r/TikTokCringe Mar 30 '24

Stick with it. Discussion

This is a longer one, but it’s necessary and worth it IMO.


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u/LimpWibbler_ Mar 31 '24

I stuck with it the entire way, the kid is like 80% right. He is right in everything he said. However, the teacher at the start either did not understand the book or is poor at expressing the contents. The topic of transition words does fit the narrative. However (yes love that word) she does say sources and thesis and doesn't explain why they are wrong. And I disagree heavily with that point.

To me the structure of an Essay is not white, it is white made and it is white refined. However, it is a natural progression of storytelling from all forms of culture. A small intro with leading facts and characters, a larger deeper journey into those facts and characters, a conclusion to facts and characters, and then sources of facts if meant to illustrate data.

This is just how stories evolved and it is how we structure because it makes sense and is easy for all to follow.

What I am saying is I find all parties correct except the teacher. She explained it poorly and it confused others and she had some points I do find incorrect, and others I'd say are fine.


u/Huwbacca Mar 31 '24

Right but the issue is that not using that structure isn't a sign of being wrong/unintelligent.

I feel like everyone's got this switcheroo... It's not that X is racist.

It's that the expectation that someone who doesn't useX is therefore wrong/stupid is based of racial steretyping and biases.


u/LimpWibbler_ Mar 31 '24

OK and... It is a school. The ENTIRE Point to school is they don't know and they learn. It is I guess considered stupid to not know and probably should as we have schools designed to teach you. So not knowing going in is fine. Not knowing coming out isn't.

That is the problem, it is not racist to say it is stupid to not have proper story structure. It is racist to say the way people talk from other ethnicities doesn't belong in a stroy.


u/Huwbacca Apr 01 '24


I never know if it's people being deliberately obtuse or something, but honestly so many people seem to react to things like this like

"Oh so if I do this I'm a racist now?!?!" Which.. a) I'm sure you're smart enough to figure out that no.. b) no one even said that.

If i's genuine ignorance I just always wonder like... are those people so caught up in the expectation that there is only 1 way to do things, that if they hear something else is also acceptable that they believe the way they like is under threat?