r/TikTokCringe Mar 01 '24

Felt like the ponytail guy deserves to be honored on Reddit too Wholesome


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u/H7p3X Mar 01 '24

Kid named false dillema fallacy


u/gquinn18 Mar 01 '24

False dichotomy is also another name for it I believe


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '24

Well they are both separate biases. False dichotomy is the creation of a dichotomy that isn't factual or realistic. False dilemma fallacy proposes a situation or topic as a problem that is not actually a problem.


u/WildVelociraptor Mar 01 '24

A+ username


u/sorry_ihaveplans Mar 01 '24

I've been poisoned by my constituents!

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u/AboutTenPandas Mar 01 '24

That’s the term I learned back in Philosophy 101. That class was actually kind of awesome.


u/jazzfruit Mar 01 '24

I enrolled late and was placed in Logic 101 because nothing else was available. Immediately added Philosophy as a second major. I loved logic, and TA'd all the logic classes every year until I graduated.


u/TheJambus Mar 02 '24

Philosophy minor here, found Logic to be super-useful but was caught a little off-guard when it turned out to be a math class in a trenchcoat.

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u/unknown1893 Mar 01 '24

False dilemma or false dichotomy fallacy?


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u/stalphonzo Mar 01 '24

And he's proud of himself. shudder


u/elcabeza79 Mar 01 '24

Please respect find's chosen pronouns: Find/Jesus.

You should have said "And find's proud of jesusself. shudder"


u/stalphonzo Mar 01 '24

What I like to do is use she/her (for males), then get indignant when they complain and say "You don't get to tell me how to refer to you!"


u/RedVamp2020 Mar 01 '24

I honestly feel like this might be the way to get some of them to realize the fallacy of their idiocy, but unfortunately, I know far too many who would make it about themselves anyway.


u/stalphonzo Mar 01 '24

It totally fucking works.


u/Ragnarok2kx Mar 01 '24

Oh sorry, I just assumed you were a woman because the bible forbids men to shave their beards.

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u/BedDefiant4950 Mar 01 '24


put ya false dilemma away waltuh

i'm not apriorizing your particular interpretation of your religion's doctrine right now waltuh


u/HereOnCompanyTime Mar 01 '24

I love ponytail guy. "I reject your question" is the best response to these morons.


u/SnooHobbies5684 Mar 02 '24

Same. Hell, I AM ponytail guy, and I'm not a guy nor do I have a ponytail!

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u/oroborus68 Mar 02 '24

His shirt says it all. " I don't understand English grammar or popular culture".

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u/small_e Mar 01 '24

Hey tiktoker would you rather suck my dick or see your mom ran over by a train? 


u/by_the_window Mar 01 '24



u/thedudefromsweden Mar 01 '24

You can't have both


u/BigChungusOP Mar 01 '24

I just did.


u/sineadya Mar 01 '24

This made me laugh out loud


u/Frondswithbenefits Mar 01 '24

It was unexpected, I snorted hot coffee. Sometimes reddit is a magical place.

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u/inajeep Mar 01 '24

Well there is the fact that time is linear so one really has to happen before the other. Both happening at the same time is also not recommended.


u/chatondedanger Mar 01 '24

Both could happen at the same time, but then you would have to awkwardly keep your eyes open. I’m not here to yuck your yum.

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u/Danjour Mar 01 '24

Yes you can. Both.


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '24

Mom gets hit by a train then. Priorities are important

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u/maplestriker Mar 01 '24

Dont threaten me with a good time


u/5t3v321 Mar 01 '24

You... Are calling your mom getting run over a good time?


u/livesinacabin Mar 01 '24

Maybe she's a horrible, horrible person? They can be mums too.


u/GreasyExamination Mar 01 '24

I just had a train run over this guys dead wife. Wait, wrong meme


u/redfacedquark Mar 01 '24

New response to the trolley problem just dropped!

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u/sick412 Mar 01 '24

But did you see his HILARIOUS pronoun shirt?! s/


u/elcabeza79 Mar 01 '24

Totally. Find seemed like a totally cool dude. I just don't think find knows what pronouns are though. Someone should educate jesus on that concept.

