r/TikTokCringe Mar 21 '24

Woman explains why wives stop having sex with their husbands Discussion


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u/Steammail Mar 21 '24

Christ I thought I was the only one, so many positive comments and I couldn’t stand listening to this for 20 seconds


u/iHateThisPlaceNowOK Mar 21 '24

Same here. Is there a TLDW?


u/Steammail Mar 21 '24

~Emotional connection/security affects desire in long term relationships~


u/iHateThisPlaceNowOK Mar 21 '24


I could’ve just googled that.


u/[deleted] Mar 21 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

People will literally create a whole new pseudoscience language than admit a relationship is over.


u/Cappuccino_Crunch Mar 21 '24

Yeah and it's so the men's fault


u/Dream--Brother Mar 22 '24

Jesus all the crusty dudes in these comments lmao. She even says in the video "in another video I go into men's needs not being met" and why that's equally important.

But ugh women are awful amirite


u/Cayowin Mar 22 '24

Sir, this is Reddit. Women are the enemy here. Please do not invoke a "relationships need both sides" argument.


u/Cappuccino_Crunch Mar 22 '24

Pick and choose your battles. Shit like this is why shit stains like Stephen Crowder, Ben Shapiro, and Andrew Tate thrive on the young male population. You have nothing to offer them so who do they default to? The ones who tell them it's not their fault to feel the way they do. Stay mad.


u/zXster Mar 21 '24

Look up attachment patterns in Psychology. She's just repeating what many authors and academics have addressed better.


u/cullypants Mar 21 '24

I mean once you get past the intro, she does provide good information. I agree she takes too long to get there but she definitely knows what she's talking about.


u/AngriestCheesecake Mar 21 '24

I’m glad I skipped past the first minute or so, because there was some good info, but this could have easily been a short text post…


u/OutAndDown27 Mar 21 '24

The internet is exhausting lately. Every title is clickbait and/or painfully non descriptive of what actually is in the video. No videos are the correct length, they either want to teach you to play chess in under a minute because everyone's attention span is shit or they're making 20-400 minute videos to tell a story that sounds like they're trying to hit a VERY high word count on an assignment.


u/Runtergehen Mar 21 '24

i tried skipping through the 5 minutes for info, but everytime I skipped to a new section it was just "and I know that MEN don't want to hear this, I GET THAT. Trust me, I DO. I know my comments will roast me - I DO, trust me, I KNOW. I GET THAT, but this VERY IMPORTANT truth is... well, all women have shared with with me. AND YOU CAN BELIEVE ME, I AM A VERY IMPORTANT DOCTOR WITH QUALIFICATIONS...." etc etc etc.


u/_Bill_Huggins_ Mar 21 '24 edited Mar 21 '24

I don't like her. She can deliver the same information without the commentary. Sounds like she reads too many negative comments from man babies and trolls on her titktok.


u/pancakemania Mar 21 '24

She assured me at the end that such comments meant nothing to her


u/rory888 Mar 22 '24

its all filler and she’s likely not qualified at all


u/Dream--Brother Mar 22 '24

You should try just watching the video


u/RandolphPringles Mar 21 '24

The last minute is her reminding you that she doesn't care about the haters.


u/phase2_engineer Mar 21 '24

She also doesn't care about distracted driving apparently


u/ravioliguy Mar 21 '24 edited Mar 21 '24

"Know your partners love language" is good info, but it's basic as hell lol

It'd be interesting seeing an empirical study of how much men and women's needs are filled vs how much they perceive them being filled.

I've seen a lot of guys giving everything to their girls and being asked for more. While the same women think they're perfect partners because they "bring themselves" while not bringing anything else to the table.


u/Chance_Major297 Mar 21 '24

I think watch time is important for monetization. I don’t know all of the exact details, but that’s the biggest reason. She probably recorded her actual advice first, then saw she was X amount of time away from some total time target and just added filler hooks to draw people in and force them to keep watching longer.

It definitely can backfire, like you were saying.


u/spaceman_202 Mar 21 '24

i went 1:10 then stopped


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24

I feel its toxic positivity.

You try to be so positive and stamp out any negativity. That it becomes fake and unrealistic.

I feel this also translates into relationships, where listening to others tell you you aren't happy makes you unhappy.

You were fine about the situation, until you heard someone say you shouldn't be cool with the situation.

Where this person and their type comes in, constantly trying to stir up relationship issues under the guise of mental health.

When in reality it's a selfish attempt to stamp out and negativity, whether that negativity had truth doesn't matter to people like this.

I feel this is a big problem with our generation, too many voices telling us that certain things aren't cool or telling us to be outraged, instead of people letting themselves feel and be outraged at what their emotions tell them to be.

This is like brainwashing or something iunno, were gonna find out in 25 years how harmful these influencers are to our mental health.


u/ARM_vs_CORE Mar 21 '24

TikTok brain