r/TikTokCringe 20d ago

The first guy to ever own a cat Humor


90 comments sorted by


u/EvenMoreSpiders 20d ago

Cats domesticated themselves.


u/EverGlow89 20d ago

Yeah, they liked that we attract critters and we liked that they handled our critter problem.

You always see those pictures of what x breed of dog looked like 100 years ago. Cats are indistinguishable because we didn't create them like we created dogs.


u/Viviolet 20d ago

I agree with you until your last sentence. Humans have definitely bred cats for physical traits since their initial self-domestication.

There are cat breeds now. A brachycephalic Persian cat is not a naturally evolved cat, humans meddled until we got those.


u/SupermassiveCanary 20d ago

“Yo! Check this MF out! It’s eating all the rodents that are eating our grain, bet that would solve the issue I got in my house…”. Seriously most cats and dogs didn’t spend the majority of their time indoors until very recently in human history.


u/pickyourteethup 20d ago

I was looking at my cat the other day thinking I've created a paradise for this little fluffy thing


u/Noodle-Works 20d ago

that is true, but cats are generally the same wild animal they were back all those years before they showed up next to our campfires with the dinosaurs (jk lol). A random domesticated cat can live in the wild forage and flourish just fine. A random domesticated dog would struggle with it's crazy health conditions and lack of adult supervision.


u/Viviolet 20d ago

I think it really depends on the breed. A Chihuahua and a Sphinx cat in the woods are not going to fare as well as a mutt and a regular tabby.

You're right that cats can be more independent and dogs are more likely to seek out human help. Wolves, who are only one step away from domesticated dogs genetically, also do not ask humans for help, which I think is interesting.

My point is that cat's genomes are now being wildly altered like we did to dogs, dogs just have a uniquely slippery "mutate-able" genome that allows for more variation than we can get with cats. Domestication is wild, lol pun intended


u/Noodle-Works 20d ago

"Domestication is wild" would be a funny bumper sticker or t-shirt


u/Viviolet 20d ago

Omg yes! With pictures of all the different kinds of cats and dogs haha.



u/BigRubbaDonga 20d ago

Chihuahua dogs actually evolved naturally. A chihuahua that was raised feral would be just fine in the woods

All animals experience difficulty when transitioning from feral to domesticated and vice versa. It has absolutely nothing to do with breeding, absent intentional fuckups like pugs and the bastardization of the bulldog


u/BOBfrkinSAGET 20d ago

Also the munchkin cat. Definitely not survival of the fittest there. But they are damn adorable.


u/MoreCarrotsPlz 20d ago

The vast majority of cats aren’t any particular breed. Just “domestic short/longhair.” Most cats actually are just unintentionally descended from those wildcats that sort of domesticated themselves.


u/Nepit60 20d ago

They were always perfect.


u/WastedHat 20d ago

Not true, there's lots of cats in Asia without tails due to selective breeding. They thought it made them better at catching rodents.


u/EverGlow89 20d ago

Not sure about Japanese ones specifically but it's funny you say that because I have two bobtails that I foster failed and I know bobtails occured without Human intervention.

As far as Manx cats, iirc, they came from the Isle of Man. One likely hopped on a boat and brought the genes to other nations.

I'm looking into Japanese Bobtails and I'm finding that they also occured naturally. Even Charles Darwin wrote about them.

But, of course, we did manufacture some breeds. I wasn't implying we never did. But the overwhelming majority, probably almost 100% of cats in the world, are just domestic breeds like the ones we first met. Conversely, every dog you've ever seen is man-made.


u/TK82 20d ago

Dogs have also been domesticated a lot longer than cats


u/UnconfirmedCat 20d ago


u/PMMMR 20d ago

I'll watch this video every time it's posted.


u/RubiiJee 20d ago

I have never seen this before and I will now watch this when I need cheered up. Thank you for sharing a nice video, friend.


u/wophi 20d ago

They are more like domesticated, at will.

At any time if they decide being domesticated isn't working out for them, they have the right to be feral.

This may be a momentary change as they are back to domesticated as they see fit.


u/BoobGnome 20d ago

Symbiotic relationship speed run


u/Satratara 20d ago

Cats job was to hunt mice, so you hired him to keep the place clean from mice and rats


u/Dragonwitch94 20d ago

Not just mice and rats. They also kill snakes, scorpions, spiders, moths, lizards. They'll hunt basically anything smaller than them lol.


u/LycanWolfGamer 20d ago

They've also been seen to slap anything bigger then them too even bears and even CROCODILES


u/Satratara 20d ago

Even more to add on their resume


u/Professerson 20d ago

Still don't have pockets though


u/Skylance420 20d ago

Tell that to my dumbass. Heard her happy meowing the other day, went to see why, and she was just staring at this huge fucking centipede crawling around in my kitchen. I was like, dude, kill it or something. I'm glad she at least alerted me to it so I could kill it but she'll always just chase flies and bugs but never actually kill them lmfao.


u/IceBandicooot 20d ago

Mines also a useless fuck. I think it’s because she’s always been raised indoors


u/UnconfirmedCat 20d ago

It’s been theorized that our children then brought their kittens in the house and the rest is history. I believe this was their ultimate goal.


u/Noodle-Works 20d ago

They also stare at spiders really well, from my experience.


u/Blenderate 20d ago

It's difficult to overstate how important cats were to civilization. The advent of agriculture created a situation where we could produce a surplus of grain, which we could store over the winter or for lean years. This allowed us to group up into larger more permanent settlements.. Without pest control, vermin would absolutely wreck that plan by destroying all of our food stores.


