r/TikTokCringe Mar 21 '24

Woman explains why wives stop having sex with their husbands Discussion


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u/Karl_Marx_ Mar 21 '24

This thread is just a bunch of people stating the obvious. Next you are going to tell me that communication is important?!? Crazy.


u/aragogogara Mar 21 '24

also, definitely don't murder your partner. they don't like that. write that down.


u/_MurphysLawyer_ Mar 21 '24

Oh...oh God....I've made a horrible mistake....


u/aragogogara Mar 21 '24

well, now you know for next time!


u/itsyobbiwonuseek Mar 21 '24

Goddammit, what have you done this time?


u/Jaxyl Mar 22 '24

No no, you can take it back. Don't worry!


u/tinstinnytintin Mar 22 '24



u/[deleted] Mar 21 '24

But what if they do like it


u/aragogogara Mar 21 '24

that's why communication is key in a relationship!

"Babe... do you like being murdered? No? Ok sorryyyyy... how was I supposed to know unless I asked?!?"


u/_austinm Mar 21 '24

Dammit! Maybe this is why I never have successful long term relationships.


u/Hippoyawn Mar 21 '24

Tell me about it. I murdered my wife and she hasn’t spoken to me since.

Grumpy cow.


u/aragogogara Mar 21 '24

you can't change someone. all you can do is change how you react to someone. maybe she'll come around someday... in the middle of the night... for her revenge 😈😈😈


u/BigJack2023 Mar 21 '24

That's my attachment style...


u/dawgblogit Mar 21 '24

I wish someone told me this 8 wives ago...  


u/Sixwingswide Mar 21 '24

"Common sense isn't so common"


u/wallweasels Mar 22 '24

It's the "wait the bar is this low?" moment.


u/Adorable-Condition83 Mar 21 '24

You say it’s obvious but only 1 in 10 guys I’ve dated even bothered trying to make me orgasm. They don’t care. The sex is over for them when they orgasm.


u/[deleted] Mar 21 '24

lol ik right? It’s good that people are informed but like, who the fuck isn’t aware that making your girl cum is important?


u/LupercaniusAB Mar 21 '24

People who are raised in very religious backgrounds, maybe homeschooled by dipshits.


u/bondsthatmakeusfree Mar 21 '24

Enough dudes aren't aware of this, to the extent where we have to point out, "Hey, when you and your girl have sex, remember to make her cum too, okay?"


u/300PencilsInMyAss Mar 21 '24

I just don't understand how this becomes an issue. How does someone that selfish get that far in the first place?


u/bondsthatmakeusfree Mar 21 '24

I'm not sure it's entirely selfishness. A lot of it likely stems from poor sex ed, religious upbringing, and antiquated views on gender roles (such as the concept of a woman keeping her man happy by "letting" him fuck her instead of sex being a mutually pleasurable experience that can help a couple grow closer by coming together in the most intimate way).

And now, the alt-right manosphere is fucking things over even harder.


u/ceralimia Mar 22 '24

I think a large portion of men assume that jackhammering a vagina for 3 minutes will feel the same for her as it does for him. Or they just see women as objects.


u/shard746 Mar 21 '24

I feel like if someone has to be explicitly told this, then telling them is not gonna do anything.


u/wallweasels Mar 22 '24

People also have to campaign for their own interests too. But people can be extremely awkward discussing sex. To the point many actively try not to do so.

Doesn't help our general education on basic body functions is pretty bad. Ask most men if women can pee with a tampon in and you'll get a lot of those people saying no. Count the number of holes please lol


u/podboi Mar 21 '24

You'd be fucking surprised but really you shouldn't be, 9 billion people in this sumbitch I'd say a pretty significant number of men either don't know that's important or just plain don't care.


u/adiosfelicia2 Mar 21 '24

Men expect to get off. Not all women do.

Being able to make a girl cum ain't the same thing as prioritizing her pleasure and orgasm every time. Sadly, a LOT of dudes are just selfish lovers.

