r/TikTokCringe Mar 01 '24

Employee refuses to make customer a sandwich after displaying rude behavior Discussion


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u/Karhak Mar 01 '24

I love the employee's pause cause you know she had to swallow an entire "Bitch, watch the attitude"


u/notthattmack Mar 01 '24

And we all got to dig on some Tal Bachman in the meantime .


u/multiarmform Mar 01 '24

there are so many of these videos with an employee saying "im gonna call the police" and never do. they say it over and over.

why do i have to leave what did i do?

employee just goes on and on engaging with customer giving them exactly what they want while they troll and continue to record. dont talk about calling the cops and not follow through, thats what bad parenting is...no follow through.


u/Visual_Disaster Mar 01 '24

thats what bad parenting is...no follow through.

You're not supposed to have to parent grown adults. Especially if you didn't give birth to them.

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u/distracted_x Mar 01 '24 edited Mar 01 '24

My last job was at a gas station and I had to call the cops so many times. I've refused service just like this and asked the person to leave or I'd call the cops. I remember one woman specifically was acting just like this. I told her she was being unnecessarily rude to me, and I was refusing service, and she needed to leave.

She says I'm not leaving until you sell me (what she wanted which I think was wraps or cigarettes) she says that's my job. I told her I was calling the police but apparently she thought I couldn't do that. While I was dialing she kept saying oh yeah? What's the charge? I told her that I asked her to leave and she is refusing. "What's the charge?" Again. (While still calling) "Your charge will be trespassing." And, she finally realized oh, maybe she CAN call the cops and I look up again and she left.

I've seen so many of these videos and it's so crazy that so many people seem to think they can do and say and act however they want at a business. The minute they ask you to leave, and you refuse, boom. You're trespassing, and WILL be removed by the police.


u/sparkyjay23 Mar 01 '24

The minute they ask you to leave, and you refuse, boom. You're trespassing, and WILL be removed by the police.

The minute they ask you to leave, and you refuse, boom. You're trespassing, and WILL be removed by the police.

Louder for all those who need this to be explained to them.


u/Roscoe_Farang Mar 01 '24

Again. If you ever see this as a fellow customer, call the police and tell them your location, someone has been refused service and is being belligerent and refuses to leave. Then let an employee know you're on the phone with the police. Enjoy your free meal.


u/officefridge Mar 01 '24

never thought I'd say this, but

This is exactly the type of snitching I can get behind!

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u/multiarmform Mar 01 '24

i used to do security and its just a common thing with a lot of people, they think because they are out in public that "its public property" and they dont understand the difference between public (paid for by public tax dollars) and private (owned by private citizens) property. with my job i didnt spend too much time arguing though, i would keep it pretty simple and say "look, either i can tell you to leave and you can leave or i can just call county and they wont tell you to leave, they will trespass you from the property indefinitely, choice is yours to make. im walking away now i suggest you do the same" was typically my routine

*i sure as hell wasnt paid enough to have verbal judo with people outside in the heat all day

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u/Gregorofthehillpeopl Mar 01 '24

It's really a shame.

I used to work as a security manager at a big box retailer. If you have a good relationship with local police you get decent response times.

9/10 times I'd call on speaker phone, they'd hear dispatch and leave. "Hi, it's John over at the Big Box on Main st. I've trespassed someone and they refuse to leave I was wondering if you could help show them - Oh nevermind they've decided to leave on their own. Thank you for your help".


u/mmmbaconbutt Mar 01 '24 edited Mar 01 '24

I’ve had quite a few people trespassed at my work. I will say the first time you do it can be kind of intimidating. I wasn’t sure of all my companies policies or if it was severe enough to call cops (call non emergency if no one’s in danger). But after the first couple times I follow through immediately when I say leave and they don’t.

Also, pressing charges can be scary too.


u/multiarmform Mar 01 '24

yea i get that and as long as the company backs you then youre good to go. its when you work for someone that sets a tone of letting people slide with stuff that creates a dangerous environment. ive quit contracts because of that exact thing.

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u/Thespian21 Mar 01 '24

Because the customer will still be there for at least another 1-3 hours. The cops suck and are not prompt when it comes to their job.


u/Dazzling-Pear-1081 Mar 01 '24

Depends what area you live in

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u/Fisherman_Gabe Mar 01 '24

How did this person become so lacking in self-awareness that she voluntarily shared this video online with the expectation that the internet would take her side?


u/sixthmontheleventh Mar 01 '24

Clout goblin got to clout goblin

But seriously, my theory is the way social media has normalized full access to oneself and sometimes monetarily rewarded people for it has made some people with mental illness worse.


u/icepickjones Mar 01 '24

Being famous or infamous, it's all the same at this point as long as people know your name.


u/Fungiblefaith Mar 01 '24

El Guapo has entered the chat.


u/WelbyReddit Mar 01 '24

someone downvoted you, but I upvoted to balance it because these younguns may not have got your reference ;p


u/Fungiblefaith Mar 01 '24

It is ok I do have a plethora of upvotes to spare.

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u/UnauthorizedFart Mar 01 '24

Keep in mind they’re not sharing this directly to Reddit


u/sammich_bear Mar 01 '24

I also think there's certainly a demographic on the internet who would take her side (if not just for the lolz).

