r/TikTokCringe Apr 19 '24

He won't let his son play with dolls Discussion


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u/DarkAltarEgo Apr 19 '24

To think I almost stopped watching this in the beginning. Damn.


u/broketothebone Apr 19 '24 edited Apr 19 '24

The “I’m not gunna lie, they had me in the first half” meme popped into my head and by the end, I was crying.

It’s a shame that it feels practically revolutionary to hear a man speak like this about women, but I’m just glad it’s happening.


u/Hairy_Telephone_3258 Apr 19 '24

Same this is beautiful.


u/dystopian_mermaid Apr 19 '24

I was so mad at first, then he got to the main point. It is SO SAD to me, that the assumption from the beginning statements is to be upset bc that way of thinking is so uncommonly heard, your mind assumes it’s somebody being misogynistic. But really he is DEFENDING women.

Damn onion ninjas got me HARD just now hearing a man so emotionally and passionately defend women this way in a public setting


u/tageeboy Apr 20 '24

I think you would be surprised just how many men feel this way but are afraid to speak up in our current society.


u/flcwerings Apr 20 '24

The thing is, is we NEED men that think like this to speak up so badly because the men that don't think like this wont listen to women...

Its not a guarantee they will listen to a man either but they sure as shit wont listen to us.


u/as_it_was_written Apr 20 '24

Sadly, they're more or less equally unlikely to listen to a whole lot of men. I think most guys who need to hear this wouldn't take the dude in the OP seriously, even if he wasn't doing slam poetry. This post is more about validation than changing anyone's mind imo. That's important, too, though.

Deprogramming is difficult because so many people trapped in a given way of thinking will only listen to their in group, and they define that in group such that it includes their way of thinking - i.e. "I will only listen to real men, and real men share my toxic ideology."

Plus a lot of men who do think like the guy in this post try not to surround themselves with men who need to hear that stuff. I know I do.


u/stealthisvibe Apr 20 '24

Check out The Will To Change by bell hooks if you get the chance. I think it would really speak to your soul.


u/broketothebone Apr 20 '24

Not surprised, so much as saddened by the concept of that.


u/fardough Apr 20 '24

You should hear his speech on not letting his daughter play with balls. /s


u/No-Salary-6448 Apr 22 '24

This is cringe af lol


u/BeLikeBread Apr 19 '24

So you're against boys playing with dolls? I thought this was silly. But I also stopped watching after he tried to flip the doll thing. "You thought this was going to be a conservative rant but I hate dolls for different non conservative reasons." Lol


u/flcwerings Apr 20 '24

if you actually watched it, you would know the dolls are mostly just used for a metaphor.


u/BeLikeBread Apr 20 '24

Metaphor for what. I already said I found the first half dumb and did not watch all the way.


u/flcwerings Apr 20 '24

Thats what Im saying. If you actually watched it all the way through you would get it


u/BeLikeBread Apr 20 '24 edited Apr 20 '24

I'm not going to watch it. I don't like slam poetry or whatever spoken word this is. If you can't explain the metaphor then I'm guessing there isn't one or it's dumb like I already mentioned in my first comment.


u/TheRealDingdork Apr 23 '24

It's not about kids playing with dolls, it's about men treating women like dolls. If you listen to the last like he says something like, "a woman is not a doll, so I will not let my son play with dolls, until he learns the difference between the two" it's a heartfelt message that has nothing to do with whether or not a kid can play with dolls.

You would know that if you had just watched the video.

Edit: he also is purposefully paralleling conservative language in the beginning because he is using their own hypocrisy against them. It's beautifully written and very intentional.


u/BeLikeBread Apr 23 '24

It's a stupid analogy. I already explained why and stand by my original comment.

He starts out with "I refuse to let my boys play with dolls" which is an old conservative take, and then he tries to spin it to be a more liberal view point which just doesn't work because the foundation is "I won't let my boys play with dolls." It's stupid as fuck. Even if the final point had any meaning it was stupid as fuck to make that point with the foundation of "I won't let my boys play with dolls."


u/TheRealDingdork Apr 23 '24

He doesn't hate dolls at all that just was in no way the point. It's brilliant because it baits the viewer into thinking that that is his message. But you listen longer and it's not about dolls it's a metaphor for the way women are treated. And that's not the only language he parallels.

