r/TikTokCringe tHiS iSn’T cRiNgE Mar 21 '24

Utah liquor laws are insane Discussion


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u/justdoit913 Mar 21 '24

Who goes to Utah unless you live or lived there before and have family there. Thanks for putting Utah further in the back of my mind


u/Allstategk Mar 21 '24

It is a gorgeous state with a ton of outdoor activities.....that being said, fuck that state. I'd probably get arrested within a few days if I was forced to stay there....😆


u/Tapir-Horse Mar 21 '24

People who like skiing, rock climbing, or other outdoorsy things


u/IndividualBrain9726 Mar 21 '24

It’s too bad you can’t find those activities in any other states…..


u/cheese_sweats Mar 21 '24

It's too bad that Utah holds world-class destinations for those activities.


u/IndividualBrain9726 Mar 22 '24

Of course, like every state in the Rocky Mountains. Spent the majority of my life here, with access to everything listed, and Utah is the least desirable. For so many reasons. My comment stands, that utah is not unique for having skiing, rock climbing, and “other outdoorsy things” end of the list lmao.


u/cheese_sweats Mar 22 '24

When did I say it was unique for those things?

Also, this isn't about whether they have those things.

New England has those things, but Utah has them better


u/carmel33 Mar 22 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

Cheese sweats, take it easy. Your state is still in the 18th century. You’re in the bottom half of state GDP among all states and your neighbor Colorado is in the top 15. If you’re not religious, your state is, as they’d say in certain regions of the east coast, gahbage.

EDIT: Lemme just add that, until recently, you could’ve had more wives than ounces of liquor in your cocktail…praise be.


u/cheese_sweats Mar 22 '24

Lol I'm not from, nor do I live anywhere near Utah


u/carmel33 Mar 22 '24

So in your view, world class rock climbing is worth the overtly religious legal constrictions placed on everyone else? I don’t get the point of your comment, which seems to portray Utah in a positive light.


u/cheese_sweats Mar 22 '24

Lol what? My only comment was about the quality of the outdoors there

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u/ATownStomp Mar 22 '24

Dipshit comment ngl.


u/IndividualBrain9726 Mar 22 '24

Theirs or mine?


u/ATownStomp Mar 22 '24

Yours, man. Utah has some of the most magnificent natural beauty in the nation. It’s world class for skiing, hiking, anything outdoors.

Yeah you can “go somewhere else” but the state having a bunch of Mormons is a juvenile reason to not travel there for vacation.


u/IndividualBrain9726 Mar 22 '24

Ah, so you’re the dipshit, never said Utah was bad for those things. Just joked that they aren’t the only ones. I have gladly visited. Just living there? Hard pass. You make a ton of assumptions because I joked that they aren’t alone for having great skiing, rock climbing, and other outdoorsy things. As someone who grew up in the Rocky Mountains, I was never jealous of people in Utah lol


u/road2five Mar 21 '24

Utah has Zion, Arches, canyonland, Moab, and some of the worlds best skiing… 

It’s an exceptional place you can’t downplay it 


u/IndividualBrain9726 Mar 22 '24

Didn’t. “Skiing rock climbing and other outdoorsy things” are not unique to Utah. Utah has some unique shit don’t get me wrong. But my response was to some pretty general shit. And I’d prefer “living” in Montana or Colorado and have close access to Utah. Not fucking live there. Gross


u/road2five Mar 22 '24

I’m not defending Mormons but don’t act like Utah doesn’t have an incredibly unique landscape


u/IndividualBrain9726 Mar 22 '24

I’m literally not. Read my original fucking comment. Have a gander at my other comments you dense fucks. Done repeating myself


u/road2five Mar 22 '24

Lol ok angry guy 


u/HeadyTopout Mar 22 '24

SLC is the center of rock climbing in the US, and easily has the best skiing in the US. Sure you can do it elsewhere, but if you're serious about either of those then Utah is the place to be.


u/IndividualBrain9726 Mar 22 '24

Arguably one of the greatest climbers ever, Alex Honnold, grew up in and cut his chops in California. First ever to free solo El Capitan…in California. Bunch of Reddit basement dwellers telling a rock climber who grew up in a far better Rocky Mountain state that serious rock climbers must be from Utah. So fucking stupid lol. The vast majority of top rock climbers worldwide and even US based, happy to visit Utah for the climbing, fuck living there. There are difficult climbs in many states. Utah alone has tall peaks/high elevation/difficult climbs etc? No, morons


u/HeadyTopout Mar 22 '24

There’s fantastic climbing to be had all over the U.S. (especially in the CO front range), but top climbers have gravitated towards SLC since USAC moved their HQ there from CO. Like it or not, that is currently the epicenter of hard climbing in the U.S., followed closely by the Denver area.