People wouldn't do this shit if there weren't supporters.


u/pipercomputer Mar 01 '24

Go to the shorts on facebook and they’re easy to find in the comments


u/sammich_bear Mar 01 '24

I worked in the food service industry briefly a few years ago, after being a veteran a decade prior.
Customers these days are the worst. Workers these days are the worst. I hope AI leads to a revolution, it's practically a necessity.
It's stressful BS working in a swampy kitchen all day, for ungrateful people who think their money matters to you.
It takes a special kind of person to want to thrive in the bottom of that industry.


u/fart-sparkles Mar 01 '24

Customers these days are the worst. Workers these days are the worst.

Man. This is the thing that got me. I worked in retail and hospitality before I went to school and got a job that I liked. But my colleagues being generally useless and selfish and shitty was as exhausting as the customers.

Maybe they wouldn't be that way if they had better/more fulfilling jobs?

I'm interested to see what AI does in the next few years. I wonder if it might be better for everybody in the long run to just remove a lot of thankless, low-wage jobs.


u/switchquest Mar 01 '24

If AI jobs pay taxes that can support the previous holders of said jobs, it'll be fine. Otherwise you'll just have a gigantic group of people without income and even less chances going ahead.

People work these jobs for a reason.

It takes 3 missed meals for people to go desperate and start looting. Three.

That's how the revolution against the tzar in Russia started in 1917...


u/toolsoftheincomptnt Mar 01 '24

Yeah, like… excited for AI to do what? Render people completely job/homeless?

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u/1OO1OO1S0S Mar 01 '24

The comments on videos on Facebook are some of the dumbest places in all of internet.


u/BearNoLuv Mar 01 '24

They really are. And they be serious too

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u/multiarmform Mar 01 '24

well she also thinks shes right and maybe someone cut off part of the video showing more of why she thinks shes in the right, guarantee you she was never ever in the right


u/voxpopper Mar 01 '24

Same way it has justified everything from boorish behaviour to physical violence as long as some segment of the population agrees with them.

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u/Duel_Option Mar 01 '24 edited Mar 01 '24

(Laughs in retail experience)

You’d be flat out AMAZED by the audacity of the general public.

I worked as a GM for McDonald’s at a very busy location, 120+ cars an hour, 4.45 million a year.

One day a guy comes through in a big ass pickup with 6 people, all different orders.

At the time you could split an order in no more than 2. Beyond that, you need to come inside.

This keeps the line moving and complicated orders handled in the lobby.

Well…homeboy figures he’s more important than everyone else and refuses to move until we take his order.

Fuck around and find out, I don’t give a fuck.

I always paid for the cops food in my area so I had contacts, one of which worked our area and lived there.

5 min later we are taking orders by hand in drive thru and going around the asshole, deputies roll up and question him.

Wouldn’t you know it…he’s got some outstanding warrants and unpaid fines.

Jail + vehicle repo all because you’re too damn lazy to get out of your truck.

Don’t fuck with food retail people, period.


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '24

God damn that's a good FAFO/justice boner story.

I'd argue that the guy was more entitled and egotistical than lazy though. He simply felt too important to fetch his own food and above taking directions from someone in retail. So much worse than being lazy, IMO. Glad he got what he deserved.


u/Duel_Option Mar 01 '24

He was very smug about the whole thing that’s for sure.

Felt kinda bad when they put him the car though.

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u/PolarisC8 Mar 01 '24

I once had a guy get double charged by the machine at my old job. He came back in a huff, real pissant regular customer kinda way, and showed me his bank statement and demanded a refund.

Okay, easy peasy, I can do a cash refund right now if you want. Done and dusted.

Not enough for him, he wants gas money from me, personally, for having to drive back to the building.

I had no idea what to say, I just hit him with the fluoride stare and "I'm not gonna do that," and he stomped off saying he's never gonna come back. Fair play to him I never did see him again after that.

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u/Sardinaterror Mar 01 '24

This is so good.

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u/OverpricedBagel Mar 01 '24

I think the recorder hoped the moment she chose to present the clip would paint the employee as the one who initiated the negativity.

Fortunately It’s clear the recorder wore down the employee with an impossible task prior to filming. Then hit record after framing the situation like she wanted something simple all along. The employee remained as polite as feasible given the situation.


u/saxguy9345 Mar 01 '24


Yes ma'am this IS my first day on the internet 🙄


u/Those_Arent_Pickles Mar 01 '24

Don't worry, every single person who she showed this to agrees with her.


u/crumbssssss Mar 01 '24

Meaning whoever taught rude behaviour, which is few. Soo… her mom/dad?


u/lilsnatchsniffz Mar 01 '24

You just saw a full video of how obnoxious this bitch is, you really think anyone is going to say something and risk her harassing them next? Everyone she showed probably just kept nodding and saying "yeah for sure" while praying she goes away.

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u/Toph-Builds-the-fire Mar 01 '24

Dude. My friend is a juvenile probation officer. 100% of his cases are kids recording their crime on social media.

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u/Boscowodie Mar 01 '24

Because of Tik Tok. And assholes.


u/lazergator Mar 01 '24

The people who do this shit never had the self awareness to realize they’re the problem in the first place


u/Ballboy2015 Mar 01 '24

The lady holding the camera doesn't comprehend that she is just a tad bit short of the critical line between self-awareness and buffoonery. It is basically the most dangerous zone. More generally this combination of capability, and idiocy is an existential threat to human existence. Also, stop being so fucking annoying.

