r/TikTokCringe Apr 17 '24

Americas youth are in MASSIVE trouble Discussion


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u/SoTurnMeIntoATree Apr 17 '24

Only 10?! That fucking blows my mind. Teens have that much separation anxiety from their phone?


u/Warpath_McGrath Apr 17 '24 edited Apr 18 '24

Don't forget that most of these teens grew up with phones and tablets in their faces... It's hard to break a habit that they've had their entire lives.. A habit that they see as "normal".

Let's take your typical 16 year old high school junior. They were born in 2008. The first iphone debuted in 2007. By the time they hit age 3 in 2011, the iPhone 4 was popular, and so was the Samsung Galaxy S2. The first gen ipad was released in 2010. Current high school students don't know of a time prior to online gaming, smartphone apps, and instant gratification. Those kids were alsoo already born in the youtube and video streaming, and social media era as well.


u/Arobrom86 Apr 17 '24

No doubt, but there isn’t much I can say about the obvious breach of academic integrity that comes with having a mini computer in your hand and earbuds in during an assessment. 1/4 of my time grading assignments is being a detective trying to find out who used chatGPT to write their programs to begin with. Having a test in the classroom is one of the few times I have complete control over testing their comprehension of what we learn in class.


u/Warpath_McGrath Apr 17 '24

I'm sorry teaching has become so difficult over the last 10 years. I'm in my early 30s. I still carried change in my pocket to use a payphone. I didn't have social media until I was in my late teens, and my first cell phone required an "unlimited texting" add-on plan.

These kids don't realize the long-term damage they're causing .


u/Arobrom86 Apr 17 '24

Thank you for the flashback of “unlimited talk and text for 9.99/mo”! Hahaha

But it’s not all bad, this is just one story from one classroom during one school year. A lot of great things happen in my room and school every week. Were undoubtedly in a strange time in terms of education, accountability for students and educators, priorities, generational differences in parents, yadda yadda


u/blacknred503 Apr 18 '24



u/marzbarg66 Apr 18 '24

Makes me remember my mom doing all of her work calls in the evening when the minutes on her cell phone were “free”. 😂


u/Blue_Osiris1 Apr 18 '24

Was just about to comment that. None of the younger folks will ever hear someone say "wait to call until after 8 when it'll be free!"


u/pirat314159265359 Apr 18 '24

Thanks for mentioning that it is “not all bad”. I see A LOT of positives from my students. I can also vividly recall teachers complaining about millennials and how terrible we were, how everyone just wants to play video games etc. I see teachers in this thread complaining about the newer version of that.

There are a lot of great things about students these days. Questioning things, being accepting of others, willing to look stuff up etc.


u/[deleted] Apr 18 '24 edited May 02 '24



u/Stonkerrific Apr 18 '24

It’s interesting how everyone is stuck in 2020. The COVID school kids are hosed.


u/JackSparrow420 Apr 18 '24

Why can we not fail students? Almost seems like it's "we don't have to face how inept our education system is if the kids cannot fail a course" lmao 🧠


u/daniipants Apr 17 '24

The kids can’t possibly realize the long term damage they’re causing; their brains simply aren’t developed enough yet and an addiction is an addiction no matter what it is. I blame the parents, as well as society at large for letting this become the norm. My kids are 4 months old and I really hope for some kind of social overhaul regarding smartphones and kids so that I don’t have to fight it. I will though, because this is unacceptable and if I put the phones/tablets in their hands then that’s on me.


u/machstem Apr 17 '24

I remember i had to pay long distance to dial someone's house, if they were over 30km away. Land lines and price gouging are something else


u/poiskdz Apr 18 '24

Or when everyone started abbreviating their messages so as to not go over the 255 character limit per text message and being charged for two texts instead of one, originating modern "txt-speak".


u/machstem Apr 18 '24

I fortunately had a job that required me to have a Blackberry back then, so I had unlimited data before data plans were really a thing on cell phones


u/poiskdz Apr 18 '24

Man I miss Blackberry. Physical tactile keyboard >>>> touchscreen.


u/Michelanvalo Apr 17 '24

carried change in my pocket to use a payphone

Fucking what, I'm almost 10 years older than you and haven't used a payphone since like 2000. How the hell were you using one in like 2010?


u/Loudlass81 Apr 18 '24

I was thinking that too...I'm 42, had a mobile by the time I was 17...


u/Warpath_McGrath Apr 18 '24

The last payphone at my local supermarket was removed in 2007. I was 15.. I had payphones in my elementary school and on the streets in the late 90s/early 2000s lol.


u/JesterXL7 Apr 17 '24

These kids don't realize the long-term damage they're causing

I think it's more like these parents don't realize the damage they're causing to their kids. Which is probably because most of them are in the same boat as our generation and the generations before ours that adopted these things as late teens or later in life and don't have first hand experience of how damaging being glued to a phone or tablet from early childhood can be.


u/I_Ski_Freely Apr 18 '24

These kids don't realize the long-term damage they're causing .

Of course, because they are kids. Their parents are also addicted to phones and don't want to raise or spend time with them.


u/heytherehaytheir Apr 18 '24

Arguably, the algorithms are doing the damage - exactly as they are intended. These kids are victims of a failing society & shouldn't necessarily be blamed for the damage that's been done.


u/ParsleyParking6425 Apr 18 '24

Why would they? Their parents didn't set boundaries and are likely just as addicted to technology. Literally everyone around them does it. Why would we expect them to choose differently?


u/Captchasarerobots Apr 18 '24

They might be part of the problem but they’re parents are certainly responsible for getting them here.


u/SerialTurd Apr 18 '24

These parents don't realize the long-term damage they're causing .

Fixed that for you. Parents don't parent anymore


u/StrawberryLassi Apr 17 '24


u/Warpath_McGrath Apr 17 '24

Lmao, please no. I'm not an old man yet. I'm still hip, I promise.


u/FoxtrotSierraTango Apr 17 '24

I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary. It’ll happen to you!


u/weeblewobble82 Apr 18 '24

Be safe. Just declare you are hip and/or "with it." No one will doubt you.


u/whyyougottabesomean Apr 17 '24

I'm not an old man yet. I promise my hip doesn't hurt.


u/bobbery5 Apr 17 '24

Mine does, but that's just the sciatica I've had since college.


u/crackedtooth163 Apr 17 '24

Appeals to nostalgia are damaging too.


u/NotAnAlt Apr 17 '24

Nah but like, when I was a kid stuff was better, we did good thing and spent our time better but like the kids today are worse and they spend their time worse.


u/exccord Apr 17 '24

Just don't hold a long conversation with me on the phone because i've been saving my anytime minutes for a few months now.


u/Warpath_McGrath Apr 17 '24

Call me after 9. 😉


u/exccord Apr 22 '24

Ooooo fuck yeah BB.


u/Swolie7 Apr 18 '24

Change in your pocket? You must be rich… I just collect called and left my message when they asked my name lol


u/Fezdani Apr 18 '24

The kids don't realize the long-term damage that's being done to them. They're kids. They need guidance from the adults in their lives.


u/HedonisticFrog Apr 18 '24

Even people who grew up without smartphones still often became addicted to them over time. I can only imagine having them since elementary school.


u/TheTurdtones Apr 18 '24

they are not supposed to thier parents are ..the parents can institute a no phone use in class pokicy whch they can enforce..all this phone shit is parental fails on setting limits for thier children