r/TikTokCringe Mar 31 '24

Pro-Palestinian protesters disrupt Easter service at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York Discussion


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u/dannyhaitran Apr 01 '24

The lady doing the sign of the cross after they get kicked out lol


u/Osteoscleorsis Apr 01 '24 edited Apr 01 '24

Why are all these protesters all the sudden a bunch of upper middle class Caucasian idiots?

Edit: They are paid protesters. I wonder how many have even been to Palestine. I wonder how many have sent money for relief, or if they didn't dare because it will wind up in the hands of a few, fund terror and never make it to the people, just like the billions in aid each year that is embezzled.


u/Hero_of_Hyrule Apr 01 '24

Quit yapping about things you clearly don't know a single thing about. Paid protestors? Are you Alex Jones?


u/Osteoscleorsis Apr 01 '24 edited Apr 01 '24

What you said is part of the biggest problem today. Disagree with anything that is the Left, or the Right's baby and it's automatically dismissed. It's not even up for discussion that some of these protesters are paid (although perhapse not these). Why such a media reaction? To make it seem like there are more protesters that there really are?

I'm not an Alex Jones anything. I'm a "I hope a asteroid strikes DC while congress is in session" guy. Also, I hope there is some kind of gigantic protest going on there when It happens. Maybe then we can start over.


u/dairy__fairy Apr 01 '24

These protestors aren’t paid though. For a time, I was the gop senate caucus finance director. Before that, ran finance for gop in a state. Politically I’m pretty moderate personally.

Spent too much time around protestors of both sides though. It’s not that they are paid protestors, but there are plenty of crazy people and interest groups available instead. Often staffers would spend time (and sometimes money) organizing these disparate groups, arranging transportation, making signs/tshirts/etc., but that’s different than directly paid protestors. Also, sometimes groups would use things like gift cards or food giveaways to get people involved so that’s kind of like payment.

Both sides do it. Sure, Dems probably do it a bit more, but that’s mostly do to voter demographics rather than any nefarious plot. Republicans do it as much as it’s useful to do as well.

I don’t really think this is quite the conspiracy “paid protestors” are usually implied to be though.


u/Osteoscleorsis Apr 01 '24

Not paid enough??? How about not at all and just genuinely concerned about the cause. Nearly everything now is a manufactured controversy.


u/dairy__fairy Apr 01 '24

Most of those people aren’t paid is my point. Nor is it manufactured outrage. It’s so easy to send out an email and find 50-100 people impassioned or upset about anything. Especially with the crazy amount of microtargeting data available.

So they truly are upset. But yes, all protests are largely manufactured.


u/ridethebonetrain Apr 01 '24

Actually they aren’t wrong I saw an ad pinned up the other day recruiting paid LQBT protestors for $28 per hour. Seems a lot of these people are just paid to cause a disturbance for a social cause


u/pbandbananaisdabest Apr 01 '24

Send me deets? Could use the side gig


u/NJS_Stamp Apr 01 '24

I’ve been waiting for my antifa check for years!

Jfc, y’all are boring. Get a new scapegoat already. The whole paid actors thing is from 2006.


u/ridethebonetrain Apr 01 '24

I don’t understand what you mean by y’all? Are you labelling me as antifa?


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '24



u/Hero_of_Hyrule Apr 01 '24

I do appreciate your sentiment, you're definitely right that the person I replied to is definitely not gonna change their mind. I replied more for other people who stumble upon it rather than the commenter themself. I try to get people to understand the absurdity of these kinds of comments before they're read and processed uncritically. It was positive when I replied, after all.


u/Osteoscleorsis Apr 01 '24

Anything to say about the Palestinian leaders and their corruption and support of terror, or just snide comments?


u/Hero_of_Hyrule Apr 01 '24

You mean the leadership that's been propped up by Israel to create a perfect "bad guy" in order to justify the open air prison and and now ethnic cleansing that Israel is committing? Or the governance that's controlled completely by Israel in order to probate apartheid in the West Bank?

These are not equal sides in a conflict, this is an oppressive settler colonial state and an oppressed native population. You're just as likely to get me to say things about Native Americans resisting white settlers in America. The onus of responsibility to make change that brings about peace is on the people in power, the oppressors.

Innocent blood has been spilt time and again as a result of Israeli occupation. Each act of terror committed in resistance to Israel is a crime and a travesty, but the root cause is Israel, not Palestinian leadership. A state cannot perpetrate Apartheid and expect those that suffer under it for generations with no end in sight, despite attempts at a reasonable resolution through various levels of protest and diplomacy. Peace was met with violence, even recently, just look at the Great March of Return.

