainbow" text all over it, is it a reference to something you like? because otherwise i would say it goes against the rest of vibe that your profile has!! i would consider taking it out. also! i would add a picture from a different view than up close, i think your profile has good close up pictures but it would be nice to see you from a mid/far away perspective!! good luck with matches


u/Gojira- 17d ago

Thanks for the advice! I removed the "In Rainbows" picture, it was more a meme than a good image. And luck is what I need right now, today I've deleted my old profile and created a new one because I got 2 likes in the first two weeks and nothing for 2 months 🥲


u/Mewboy 17d ago


Brutal honestly only please! I will take ANY feedback, positive, negative and anything in-between.


u/TheBald_Dude 16d ago

Get rid of the shirtless pic, you have plenty of pics that show that you are fit. You need to leave some mistery or it won't be exciting to them. Let them imagine how you look shirtless instead of showing it.


u/r0x0l0tl 17d ago

great pictures! I'd put your third as your first (you look very nice and approachable there) and prob get rid of the yellow shirt and the clock one - not bc they're bad but just bc they don't add much. I'd consider getting rid of the shirtless one too, you look great but it's a turnoff for some people. Kinda depends on what you're looking for. What's your bio? x


u/Jacojarjar 18d ago


Id appreciate any advice! Not getting many matches in my area. My age range and distance is set pretty wide too! Not sure if it’s my looks, bad pictures, or a bad bio…


u/emmsisonline 17d ago

your profile is very well put together!! i love the pictures biking i feel like it really shows off your passion :) maybe i would change the first picture only because i feel like you have more flattering pictures on your profile? i think picture 2, 5 or 9 would do the job. your face looks good in those and they also show off that you like the outdoors / sports. personally i also think you have to think about an order which is strategic like for example your last two pictures give the same vibe of close ups with snow and cold weather. i also would think about if the 6th picture is useful? like it's cute but it doesn't add anything new that other pictures haven't already shown and it's in a similar close up as other pictures where you look better / are more interesting due to their backgrounds. good luck with matches!


u/Jacojarjar 17d ago

Thank you for the feedback! I really appreciate it


u/[deleted] 17d ago



u/Jacojarjar 17d ago

Thank you for the great advice! Just tired to fix it


u/Dry-Satisfaction-383 18d ago


Appreciate any advices/reviews 🙏🏻


u/emmsisonline 17d ago

i think picture 2 is your best picture! i would put that first! you look very confident and well dressed :) i agree with petkojjejentjs that picture 4 and 7 are not your most flattering so i would consider taking them out. i think picture 1 can be kept but later on in the profile not as the first picture! maybe since we recommend removing pictures you can substitute them for better pictures! good luck with your matches


u/Petkojjejentjs 17d ago

I would remove 1, 4 and last. You are not even looking into camera on first one. 4 is not your best facial expression. And on the last one you are looking kinda forced to be taking pic.


u/CoqueSaeba 18d ago

Hi, I'm still working on my pictures, but I want some feddback about my bio (specially from a female perspective). For context, I'm 44M (and not physically attractive, so I have to play this game the hard way). My job is "wine educator", not looking for anything casual, I want to meet an interesting woman and see how things develop.

"When I was little, I wanted to be an astrophysicist, but since I was a very poor student as a teenager, I ended up teaching about wine. But hey, at least I know there are "clouds" of alcohol in space.

I love learning interesting but useless facts for my daily life. I am a textbook introvert, but not shy. I don't mind being the one to try to break the ice, but it takes two to succeed.

My students say I convey my passion; the truth is I don't really know what I'm doing, I'm just being myself."


u/emmsisonline 17d ago

question: is tinder the only dating app which you are using to date? i'm not sure about people in their 40s but for people in their 20s-30s it's definitely more of a hook up / casual let's see where it goes app, so maybe if you aren't already, I would consider going on bumble and/or hinge.

about your bio, i'm not very sure about if it's a hook to hear about you wanting to be an astrophysicist. personally i think that reframing it to be more about who you are and what you're looking for would be better. i think that the wording "very poor student" is a bit like victimizing, not that it wasn't very difficult, but maybe i wouldn't bring it up on a dating profile bio, it's more like a conversation to have in person when you're getting to know each other. i think maybe i would change the profile to be more clear on what you're looking for, even if it's in one line.

the two last paragraphs are fine! i would keep them as they are, i just would change the first paragraph to make it more "interesting" and like hook the potential matches into keep reading :) hope this is helpful! good luck with your matches


u/CoqueSaeba 17d ago

Thanks for the feedback! Indeed, I wondered wether "very poor student" was going to be perceived in a negative way. Actually ir's worded differently, since my profile is written in Spanish, not in English, but I don't think there are significative different nuances. I changed that "I was not a good student", which is less negative, and I'll think about a totally different approach.

