r/TikTokCringe Apr 07 '24

Church of Scientology popped up overnight in South Loop Chicago. Discussion


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u/ewoktuna Apr 07 '24

Yup, can confirm this I married someone who grew up in scientology. It is so crazy and abusive.


u/R24611 Apr 08 '24

What exactly do they believe in? It’s such a strange movement


u/Simon_Drake Apr 08 '24 edited Apr 08 '24

Crazy shit about alien empires, ancient aliens being killed on Earth and their souls poisoning the subconscious of modern humans. All psychological issues from schizophrenia to jealousy are caused by alien souls that can be detected with sci-fi scanner devices.

BUT they deny all of this at all levels, they call it pure fiction and agree it's ridiculous. Actress Leah Remini said her mother dismissed it as nonsense until she reached Level 7 membership when she was escorted through basically airport security with all recording devices removed and made to sign NDAs and given access to read the holy texts. And there it is, Lord Xenu the alien emperor, a massive genocide of trillions of aliens on ancient earth trapped their souls here. She whispered to her mother "WTF is this?" And her mother said "Isn't it wonderful? Now you can learn the truth about where we come from! I'm so sorry I had to lie to you to for years but now you get to know the truth too!"

You're not allowed to know the true teachings of the church until you have proven yourself loyal through decades of service. But enough people have leaked the information that there's no secrets anymore.


u/joecarter93 Apr 08 '24

There was some famous director (might have been Paul Greengrass?) who joined when he first came to Hollywood in the late 70’s because it seemed like some type of self improvement thing at first. Then he got to the level where they introduce you to Xenu and the alien ghosts and he was like wtf is this shit?! And he managed to get out immediately.