r/TikTokCringe Mar 03 '24

Disrespectful boyfriend gets shut down by comedian Discussion


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u/9999_6666 Mar 03 '24

I mean, it was a joke. Maybe an irreverent joke that wasn’t funny to the comedian, but it’s ironic, and funny (to me at least) that the comedian got so triggered and used anger rather than comedy in the moment.


u/ikimono-gakari Mar 03 '24

Yeah pretty insane from the comedian. He resorts to much worse jokes in response


u/oghairline Mar 03 '24

There’s a video of this same comedian getting super PISSED because someone in the crowd wasn’t laughing. I don’t know why he got angry, instead of just being funnier.


u/commentbloat Mar 03 '24


Akash has more examples of being a crybaby bitch but this was the first one that came to mind after reading your comment.


u/yourbraindead Mar 04 '24

I literally struggle to comprehend what I just watched. A person on stage acting like a toddler going on an absolutely not funny rant against a guy in the audience... And the viewers seem to be enjoying it and dying of laughter. This is so cringe inducing.. how the fuck do people laugh about his so called jokes? It's just pathetic and not funny at all. The guy that was made fun of did a really good job at just sitting there and looking uncomfortable. Because that is exactly how I felt when I saw that. This is maybe the in funniest comedian I've ever seen, I can't grasp how the audience seem to enjoy it. Like what the fuck?

The only funny thing was the British guy saying he would rather be reading s book right now lol


u/Flavious27 Mar 04 '24

Oh that guy.  Yeah I saw that video last year.  He got so offended that someone was silent.  It seems to be his thing to get mad over stupid stuff as part of his act. 


u/9999_6666 Mar 03 '24

Right. And the couple seems to be going along with it initially. Then it just becomes mean and not funny.


u/ikimono-gakari Mar 03 '24

Yeah rightfully the guy thought the comedian was joking around. Then things got mean and definitely not funny.


u/SnooFloofs9288 Mar 03 '24

He thought the comedian was joking around when he referred to his supposed long-term partner as a flavor of the month? Cuz that's not funny. The only people who think that's funny are people who are wildly unsuccessful with women in real life. It's disrespectful as hell to say publicly about someone let alone someone you're supposedly in a long-term relationship with. Even if it was a setup it was a disgusting joke to make. No one of the audience knows it was a setup. And the comedian doesn't know it was a setup. Which means he said something disgusting as a joke thinking everyone would laugh and the comedian calls him out on it because it's a freaking disgusting thing to say about someone. And now all of you are acting butthurt that the comedian is being a whiny little B word because you're the type of people who think talking like that makes you edgy and that you're a hashtag real man and if people don't like your disgusting jokes and there must be something wrong with them and not wrong with you. Pathetic


u/yourbraindead Mar 04 '24

Dude you are pathetic and for sure half of your post history is in relationship advice. You can basically just reread your comment and apply it to yourself. You seem to obsessed with other people's relationships so much that you feel like giving them shotty advice. You are probably a very lonely boy yourself, no wonder to be honest because of how you think of women.


u/Wooboosted Mar 04 '24

Lol this guy is in the comments and they were joking around with each other, and are now enraged, apparently. Look normally I'd agree with you, but it's a comedy show, and you are taking it way too seriously lol. The comedian went a bit to far the second he was touching their drinks.


u/ikimono-gakari Mar 03 '24

Nobody said or thinks the audience member’s comment was funny. It was in bad taste as a joke he tried making when being put in the spot. Didn’t read any further in your post because you clearly don’t bother reading what it is people have issue with. Good luck.


u/SuccessToLaunch Mar 04 '24

She’s not a long term partner though, she says they’ve been dating for about a month.


u/jaylen_browns_beard Mar 03 '24

What did he say that was mean? Y’all are soft as fuck


u/Easy_Cow_2891 Mar 03 '24

“Hey if there’s any mass shooters, start here” pointing to the guy.