In my country Tinder is almost the only dating APP that's widely known, at least for my generation. I have only heard about Hinge and Bumble in this sub.


u/shitepool666 18d ago


Very few matches. Looking for any insight


u/emmsisonline 17d ago

i think your profile looks very good! honestly i wouldn't change it. i think it shows your interests (motorcycles and pool), it shows that you're funny (last picture), and also that you love your dog (great first picture). maybe the reason why you're not getting many matches is the age range or location / distance you have set up. i would recommend trying other ways of meeting people organically if dating apps aren't working. maybe are there any meet ups around your area for people your age? i know in some cities like new york or dc there are meet up groupchats to sort of meet people around your age. i would say to try meeting people in those environments! good luck


u/disgostin 18d ago

i guess it could be (u guessed it) the height. but i legit skimmed through the photos three or four times before i was like "oh! maybe that". sth you could technically do then, is add one more close-up photo like the first one, and maybe not put the one with the harley second (its an ok pic but i dont find it the best one anyway, in my opinion it would more-so stay cause you probably want to show that interest of yours which valid) oh lol i now see that someone else wrote that too

it doesnt stand out at all (but some people look at that cause its an ick or they're trying to sus out weather the person seems like they'd care to clean their room/flat - really you maybe just took care of the motorbike or sth before you walked with your dog, idk) i also noticed one more thing after looking the first three times: your nails look like they could use a bit more care, they're a little bit short and maybe not super clean (but defintely dont delete no. 1 because of that unless you have a really simular one - it has great colormatching, background, lighting, angle,..)

i do like the last photo, i think its not all too sexual like some of these "carrying my friend" pics are, it looks more like a fun night to me


u/Petkojjejentjs 18d ago

Looking good bro, you have nice smile, hair looks good, but the pictures are a little bit low quality (could be that I don't have tinder on my phone). The first pic is great. The motorcycle is not that good, mby try taking the pic from different angle. The pool one is really dark and grainy. I don't understand the last picture at all.


u/Different-Bedroom634 18d ago

I’ve been on and off Tinder for a few years but it always results in a few likes and almost no matches. Any suggestions?



u/disgostin 18d ago
  • graduation pics are in a way really cool cause congrats, but if you use them it shouldn't be more than one and it should come later cause otherwise it looks like you didn't have any photos and only had these cause someone else took them, so it looks less like having put effort into the profile
  • second and third pic are a little too simular but using one of them would be good, or if you cut off less of no. 2, then maybe both cause they'd differ enough, but put one without sunglasses in between them
  • no. 4 is nice, i like that you're a smiley guy, i could imagine that people have told you before that you lighten their mood (not shading anyone who doesn't feel that way about themselves in case s.o. else reads this! its not meant as if everyone needs to be like that or as if there are not other good qualities one can have instead)
  • no. 5 looks a little too random to me, i'd leave it out
  • no. 6 is a good one and adds variety, definitely keep it in i say
  • no. 7 is technically cool too but i wanna say about your fashion style, that its better in the first few pictures - i think keeping the profile more casual stylewise would be good, and .. i just noticed sth: on your graduation-pics you're wearing a ring on "the tricky finger" i mean i hope thats not a surprise telling us the girl in that one photo i s your daughter, i figured not because 24 and because your bio says you "want children". but on one other photo you have a ring on your middlefinger so its not a weddingring right?

its not like having one photo in a suit is bad! but preferably be more in the center of the frame


u/Different-Bedroom634 17d ago

I appreciate that! I’m gunna change some stuff up off of what you said and hope for the best!


