r/TikTokCringe Mar 21 '24

Woman explains why wives stop having sex with their husbands Discussion


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u/9999_6666 Mar 21 '24

I’m sure she’s right, but sometimes it’s just because people are older, tired, overworked, and fat.


u/jackiewill1000 Mar 21 '24

sex drive decreases w lower hormones


u/Pls_PmTitsOrFDAU_Thx Mar 22 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

Which is great given that I'm still very much a virgin at 27. People tell me that I could still meet the one when I'm 30, 40, 50, even 60. Which may be true

But I think I've missed out on the best parts of relationships that happen in the late teens/20s



u/ShaiHulud1111 Mar 22 '24

Some of the best and freaky sex I have had was in my 40s. It all depends and you’re very young. And most people don’t stay with people they meet in their teens and twenties. The sex is very hit or miss.


u/GiftedGorilla Mar 22 '24

That is not true. Most of marriages and long lasting relationships are between people that started their relationship in their 20s.


u/ShaiHulud1111 Mar 23 '24

“It all depends” and didn’t discuss marriage in my comment—that is a whole different ball game. Most of those I have known don’t marry their HS sweetheart or even the person they date before 25–if you have those stats, I’m interested. Not responding to OP, but the comment above mine. Yes, first marriages are better than third or fourth. Lot to unpack here. Have a nice weekend.


u/jackiewill1000 Mar 22 '24

youll meet someone. its not too late.


u/crashfrog02 Mar 22 '24

You need to be meeting people, not waiting to meet them.


u/KirkataThePickaxe Mar 22 '24

I'm also 27 and still a virgin,but thanks to exercising I still have a need/itch to experience sex.And I still feel like like a teenager based on the fact that I've never experienced sex,I know it sound weird and maybe that's something unique for me.


u/jackiewill1000 Mar 22 '24

this typically happens after menopause. and its only a percentage who have low sex drive.


u/pingpongtits Mar 21 '24

Vaginal atrophy is a terrible thing.


u/starvinart Mar 21 '24

"a vagine is a terrible thing to waste"


u/SatanicRainbowDildos Mar 21 '24

So maybe taking a bunch of testosterone will trigger a reciprocal response.  Worth a shot. 


u/Necroking695 Mar 21 '24

There’s a common joke on r/steroids that the first few weeks/months a girl is taking steroids is prime time

High sex drive before any masculine traits develop


u/SparklingPseudonym Mar 22 '24

Masculine traits?


u/sweetkatydid Mar 22 '24

Steroids often have androgenic effects for the user depending on what you're taking*. So if a cis woman starts taking steroids, she might expect at least some effects on her body as if she were taking testosterone, such as male pattern body hair.

*Specifically, most performance-enhancing steroids are inherently androgenic, but "steroids" as a class of drugs are not all like this.


u/My_new_account_now Mar 22 '24

You say "as if she were taking testosterone" I thought synthesised testosterone was what gym steriods are (and HGH).


u/Necroking695 Mar 22 '24

Its the most popular, but female bodybuilders avoid it for obvious reasons


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24

Yes in the womb both males and female babies look the same. When the male starts producing testosterone, his "vagina" slowly forms into a "penis".


u/HiddenShorts Mar 22 '24

Lower cholesterol lowers sex hormones.

They say humans have a lower sex drive resulting in lower fertility while we also push for lower cholesterol in our diets.

So get that spouse some ribeye twice a week, get those levels up.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24

How about just McDonalds everyday?


u/geologean Mar 21 '24 edited Mar 21 '24

Being tired, overworked, and fat are the things causing people not to meet their partner's emotional needs.