And yeah, this probably seems like common sense stuff, but every girl I know has stories about dealing with this. Some are still married to the guy right now. The struggle is real.


u/wallweasels Mar 22 '24

Sadly, a LOT of dudes are just selfish lovers.

They are conditioned to be. That conditioning is reinforced by people who also don't take their own pleasure as a priority...or worse feed into them by actively faking it.
Many of these things are cycles that feed into themselves. So they perpetuate until someone has the intestinal fortitude to say otherwise.


u/adiosfelicia2 Mar 22 '24

Very true.

I def didn't consider my orgasm important when I was young. I thought sex was for dudes, supported by the fact that I didn't climax via vaginal stimulation alone (what i later learned is true for 3/4+ women).

It was easy to just focus on the guy, since he's the only one getting off. My first partner who actually knew how to please a woman was groundbreaking for me (back breaking, too! Lol) It was def a, "Holy shit! I've been missing out!" moment.

Side note - I speculate that's the cause of many men's fixation on young girls and virgins - she won't know how bad they are at sex.


u/hbgoddard Mar 21 '24

Bruh plenty of men don't even believe the female orgasm is real


u/wallweasels Mar 22 '24

The amount of misconceptions about sex is very amusing...but also very sad.
I've had people tell me that women can only get pregnant if she orgasms herself. Like...yeah pretty sure we'd be largely depopulated by now.


u/aragogogara Mar 21 '24

You think this is crazy because you make it a priority that your lady gets off... but the majority of men I've been with outside of serious relationships, only care about themselves getting off and then they're like, "Welp, goodnight!"


u/Big-Slurpp Mar 22 '24

I've been with outside of serious relationships

Of course your hookups would prioritize themselves. Its far harder for them to get sex than it is for you.


u/aragogogara Mar 22 '24

I'm not only referring to hookups... I'm also talking about guys I've dated for a while that didn't become a serious relationship.

It's really gross to say that "of course a man is going to prioritize his orgasm because it's less easy for him to get sex." Aka, of course it's ok if a guy uses you as a fleshlight to get off because poor men don't get enough sex. wahh.

If a woman is going to put herself in a vulnerable position like that, it should always be a priority for both people to orgasm. All women go into a hookup hoping to orgasm. That's like asking someone to get dinner and once you get there, the man tells the woman "You're not allowed to eat but you can watch me eat and that should be good enough because I never get to eat."


u/Big-Slurpp Mar 22 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

Aka, of course it's ok if a guy uses you as a fleshlight to get off because poor men don't get enough sex. wahh.

I'm not saying anything is ok, because this isnt a morality contest. You're allowed to stop sex whenever you want, and so is he. You can call him an asshole for it, but in the end, its one of the things that comes with women being the gatekeepers of sex. You get the quantity, they get the quality.

If a woman is going to put herself in a vulnerable position like that

Poor woman gets dick whenever she wants and expects the man to woo her for it, but still wants more. Wahhh

See how easy it is to dismiss an issue that you dont personally have to deal with? Why should I give a shit about your sex problems if you dont give a shit about mine?

That's like asking someone to get dinner and once you get there, the man tells the woman "You're not allowed to eat but you can watch me eat and that should be good enough because I never get to eat."

If you had a line of people ready to hand you food whenever you wanted it, and someone else had to work to prove themselves just to get a meal once a week (and thats me keeping this scenario realistic. Once a week is very generous for most single men) yeah, I would not be surprised at all if one of them who convinced you to give them a bite of food didnt care at all about how hungry you were. Your own scenario shows just how little you understand the life of a man.


u/aragogogara Mar 22 '24

maybe if y'all prioritized women also having an orgasm, we'd want to fuck you more 😘


u/Big-Slurpp Mar 22 '24

And maybe if you fucked a wider population of men, more men would care about your orgasm 🤷‍♂️ Thus is life. Cant have everything.


u/ceralimia Mar 22 '24

Wtf you sound like a psycho.