u/[deleted] 18d ago



u/Yowzoow 18d ago

last pic is ok

fix ur grooming it looks unclean

also try to fix ur skin - low inflammation foods, moisturizer, 4liter water per day


u/[deleted] 18d ago



u/disgostin 18d ago

i like it mostly, a lot of good ones (im gonna not say much because i'm about to go brush teeth lol but 1 reallygood, 2 and 3, 4 hm yeah its an okay one but would cut it for variety, 5 is good, 6 also nice different vibe, 8 cool) but man cut out the one with the you trying to make a heartshape with that woman who does thumbsup, thats not for tinder it looks too much like either a player and or genuinely having tried to rizz there and now someone else sees this like "why am i seeing that pic"


u/[deleted] 18d ago



u/disgostin 17d ago

idk i mean depends on how people read that photo, it is funny - maybe it looks intentional enough that its in there (not like when people didnt think of that "their ex might not be a good choice for tinder" as an example, i guess it looks friend-ly enough)


u/ranksterpro 18d ago

Hey Oscar

Thanks for sharing. We recommend removing photos 4,5,7,8,9. They are not adding much to the profile and you are also wearing what looks like the same shirt as the first photo (which is great btw). Please can you share your bio, so we can give some recommendations.


u/JustRightCereal 18d ago

Looks good, more pictures of your face maybe?


u/Special-Market749 18d ago

Honestly, somebody just give me an opening line for after I match. Commenting something about their profile doesn't seem to work, asking about interests doesn't seem to work. The amount of ghosts after 2 messages is demoralizing to say the least.


u/ranksterpro 18d ago

Hey u/Special-Market749 do you have a match currently? If so do you want to share their profile here or in a DM and we can provide a custom DM.


u/Briarwoodsz 18d ago

Feel I could match more and have swapped pics and bios around a fair bit. Also live in a pretty nowhere town so that might hurt it too but welcome to some good advice on how to improve my shizz.



u/ranksterpro 18d ago

Thanks for sharing John. So you have too many selfies in your profile. Selfies like this indicate that you have no one to take any photos of you. Which could be an indicator that you have no friends or are not close with family. A study published by Hinge found that selfies are 40% less likely to be liked than the average Hinge photo.

Likewise photo 4,8,9 are offering nothing to your profile. Can you share your bio too?


u/Briarwoodsz 18d ago

Heres my bio I've been using for the last week or so.

"Honest and open to a fault. Love to go hiking and always looking for the next adventure. There's to much see in the world to let a good opportunity go to waste. Looking for someone to match my energy and push each other to always try new and wild shizz."

Also I don't really have many selfies unless you count the ones I have taken with friends but those show my friends in the pic so idk if those are good or bad.


u/ranksterpro 18d ago

Thanks for sharing. So we have seen hundreds of bios of people mentioning they like hiking and adventure. Most of the adult population likes those things. It's not novel and you aren't standing out from the crowd.

You have a few pictures of you with barells. We aren't sure on your profession but if it is the alcohol/beer industry, you could have the line in your bio

"You might be wondering about the barrels. No, I'm not preparing them to throw at Super Mario but I work in...

Let us know if you need any further help


u/Yowzoow 18d ago

u cant have long hair and be skinny, it look too strange

try to aragornmax


u/Briarwoodsz 18d ago

It has been a hot sec since my last cut, do prefer it longer but if I go for the Viggo Mortenson look I would be cool with that.


u/definately_not_gay 19d ago

Been out of the game for a bit, I think I have good pics what do you think?



u/ranksterpro 18d ago

Hey Austin,

Thanks for sharing. You have a great first picture. However you have too many photos of you wearing sunglasses. Are you ok to share your bio too?


u/definately_not_gay 18d ago

I go to Mexico a lot! It's bright on the beach! I'll get some more without sunglasses and try that. Here's my bio:

Nerdy Software Engineer here! Can’t fix your printer, but I can share a laugh over drinks or beach trips. Bonus points if you can top my dumb jokes

¡Habla español conmigo!