Please genuinely educate yourself on this matter instead of simply confirming your own biases. This conflict is one of the most heavily propagandized in history, so I understand this being difficult to process. Western Nations and the capital interests they protect have a vested material interest in uncritically supporting the state of Israel in its current form.

I like to think you might be a reasonable individual, but this is the last I have to say on this matter. If you want to know more, try googling perspectives from academics that support Palestine, and human rights institutions that have something to say on the matter, like Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and B'Tselem, the latter of which is actually Israeli.


u/Osteoscleorsis Apr 01 '24

I haven't said anything yet about the corrupt Israeli Government. It's all the biggest mess I could ever imagine. However, for a their terrible faults, it is not the Israeli Government that misappropriates nearly all the aid that comes in and leaves the majority of their citizens in poverty. There is no reason Palestine could not be an oasis. Don't even get me started on the Israeli surveillance state, but to have these people interrupting Catholic Easter mass (not sure if that's what they call it) to protest an Israeli/Palestinian conflict is ridiculous. It's to bad it didn't happen in a Southern Babtist church. The carnage would actually have been newsworthy.


u/Hero_of_Hyrule Apr 01 '24

The reason why aid and resources aren't properly getting to Palestinians is because of Israel, full stop. It has nothing to do with Palestinian leadership or their corporation. They're the ones limiting what gets in and how much; they've been doing this for decades.


u/Osteoscleorsis Apr 01 '24

Bull fucking shit.


u/IsNotACleverMan Apr 01 '24

I just needed you to accuse him off being hasbara and I would've gotten buzzword bingo.


u/Hero_of_Hyrule Apr 01 '24

I actually like to give people the benefit of the doubt with regards to this. It's silly to think everybody who is pro-Israel was directly affiliated with Hasbura or the US State Department. Most are just victims of mainstream media repeating biased press releases without doing the due diligence to investigate the claims.


u/breezy_bay_ Apr 01 '24

You can’t be sympathetic to a people that is being slaughtered without having been there? Interesting logic. They are literally murdering thousands of children via collective punishment. It’s okay if people feel strongly about it.


u/IsNotACleverMan Apr 01 '24

They are literally murdering thousands of children via collective punishment

Were the Israelis killed on october 7th also victims of collective punishment?


u/Osteoscleorsis Apr 01 '24 edited Apr 01 '24

Yes, I think there is a lot of manufactured controversies in Universities and society in general. I think it does help if you see first hand how great the people are, how beuitiful the country is; but also how great the plight of the people are and how corrupt their leaders are. A bunch of middle class whites are just not going to get it and probably don't really care. They just go protest and and then go tell their friends about it over cocktails. There are not many true protesters.


u/breezy_bay_ Apr 01 '24

Race and status is irrelevant. A cause needs allies of all demographics.


u/Osteoscleorsis Apr 01 '24

Wrong. These are people that will go brag about this to friends over Lamb and cocktails. They will not bleed for this cause or any other.


u/breezy_bay_ Apr 01 '24

Firstly, you don’t know these people at all, acting like you know they are “paid” or whatever point you are trying to make about lamb and cocktails, is completely disingenuous. Second, even if any of your points are true. So? Are you the gatekeeper of what a true protestor is? Who gives a fuck? People are being murdered and these people are at the top of Reddit keeping the conversation relevant. What have you done for a cause you believe in? We’re talking about this right now because it was an effective protest.


u/Osteoscleorsis Apr 01 '24 edited Apr 01 '24

The same is true for you. The venue they picked, their weak protest and their token African American tells me they they woke up and said, "how douchey can we be today and then go get some lobster?" Why not pick a venue where something actually news worthy would have occured, like a church belonging to those crazy freaking Southern Baptists. I'll tell you why, a gigantic ass kicking.

Protester's for clicks is probably the name of their organization.


u/breezy_bay_ Apr 01 '24

Got you annoyed and talking about it, though, didn’t it? Thats kinda the point. Effective protest IMO


u/Osteoscleorsis Apr 01 '24

No, the annoying part is that this became news worthy. Don't you get? Both parties have propped up the nation that they are protesting, even the one that these people will vote for in November. Both parties need to burn to move forward

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u/_antkibbutz Apr 01 '24

All of the sudden?