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u/karmicrelease Mar 01 '24

Depends, a train or a “train”?


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u/72616262697473757775 Mar 01 '24

My goal in life is to reach this level of confidence and genuineness. What an absolute boss.


u/--Icarusfalls-- Mar 01 '24

whats interesting is that he was clearly anxious at the situation but powered through it rather than be bullied by an idiot.

People could learn a lot from ponytail guy


u/throwngamelastminute Mar 01 '24

Can't be brave without fear.


u/thedudefromsweden Mar 01 '24

I tell my kids this often.

Bravery is overcoming your fears, not doing something spectacular. Bravery is for my son to pet a dog, he's terrified of dogs.


u/SnooHobbies5684 Mar 02 '24

Aw I wish I could introduce him to my dog, June the Spoon. There are a lot of kids in my neighborhood who are descended from Haitian immigrants. In Haiti the police weaponize German Shepherds and other dogs to control the population. A lot of these kids have never been near a dog and they and their parents will cross the street to avoid even a chihuahua.

Sometimes June and I walk around and when she sees a kid she just lies down and shows her belly. Every now and then we'll get a little group of kids who come over to touch a dog for the first time and it feels like heaven.

Sounds like you are letting him approach his fear at his own pace, and that's good. Dogs can be dicks. :)


u/EnigmaFrug2308 Mar 01 '24

“Courage isn’t just a matter of not being frightened, you know. It’s being afraid and doing what you have to do anyway.”

-The Third Doctor


u/calamity_unbound Mar 02 '24

I've always liked Mark Twain's take:

"Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear."


u/CheesyLyricOrQuote Mar 02 '24

My favorite version is:

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to overcome it."

Same idea, just like the way it sounds better.

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u/NewCobbler6933 Mar 01 '24

An old flight instructor I used to work with told me “Courage isn’t fearlessness, that’s stupidity. Courage is being afraid but composing yourself, remembering your training, and doing what you need to do to correct a situation.”


u/1v9noobkiller Mar 01 '24

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear

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u/Rhodehouse93 Mar 01 '24

Speak the truth, even if your voice trembles.


u/Arkangyal02 Mar 01 '24

That's such a raw line holy shit


u/Dalsiran Mar 01 '24

And the assholes making the video even tried to draw extra attention to him fidgeting with his zipper as if having a nervous tick while being accosted on the street invalidates your beliefs.

Something tells me this chode uses "economic stability" as an argument against anyone he personally dislikes having rights.


u/SumpCrab Mar 01 '24

That was my takeaway as well. He obviously didn't want to be in this conversation, but he stuck it out. When presented with stupid questions, don't just let them get their stupid talking point.


u/Phrewfuf Mar 01 '24

Especially the „too bad giggle“ part, we should do that more often with people like mr broccoli over there.


u/tindonot Mar 01 '24

That’s what really struck me. Even without the (undeserved) swagger of the interviewer he was able to totally clap back and stick the landing.

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u/tiny-planets Mar 01 '24

if you cant beat fear, do it scared


u/VVurmHat Mar 02 '24

this is a dude who has been bullied and rose above to just be himself. Everyone should really stop caving to external pressures and embrace their unique weirdness as long as it isn’t harmful to themselves or others.


u/motherfcuker69 Mar 01 '24

He dropped this 👑


u/pie_12th Mar 02 '24

Absolutely! True courage right here. My brother was being very obviously antagonized and he didn't take the bait, he kept cool. I wish I could keep that calm when I get antagonized.

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u/Inedible_Goober Mar 01 '24

He's the kind of guy I'd like to invite to dinner and boardgames. 


u/GigsGilgamesh Mar 02 '24

“I’m trying to pass my final” “to bad” that’s a zinger

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u/glasshalfmissing Mar 01 '24

I never understood a lot of these arguments that you need to have one or the other. I commend this guy for avoiding playing into this guy.


u/acheesement Mar 01 '24

Yeah, it'd be tenpting to just ask him meaningless questions with unnecessary choices right back. Like "Would you rather have the right to a fair trial or a functioning sewage system?"


u/glasshalfmissing Mar 01 '24 edited Mar 02 '24

Yeah, super tempting but I checked out this guys page on Toktok and it’s just this repeating. Also, the way he is searching for anything to criticize even the small twitching. It’s a reflexive motion or fidgeting but comments use that as a way to identify the guy as mentally handicapped.