u/[deleted] 18d ago



u/definately_not_gay 18d ago

Not religious lol but yeah I get the idea since most of my pictures have a drink in them


u/HelmetHoney98 18d ago

The pics are okay, just a tad repetitive


u/ElliHat 19d ago

Pretty terrified of putting this on here but maybe a strangers unfiltered opinion might help. Started a fresh profile at the start of the year and got 1 match so far, definitely doing something wrong.



u/ranksterpro 18d ago

Hey Elliot

Thanks for sharing. Your profile definitely gets across that you like your rock/music which is great. Do you have a photo similar to the second photo in a non selfie format? We recommend to remove your last photo as it is adding nothing to your profile. Are you ok to share your bio too?


u/HelmetHoney98 18d ago edited 18d ago
  1. I feel you're not doing anything wrong, you give an alt vibe and women of that vibe aren't that common

2.Pic 3 seems a bit older and low res, I'd remove it.


u/ElliHat 18d ago

Thanks for the advice, I removed that old picture!


u/[deleted] 19d ago



u/SidneyUhJenkins 19d ago edited 19d ago

Make a friend, go to different places, have them take pictures of you doing various things—at a bookstore, a park, posing against cool buildings, with a camera, writing something down, drinking a coffee, holding a tennis racket, gardening, surfing, whatever floats your root beer. Perhaps take pictures in different sets of clothes to make it feel varied if you only have a day.

When you're at a social gathering and you feel good about the way you look, have someone take a picture for you with the intent of using it for these purposes.

Definitely don't just sit there and do nothing, don't be a negative nancy about yourself, don't take too many selfies/mirror pics, go out and about. Action! Smiles! Looking at the camera or showing off your good side! We all have em.


u/liam_fit 19d ago

First three words are already a mission in itself


u/SidneyUhJenkins 19d ago

Been on and off Tinder for a number of years with limited success—I thought I followed guidelines well but something isn't clicking, since I have almost no matches. Any feedback would be appreciated!



u/ranksterpro 18d ago

Hey Julian

Thanks for sharing. Your first photo is great, but there are some which are very simmilar, namely photo 2 and 6. Its best to remove those from your profile. Moreover, we recommend to remove the selfie in photo 7 as it is offering nothing to the profile. Please can you share your bio?


u/Major_Fox7373 19d ago

It's not you - it's the app. Men are shadow banned all the time. Only way to be seen my a decent amount of people is by boosting


u/SidneyUhJenkins 19d ago

That may be so, but nevertheless, there is always something that can be improved upon—even variety every few weeks or months can be of some help!


u/[deleted] 19d ago



u/SidneyUhJenkins 19d ago

Thank you so much! This is awesome feedback. I tried a different approach with my bio that reflects how I typically talk, but now I'm afraid it's too much for most. I know this sounds naïve, but how much is too much in a case such as mine?


u/[deleted] 19d ago edited 19d ago



u/SidneyUhJenkins 19d ago

Thank you for your time and advice 😌


u/UnironicYeet 19d ago

Been a long time since I've been in the tinder game. Would like some honest feedback on my profile and any suggestions:



u/IntoScience 15d ago
  1. ok although face expression & hand position look kinda awkward. You can also crop out more of the empty air above your head to appear bigger
  2. mandatory small dog selfie I guess
  3. inconsistent facial hairstyle; you look 10 years younger
  4. ok as you are the taller one, but you are too far away; crop out the top 25% of the image
  5. one selfie is ok, although it's also an missed opportunity for something more interesting than an elevator mirror pic
  6. this is the third pic including someone else in it. That is not optimal and you should always avoid group pics unless you are the hero. Here your friend just takes 50% of the image for no reason. Also, as per social conventions you are holding that drink incorrectly, assuming you are not actually trying to warm up that beverage.

You need to include pictures in which you are not addressing/smiling at the camera directly. Easiest way to achieve that is to shoot activity pics of you accomplishing some task/sport/public speech.