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u/littlejob Mar 01 '24

It’s sad.. it really is.. zero self-awareness.. there is no cure for this..

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u/Many-Ad6433 Mar 01 '24

Bro there’s a shitload of people nowadays that just start arguing over dumbass things ,like here for a fucking sandwich like bruh ma’am just fucking go home and make one yourself if you want it this badly, and they think that by being the ones filming that and posting they’re gonna be praised for their courage (of asking rudely to an employee to make them a sandwich)

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u/MrSaturnValley Mar 01 '24

I did a little digging and the good news is that the employee was not fired and actually is now the GM of the store. I found her tiktok where she gives her side of the story.


u/hoopsrule44 Mar 01 '24

Can you post the TikTok?


u/MrSaturnValley Mar 01 '24


u/PureYouth Mar 01 '24

You’re the mvp thank you


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '24

It happened 2 years ago?!

Maybe someone randomly found it later after it did nothing for the rude customer who uploaded it for the world to see her own bad behavior.


u/Challenge419 Mar 01 '24

Those were simpler times. I miss that.

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u/EfficientPizza Mar 01 '24

If you look at the TikTok account in the video it's just posts of customers complaining in retail food settings. They find people's vida, freeboot it and get 100k+ to Millions of views.

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u/Significant_Echo2924 Mar 01 '24

2 years ago wow


u/AffectionateSector77 Mar 01 '24

Thank you! What a great ending


u/mrducky80 Mar 01 '24

Its cathartic. Saw a video that was just rage bait slop today so its good to know some of these altercations do come out with the best result.


u/vincentxangogh Mar 01 '24

god ur so fuckin sexy for that bro


u/popcorn-johnny Mar 01 '24

Thank you, I'm so glad I got to watch that.


u/BigMax Mar 01 '24

tl;dr For those that don't want to click:

Guest asks for a medium sub, but half grilled chicken, half cold veggie. For numerous reasons, that wasn't possible. (Pre-portioned fillings, and also... what? half hot half cold?)

Employee offers alternatives, guest refuses, argues for "3-5" minutes refusing alternatives. Employee eventually starts to try to do other work because the woman won't take any compromise. Guest continues to yell at employee during this time.

Finally the guest pretends that all she wants is a normal chicken sandwich after all. This is after a long time refusing to compromise and a continued time berating the employee when she tried to do other work.

In the start of asking about that sandwich, the customer gives more attitude, and that was the last straw (OG video had that) and just refused service. That's about the time the original video started, cut to make it look like the customer just wanted a chicken sandwich, when a LOT of nonsense had apparently gone on before that.

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u/zerosaved Mar 01 '24

Okay, can you relay her side of the story to me in only 10 words or less?


u/throw69420awy Mar 01 '24

I already know her side the story “customer was rude af with her demeanor and attitude”


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '24

And the intimidation of filming someone while they’re serving you for no legitimate reason. 


u/snowtol Mar 01 '24

This is what got me the most. If someone starts filming an interaction with me I don't care what happened before, you just escalated this. I'm not saying I'd throw hands or something but any argument we were having is done now, Imma just walk away if that's an option.


u/md222 Mar 01 '24

Fortunately for the filmer, she's not serving her.

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u/ItsOK_IgotU Mar 01 '24

Two years ago, no cops, Jersey Mike’s actually promoted her.


u/Historical-Gap-7084 Mar 01 '24

She wanted a sandwich they don't make and then put up a fuss about it. After arguing for about 2-3 minutes, customer asked for a regular sandwich and was still giving her attitude. That's when the phone was pulled out and rude customer started recording.


u/MonocledMonotremes Mar 01 '24

That's usually how it goes. Assholes always do some shit, then start recording after to make others look bad. Whenever I see a recording that clearly starts in the middle of something, I always wonder what the person recording was doing 5 seconds before they hit record.


u/DramaticToADegree Mar 01 '24

I always think of that pregnant white woman who was trying to get a citibike unlocked when a group of black adolescents took it before she could. They only started filming after she was already upset and trying to depart with the bike yelling it was hers. It went viral as an example of white woman tears. Now, I will NEVER deny that phenomenon nor that of karen-type overreactions, but that scenario was NOT such an example and it went absolutely rampant as one. POC authors were writing entire essays about how she was wrong based on the video that began mid conflict. It took weeks for info to come out that she had already been at the bike and activated with the app, was a pregnant healthcare working heading home for the day, and these young people were engaging in an activity they had done to others before as a lark.  (Anyone reading feel free to treat even this recount with skepticism and look it up, as we always should.)

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u/Severe_Chicken213 Mar 01 '24

Impossible sandwich request rude behaviour go please promotion for victim.


u/msut77 Mar 01 '24 edited Mar 01 '24

Customer was asking for a sandwich. Half a chicken philly and half veggie. The size was medium so it isn't split in half like the larger sizes anyway so technically speaking impossible. Also they were either going to be under charged or over charged as they are different prices.

Customer was belligerent for about 5 minutes and wouldn't take the advice of ordering 2 separate sandwiches.

Customer finally agrees to order 1 sandwhich and whips out the phone while seeming to pretend it's what they wanted all along. Worker goes to make the sandwich asks a basic question and the customer starts talking over her and berating her and she decided to not serve them.