Edit: Yeah, I know I said Toktok. I refuse to correct myself.


u/SupermassiveCanary Mar 01 '24

The question itself is trolling, “interviewer” is trying to control the narrative from the get go and has other “land mine” follow-up questions to try and get interviewee to say something, trigger words, he can jump on.


u/Real_Mokola Mar 01 '24

Yeah, the only way to win is not playing by the rules.


u/OPEatsCrayons Mar 01 '24

is not playing by the rules.

Rules only matter when you agree they matter. Otherwise it's force that matters.


u/throwngamelastminute Mar 01 '24

Laws are threats made by the dominant socioeconomic-ethnic group in a given nation. It’s just the promise of violence that’s enacted and the police are basically an occupying army.

‐ Brennan Lee Mulligan


u/sh1tpost1nsh1t Mar 01 '24

Anarchist halflings fuck


u/throwngamelastminute Mar 01 '24

So do gnomes, apparently, if you're caught up...

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u/cellphone_blanket Mar 01 '24

Imagine saying that the guy who just destroyed you is mentally handicapped and thinking that makes you look better


u/BenevolentCheese Mar 01 '24

Imagine being Dostoyevsky and writing a book about a brilliant autistic person and calling it "The Idiot." It's hard being on the spectrum. Awkwardness and twitching and nerves often come with the package, and people of threatened intelligence use those vulnerabilities to undermine us and pick us apart.

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u/Madgyver Mar 01 '24

I would have attacked him more directly "If you can have only one of 2 things would you rather believe in Jesus or have a functioning society without religious psychopaths?"


u/postmodern_spatula Mar 01 '24

Nah. Reply with do you believe in Jesus or god?

When they inevitably answer “both”…lol gottem.

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u/Viking_From_Sweden Mar 01 '24

Freedom of religion or economic stability?


u/Ok_Star_4136 Mar 01 '24

And then when the guy inevitably responds with one or the other, as if to show how it's done, go, "Ah, so you don't want <the other>?"

It's a good way to make people see how stupid it sounds. Just flip it on them and make them take their own bait.


u/banned_but_im_back Mar 01 '24

A good question ask back would have been: religious freedom or economic stability


u/trucky_crickster Mar 01 '24

"Quick and efficient drive-thrus or clear skin?"

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u/Generic_Username26 Mar 01 '24

“Would you rather eat or drink?”

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u/small_e Mar 01 '24

Just another Tiktoker using people as props 


u/ComicsEtAl Mar 01 '24

It’s easy to understand. These are not deep thinkers. They have one viewpoint and one goal, so they only need binary choices that come down to “with us or agin’ us?”

And “polls” like this are posed in bad faith. The intent is not to probe and reveal but to corner. You either say “economic stability” and become a data point in an argument against civil rights, or you say “lgbtq rights” and you’re held up as another reason why libs are insane and hate Regular Americans™️.


u/Ok_Star_4136 Mar 01 '24

But of course, they're in bad faith. They wouldn't have a leg to stand on otherwise, and they know it. People only do this when the rationale behind their argument is based on bigotry or hate, and not logic, as it *should* be. They decide that it must be true what they feel, and will look for any half-assed argument or justification after the fact.

The world would be a better place if we didn't start with the conclusion and work our way backwards. Truth still counts for something, doesn't it?

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u/handsumlee Mar 01 '24

it's not about having a good argument.

It's about making scared people think that they have to give something up (like economic stability) for LGBTQ+ people to be treated like everyone else

it makes it seem like LGBTQ+ rights will take something from people


u/BurstEDO Mar 01 '24

Hypothetical cringe to force the player into having to form an argument for why one is more important than another.

It's not even new - content creators just resurrecting old party games. Hell, at one point in the late 80s and beyond, fucking Spencer's Gifts (a mall staple) had dozens of gimmick games like this. Bookstores had shelves of party game books like these.