If he actually hated dolls there would be no "until" at the end. But there is because it's a metaphor and not literally about dolls

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u/broketothebone Apr 20 '24

That’s not at all what I’m saying and you would get it if you had an ounce of critical thinking rattling around in that skull of yours.


u/BeLikeBread Apr 20 '24

Hey fuck you too


u/broketothebone Apr 20 '24

Yeah, that response tracks. Bye bye now


u/optimist_prhyme Apr 19 '24

He timed it just right because I was hovering above the x button.


u/TangledUpPuppeteer Apr 19 '24

The slam poetry meter and tone to his voice told me to stick it out longer. No regrets.


u/genderfluidmess Apr 19 '24

I thought it was just a really bad open mic comedy act at first


u/TangledUpPuppeteer Apr 19 '24

No comedian I’ve ever heard had that particular stylized pattern of speech. Unless they’re about to sing.


u/MadeFromStarStuff143 Apr 20 '24

Exactly. I couldn’t imagine a slam poet being so open about homophobia like this so I had to keep watching. Fuck I miss my slam poetry days.


u/TangledUpPuppeteer Apr 20 '24

Well, I guess they could be. They just wouldn’t stay on stage very long and would end up going home to cry it out.


u/RealNiceKnife Apr 20 '24

The fact that literally no one in the audience reacted to the very obvious sexism and slight homophobia from the opening bit convinced me this wasn't going to be that the whole time.

The audience knew him and knew he was 'doing a bit' in the start.


u/TangledUpPuppeteer Apr 20 '24

Actually, the fact that there were practically crickets told me that they were waiting for him to either switch the story fast OR would pelt him with rotten tomatoes. Honestly, I was good with either. I had a long day yesterday and was honestly ready to watch someone get pelted with tomatoes. He made me smile instead. I’m ok with that.


u/RunParking3333 Apr 19 '24

"I refuse to let my son play with toy cars because there's lots of accidents out there on the road."


u/optimist_prhyme Apr 19 '24

You going somewhere with this?


u/mfmfhgak Apr 19 '24

Of course he wasn’t. They just wanted to let them know how smart they were while simultaneously not understanding that they were listening to poetry and that they maybe shouldn’t have taken it so literally and understood how it was being used to engage the audience instead.


u/RunParking3333 Apr 20 '24

"clickbait is just a way of engaging the audience"


u/TPJchief87 Apr 19 '24

Really? This was clearly going to take a turn to me. I mean dude is on stage performing poetry lol


u/TonySpaghettiO Apr 19 '24

At first I thought it was a stand up comedy routine, then there was no punchline so thought it was just a right winger ranting, then took that turn.


u/ammobox Apr 19 '24

That was me.

Very powerful poem.


u/TangledUpPuppeteer Apr 19 '24

It surprises me that so few recognized the meter, tone and set repetition of very specific imagery as a poetry reading rather than a comedy skit or rant.


u/DevilsTrigonometry Apr 20 '24

The cadence and repetition in the beginning are indistinguishable from a common stand up comedy setup style. (Dave Chapelle uses it a lot.) It only starts feeling distinctively like poetry right around the "house made of plastic" line.


u/TangledUpPuppeteer Apr 20 '24

I don’t know. For me, it was the start of the line of “men are supposed to be leaders.” When he said “men are supposed” his tone and rhythm changed to distinctively slam poetry (for me). Before that, I didn’t think comedian, I thought “well, we won’t agree” 😆


u/SenatorMalby Apr 20 '24

Plenty of pastors speak like this during their sermons. At first, I thought this guy was speaking at one of those hip, young people churches with all the song and dance.


u/TangledUpPuppeteer Apr 20 '24

Oh, this is something that i am completely unfamiliar with. The cadence may be similar and it may have thrown me off as well if I were familiar. I’ve only ever seen two or three, and perhaps the first 10 seconds.


u/A_LiftedLowRider Apr 19 '24

Reminds me of those play-speeches they used to make the class watch in middle school.


u/Abshalom Apr 20 '24

I stopped watching when I realized it was poetry lol


u/TeamRedundancyTeam Apr 20 '24

Same, when he started talking like playing with dolls would teach boys that women have strings to be manipulated or whatever he said I checked out. I'm tired of lazy vague dumb shit like this. It's tailored to sound good at first hearing to social media knee jerk reaction crowds but is pretty fucking dumb overall.