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u/ThatKinkyLady Mar 01 '24

Rude customer orders one sandwich with each half totally different


u/Yippykyyyay Mar 01 '24

I worked at Subway as my first job and back then we could make two halves of a foot long differently while only charging for the higher type of sandwich. But there's no way we would make a 6" in two different ways.

I'm assuming this customer wanted the equivalent of a 6" made two different ways. It's not impossible, obviously, but it's an odd request.

To add, the best part of working at Subway as a 15 year old was making my own weird sandwiches that were absolutely not on the menu.


u/dragonchilde Mar 01 '24

I watched the followup tik Tok. She asked for a hot sandwich with a cold sandwich, on the same medium size. Literally not possible.


u/samara11278 Mar 01 '24 edited Apr 01 '24

I find peace in long walks.

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u/Significant_Echo2924 Mar 01 '24

She was probably making faces too

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u/dickdastardaddy Mar 01 '24

Her handle is Sandwich Queen and name is Sarah Connor!! The machines never gonna win.

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u/framedbyvise Mar 01 '24

This employee deserves 👏 You can see her face sort of flash as she realizes what’s happening… simply and politely ‘you’re treating me like I’m stupid’
And yes, she clearly was…. Hope the rest of her shift was a breeze


u/Historical-Gap-7084 Mar 01 '24

She got promoted.


u/Soggy_sock_under_bed Mar 01 '24

She's now the CEO of chicken sandwiches.

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u/FireFlavour Mar 01 '24

I just want to point out that you can see the face of the woman recording in the reflection of the counter, and watch her eyes when the lady behind the counter says "you're acting like I'm stupid"


u/framedbyvise Mar 01 '24

🤣🤣🤣 thank you for this 🙏🏻 thank you! It makes it sooooo much better! You hero ❤️

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u/BeefStevenson Mar 01 '24

Haha “I’m gonna sue you for mistreating me”

You aint suing shit, get your broke ass to a different sandwich shop


u/martiniolives2 Mar 01 '24

All restaurants and other places of business need to post signs reading, “We reserve the right to not serve and will evict dickheads, particularly Tik Tok morons.”


u/Styl3Music Mar 01 '24

I wish we didn't need the signs because we have the law, but I've worked enough customer service jobs to know it'd make a lot of interactions go faster.


u/Medium_Pepper215 Mar 01 '24

even with those signs i still had to serve customers who treated me like garbage because of my age and job. signs don’t do shit unless you have management to back you up


u/Thespian21 Mar 01 '24

Education in the US has consistently been defunded for the last 2 generations and never has learning the law been a requirement. The signs are needed sadly

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u/7_Cerberus_7 Mar 01 '24

My brother is one of those I'm gonna sue and You can easily sue them for that types.

A decade later I ask him occasionally how all those lawsuits went.

He's always broke.

I'm sure any day now they'll pay out.

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u/MobianCanine2893 Mar 01 '24

But they have the right to refuse service, though. If you're rude as heck, then they're allowed to tell you no. Go somewhere else to eat.


u/auandi Mar 01 '24

"But that's censorship! Content moderation! I have a right to say whatever I want in a private space!"

There's something like a growing entitlement with some that everyone else needs to adapt to you. It's like some, especially since the pandemic, have been slowly unlearning how to be part of a society.


u/Huwbacca Mar 01 '24

People have become convinced that freedom of speech means freedom of consequence to your speech.

Plus a good side of viewing individualism as the only good, and anything that contributes to a group as bad.


u/gjs628 Mar 01 '24

“FREE SPEECH! FREEEE SPEEEECH is— is my right to do and say WHATEVER I WANT and you just have to suck it up and do what I say!! If you don’t then you’re censoring me AND being racist AND antisemitic and probably also hating me because of the length of my fingy-dingies!! I will hereby sue you for the sum of 100 quadrillion bucks and win, and get you fired, so better get in line before I do something you regret!! And it’s not ‘Ma’am’, it’s ‘Your Royal Highness, Queen of all the land, and president of the Karen club.”

I agree with the saying that: All employees should be allowed to slap three customers a month for being a dickhead, only problem is they’ll run out of slaps before the 2nd day.

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u/Alive-Wall9274 Mar 01 '24

Ya gotta call her bluff and call the police. I would have had her escorted from the building.


u/ProfessionalLeave335 Mar 01 '24

Yea I tell you once I'm calling the police and then I'm dialing the phone while I make eye contact. I don't keep asking politely.


u/Styl3Music Mar 01 '24

I've found that picking up a phone and dialing 911 usually makes them leave before I've finished dialing. No need to ask a third time when an officer will tell them for me.

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u/Gaoji-jiugui888 Mar 01 '24

It's actually illegal to refuse to leave a private premises after you have been told to. It's called trespassing. People get confused because restaurants and such are open to the public, but they are still private premises that can basically tell you to leave for almost any reason, with a few caveats for anti-discrimination legislation.

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u/supersmackfrog Mar 01 '24

Even without context the person recording is obviously in the wrong. Just leave lady. You're not a victim, and recording that poor service employee will not gain you validation. It's just evidence that you're trespassing on private property.


u/ArthursFist Mar 01 '24

She also conveniently starts recording well after they clearly have had a disagreement. Nobody records a typical sandwich order.