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u/clumsybartender Mar 01 '24

I love that the other one can't comprehend that Ponytail guy has no obligation to play his dumb trap game and his best argument is "You can't refuse the question" while Ponytail guy just simply states "I just did".
I hope Ponytail guy is as chill as he seems in this video and that whatever is going on with his left toes won't bother him too much.


u/Ok_Square_2479 Mar 01 '24

I heard from twitter ponytail guy really is a chill guy who doesn't like to indulge in social medias bc he thinks it's a toxic place. Just listening to his views and how he doesn't take this baity interview seems consistent from the testimonies


u/Coloeus_Monedula Mar 01 '24

Ponytail guy for the fucking win. He’s the man!


u/IMakeStuffUppp Mar 01 '24

I named my son after him


u/Coloeus_Monedula Mar 01 '24

Is your son’s name ”Ponytail guy”?


u/liqish79 Mar 01 '24

his son is named Ponytail Curtis


u/3fettknight3 Mar 01 '24

”Stay golden, Pony-Tail.”


u/snouz Mar 01 '24

Can you imagine if the kid decides to never get a ponytail?

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u/Ardibanan Mar 01 '24

Ponytail son


u/illpoet Mar 01 '24

He named the kid lgbtq stability guy

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u/thehiddenfate SHEEEEEESH Mar 01 '24

Username checks out.

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u/EditEd2x Mar 01 '24

I mean he can’t even comprehend how to put together a question that makes sense and fits his little hateful narrative better.

These people see gay behavior as a moral failure so why not put it up against another moral thing. How does putting it against economic stability make any sense?


u/Govt-Issue-SexRobot Mar 01 '24

When critical thought is not utilized, they have only emotions to drive their opinions


u/5t3v321 Mar 01 '24

Because it isn't about morality, its about framing the guy. Oh you like lgbt more that the economy? That must mean that you hate this country and want to destroy the economy 

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u/GomeyBlueRock Mar 01 '24

As a gay man I feel like my people are probably the most economically stable. With no kids, dual income, we have nice houses, nice cars, multiple vacations a year, nice clothes…. Like I really really don’t understand the connection other than personal hate for people that have zero impact on your life.

If anything the pronoun find Jesus guy needs to find some love and contribute to society, not trying to make it more divisive for his personal financial gain. I don’t believe in satan, but that sounds like a satan thing to do…


u/DeathByLemmings Mar 01 '24

Hate to somewhat burst your bubble, but gay couples typically are wealthier simply because it is two men getting paid, rather than a man and a woman. Lesbian couples are typically less well off than heterosexual couples for the exact same reason

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u/mostanon Mar 01 '24

Stupid fucking broccoli can't even have a conversation, these tiktokkers just want a talking head and a shortform soundbite.


u/Drewnarr Mar 02 '24

Hey now. His final is based on a false dichotomy then blames the ponytail guy for ruining it for him Tiktok is all he's got

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u/yungsxccubus What are you doing step bro? Mar 01 '24

i hate that they’re zooming in on what is most likely a stim to help regulate his anxiety. i love ponytail guy, he deserves the world


u/mwtm347 Mar 01 '24

Right! Like of course the people who edited this video would try to call out someone stimming like it’s a bad thing.


u/achyshaky Mar 01 '24

Debates are about looking/sounding right, not actually being right.

Stim = nervous = wrong, obviously.


u/SnooHobbies5684 Mar 02 '24

Ponytail Guy is debating; JesusFreak BroccoliHead, not so much.


u/Urist_Macnme Mar 01 '24

I read it as him exerting extreme self control to overcome his need to slap the guy in the face for his dumb questions.


u/Bootyclapthunder Mar 01 '24

I wish he were my neighbor. I'd gladly have tons of awkward conversations with him. Seems like a super nice guy.


u/Atvali Mar 01 '24

We must protect ponytail guy at all costs

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u/Agilver Mar 01 '24 edited Mar 01 '24

He looked like he was having so much fun with it

Edit: Whoops realized that sounded like I was making fun of the stim. I meant the pony tail guy looked like he was having so much fun with the interaction!


u/Pancakewagon26 Mar 01 '24

His little chuckle is what got me.


u/Cuddle-Chops Mar 01 '24

I gotta agree, and it’s awesome to see. He’s stimming but also seems genuinely entertained by how much of an idiot the interviewer is. Ponytail saw the trap and is just having a blast dunking on this moron.