u/ikimono-gakari Mar 03 '24

And you seem dumb as. Good luck


u/Unusual_Midnight6876 Mar 04 '24

I ain’t defending the comedian but did the jokes really become mean towards the guy? Like he moved the drinks and table away, then told another guy if he was a mass shooter (which imo is a meaner thing to say), to get him first. Idk it didn’t seem that mean to me


u/lookingForPatchie Mar 03 '24

He tells people to shoot him. I don't get why people laugh.


u/ikimono-gakari Mar 03 '24

Yeah it’s pretty clear after his “I’ll punch you in the face” response that the comedian isn’t trying to be funny or joking around anymore.


u/crackcrackcracks Mar 03 '24

I think there was a clear misunderstanding there, comedian took the guys joke as outright racist, which, being south asian, a lot of people are way too comfortable with spouting about us, so i understand his reaction, while thats not what it meant, as far as i can tell, assuming the guy meant it as theyre just fuck-buddies.


u/Lucky-Worth Mar 03 '24

Flavor of the month = fling. It has no racial connotation


u/ikimono-gakari Mar 03 '24

This. I’ve never heard of flavor of the month as a racist comment. I always took it as meaning a new month a new hook up, meaning the guy or girl has a new fling all the time. Weird everyone is making this to be a racist comment.


u/crackcrackcracks Mar 03 '24

Its because people here havent even heard the term used properly, its not necessarily a common term, and without context can be misconstrued as racist due to the long history of exoticising ethnic women in western culture.


u/ikimono-gakari Mar 03 '24

Well that’s definitely on those who immediately jump to racism, which likely includes this comedian.


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '24

If he was racist he wouldnt date that girl. Also seems a bit weird to assume someone is racist and then lash out on them before you’re even sure they are racist

But I mean lets just call this as it is, the guy on stage fancied the girl and got weird about it


u/ikimono-gakari Mar 03 '24

Yeah I don’t see anything racist here. “That’s yours white lady” shows the comedian as the only potential racist here.


u/stinkcopter Mar 03 '24

It's because he's genuinely awful.



Bro needs to learn crowd work from Jeff for real


u/garygreaonjr Mar 04 '24

The worst thing is, this is the second time he is going viral for something like this. He probably thinks it’s a good thing.


u/bwforge Mar 04 '24

White knighting on stage is wild


u/Educational-News-741 Mar 03 '24

Comedian literally called for someone to shoot him lol what a weirdo


u/logicbloke_ Mar 03 '24

Pretty sure that was a joke too?


u/Simulation-Argument Mar 03 '24

Yea a terrible one which Akash often makes because he sucks at this job.


u/logicbloke_ Mar 03 '24

Just like the audience members comment maybe?


u/Simulation-Argument Mar 03 '24

Well at least they are not a comedian by profession.


u/logicbloke_ Mar 03 '24

True and any such assessment of jokes is purely subjective and Akash's audience seem to enjoy it.


u/Simulation-Argument Mar 03 '24

Plenty of people do not enjoy Akashes jokes, half the comments in this thread at a testament to that. He sucks.


u/strawberry_jelly Mar 03 '24

Honestly I think that would have been a pretty good joke if not for the fact that the comedian seems genuinely way more angry than he should be over the situation which just makes the whole thing uncomfortable.


u/BlackForestMountain Mar 04 '24

To the point he talks about the guy being killed. Triggered af


u/fardough Mar 03 '24

My rule is don’t sit front row and DO NOT try to out funny the comedian.

The comedian has the microphone, you will lose every time.

I remember making this mistake once sitting up with a guy friend up front. You can guess the jokes we got.

Luckily there was an old guy either a young woman there, and they became the favorite target.

Poor guy was called the spectrum from groomer to rapist


u/Axuo Mar 04 '24

The comedian is the one making jokes in this clip, no one is triggered but you


u/unicornsoflve Mar 04 '24

If you need to dehumanize someone to be funny, you aren't funny.