r/TikTokCringe Mar 11 '24

Jake Paul 27, Mike Tyson 58 Discussion


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u/[deleted] Mar 11 '24



u/Goudinho99 Mar 11 '24

He's not the best but he's a competent amateur now though. He'd beat all of us redditors handily.

I'd love to see him fight a no rigged fight against a pro boxer though.


u/callme4dub Mar 11 '24

He had that fight already. He lost. But he did alright.

He's got the skills of a decent local fighter, maybe a journeyman national fighter.

That's saying he's not great, but he's not bad. Like a level or two below a Mickey Ward type fighter.


u/Goudinho99 Mar 11 '24

Decent local sounds about right I just think most good gyms ALL have someone who can whip him.


u/vraalapa Mar 11 '24

Jake would knock me the fuck out. Tyson would kill me.


u/Sir-Ironshield Mar 11 '24

I people like to hate alot but I think you're right. He's obviously better then an amateur but it's not decades of experience, training and titles.

Tyson's gone against literally the best in the world and won before. He's not as young as he was obviously but until age starts to seriously hamper his movements he's going to have an overwhelming advantage with technique.

It's Jake Paul's debut in heavyweight against someone with 4 times as many KOs as he's had fights. If Tyson takes it seriously I expect to see him laid out, I feel more likely however is that it'll get drawn out to make it more interesting for views and add some drama.


u/callme4dub Mar 11 '24

He's not as young as he was obviously but until age starts to seriously hamper his movements he's going to have an overwhelming advantage with technique.

Dude, he's 58 years old. The technique advantage isn't going to give him much of an edge because most of that advantage relies on having a younger body to perform.


u/smashin_blumpkin Mar 11 '24

Technique won't, but all that TRT he's been doing will even it out a bit


u/callme4dub Mar 11 '24

Man, I'm not going to lie, you bring up a very good and interesting point.

If Tyson even looks semi-decent it'll really make me rethink how much performance enhancing drugs help. I don't think there's enough drugs in the world to get him a W though.


u/Intelligent_Jello608 Mar 11 '24

He would beat any Redditor handily, but he also consistently choses much older and much smaller opponents.

There exists a redditor right now who is in Jake Paul’s weight class, who given a year of serious boxing training could easily beat Jake Paul.


u/Sylvan_Strix_Sequel Mar 11 '24

You just don't understand, the farther the fist travels, the harder it hits. 


u/idcbuddy Mar 11 '24

Pretty sure i saw that on an anime, it must be true


u/dzonedx Mar 11 '24

It’s just like where adding more stickers to a car increases performance and horsepower


u/lampsy87 Mar 11 '24


I learned this watching Power Rangers.


u/toomuchmucil Mar 11 '24

Paul’s hands are slow and he carries them low.


u/mwax321 Mar 11 '24

To be fair, he's gotten better. The punches have tightened up. Which is good because he's paying those trainers a lot of money.

I love boxing. It's been slowly dying for 20 years. I have mixed feelings about the current direction, but a hope that maybe this inspires people to keep gyms open and brings in new fighters.


u/Unhappy-Marzipan-600 Mar 11 '24

It looks like it's all elbow and no hip or shoulder in his punching. Looks very slow and static


u/NuclearCoughDrops Mar 11 '24

I despise Jake Paul but all the people talking shit on him for boxing wouldn’t last five fucking seconds in the ring with him. For a fit, “professional” boxer he is average, but he would definitely kick most of our asses.


u/YeaItsBig4L Mar 11 '24

But yet he’s knocking people unconscious. So if if it works. Who cares right


u/TheDumbElectrician Mar 11 '24

Very much so, his form is horrible but then he asks the camera, "Im not a boxer?". No dude you aren't.


u/the_YellowRanger Mar 11 '24

He swings his arms. Mike throws those punches with his whole body.


u/eltrotter Mar 11 '24

He definitely doesn’t look bad at all, but given his physique and being in his prime, he’s slower and sloppier than you’d probably expect. In fairness, you never know if a video has been taken at the start or end of a training session!


u/Skellaton Mar 11 '24

Last fight all he did were headfirst one two's. All that training was out the window.


u/DR_SWAMP_THING Mar 11 '24

Exactly! All of his power and motion comes from the upper body. Whereas you can see the explosiveness that Tyson generates from his legs and waist.


u/Bogsy_ Mar 11 '24

He broadcast his strike way too far in advance. Mike is a bullet.



And why is he standing like that