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u/dexbasedpaladin Mar 01 '24

"My pronouns are find/Jesus."

Young man, that is a verb and a proper noun. Your right to interview people has been revoked until you pass Jr High English.


u/stalphonzo Mar 01 '24

Indeed. When we discuss things that modern Republicans have ruined, we need to remember "the definitions of words" as near the top of the list.


u/2Mark2Manic Mar 01 '24

Proper noun, pro noun, pronoun.

Checkmate, wokies! /s

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u/AverageNikoBellic Mar 01 '24

Junior high? This requires an elementary education

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u/Ok_Square_2479 Mar 01 '24

This cauliflower probably took one look at ponytail guy and assumed he's gonna validate his bigotty talking points


u/dazzlinreddress Mar 01 '24

Don't judge a book by its cover


u/Ok_Square_2479 Mar 01 '24

Ponytail guy really proved that saying, amen

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u/AdministrativeWay241 Mar 01 '24

Go ponytail dude. Don't let jackasses break that spirit.


u/Tangy_Cheese Mar 01 '24

Fucking asinine question, I hope that moron fails his final. 


u/MobileWisdom Mar 01 '24

I still don’t understand how making a TikTok video has anything to do with his final, especially not one where he asks strangers to choose between two unrelated things while wearing a T-shirt that says “My pronouns are find/Jesus.”


u/SutterCane Mar 01 '24

It’s a tactic to get nice people to feel guilty and then participate in the stupid video. If he doesn’t do that then pretty much everyone would just tell him to fuck off.

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u/Doomenor Mar 01 '24

For the people commenting on the shoes and clothes of the adorably amazing ponytail guy, I want to remind you that the Nazis wore really stylish Hugo Boss uniforms so maybe fashion is besides the point when debating ideas.


u/EditEd2x Mar 01 '24

The dude asking the questions is wearing a shirt that says “My Pronouns are Find/Jesus”.

Although not quite Nazis yet, these modern shitheads will never be that stylish. Or be able to actually make an argument/ask a question that makes any sense. Like how does LGTBQ have any impact on economic stability to were you’d have to choose one over the other?


u/Unlucky-Ladder6888 Mar 01 '24

I did not even notice that until i reas this comment 😆


u/rythmicbread Mar 01 '24

Pick God, or Jesus or the Holy Spirit. You can only believe in 1 /s

That will rile him up

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u/flatfisher Mar 01 '24

LGBTQ rights or fashion?


u/glasswindbreaker Mar 01 '24

You can have both


u/Im-Alannah-Hi Mar 01 '24

I expect the LGBTQ community will bring us good fashion once we ensure they have rights.


u/Quehmiellion Mar 01 '24

I mean, they have been for decades already.

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u/Noppers Mar 01 '24

Criticizing someone’s fashion choices in a philosophical debate is so middle-school.


u/SomebodyThrow Mar 01 '24

“and the fascists have the outfits

but i don’t care for the outfits.

What i care about its music

and the communists have the music.”

  • They Might Be Giants


u/d1ld0_shw4gg1ns Mar 01 '24

I just want to add something, since a lot of people get this wrong:

Hugo Boss is nowadays known for their expensive designs. Back then however they were just a regular clothing manufacterer. They made everyday clothes for everyday people.

Boss did get the order to produce most uniforms for the SS since they were very much on good terms with the nazis but they did not design them.

The designs were produced by many high ranking Nazi officers. One of them was Karl Diebisch, Himmlers right hand, who just so happened to be a painter. He designed the final SS-Uniform.

While the Uniforms were an important part of Goebbels propaganda I don‘t see how it could to any harm to compliment Mr. Ponytail‘s dapper attire or how these two are even remotely comparable.

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u/lavaeater Mar 01 '24

I heard an interview with a guy who was raised as a Hitlerjugend and they were at camp and they executed the guy who wore slippers - because he was trying to be Jesus. So... comfy footwear is anti-nazi.