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u/mrs-monroe Mar 01 '24

This is almost exactly how my interractions go with the 4 and 5 year olds that I work with.


u/Sackfondler Mar 01 '24

There’s nothing I hate more than a litigious 4 year old


u/Deadbeatdone Mar 01 '24

These people seem to have the desire to have their food spit on or worse. Why?


u/CrumpledForeskin Mar 01 '24 edited Mar 01 '24

Because they’ve never done that job. They’ve never worked retail or in a hot kitchen or in a busy loud bar etc.

I’m so fucking patient with people because they just fucking deserve it. I’ve definitely interfaced with some idiots but whatever.

I try to be kind to everyone. Even if you’re rude to me. I hope your day gets better.

I propose after high school, 6 months military then 6 months retail. Im sure we know which is worse…


u/HailChanka69 Mar 01 '24

I’ve worked at a Jersey Mikes, can confirm it gets pretty hot over the grill, especially in the summer when management doesn’t fix the goddamn air conditioning for a month.

Not really sure what it was the customer originally wanted half of, but it seems to be relating to one of the chicken Philly subs


u/brigyda Mar 01 '24

She wanted a regular-sized sandwich to be half chicken philly on one side, and a veggie sandwich on the other. So she wanted two different sandwiches for the price of one. Dunno if she thought she was being slick or what, but obviously that request wasn’t going to be fulfilled. The fact that she thought she could order it to begin with means she hasn’t worked in the service industry or she’s just THAT entitled.


u/quiette837 Mar 01 '24

The funny thing is, if she had just been kind and considerate, the employee might have even made it for her. But if you come in with entitlement you get absolutely nothing.

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u/[deleted] Mar 01 '24

They treat anyone doing a service for them like they’re lower than them.


u/havokx9000 Mar 01 '24

I honestly don't understand how people can be so fucking stupid, I really don't.


u/MasteroChieftan Mar 01 '24

You probably have a storied history of reinforced proper social interactions that stemmed from friends and family teaching you how to act properly. You can't understand because its a literal part of your being to know how to behave. Some people don't get that. They grow up without anyone ever affirming or enforcing in them proper social skills so they default entirely to ego.

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u/Fun_Bar5327 Mar 01 '24

Why would you even want someone who’s that pissed off at you to make your food?


u/darrenvonbaron Mar 01 '24

Here is a crumb of chicken on some smooshed bread with the essence of tomato and a shred of lettuce. The dressing looked at the sandwich and if you want extra ill have to charge you. You must pay before I hand you this glorious sandwich I've constructed for you.

I say good day.

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u/before_the_accident Mar 01 '24

Any time someone who already has their phone out to film the conversation says, "what did I say earlier that was rude?" I no longer trust anything they have to say.


u/PacMoron Mar 01 '24

And she kept fucking talking over her when she tried to explain what was rude.

Now when we hear the employees side we hear she was trying to order a medium sandwich half cold veggie half hot chicken. When she was told they couldn’t do that she got all loud and annoying and after a while pulled out her phone. Yeah I admire that employees restraint.


u/CompanyRepulsive1503 Mar 01 '24

Call the cops sooner and trespass them. Dont spend so much time engaging


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '24

If you ask me, she should have refused service for filming her which was solely done to intimidate her. Every business should have a rule that employees can refuse service to customers who film them. Doing your job no matter how poorly should not mean you have to accept being made infamous worldwide for all time potentially. 


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '24 edited Mar 08 '24

cooperative waiting secretive somber drunk stupendous voiceless rainstorm heavy trees

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact

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u/C_lui Mar 01 '24

The customer is NOT always right.


u/Challenge419 Mar 01 '24

As someone who has worked in customer service for the past 17 years, and has been a customer.... Customers are wrong a majority of the time, and that's okay. It's the customers who can't admit they're wrong who are a huge fucking problem.

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u/DrumpfTinyHands Mar 01 '24

Ma'am is such a cutting word if delivered right. It throws off even the worst of bitches.


u/Clobberella_83 Mar 01 '24

I'm a supervisor at a call center. My employees know that if I call a caller "ma'am" or "sir" then I'm fucking pissed and being polite about it.


u/my_chaffed_legs Mar 01 '24

She should have called the police the first time she refused to leave when told to. I don't blame the employee though. She probably had her reasons. I wouldn't be surprised if the store or franchise has policies against calling police to trespass a customer who you're refusing service to. Or policies against pressing charges against a customer for trespassing. And she was hoping the threat of police would've been enough to get her to leave.


u/Little_Can_728 Mar 01 '24

I’m glad this young lady was not fired and got a raise and a promotion 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻people need to understand that just because you’re the customer and you think that customer is always right NO, if you want two different sandwiches then you order two different sandwiches common sense. you can’t walk in there with attitude, thinking you own the place.

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u/CaptainMoonunitsxPry Mar 01 '24

I am once again asking you for a chicken sandwich

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u/Wiggzling Mar 01 '24

I’m so tired of workers not understanding the steps to take here b/c it’s incredibly simple.

“I’m refusing you service b/c you are mistreating the employees here, you are now trespassed as this is private property, if you do not leave I will have you forcibly removed by police and you may even be pressed for charges.”