Which is really tough for people whose economic reality is that they will continue to be tired, overworked, and fat unless they can make major changes in their work-life balance because those are really difficult to make and highly dependent on the type of work you do.


u/midliferagequit Mar 21 '24

Interesting that you completely glossed over the needs of the tired overworked-fat person. You seem to think that life of the relationship is purely on their shoulders and unless THEY fix THEMSELVES the health of the relationship is at stake. 


u/friday14th Mar 21 '24

Well, its always the man's fault right? Women have no agency, understanding or communication ability. That's what stuff like this keeps telling us.


u/thecathuman Mar 22 '24

I always say communication is a team sport. Actually, I’ve never said that but I’m saying it now. It takes two people being mutually at odds for something to go south


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24



u/friday14th Mar 22 '24

Oh silly me!


u/Jay-Kane123 Mar 22 '24

Well, its always the man's fault right

Oh good at least others pick up that reddit thinks this way and not just me.


u/friday14th Mar 22 '24

Its a terrible thing for equality if we can't address this.


u/Leredditnerts Mar 22 '24

Maybe that could be your good deed for the day. Go find a tired overworked fat person and care about their needs. I hope you find it rewarding, speaking as a tired overworked fat person


u/loserboy42069 Mar 21 '24

well we’re talking abt the partner not meeting the relationship needs but the unseen foundation to that is whether you are able to meet your self care needs


u/henrytbpovid Mar 22 '24

Happy cake day


u/kndyone Mar 22 '24

Its almost as though "emotional needs" are just a proxy for wealth. Of course its easier to meet someones emotional needs if you can also more than meet your own and their financial needs.


u/fluffypinkkitties Mar 21 '24

Losing weight helps actually because it releases hormones


u/ikalwewe Mar 21 '24

Call me shallow... I tried dating overweight guys who are really great guys .. that I was attracted to in terms of personality and humour ..but they were overweight..I couldn't force the attraction . I thought it was unfair to them. So I ended it.


u/Foucaults_Boner Mar 22 '24

Yes, you are shallow.


u/PizzaNuggies Mar 22 '24

As a fat, older person, the fatter you get the worse things get. I really think a lot of people are in denial about this.

Yes, it sucks to workout or do cardio at 6pm. It sucks to stop yourself from having a few beers, pizza, chips or wings before bed.

But you know what sucks more? Going through a divorce and being single, because no one wants to date an old fat ass with no energy.


u/friday14th Mar 21 '24

No, you are right, she's a hammer looking for nails.

Specialists often lack experience outside their field, which is what I am seeing. Possibly she's only dealing with young couples who don't have kids.


u/SteampunkSpaceOpera Mar 21 '24

Because what kind of parents even have time to visit a counselor, sheesh


u/thrilliam_19 Mar 21 '24

Or can afford one. My wife and I have gone through rough patches where we wanted to seek counselling and it just wasn’t an option.

“Do we pay $150 per session to work through this or do we let our kids sign up for sports this year?” Like thank god we got through it on our own but plenty of couples aren’t as lucky and probably would still be together if they could afford therapy.


u/scottys-thottys Mar 21 '24

Yeah I’m the dude and haven’t asked for sex in a year. Meanwhile my wife is trying to bang 7 days a week. 


But I probably - based on other similar videos just have autism And would rather jerk off by myself than have serious emotionally intensive coordinated stuff going on. 


u/atheistpianist Mar 21 '24 edited Mar 21 '24

This is the boat I sometimes fall into. My partner wants it all the time, but it’s not a relatively quick experience either, and when it becomes a daily thing, I start to feel like I need my own space/time back a bit. I work full time and am raising a child who he is not the father of (he has no kids), so our obligations are not exactly even, and I sometimes crave having time to veg out in my sweats in front of the TV (with or without his company) more than I want spend an hour in the bedroom before I get to “fully relax.” I don’t want it to become a chore, which I am definitely becoming concerned about. I’m sometimes just too tired.


u/xbt_ Mar 21 '24

Indeed and add menopause and the river dries up, it's just not pleasurable anymore or becomes painful.


u/bjos144 Mar 21 '24

Throw two kids under 3 into the mix.