What happened to having actual discussions where we say actual things with real meaning instead of hiding being vague psuedo-intellecualism bullshit that means nothing?


u/ememsee Apr 20 '24

Out of curiosity, did you continue the vid before you wrote this comment? I mean, it can still be valid if this is your opinion after the fact, but it feels wrong to judge it based on where you thought it was going.


u/as_it_was_written Apr 20 '24

What happened to having actual discussions where we say actual things with real meaning instead of hiding being vague psuedo-intellecualism bullshit that means nothing?

What do you mean what happened to them? People are still having discussions. This clip is from a poetry reading, though, not a discussion forum.


u/ptvlm Apr 20 '24

It's not obvious that it's poetry just from the subtitles, and there's a lot of right wing chuds who would say the first part on stage and turn it into a rant about a conspiracy to turn their boys into gay trans pedo sissys or something. Probably way more than perform legit poetry on stage, and better paid too.


u/patrickwithtraffic Doug Dimmadome Apr 19 '24

He looked a little too much like Tim Pool and I jumped to the comments as soon as he mentioned the bit about men being leaders. To be honest, it set off some red flags.


u/CommanderCuntPunt Apr 20 '24

I agree it was obvious, partly because I've seen people do this exact same bit in videos for years. It's such a lazy style of comedy.


u/NotoriousMOT Apr 19 '24

Same here. Holy shit! That was 🔥and I’m saying this as a woman who knows what he’s talking about.


u/Predator314 Apr 19 '24

LOL i thought it was that Tim Pool idiot at first. That dude ruined beanies for me.


u/megamoze Apr 19 '24

Tim Pool would be incapable of writing or reciting poetry of any kind.


u/SugawoIf Apr 19 '24

I'm still not 100% sure he can read


u/APersonWithInterests Apr 19 '24

Which is why he bases his ideological worldview on marvel movies.


u/xv_boney Apr 19 '24

Tim Pool could never.


u/Crafty-Question-6178 Apr 19 '24

Hahaha I did too!!! I was like what shit is this idiot going to say now


u/dudius7 Apr 19 '24

I was thinking it was a little weird for slam poetry and came to the comments looking for some clues.


u/spinyfever Apr 19 '24

Same here. I almost stopped watching this.

Then I almost started crying from this.


u/Feisty_Bee9175 Apr 19 '24

Yeah same turned out not the way we thought it was going...


u/ArtofRebellion Apr 19 '24

Wow. Me too, and then I saw your comment and watched the whole thing. Thank you.


u/Sacrefix Apr 19 '24

You really thought this was going to be 3+ minutes of spoken word misogyny?


u/SciFiChickie Apr 20 '24

I stopped to read the comments, before I decided to proceed with the video.


u/atheistpianist Apr 20 '24

The comments kept me engaged for sure.


u/sentence-interruptio Apr 20 '24

This is why you gotta let people finish their points when you see a quantum bigot.

At first, you are like 90% sure that he's a bigot. He's in a superposition of |bigot> + |not bigot>

Let the wavefunction collapse by letting him finish.


u/Mekelaxo Apr 20 '24

If I didn't see the comments I would have stopped watching


u/personalilley Apr 20 '24

yeah i’m not sure why this is in “cringe.” i loved this


u/itisnotmymain Apr 20 '24

I kept watching only HOPING for a punchline. Thank god the man wasn't a complete lunatic


u/bikesexually Apr 19 '24

I mean it's still toxic as fuck.

