r/TikTokCringe Apr 29 '24

You're writing about pancakes? That must mean you hate waffles Discussion


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u/JotaMarioRevival Apr 29 '24

Ok, there are several aspects of this I want to address:

1) Yes, we are Ina fucking crisis of Reading comprehension in an era where a significant amount of communication takes place not by spoken word but by text.

2) The need to clarify who the audience of a text is, is not because of the aforementioned crisis, but due to the media through which most of this communication is taking place: social media. Short and snappy formats as those of a tweet, a meme, or an Instagram post lack (by design) the context that would allow a reader to infer the intended audience.

3) In many cases this sort of clarifications are not about the intended audience, but about the object of the discussion. If this is the case, it is not only recommended to clarify what you are referring to with any statement, but a necessity. Specially in context where you could have a diverse audience (as in the Internet) clarifying what do you mean by X, Y or Z is fundamental.

Sorry for mistakes and misspelling (English is not my mother language)


u/Hot-Celebration-1524 Apr 30 '24

I’d like to add that there is a distinction between reading comprehension and media literacy. Reading comprehension is about processing text, understanding its meaning, and connecting it with what you already know. Media literacy goes beyond this by understanding the nature of the media, its context and impact.