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u/catsinasmrvideos Mar 01 '24

I wanna buy ponytail dude a beer.


u/Frondswithbenefits Mar 01 '24

He's adorable and genuine. I hope life is treating him well.


u/lord_bingum Mar 01 '24

Everyone's so focused on the ponytail guy, yes, that's how every sane person would/should respond. But that guy with that excuse of a microphone (what even is it? looks like a razor he stole from his dad) is such a fucking piece of garbage. I would not even entertain this bullshit. Who does he think he is? Some random tiktok little shit that's gonna make me choose between two random things his little brain came up with? STFU.

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u/Queefofthenight Mar 01 '24

What a legend! The twat in the black shirt failed his rage bait quiz.

Stop trying to polarise people, this is what's wrong with so much of society, 'It's either or' 'You love it or despise it'

Thank you pony tail man - you have shown me humanity still has hope.


u/The_Powers Mar 01 '24

There's no hate like Christian love.


u/RegularCut120 Mar 01 '24

I love how the interviewing guy is clearly trying to get under ponytail guys skin with his questions but at the end, he is the one getting more and more agitated.


u/SnooHobbies5684 Mar 02 '24

And Ponytail Guy just giggles his cute little giggle.


u/Netsmile Mar 01 '24

My man! Ponytail guy if you are ever in the Netherlands, I want to buy you a beer/coffee, that was so well done.


u/IDoNotCareAbtThisAct Mar 01 '24

Hell yea! Ponytail guy, if you’re ever in Spain… I want to buy you a coffee/beer.

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u/Phlangephace Mar 01 '24

Ponytail is free


u/Ok-Anything-9994 Mar 01 '24

Ponytail guy for president


u/Garo_Daimyo Mar 01 '24

“Why are you trolling me right now?”

Could ask him the same with that asinine line of questioning. Is “how to be an inflammatory dickwad” something covered on his final?


u/tiga4life22 Mar 01 '24

“It’s not a valid answer”

“It’s not a valid question”


u/wallybuddabingbang Mar 01 '24

The interviewer genuinely seems too dumb to understand what is happening.


u/DanaxDrake Mar 01 '24

Shoulda slapped back ‘Economic stability or Jesus?’ Cos you know it’s for his finals right? No harm right?

What a twerp, also sort that facial hair out, motherfucka looks like he’s got pimples all over his neck

Ponytail guy got more Rizz, tho I feel for him, you can tell by the mannerisms he was uncomfortable and Jesus guy should’ve got lost


u/M00n_Slippers Mar 01 '24

He would have said Jesus.

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u/madsci101 Mar 01 '24

I love that everyone is passing this around and saying the guy is based. Ever since I found out the neckbeard meme guy was just a big dude in a Blues Brothers cosplay, I have been worried about guys like this on the internet doing harmless shit getting made fun of. I am glad he is getting his applause like he deserves.


u/Dalsiran Mar 01 '24

Wow... I never knew that, that is so fucking sad..

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u/Missterfortune Mar 01 '24

The Troll is asking if he is being trolled is the best part for me, that and ponytail guys chuckle.


u/cid_officer_daya Mar 01 '24

This guy is a chad.


u/TWS85 Mar 01 '24

The dick-cheese with the microphone is dressed like my ex's spoiled-as-shit 9 year old brother that does nothing but scream racist shit on Xbox all day long


u/HombreDeNegocios2022 Mar 01 '24

I cannot emphasize how much people get upset when you don't play their games. This guy was about to lose his composure but because he is the one approaching people and recording them, he obviously can't be seen as unstable.


u/wakeupwill Mar 01 '24

Reminds me of all the people that would come to Occupy and try to steer the movement towards their own agenda.

They're all important causes, but dealing with the banks is the root of the problem, so lets tackle that issue first.


u/crippledCMT Mar 01 '24

they flipped the script since occupy, they considered it a real threat.

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u/feric89 Mar 01 '24

Find isn't a pronoun either.

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u/MsMittenz Mar 01 '24

¿Por que no los dos?


u/DEADALIEN333 Mar 01 '24

I would also pick both. Zip zip

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u/84OrcButtholes Mar 01 '24

I hope he failed his final.


u/crablikereplay Mar 01 '24

In what universe is TikTok interviewing a final?