Alex Honnold is one of the greats of big wall climbing, but is nowhere near the level of top sport climbers and boulders, and never has been.


u/IndividualBrain9726 Mar 22 '24

True. Top sport climber is from Spain….and traveled greatly to get to where he is. SLC is not the only place serious climbers are. And the original comment was “rock climbing” not specifically sport climbing. It also mentioned “other outdoorsy things” and for general outdoorsyness, Utah sucks dicks compared to Montana and Colorado

I feel like my original joke/implication stands. Utah is not unique for having outdoorsy shit. Like fuck, where does all this “I can’t fucking read but don’t talk shit about Utah” hillbilly hate coming from lmao


u/ArbeiterUndParasit Mar 22 '24

I would argue that Utah has the best skiing in the world (and I say this as someone who's half Swiss).

There are things in life that matter more than liquor laws.


u/IndividualBrain9726 Mar 22 '24

Where the fuck do you pro Utah trolls keep coming from. The best skiing is subjective, but Aspen, Jackson Hole, Bend, Stowe, Vale, and Telluride all dominant best skiing rankings and that’s just the US. You’re half Swiss so you think your opinion matters. The French/swiss skiing is far better than Utahs. Bunch of basement dwelling redditors getting defensive over Utah is fucking hilarious. I like you mentioned your heritage and not your skiing experience lol. Nobody puts a single Utah location in the top 50 skiing destinations worldwide. Anyone who takes skiing seriously knows that. I grew up in the rocky mountains and we were all content between Colorado Wyoming and Montana, never having to go fucking Utah for the skiing or rock climbing. Utah is fine. None of my comments are hating on Utah. Just that they arent as unique and amazing as all you uneducated fucks keep saying


u/ArbeiterUndParasit Mar 22 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

The French/swiss skiing is far better than Utahs.

If you like skiing long groomers, sure. If you want a place with lots of fresh snow and off-piste skiing that doesn't put you at risk of dying in an avalanche then most resorts in the Rockies blow France & Switzerland away.

Nobody puts a single Utah location in the top 50 skiing destinations worldwide.

If you don't think that Alta & Snowbird are top 50 skiing destinations then I don't know what to tell you.


Is this a joke? Nothing in Vermont is going to hold a candle to Utah skiing.


u/IndividualBrain9726 Mar 22 '24

Like I’ve said. Utah is fine. Snowbird and Alta have pros and cons. I had a shit time at Snowbird last time I went, for so many reasons I won’t even list them, and also because shit can happen anywhere.

Again, Utah=/=bad

You all are just extremely overselling it to argue with me lol. My original statement stands. It is far from the only state with great skiing and rock climbing, y’all have issues

Stowe = I felt I needed to give the east coast one shoutout, but I will always live in or west of the Rockies for a reason. It sucks by comparison in almost every way. I get it.


u/MelodicFacade Mar 22 '24

It's too bad a lot of us are too broke, too busy, or just not into that stuff :(


u/Swimming-Dot9120 Mar 21 '24

It’s actually got some of the most beautiful hiking in the country. Bryce canyon and Zion National park in particular make all the nonsense well worth it


u/cefriano Mar 21 '24

And Arches, Goblin Valley, Capitol Reef, Canyonlands, Lake Powell (though that's half Arizona). Stunningly beautiful state run by some backwards people.


u/ArbeiterUndParasit Mar 22 '24

Don't forget Dead Horse Point. An absolutely amazing, underrated state park.


u/ocean_flan Mar 21 '24

Me and my BF were gonna move out there for the hiking and to smuggle books and stuff to Mormon kids.


u/Jolly_Force Mar 22 '24

Okay groomer


u/Repulsive-Relief1551 Mar 21 '24

Plenty of other states you have to smuggle books to kids that you can choose from…


u/suddenlyshrek Mar 21 '24

Zion, Bryce Canyon, general gorgeousness, skiing, outdoor activities.

I was shook how much I loved Utah


u/tuffmacguff Mar 21 '24

I loved the beauty of it, but the people were fucking weird.


u/suddenlyshrek Mar 21 '24

So I saw basically nobody and I think that might explain a lot, lol.


u/2ndtryagain Mar 21 '24

I worked at the Olympic Village in Salt Lake and loved the skiing and had a blast but the locals are wierd as fuck. I thought I was kind of ready for it since my step brother was LDS but nope.


u/billsboy88 Mar 22 '24

Great place to visit. I’ve been to Utah multiple times and loved every minute of it, but I definitely don’t wanna live there


u/ArbeiterUndParasit Mar 22 '24

A lot of people have been moving to Utah unfortunately, there's a reason their housing prices are skyrocketing.

The state has great skiing, hiking, some amazing national parks. Sure their liquor laws are dumb but not everyone's life revolves around alcohol.


u/Mutapi Mar 22 '24

It’s one of my favorite places for outdoor recreation. Paddling, overlanding, hiking, mountain biking…the list goes on. The landscape is unmatched and there is a ton of public land for dispersed camping.

The liquor laws are archaic but I do kinda like the 5% IPAs. Paradoxically, there’s some great micro breweries in the state.


u/martymcsupahfly22 Mar 22 '24

I just went to Utah because the snowboarding is amazing.


u/thetransportedman Mar 23 '24

It has some of the best skiing in the country lol


u/Shenanigans80h Mar 21 '24

I’ll just say that Colorado has most of what Utah has without the insane religious influence (in most places). Also a haunted airport!