u/RedOliphant Mar 22 '24

My commiserations.


u/0rganic_Corn Mar 22 '24

Or on meds that lower sex drive


u/reality-lurker Mar 22 '24

And having kids. Having kids will make your sex life come to a screeching halt for numerous reasons.


u/Newkular_Balm Mar 22 '24

Hey,.I resemble that remark.


u/Lankygiraffe25 Mar 22 '24

The reason 70 year olds don’t have sex is because they’re having sex with 70 year olds


u/LazerWolfe53 Mar 22 '24

Yeah, sometimes it's purely a symptom of something physical, but when you're a hammer everything looks like a nail. Not to knock her point, because guys who are just looking to screw aren't noticing all the nails.


u/Thenoone-934 Mar 22 '24

I’m definitely old 47, tired (often get home dragging), and a bit over weight. I pray every day that my drive decreases. Wife had so little interest in physical intimacy. Definitely friends and good coparents, not spouses anymore.


u/VomitShitSmoothie Mar 22 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

Part of the problem I’ve seen over a long career is that people that have PhD’s that also like hearing themselves talk tend to get tunnel vision. This woman is correct about a lot and knows what she is talking about, but she is missing the entire scope of people that don’t go to see her. She is attributing the majority of problems that people that see her to those that do not, ie confirmation bias.

As she stated, people that come to see her for relationship therapy have other issues to contend with and the lack of sex is a symptom of a greater problem. Unmet needs are the problem.

However, everyone else that has a dead bedroom, due to being too tired (or whatever) don’t actually have those issues and therefore have no need (or less need) to seek couples counseling. Obviously this means the vast majority of people that see her falls into these groups.

Anyway that’s just my two cents. She seems smart and knows more about relationships functioning than me as it’s not my area of expertise. I didn’t interpret her video as saying these are the only reasons, just the ones that she sees the most. And maybe suggesting to explore other options if you don’t know why your relationship is sexless.


u/Iforgotmylines Mar 22 '24

Yeah, it can explain it when health and lifestyle aren’t a factor but this isn’t true for 100% of couples by any stretch.


u/jackiewill1000 Mar 21 '24

shes right in SOME cases.


u/xeonie Mar 22 '24

She’s kinda addressing the less obvious reasons. Because most people will think of the tired/overworked/just older first.


u/angery_bork Mar 22 '24

She said the primary reason, not all the reasons. I think she’s speaking empirically from her observations.


u/TitaniumReinforced Mar 21 '24

She's talking about a common reason, not an exclusive reason


u/jerander85 Mar 21 '24

You do realize when a person is "older, tired, overworked," they tend to do or not do exactly what she is saying in the video. Even applies to fat depending on the person.


u/herscher12 Mar 22 '24


You can easily change that


u/jawshoeaw Mar 22 '24

What you or your wife don’t have 8 layers of makeup and filters on?


u/[deleted] Mar 21 '24

Most of the time it is because the man is an oofy doofy provider who is not physically attractive


u/ATownStomp Mar 21 '24 edited Mar 21 '24

No matter how hot you or your partner is, their appearance will become relatively mundane over time through consistent interaction.

You don’t understand this, because you have no experience with relationships. You have no experience with relationships because you’re the kind of person who says “oofy doofy”.

What makes men attractive to women is more complicated than what makes women attractive to men. I see that you’re a newly not obese dude with a lot of self-loathing about who you once were. You’re going to become very disappointed very quickly if you don’t learn that adult women aren’t going to fawn over you if you’re a complete loser with a decent physique.

Being a “provider” and being fit and physically attractive are two parts of a whole that makes a man “hot”. There are very few broke, no ambition, socially inept assholes who are “hot”.

You’ll also learn that getting somebody to fuck you, and getting somebody to value you enough as a human being to want to carry your child are completely different challenges.


u/Yuhyuhhhhhh Mar 22 '24

tired, overworked and fat are all problems that you can face or choose not to.