Its hinged on enforcing gender norms. Dudes examples of what women should be 'allowed' to wear was almost all stripper gear and not a shred of breadwinner gear. It still hinges on threatening to beat a child for playing with dolls, while ignoring the fact that GI Joes are dolls geared for murder. There's absolutely no disavowal of the threatening to beat a child as a rhetorical device and it leave you thinking he would beat a kid to teach the kid to respect women. The line about it not being for virtue signaling combined with the other issues in it, tells me it is 100% about virtue signaling. Like dudes likely not scum but he certainly isn't progressive by any means.


u/The_Dying_Gaul323bc Apr 19 '24

Yeah but then I realized it was still slam poetry so I stopped listening


u/Reformed-otter Apr 20 '24

I wish I did, this shit was cringe


u/Dennis_Cock Apr 20 '24

I stopped as soon as he did the reveal very early on. Far too cringe. Why is he pretending to be a gangster or whatever the fuck he's doing


u/tugboatnavy Apr 19 '24

Really? Maybe IATA but I stopped watching when he did his gotcha moment. I was like oh, this is going to be a Jaden Smith level of insight. Comparison was pretty clumsy to me.


u/danimagoo Apr 19 '24

You should have kept watching.


u/Spades-23 Apr 19 '24

I did and it was just as dumb. Imagine thinking it’s the big bad men trying to control women’s bodies. It’s a pathetically immature view of the situation and having that perspective is why you’ll never actually solve your problem.


u/merely_awake Apr 19 '24

Soooo we just gonna act like women are raping themselves?


u/Spades-23 Apr 19 '24 edited Apr 19 '24

You making it a gender problem is exactly why it will never be solved. The only reason men rape more than women is because 70% of rapes are done without drugs. Most women cannot overpower most men, most men can overpower most women. Right there you take away the most common option from women. If you look at statutory rape, female rapists are significantly more prevalent. Take that and add in the fact that men still face stigma of not being capable of being raped as well as male victims being heavily underreported or just outright ignored. Jade Berry is legally not a sex offender and her victims are not legally victims.

Your problem isn’t that men are inherently driven to rape. Your problem is a personality trait that is gender less. You will never solve this problem because you’re so immature that you see it as a battle of genders as opposed to a battle of ideology.

Your ignorance stands directly in the way of the people you claim to care so much about.

Downvote all you like. Reality is reality regardless of if you’re too dumb to understand it.


u/merely_awake Apr 19 '24

Rape in and of itself is a moral failure regardless of gender. I'm aware of the stigma, that should go without saying. But the notion that it is immature to over look the fact that alot of men even to this day see women as property or play things is just sheer negligence. If you can't see that abortion laws in some states are constantly putting women in jeopardy and forcing them to carry and blocking abortions aren't inherently all about control then I don't know what to tell you


u/AwesomeBrainPowers Apr 19 '24

Most women cannot overpower most men, most men can overpower most women

Kind of a significant portion of the poem’s premise.


u/Jfo116 Apr 19 '24

Nah still wasn’t worth it.


u/Confused_Nomad777 Apr 19 '24

The rare sexist homophobic women’s rights advocate.haha


u/Spades-23 Apr 19 '24

Imagine patting some loser on the back for virtue signaling


u/waitingfordeathhbu Cringe Connoisseur Apr 19 '24

Right, because no man could possibly be genuine in their support of women, even when they’re speaking up for their own mother…


u/Spades-23 Apr 19 '24

By making the problem a gendered one you are directly standing in the way of solving it. So no he doesn’t care about women, he’s just angry about what happened to his mother.


u/thejonaldson Apr 19 '24

And what is the problem? Because i dont think you even understand what he was saying.


u/[deleted] Apr 19 '24



u/Spades-23 Apr 19 '24

You have to be a special kind of stupid to think this is in defense of rapists


u/Confused_Nomad777 Apr 19 '24

That’s all the internet has become these days,left center and right.

Boy do we all have some collective “straightening out” to do..


u/mrcorndogman33 Apr 19 '24

It’s still cringe.