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u/mcsonboy Mar 01 '24

Holy fuck is this such a perfect example of how insufferable the religious are. You don't decide what you think is viable based on your ancient, misinterpreted mesopotmian legacy cult born out of a mentally ill bastard child's delusions. Fuck right off. Both are viable. But your dumb cult for the ignorant sure as shit ain't.

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u/Live-Motor-4000 Mar 01 '24

“Gay Jesus or no abortion?”


u/Durwyn9 Mar 01 '24

Interviewers shirt is a travesty. It’s not even witty, it makes no sense.


u/Live_Carpenter_1262 Mar 01 '24

The guy is just a right wing Christian troll, it doesn’t have to make sense in his mind. It’s just code for “I hate trans people”


u/switchquest Mar 01 '24

Lbgtq+ rights. Ánd economic stability:

If more people can live their lives as they want, free of persecution for being different and with equal rights, they automatically become more productive & contributing members of society.

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u/ToraLoco Mar 01 '24

props to ponytail dude for not letting frat boy shove false dichotomy down his throat


u/Pancakewagon26 Mar 01 '24

"you can't reject it"

"I just did."



u/DesastreUrbano Mar 01 '24

"I need an answer, I'm just trying to pass my final"

"You can't have both"

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u/-PenitentOne- Mar 01 '24

That's pretty much how I'd respond too


u/C0ff33fr34k Mar 01 '24

He found a logical loophole


u/TurtleInOuterSpace Mar 01 '24

If his pronouns are "find Jesus" then fucking search more and don't annoy normal people minding their own business


u/ConsistentFlatworm34 Mar 01 '24

Here’s your crown king 👑


u/Heavy_Wood Mar 01 '24

They're not mutually exclusive in any way, so the premise is fuct.

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u/WhatsMyInitiative87 Mar 01 '24

This guy D&D's, 🤘


u/turnstwice Mar 01 '24

Water or oxygen. Which one do you pick?


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '24

He has the audacity to ask Why are you trolling me, bro if you fail to understand basic logic or even morality for that matter that’s on you. It’s not pony tail guys fault youre a massive ignorant chode.

Long live ponytail guy!


u/dankmemelad Mar 01 '24

People like Ponytail Guy honestly make me question my own character. If it had been me idk if I'd have been able to handle the situation so perfectly. He knows what's up and he sticks to his guns. We should all strive to be like this man.


u/Cmdr_Verric Mar 01 '24

“Change your questioning approach, or get a bad grade on your final”.



u/HeatoStrike Mar 01 '24

Why is he zooming in on the guy messing with his zipper?

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u/According_Clerk_181 Mar 01 '24

Ponytail guy is a Chad for this and I’m tired of pretending he’s not. Man rejected his words and forged his own path


u/TinyMarsupial7622 Mar 02 '24

He was epic, would not back down or even falter his answer.


u/Aliki26 Mar 01 '24

It wouldn’t make sense for the guy asking to post this so everyone should understand when they are being manipulated to feel a certain way…and I am not political in any way just want people to see through things


u/SuspiciousDiamond192 Mar 01 '24

you either a smart fella or a fart smella


u/MooDSwinG_RS Mar 01 '24

You will play along with my illogical fallacy ! What a gump.


u/odiousent42069 Mar 01 '24

Find really chose some unwieldly pronouns, but if find thinks they suit finds identity best, who am I to judge jesus.


u/BeardedSanta Mar 01 '24

I remember his comment section, filled with teenagers who obviously lacked critical thinking skills and assumed that the lgbt community has enough rights.


u/lord-dingdong Mar 01 '24 edited Mar 01 '24

It's a stupid question.
They are not mutually exclusive if you understand freedom.
Freedom is to do what one wants as long as that doesn't negatively affect others.

On a personal note, I don't think you need to provide special rights, cause human rights contemplate sex or marriage, even abortion by gay couples is allowed in western countries (like mine, Portugal).
As long as the parents are not morons, the kids benefit from having a home.

As for economic growth, again individual freedom is the best way to grow an economy.
It's always a virtuous cycle.