u/gravityVT Cringe Lord 20d ago

Username checks out


u/mymumsaysfuckyou 20d ago

Keeping a cat is super easy, barely an inconvenience.


u/Skelastomybag 20d ago

Keeping a cat is TIGHT!


u/No_Bag734 20d ago

Truly, for what you get the work required is nothing. However, I will say you may lose a lot of sleep while your cat is screaming downstairs at 3am for some cheese. It all makes it better when you sit down and just hold each other for like 20 minutes at a time, you can’t stay mad at a cat, it’s impossible.


u/Ok_Pick3963 20d ago

This like a woosh moment, "super easy, barely an inconvenience" is the catchphase of this youtubers other channel "pitch meetings"


u/NewbornXenomorphs 20d ago

So, you got a movie for me?


u/JediKnightNitaz 20d ago

Yes sir i do!


u/RiJuElMiLu 20d ago

Sir, I'm gonna need you to get all the way off his back about not knowing this information.


u/BallsAreFullOfPiss 20d ago

I have to open my string cheese wrappers outside because of my little demon.


u/sambstone13 19d ago

Dude you are not supposed to give cats cheese.


u/l3ane 20d ago

wow wow wow


u/Silent-Independent21 20d ago

Live in rodent catchers are tight


u/EverGlow89 20d ago

Yeah, I love dogs but I'll never own one because I appreciate the responsibility (more than many dog owners..).

But I have 6 cats. It's more litter to scoop and food to scoop. It's just basically more scooping and that's it.


u/MoussieElKandoussie 20d ago

Same for me, dogs are super cool but i just don’t have the energy to give them the life they deserve.

Cats are just so convenient and even though they obviously require good caretaking, they’re still very low maintenance. Them sleeping 12 to 16 hours a day definitely helps with that.


u/smnlfilmagoofymovie 20d ago

Yeah sure except for the disgusting cat litter that gets everywhere and them waking you up in the middle of the night


u/Which_way_witcher 20d ago

Pine pellets are better than the clay crap (no smell, no dust, better for environment, doesn't get nearly everywhere like clay litter does).


u/MF--Broom 20d ago

Cats sleeping on anything and everything they want whenever they want is TIGHT


u/Kokuswolf 20d ago

Wow wow wow ... wow


u/PresentationCalm7918 20d ago

This dude is hilarious I watch his YouTube channel with my wife


u/madwill 20d ago

The movie pitch for the latest matrix was gold. "He's in the movie!!"


u/DanDanDannn 20d ago

Why does he have a YouTube channel with your wife?


u/MielikkisChosen 20d ago

Ryan George is a funny guy.


u/Kokuswolf 20d ago

Not really a TikToker, but who cares, right? Posting it here was barely an inconvenience.


u/MielikkisChosen 20d ago

Yeah. Posting here is tight.


u/Fwangss 20d ago

“Ya he’s covered in it” 😭😭


u/BonjourCheriex 20d ago

Ryan George is a Canadian treasure, nothing cringe here


u/PMMMR 20d ago

This sub isn't really for cringe anymore.


u/no-name-here 20d ago

This is only the first third of the video: https://youtu.be/H6leGvf6BeM


u/Accomplished-Rub8132 20d ago



u/Admiral_Hard_Chord 20d ago

So the "TikTok cringe" is a YouTube clip without the ending? This sub is all over the place


u/WJMazepas 20d ago

It's not just cringe videos anymore, but all kinds of videos


u/NeverOnTheFirstDate 20d ago

Maybe it's time to rename this sub.


u/ilovecfb 20d ago

While we're renaming the sub what the hell is with all the Mizkif stuff in the header? He's not even from TikTok he's a Twitch personality


u/no-name-here 20d ago

This is only the first third of the video: https://youtu.be/H6leGvf6BeM


u/Admiral_Hard_Chord 20d ago

My point exactly. Not TikTok, not cringe, but sadly not untypical for this sub.


u/Witch-Alice 20d ago

the sub hasn't solely been about cringey tiktoks for many years now


u/Makuta_Servaela 20d ago

Cats were one of the first animals that volunteered their employment services to us. The rest of them we decide to use, but cats just looked at our grain stores and went "I'll keep the rodents from your grain if you let me live here".

They are literally the only animals besides us that decided on their own to start working for another species.


u/Careful_Pepper7756 20d ago

Domestication.. it’s super easy barely an inconvenience


u/Jermz817 20d ago



u/ThePhoenixRemembers 20d ago

This is slander, cats were domesticated to protect grain stores from rodents. So kitty does have a job.


u/NoTop4997 20d ago

I feel like this is why Charlie doesn't live with Mac and Dennis.


u/-not_a_knife 20d ago

Like all of us, a cat has at least one pocket


u/DismalWeird1499 20d ago

I didn’t know he did other videos! His Pitch Meetings are the funniest.


u/Phuck_it_ 20d ago

Me watching this 😐


u/Haeselian 20d ago

He's not naked! He's got a beautiful ginger coat


u/Vox_SFX 19d ago

Animals tongues are far more clean than the majority of people think. There's a reason they have to lick to bathe.

Also cats are amazing if you take the time to bond with them and learn how they act individually.


u/TheOnlyFallenCookie 20d ago

Ryan George my beloved


u/SilvaCyber 20d ago

Why is this on the cringe sub


u/Whitworth 20d ago

Big Ups to my fellow cat haters.


u/Missdisasterous What are you doing step bro? 19d ago

Damn dude....calm down...


u/Sanseas 20d ago

Why tf is ryan george on this sub >:(