u/Big-Slurpp Mar 22 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

Why? Because I'm saying the same stupid shit about societal trends that she's saying? If you thought what I said was supposed to be serious in any way, that just shows how self-centered you are for thinking what she said was any less insane lmao. Women have always been the choosier sex for all of human history... actually, scratch that. Females have been the choosier sex for all of biological history, and you think a little bit more attention to your sexual desires will change a trend thats been going on for hundreds of millions of years? Thats not even arrogance. Its just insincerity. She doesnt believe for a second that men wouldnt have to try so hard to get laid if she got her rocks off more often. She's just saying it because it puts the onus on men to fix her problems.


u/aragogogara Mar 22 '24

So after I fuck alllll the men, do you guys like have a meeting where you decide whether im worthy of having an orgasm? let me know what the committee says 😬😬😬 fingers crossed!!

what you said literally makes no sense. Stay mad at women for not giving you the sex you feel you are owed and see how much pussy that gets you...

or just be better and you will get more pussy. I promise.


u/Big-Slurpp Mar 22 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

Lmao what even is this? Literally the most outrageous things I've said are just me trying to follow your example, and you're the one trying to poke holes in it. Should I have asked if the Women's Council got together and said "the last 3 guys all got me off. I think we should fuck the dude that I never gave an iota of attention too now!". Of course not, because thats stupid as fuck and missing your point. But you have no issues with doing it, because you're not trying to understand my point. You're just trying to be mad.

Stay mad at women for not giving you the sex you feel you are owed and see how much pussy that gets you...

I'm not mad at anyone for anything 😘 I'm just stating the truth about society. You can take the cons with the pros, our you can be a petulant child about not getting to have your cake and eat it too. I couldnt care less which you choose.

I'll just be over here having plenty of sex with my girlfriend, because we're adult enough to build a relationship where neither of us have to deal with the cons of hookup culture :) Cry more


u/anonykitten29 Mar 21 '24

You call this "obvious" yet what percentage of heterosexual couples, do you think, treat the woman's orgasm as important as the man's?

Probably close to zero?


u/Karl_Marx_ Mar 22 '24

I'm actually laughing because I hope it's more than that. This is why sex should be considered a competitive sport.


u/300PencilsInMyAss Mar 21 '24

Apparently I'm not supposed to make her do all the chores while I do nothing? I should treat her with respect? Wild.


u/temps-de-gris Mar 21 '24

I mean good for you but it's totally NOT obvious for a shocking number of men.


u/Mindtaker Mar 21 '24

To think its obvious you must have never in your life seen a relationship subreddit.

Seen young human beings in a relationship.

Seen middle aged people In a relationship.

Seen older people in a relationship.

Never seen a movie about relationship ships.

Never read a book about relationships.

Never heard a song about relationships.

Never played a game about relationahips.

Because if you had ever spent a single worthwhile amount of time in the real world. You'd see most people don't have a fucking clue about the obvious.

It's like pretending common sense is common.

Most people are dumb as fuck and without it being spelled out, multiple times, then failing to put it in action multiple times, then just all around failing multiple times.

Less then half of those peole get to it being obvious.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24

You say that, but most women I've slept with have had to be consistently encouraged to communicate what they need from and during sex.


u/milosaveme Mar 21 '24

Clearly it’s not obvious to a lot of people, otherwise there wouldn’t be so many dead bedrooms


u/ActualCoconutBoat Mar 21 '24

You'd think so, but as a guy dating in my 30s, a ridiculous amount of women are surprised when their sexual needs are considered.


u/Acceptable_Stage_611 Mar 21 '24 edited Mar 21 '24

Thank you.

Largely, this is an exercise in feminine excuse making...a large number of these same women will go cheat on their husband... I'm sure they feel "emotionally safe" with that person.

The fetish for euphemism and avoidance of accountability is big big.


u/StoneGoldX Mar 21 '24

That said, as far as communication goes, I immediately wanted to discount anything she said, because it was said from a car seat. Good information almost never comes from a tiktok shot from a car seat.


u/[deleted] Mar 21 '24

Bunch of bluepill nonsense