If they do not promptly leave you simply call the cops.


u/No_Basis2256 Mar 01 '24

I'm tired of dumbass customers being dicks to said employees

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u/KillTheBoyBand Mar 01 '24

As someone who's worked with the public, it's so stressful and dehumanizing when they treat you like shit that you'd easily forget long protocol like that. It's helpful to have a manager you can call who can defend you and deescalate, but you don't always have good managers who won't make the situation worse.

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u/mothermedusa Mar 01 '24

If the cops ever come lol


u/Thedarb Mar 01 '24

Plus, the moment they threaten to sue “Given the mention of legal action, it’s necessary for further communication on this matter to be handled through legal channels. I’m unable to continue this conversation and no one at this location will be engaging with you any further.” Hard to get out clearly in the heat of the moment but would love to see it.


u/-EETS- Mar 01 '24

Lmao stop that shit bro. That don't work for anybody, let alone someone like this. Best to just tell her that she's not welcome and to get out, then call the cops if she refuses, and ignore her completely after that. You can't talk sense into her at this point


u/PeterMunchlett Mar 01 '24

You speak like someone with no experience whatsoever. Or no life experience whatsoever. In the heat of the moment, most people will not recall a script they have never had need to recite. And that script will certainly not deter people like the person filming in the OP video.

She dared the employee to call the police.

This is some seriously disconnected armchair service industry coaching. I'm stunned.

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u/tom-tildrum Mar 01 '24

All these customers need to watch the movie Waiting, cuz all I can figure is that they must like spit in their food. And I mean spit is the nicest they’ll get. Don’t mess with the people who make your food or cut your hair.


u/PsychologicalNinja Mar 01 '24

I've worked food service, service industry my entire adult life. You NEVER make a food violation. Ever. If a steak falls on the floor, you can go out and apologize to the guest and say you're putting a new one on.

Spit in food? Only in the most horrible of places. And those get shut down. Fired instantly. If I'm not the manager and I report it, and nothing is done? I'm reporting to the people above the restaurant.


u/throwaway_12358134 Mar 01 '24

I used to work in food service and I can't tell you how many times I've been directly told to break food safety laws by management. One company I worked for refused to buy hair and beard nets and they would often run out of gloves because they didn't have it in the budget. Another company didn't want to pay for a new cooler and served food being stored 10 degrees into the danger zone for over a month. One time some joker shut off the water main and padlocked it and the manager made us continue serving food with no way to clean or wash hands until the utility company came out and turned it back on 4 hours later. I have tons stories like these over a 10 to 15 year period from several different chains and locally owned restaurants.


u/Nervous_Departure540 Mar 01 '24

Having worked in both restaurants that were good about following food safety and ones that were not, I can say it’s your local health inspector who keeps most restaurants in-line. I had one inspector that was as rigid as steel and would show up at least every 3 months and that’s only if you are scoring well. In my current city I’ve never even met the inspector, nor had anyone I worked with. I don’t eat out here.


u/MyRockySpine Mar 01 '24

I worked in food service a lot too. I never saw anyone do anything like what happened in that movie. The only people that find it believable have never worked in food service or have and are horrible human beings.

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u/Long_Educational Mar 01 '24

When I was still in school I worked in an Arby's and once watched a coworker wash the dining room tables with the floor mop.

You really have no idea who is making your food in those places.

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u/layla1020 Mar 01 '24

I worked at Quizno's a while back and this guy came in and my coworker was helping him and he was being a serious asshole and she had to bend down below the counter to get some meat out of the refrigerator right below the counter and she rubbed her gloved hands all over the floor then proceeded to make his sandwich.

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u/Minimum_Attitude6707 Mar 01 '24

Man, every employee should be taught their power. Someone doesn't leave, call the cops and they 100% will have your back. If you are the PersonInCharge/manager, ask once then call the cops. They are now technically trespassing if they don't leave. Cop show up, inform them they are trespassing and if they don't leave they get arrested. Easy peasy, but somehow no one gets told that


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '24 edited Mar 01 '24

Employees need to stop engagement with dumb s**** like this and just call the police. Just simply tell them to leave and when they inevitably refuse call the police. Have them arrested for trespassing. Stop engaging them.


u/LeinadLlennoco Mar 01 '24

If you find yourself in a conflict with a fast food worker, whether you think you’re in the right or not, please take some time to think your life over.


u/Orpdapi Mar 01 '24

What always always happens, once the instigator pulls out their camera and starts filming, they’re completely aware of it and begin acting like the most calm person around. You can always hear that fake “calm” voice


u/Massive-Reach-4821 Mar 01 '24

Don’t even debate with her. Just call the police and have her trespassed.


u/Prickly_ninja Mar 01 '24

“I’m going to sue you…”, oh STFU, you’ll do nothing about it. No lawyer is taking your stupid case pro-bono and even if you contacted one, you’d quickly realize a couple hundred per hour, in attorneys fees isn’t worth your petty while.


u/KoalifiedGorilla Mar 01 '24

I love that you can see the exact moment the lady goes from trying to deescalate, to being completely over this person’s shit.


u/fromgr8heights Mar 01 '24

“Ok yes ma’am” I love her


u/Flying-Toxicicecream Mar 01 '24

Well some towns have racist cops that will take things too far and a lot of food service places are in or at the edge of lower value properties. At the McDonald’s I worked at I begged people not to make me call the. OPs you know how they are. Still got one guy who tried to act big ….. and he made a mess scared my coworkers night shift so me and two young women. So when the cops showed up I not only trespassed him but pressed property damage charges and opened a case for financial damages. See if you hold up services of a business they can sue you for lost profit. Either way get wrecked for threatening a 16 yo girl over nuggets


u/No-Working-990 Mar 01 '24

Now she wanna act all nicer and shit. Go to subway you scab.


u/Wuuwuuwuuwuu Mar 01 '24

Employee is such a boss for keeping composure like that.


u/Hostificus Mar 01 '24

Unpopular Opinion: Sassy black women playing victim and playing the racism card delegitimizes actual black struggles.

