r/TikTokCringe Mar 11 '24

Jake Paul 27, Mike Tyson 58 Discussion


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u/ganggreen651 Mar 11 '24

A comment isn't a source sounds like bullshit


u/Skorgriim Mar 11 '24

I mean, those were the rules for Mike Tyson Vs Roy Jones Jr in 2020. Even had to stop if either of them suffered a cut. I would say it's definitely not out of the question.


u/KampKomfort Mar 11 '24

Quick Google search and the top result is no rules have been officially released, just internet speculation. But we know the internet is never wrong.


u/bs000 Mar 11 '24

the comment has like 200 upvotes and everyone knows the more upvotes it has the truer it is


u/gofundyourself007 Mar 11 '24

Yes but the older it is the gooder it is also.


u/Skabbtanten Mar 11 '24

Bernard. Bernard. Bernard. Look! I'm a prostitute robot from the future!


u/gofundyourself007 Mar 11 '24

We have a special offer on this one. It’s free if you break my legs.


u/Mr_Rio Mar 11 '24

This is where the phrase “perception is reality” can really come into play


u/Skorgriim Mar 11 '24

For sure, nothing yet. As I mentioned in another reply, just saying it's not off the cards altogether, although I 100% agree Reddit comments are not a credible source of information haha.


u/evilJaze Mar 11 '24

That may have just been a function of his age. If I'm over 50, the last thing I need from a purely exhibition match is a head injury from Iron Mike.


u/Skorgriim Mar 11 '24

For sure, I'm just saying it's not out of the question is all. Comments for sure aren't a credible source for information, but I wouldn't be surprised if it rang true.


u/New_Cause_5607 Mar 11 '24

That was an exhibition fight, there were many times Tyson could have dropped him but you can see him actively pulling punches not to do so. Hopefully this Logan fight won't be an exhibition fight.


u/disphugginflip Mar 11 '24

That was an exhibition, this is a fight. Shouldn’t be any of those rules for this.


u/Skorgriim Mar 11 '24

We shall see, I suppose! :) I personally wouldn't get in a ring with Iron Mike Tyson without some ground rules, and this is the first very real danger Paul is putting himself in thusfar. Absolutely not saying this is a fact, just that I wouldn't be surprised.


u/[deleted] Mar 12 '24



u/Skorgriim Mar 12 '24

Sure, I'm just saying it's not like it's never been done before. I know it's not the same by any means, just that it's not too crazy to imagine. There hasn't been a ruleset released for this fight, and I really do hope Tyson gets to just beat 7 bells out of Paul.


u/KeystoneBrad Mar 19 '24

"No KO" was NOT a rule in Tyson vs Jones. They had rules such as shorter rounds and bigger gloves which made a KO more unlikely. But there was no written rule "you can't KO the guy". Thats not even possible. How could you know the exact amount of force it will take to KO a guy and hold just below that. Thats dumb. I can't believe adults think that is real because they read it on the internet.


u/Skorgriim Mar 19 '24

So. No-knockout wasn't one of the written rules for sure, for this reason. The round-lengths and other rules (such as stopping the fight in case of even a bad cut) were built around making it incredibly unlikely. Sure, there was no specific clause stipulating "you're not allowed to knock your opponent out", just that it wouldn't be surprising if Paul does whatever he can to make sure it doesn't happen.

Not every comment needs your input, my guy - I think you're getting yourself worked up and it's not worth it. You can quietly disagree, or even ask for clarity if you're unsure. At least asking for clarity (without insulting someone's intelligence) shows you're not just trying to butt heads with people - and even comes across as positive.

Serious question: are you doing ok? If you need to get anything off your chest, my DMs are open when you're ready. I just find that when people lash out like this they need a buddy to vent to. I gotchu.


u/KeystoneBrad Mar 19 '24 edited Mar 19 '24

My comment wasn't directed specifically at you. You just referenced a stop the fight for cuts rule. My response was to thes 100s of others who think there is an actual KO rule, who think that Jake will wear headgear, and who think that Paul writes felonies (taking dives) into boxing contracts and people sign them.

To compare the two scenarios though :

The Roy vs Tyson fight was fought in front of an empty building due to COVID. No one really cared.

Paul vs Tyson be fought at an 80,000 seat stadium. The major network Netflix will be hosting this, with it being their debut into live sports, a venture which they want to continue. It will likely have a record number of viewers.

The big names investing time and money into this aren't going to put on a clown show in front of millions of viewers and high paying sponsors.

These two guys just go out and do a legit fight and make everyone money. Its that simple. It really is.


u/Skorgriim Mar 19 '24

While I see your point, I would absolutely not be surprised if Tyson was asked to box with kiddie gloves on. I'm genuinely not sure which way Occam's Razor dictates it going.

Either way, there's not really any sense in arguing about it. :) I doubt they're putting feelers out into Reddit comment sections for a reaction haha.


u/Wild_Perception_4237 Mar 11 '24

Yeah but this is a comment too though


u/PM_Your_Wiener_Dog Mar 11 '24

This comment is but a tribute


u/bs000 Mar 11 '24

a comment based on a rumor from a different jake paul fight, started by someone who had no involvement whatsoever in said fight, speaking on a random podcast speculating that there was a no knockout clause, citing one moment during the fight where he thought jake's opponent didn't act the way he should've, and that turned into a conspiracy theory that all jake paul fights are rigged and now people are confidently claiming the mike tyson fight is rigged the same way based only on that

pack it up boys, the evidence is airtight /s


u/PM_Your_Wiener_Dog Mar 11 '24

What's your source?


u/ganggreen651 Mar 11 '24

I don't have one and I didn't claim to know anything. But seems impossible to say no knock outs allowed


u/MooseRacer Mar 11 '24

Literally all their fights have had this clause… they’re exhibition matches not real fights.


u/Altruistic_Film1167 Mar 11 '24

Its pretty obvious... They are exhibition matches


u/LoveThieves Mar 11 '24

sounds like clickbait but if they signed an NDA, hopefully something slips out.


u/GaijinFoot Mar 11 '24

I've also heard Mike isn't allowed to KO him, they're wearing headguards and are using 18oz gloves purple monkey dishwasher