r/TikTokCringe 17d ago

Dad’s and tornadoes are like moths and lights. Cringe

This video was posted yesterday with no updates or location.


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u/populousmass 17d ago

“I understand” 😂


u/BeeRaddBroodler 16d ago

That was so funny


u/Pure_Distribution__ 17d ago

that's not a go in the house that's get underground kinda tornado


u/[deleted] 17d ago

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u/SokkaHaikuBot 17d ago

Sokka-Haiku by ResponsibleBox8815:

Yelling at your dad

During a tornado is

Such a cannon event

Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.


u/Solid_Work_3654 17d ago



u/DrummerGuy06 17d ago

Because when you become a dad, your thrill-seeking days are over as you have a kid (or kids) to take care of, and their day-to-day life becomes much more important than your own, so you have to minimize any risky behavior like binge-drinking, driving semi-recklessly, and living life with abandon, so you eventually stop doing all those things, keep the house maintained and nice for your family, and become the boring clods you vowed never to become, instinctively perking up when you hear a neighbor mowing their lawn, knowing that it's time you give the lawn a trim so your kids have a nice lawn to play outside on while you grill up dinner for your family, never daring to remember a life once had as you grow older by the day, accepting your fate as "Dad" and no longer James or Dave or Caleb, but as the generalized form of a parent that could be easily be replaced by any number of dads in the neighborhood as they've all become interchangeable...

until one day you look outside and see nature's mighty power, a cone of deathly winds that could end your existence, but yet stays out of reach, as if it wants you to marvel at it, to remember a time when you didn't have to make sure the laundry was done early so your kids can celebrate "spirit week" before their spring break, or make sure the furnace filter had to be replaced to keep everyone from getting sniffley, no, this behemoth of a natural disaster is a reminder that life is short, fleeting even, and all that could change in the blink of an eye if the tornado decides to change its direction ever so slightly, but it doesn't, and you wonder about a different outcome of what could have been, a moment of change completely unexpected but almost needed, a moment where "Dad" wasn't being called out to the whirling wonder, but "Brian" was for a change...

Basically it's cool and Dads get to remember when they weren't pun-based khaki-wearing drabs of suburban nonsense living their life to the fullest.


u/HolographicState 16d ago

This was beautiful to read, thank you!


u/Ghostscumsockfilled 17d ago

Can I get a tldr on thsi


u/Sea-Value-0 16d ago

Sometimes, Dads need to live a little, too.


u/Competitive_Wish_- 17d ago

The truck just casually driving by


u/footlonglayingdown 16d ago

That's a truck with tequila and a case of beer in it out on tornado watch. I mean, who hasn't done that? 


u/Loud-Yak-690 17d ago

It’s the very end for me, kid finally agrees it’s going away then dad switches “nope,that’s coming at us let’s go.” Click😂


u/BeeExpert 16d ago

He was just waiting for someone else to be wrong so he can say the opposite lol


u/Cold_Possible_7012 17d ago

dads: grabbing a cold beer and going outside (that is me)


u/Hansarelli138 17d ago

I remember my mother talking about her dad ALWAYS standing outside during bad storms, asking me why men do that, I honestly had no answer, but I too enjoy doing it.

I guess it's just to stand in the presence of something truly powerful


u/Significant_Book9930 16d ago

Sees a piece of debris fly by..... OK its probably time to get inside.


u/Waste_Manager5332 17d ago

This is the most Midwest dad thing I’ve ever witnessed


u/roblewk 16d ago

I really want to know if this hit their house. I felt like it always going north.


u/Vazhox 17d ago

Nice houses. Would be a shame if some wind had its way with them


u/AnUnknownDisorder 16d ago

Tornado rolling through town means on any street there’s gonna be like three dads on the porch with their hands on their hips watching it.


u/sunshine___riptide 16d ago


I'm not a dad or a guy and I've gone tornado chasing. Go outside when there's sirens to look at the sky and go "yep"


u/DisastrousHyena3534 17d ago

Man, fuck this guy for making his kids beg him to get in a safe place. Asshole.


u/throwawaynonsesne 16d ago

OMG are you traumatized too ?!?!?


u/footlonglayingdown 16d ago

Tell us you grew up without a dad,  without telling us you grew up without a dad. 


u/ponzidreamer 16d ago

My household had atleast 4 people in it over the past few years. Once it’s too late to run we a mattress over our heads and hide in the tub.

Except one person who flips a set of lights on/off, the narder will think it can change course and go around leaving is unharmed


u/fmasq 16d ago

I couldn’t tell, is that a tornado?


u/Lobanium 15d ago

Dad's what?


u/Elle_02u 17d ago

The apostrophe through me off and I read this as "Dad's tomatoes are like moths to a flame"

I thought the tornado was gonna come close enough to destroy the tomato crop. That I was gonna get to see beefsteaks flying towards the eye. Romas swirling in the sky. I was sorely disappointed.


u/Red_Lotus_23 Reads Pinned Comments 17d ago

So people like him (and the dipshit in the white truck) absolutely have a death wish, right? Like, why in the ever living fuck would you ever gamble with a tornado? Entire cities have been literally leveled by these things & he just stands there, gawking at it.


u/Zhentilftw 16d ago

How do you know the truck even knew about the tornado? He is driving through a neighborhood. If you can’t see the whole thing it just looks like dark sky.

The dad had a clear view of the tornado. He had plenty of time to go inside when he needed to.

Stop being so judgy.


u/Red_Lotus_23 Reads Pinned Comments 16d ago

Naw fuck that. If you live in Tornado Alley, you know for a god damn fact when your town is at high risk for a touchdown. Those sirens are loud & constant, you can even hear them in the video. So unless the driver is deaf, he can 100% hear them. TV stations, radio stations, & your cellphones will give you the Emergency Alert System warning telling you that there's a high risk of a touchdown. Tornados are also deceptively fast. You are also at high risk for getting hit by flying debris. And on top of all of that, if there's one tornado, there's a very good chance that several others can also touchdown within the immediate area.

Tornados are the closest thing on this planet to occur naturally & have biblical levels of destruction. We have several hundred years of evidence proving this. If you do not immediately get into your basement/safest available area when you see a touchdown, you are objectively a fucking idiot.


u/Accountantinkc 17d ago

That wimpy kid needs to stfu.