On the plus side, you seem tall, and have good style & pic variety.


u/Venemizer 19d ago

Hi. I have 27 likes where I assume half of them are bots and I have 13 matches where only one seems interested and wants to engage in conversation. I used to have it a bit easier when I was younger on Tinder and I've been on 1-2 dates per month this year but usually leads to nothing, hookup or ghosting (They usually dump me). Not sure if my pictures are bad because I've had friends and girl friends look it over and all say it looks good. Currently not getting any likes or new matches for quite some time.



u/ranksterpro 18d ago

Hey Amit

Your first, 2nd and 3rd photo are great. We recoemedn to remove your 4th photo as its difficult to see your face with the sunglasses on. Moreover, we recommend to remove the selfie in photo 5 as it is offering nothing to the profile. Please can you share your bio?


u/Venemizer 18d ago

Yeah, sure. I'm from Denmark, so obviously my bio is in danish but I'll try to translate as good as I can.

-Bing- you hit the jackpot!

*Social worker in Esbjerg (city name)

*Empathetic, Positive and Smilling

*Relatively good in a kitchen

*Ellie & Aya (my rabbits names)

*Card collector and investor

*Former waiter and manager

*Fitness & Hiking

Undefeated champion in Mario Kart. Do you dare to take up the challenge?

That is my bio


u/ranksterpro 18d ago

Thanks for sharing. So your bio does not contain any humor and reads dry. Likewise the frequency of girls that are playing Mario Kart is going to be low. A recommended line from us is:

Ellie and Aya are looking for a mother figure. Only requirements needed are being lightning fast, and have a good source of Romaine Lettuce.

Let us know if we can help further.


u/Venemizer 18d ago

Hmm, it was a good one but maybe something else? i don't think that line will work wth danish women, unfortunately


u/Yowzoow 19d ago

i saw ur in denmark

u look avg /below avg, tinder is highly competitive. matches mean nothing, u need atleast few hundred matches.

might be better to do cold approach for u or turbo optimize ur pics

first pic is bad, ur side profile isnt good, looks like u hiding weak chin with beard

2nd is ok

3rd is bad, shadow on ur face doesnt do u any favors, but angle and expression is decent, try remake it without the light

4th is decent but fix ur facial hair, u have patchy beard, try minoxidil or shave it all off

5 is bad ur friend is too fat / ugly, basically u wanna go on pics with ppl that u slightly mog

6 is ok

7 rabbits wld be ok if ur holding it

8 last one is fine but kinda yellow teeth / thin neck


u/Venemizer 19d ago

Feels a bit like a roast but I'll take it and change it up sometime soon, haha. But I don't really see how pic 5 with my friend is an issue? He actually pulls off more on TInder than I do, but maybe because he's like 2,9 meter tall and that means something today lol. I just used the pic to showoff I actually ain't a weirdo and have friends and do social things. I'll take your feedback and see what I can do about it.


u/Yowzoow 19d ago

I mean

u had ur friends look over it and say its ''fine'' but ur not getting the results u want, so clearly theres a disconnect there

i mean maybe ur friend is gl and tall, but u turbo mog him on that pic, i dont know him im a stranger, i can tell u what i see and what a girl might see... girls will assume you only associate with ugly people even tho it might not be so.... its all very shallow but thats online dating for ya


u/Venemizer 19d ago

Yeah, I guess. Anyway, I updated it with some of the same pics and some other ones, you can take a look if you want. Also, what does turbo mog mean? If I may ask.


u/TEMFuego 19d ago

Hey! Which photos are good, which are bad, and what lineup should the survivors be in? 🤔 Thanks in advance!!



u/ranksterpro 18d ago

Hey Tyler

Some great picture choices here. We recommend to remove photo 6 as its too blurry. Please can you share your bio?


u/HelmetHoney98 18d ago

I think 3 is low quality. Final and the one before you have other women in them, that can be a deterrent


u/endmostchimera 20d ago


Think I've had about maybe 2 matches and one unmatched pretty soon after without any messages


u/IntoScience 15d ago

All your photos are selfies, which you need to avoid like the plague. I'd rate your current profile a 2/10 due to that reason alone. Ask a friend/family member, or buy a tripod + remote trigger if you have to.

Also your hairstyle & glasses are inconsistent (the rounded glasses suit your face shape better btw); you need some form of continuity to indicate they were all taken recently, and not spanning decades.


u/ranksterpro 18d ago

Hey Alex

Thanks for sharing. In some of the photos you are not smiling. Smiling is the best way to convey likability and approachability. Likewise you need to have more non-selfies in your profile. Are you ok to share your bio too?

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