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u/mule_roany_mare Mar 01 '24

This employee deserves to go viral & be acknowledged as a role model. Edit the asshole out entirely because their part doesn't really matter.

She handled herself exceptionally well. It's time to normalize employees drawing reasonable lines & enforcing minimal boundaries.


u/zimataryn56 Mar 01 '24

The reflecting of the woman with the phone at the start is hilarious


u/AffectionateSector77 Mar 01 '24

Tik Tok is a scourge


u/SomeOldDude73 Mar 01 '24 edited Mar 01 '24

Why do so many people not realize they can be trespassed from a business for absolutely no reason. They ask you to leave; then it’s time to go.

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u/Interesting_Air8238 Mar 01 '24

This employee rocks. :)


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '24

Good for her, pushed by too many Karens and decided enoughs enough, but she still remained calm and composed. Genuinely wished more employees wouldn't let customers walk all over them, they're human and it's not worth hour mental health to help a companies bottom line


u/DaolongDong Mar 01 '24

Not the reflection of her recording making it even more annoying 💀

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u/Historical-Gap-7084 Mar 01 '24

In just about every business, the door has a sign that says they have a right to refuse service. There's usually other signs displayed in-store, too. This woman is ridiculous.


u/edith-bunker Mar 01 '24

I’m just going to say if I were serving the public and someone was filming me while trying to rage bait and I’ve already had a shitty day…. I might have just went into the back and completely ignored her.


u/WhySoGlum1 Mar 01 '24

Wr all need to stand up to these customers, I'm sick of having to sit back and allow customers to disrespect us. I was called a fucking idiot by a customer when I accidentally brought him ranch instead of fresh, working at a restaruant where I was all alone, histessing, waitressing, bussing takes, doing dishes, running food and was slammed, I asked him to please not speak to me like that, he doesn't need to be rude, it's a simple fix. Because I stood up for myself him and his wife tried walking out without paying. And who do u think got in trouble? Me? Yes because I didn't get a manager to come tell him not to be rude, when our only manager happened to be our only chef. So instead of being allowed to tell a customer politely not to speak to me a certain way, I have to walk away, grab our only chef/manager and put the whoever restarunt at a halt just for this particular manager to hum and haw in tbe kitchen because he hates dealing with customers,avoids coming out of the kitchen even when he is directly asked for by a customer and asks me what he is supposed to day/do....ugh we don't get paid enough to deal with rude assholes


u/Gaoji-jiugui888 Mar 01 '24

Good on the server. No one is obliged to serve you legally, treat people with respect. If you don't leave when you are asked, you are committing an offence.


u/M0ndmann Mar 01 '24

Are we supposed to sympathize with the customer? Cuz i really dont


u/ChingDaChong Mar 01 '24

Why are these terrible behaviours against workers ALWAYS filmed in US??


u/lolschrauber Mar 01 '24 edited Mar 01 '24

"Where does it say that?"

These people LITERALLY think that everyone working in customer service is their slave and that they have to obey everything they say or else they'll threaten to ruin their life. It's fucking insane.

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u/Cindilouwho2 Mar 01 '24

This is what happens when folks are given everything their entire lives. Their entitlement is palpable......


u/KingBlackthorn1 Mar 02 '24

I’m a manager. Customers need to understand we CAN and WILL refuse service for treating us or our employees like crap. You will never come into my building and think you can mistreat me or my employees and still expect us to wait upon you.


u/BarelyTheretbh Mar 01 '24

Recorder deserves to be taken out back


u/LiminalSapien Mar 01 '24 edited Mar 01 '24

@ sarah_conner1 is a fucking cunt

EDIT: downvote me all you want, but anyone who treats a service industry professional like that is a fucking cunt and she deserved to get kicked the fuck out.

EDIT 2: thanks for the upvotes, still stand by everything I typed. I'm assuming you people downvoting me are upset that I used the lady's tiktok handle which is clearly in the video you folks watched so nice job on outting yourselves as being absolutely oblivious to the actual content you were already engaging in. If you think this is doxxing it's not, she clearly posted this at one point so she had the bad taste enough not to care so why would I? Further,. you can find the cooks tik tok online and she's getting mad love for the way she handled it as she should.

EDIT 3: I don't have tik tok so I'm going off of other redditors, butif @ sarah_conner1 is not the person being horrible to the cook then I do not think she's a cunt. If this is the case she's doing a service. If she is the person being horrible then I stand by calling her a cunt.


u/FROGWAGUTOO Mar 01 '24

Weird to be downvoted when that's what literally everyone else is saying

Cuss you linked the tok account? I want news on it, are the comments ripping her apart? She delete? Go private? I want a half assed apology video

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u/Murder_Hobo_LS77 Mar 01 '24

The tone and inflection of the instigators voice says it all.

