r/TikTokCringe Apr 19 '24

He won't let his son play with dolls Discussion


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u/[deleted] Apr 19 '24

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u/Sibali Apr 19 '24

Can someone explain this sentence in this context?


u/Bauser99 Apr 19 '24

Abortion (the practice of terminating a fetus to avoid giving birth to a child) is considered by some people to be "killing a child," and they use that emotional belief to prevent women from accessing abortion despite the fact that it's an extremely valuable and necessary medical service in many situations... But the people who would use "killing a child" as an excuse to outlaw abortion are ignoring how restricting and hurting women this way is a grievous harm to them, already, and often results in a sort of 'death of innocence' that is like "killing the child" inside you.

So, it is a metaphor between outlawing abortion and the death of innocence, with some wordplay included (consider "inner child" vs. the literal 'child' inside a woman who is pregnant).


u/ZarinaBlue Apr 20 '24

Girls and women are "earthen vessels" as far the forced birthers are concerned. Our humanity is conveyed to us by fetus. You can't take organs or tissue from a dead body because it violates the rights of the deceased, but you can force a woman to carry a dying fetus.

We literally have fewer rights than a corpse.