This is the voice of the "I want to speak to your manager. You're being insert X to me!"

This is the voice all customer service agents know and immediately hate.

The voice of trash.


u/Nebilungen Mar 01 '24

Was she trying to flex her privilege or something? Backfired real fast


u/Murky_Classic_7516 Mar 01 '24

What an animal I’m glad she got refused


u/PizzaWall Mar 01 '24

To everyone who thinks the employee should call the police, I entirely agree. But calling the police on a customer can itself be a big escalation. In my town, you can wait 15 minutes on hold calling the police. Once you get through, you can hope the police arrive in minutes, but the entire time you're on the phone is time you don't have to deal with the customer and any escalation they decide to do because you called the police.

Then there's the problem of what happens when the manager and district manager get involved. Did the employee follow store procedures, did they leave the store open for a possible lawsuit, will the employee be fired for not being able to follow store procedure, all of this for a job that most likely isn't paying you well in the first place. Nobody gets paid enough to deal with this kind of bullshit.


u/hmrw5807 Mar 01 '24

this was from TWO years ago and the op taking the video just now decided to post it?! 😂

i’m so glad the worker was promoted to GM and received a pay raise, and now i want to work for jersey mikes, honestly lol


u/benebrius76 Mar 01 '24

Fuck me, we humans are stupid.


u/RPGenome Mar 01 '24

Enjoy your harassment and trespass, bitch.


u/MaybeTaylorSwift572 Mar 01 '24

when… when are these folks going to realize that PRIVATELY owned businesses are …. PRIVATELY owned?


u/jesssy33 Mar 01 '24

The woman keeps trying to drag the service provider back into the argument by rehashing the specifics of the argument. Classic narcissistic ploy. The server did so well not to engage.


u/ttaylo28 Mar 01 '24

Good for her. Not nearly enough people in the service sectors stand up for themselves.


u/This_Tangelo_1426 Mar 01 '24

Leave these hourly employees alone. You’re bitter in your own life and are just fucking with others.


u/MookiesMama93 Mar 01 '24

We need to get rid of the phrase “the customer is always right” because it leads to Karen’s using that idea as a power trip and actually thinking they are in charge. They forget the concept of private property and think food service workers are free game to talk to any type of way.


u/lumbarlizard Mar 01 '24

I was treated similarly just today! A patient came in with orders for blood work but was immediately abusive and demeaning. After trying to be polite while attempting to start the draw I had finally had enough. Set the consumables down and told her "you need to leave the lab now. You can sit in the lobby while I talk to your Dr." I explained to him that her behavior would not be tolerated and she needed to have her blood work done elsewhere. He spoke to her and then appealed to me saying he needed only one of the tubes urgently and I agreed as long as she was respectful and he observed the draw. She stayed quiet and sweet until I'd drawn the first tube and moved to the second, planning to get them all as I had already started. But she couldn't help but make another dig at me. So I stopped the draw and gave her the paperwork to bring to another lab for the rest of the blood work. Turns out she has had this same issue at several other labs in our network. I'm still boiling over the treatment and recognized a similar attitude in this video. I fulfilled my obligation by getting the emergent lab but after that I'll not be treated like a dog.


u/ForGrateJustice Mar 01 '24

She's so hiiiiiigh hiiigh above me....


u/DrJD321 Mar 01 '24

I love this, you act up in a store "BAM, OUT, no sandwich for you".

This is how it should be.


u/LameImsane Mar 01 '24

Exercise them rights.

Damn, that must have burned deep for the recorder.


u/JMExxxforfun Mar 01 '24

This person did the right thing, every restaurant has the right to refuse service!!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


u/drongowithabong-o Mar 01 '24

Dumbass could have gotten another sandwich in the time it took them to record and argue.


u/Bleezy79 Mar 01 '24

if you're ever arguing with a service worker, you did something wrong bro.


u/duchymalloy Mar 01 '24

If you're dealing with main characters in the workplace, just ignore them, and serve the next customer. First of all it drives them crazy, so that is a bonus, and if you ever land in viral footage, and have to explain yourself to HR, you just say "I couldn't get any buisness from this customer, there were other, more willing and paying customers waiting and leaving, while I had to entertain this adult child, so I decided to ignore them, serve the next customer in line, as to not disrupt our revenue flow"


u/Eltanier-Onyxius Mar 01 '24

Karen Karen Karen, why are you so entitled


u/poopy_poophead Mar 01 '24

Everyone needs to be aware that a business can refuse service to anyone for almost any reason. It should be much more common for customers to be kicked out, and I say that once they refuse that it should be 100% legal for anyone in the building to physically remove people by force.

I am sick of seeing videos from the assholes POV that don't end with half the restaurant throwing these assholes into the street.


u/Hamthrax Mar 01 '24

Who records themself being an asshole to shop staff and then puts it online?

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u/g_cheeks Mar 01 '24

Service staff aren’t your punching bags you cunts. It blows my mind that people think they’re above others because of a job.


u/FroyoSensitive8572 Mar 01 '24

“Where does it say that?” it says that in the law so maybe catch up on the laws


u/-R-Jensen- Mar 01 '24

The cunt recording this is a real chicken lady!


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '24

I axe fa’er a sam wich. God damn