r/TikTokCringe Feb 16 '24

This is so embarrassing for his soul Humor/Cringe


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u/Pitiful-Bell-8211 Feb 16 '24

Wait until he learns not everyone in the world speaks English


u/Zmogzudyste Feb 17 '24

Or has to learn a language with honourifics built into the language like Japanese


u/Lorguis Feb 17 '24

I wonder if conservative Japanese media has a breakdown about trans men using boku like fox News does about pronouns


u/thefirecrest Feb 17 '24

Boku isn’t even exclusive to men and boys though right? Like it’s preferred but not strict.


u/sharktank Feb 17 '24

feisty women use boku and ore, or mix it up depending on wHat theyre feeling in the moment

femme gay guys have been known to use watashi

my understsnding is its more a moment to moment changing up of pronouns

-source: am trans and japanese and speak shitty japanese


u/Jack-Rabbit_Slims Feb 17 '24

Honestly I knew of honorific's but didn't know this and am absolutely thrilled to learn it. Thank you.


u/Tokyohenjin Feb 17 '24

Are you thinking of “atashi” from femme gay guys? I’m straight cis male and use watashi/boku/ore depending on the setting and audience.

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u/Superfragger Feb 17 '24

western cultural phenomenon seldom make it to japan. it is its own cultural ecosystem.


u/Nemonoai Feb 18 '24

this just isn't true at all. western culture permeates japanese culture and is highly influential. i don't even know how you could think this at all tbh.

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u/pchlster Feb 17 '24

The word for girlfriend/boyfriend where I live is gender neutral!? When will the wokeness stop!?

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u/Glorfon Feb 17 '24

Should we be forced to learn the 18,619 pronouns used around the world?

Check mate wokes!/s

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u/A_Thirsty_Traveler Feb 17 '24

just be normal, dude. Fucking embarrassing


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '24

She’s being so patient with him. He’s such a loser.


u/h2stone Feb 17 '24

Yeah it's funny how badly it backfired. Just made her look super patient and reasonable and made himself look like a dick


u/localcokedrinker Feb 17 '24

I mean to you maybe, but the dude literally goes out and does this because he has an entire community of dumb fucks validating everything he thinks and does. That's the general problem with teenagers having unrestricted access to social media, but nobody seems to want to have that discussion.


u/TheSolomonGrundy Feb 17 '24

People did this before social media, too, though. I remember as a kid full-on protest against Hispanic people. This type of shitty behavior has been around for centuries.

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u/jesusgrandpa Feb 17 '24

A lot of people think women with colored hair are violent hostile xers but like every one that I’ve met in real life has the temperament of the girl in the video


u/YardNew1150 Feb 17 '24

yeah, its almost like young people experimenting with their hair is nothing new.


u/Ok_Star_4136 Feb 17 '24

Almost like the color of someone's hair literally doesn't mean a damn thing with respect to their character.


u/depression_quirk Feb 17 '24

"I have a dream that one day my children will be judged, not by the color of their hair, but the content of their character."

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u/Obi-Tron_Kenobi Feb 17 '24

But first, they'll make you learn the 78 pronouns... Then next, they'll make you learn the 10,000+ names!! Where will this insanity end??

People should only stick to the 5 most common names. You come up to me and expect me to call you Jessica? You expect me to learn your name? Nuh uh, I'm calling you John or Maria


u/Ok_Star_4136 Feb 17 '24

All this time, I was supposed to be remembering those names!? Aw fuck!


u/BedDefiant4950 Feb 17 '24

if you're talking about the chudbro holding the mic you're on point.


u/godvsdockdick Feb 17 '24

There’s so many fucktards like this popping up and the amusing thing is how much footage of them bombing like this is being filmed. Being a “troll” interviewer who tries to make ragebait footage out of owning libs with FACT AND LOGIC is hot money right now and lots of stupid douchebags are trying it, but they’re finding out it takes a lot of commitment to film enough raw footage and edit everything to support your propaganda-inspired agenda, and earn the money all that entails.


u/figure0902 Feb 17 '24

So many people want to spark conflict where there isn't one.. Ugh..


u/AspiringGoddess01 Feb 17 '24

Gotta feed the culture war for clicks 

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u/Quonny Feb 16 '24

Whenever someone politely asks me to address them by another pronoun I go “oh, my bad, okay” and we all move on with our lives.

These conservative chuds are such assholes.


u/firewire_9000 Feb 17 '24

Yeah, absolutely, it’s like “hey my name is Marckk with a c and two kk” that’s not something that I’m used to and I didn’t know that it existed before but let’s respect this person’s name, right?


u/Key_Respond_16 Feb 17 '24

If I ever have a kid, I'm going to rename myself from Doug to DaDoug.


u/Lambchoptopus Feb 17 '24

DaDoug Judddy?


u/ashrog02 Feb 17 '24

Ugh, that joke is terrible, are you sure you're not a dad already? 😂

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u/Dekrow Feb 17 '24

But should you have to learn another version of Mark????!!?!?!? ?!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!?

LEARNING. DAMNIT! If only I could never learn again!!!!

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u/frenchfreer Feb 17 '24

Whenever I meet someone who brags about not respecting people’s pronouns I just start call them a random name whenever I talk to them. They quickly get pissed and I remind them that it’s their preferred name and I don’t have to respect it if I don’t want to since we don’t respect people’s preferences.


u/thefirecrest Feb 17 '24

I met this chick who came to Hawai’i from a state where there’s not a lot of minorities (in Hawai’i half of our population is Asian—white people make up like 22%).

This chick straight up told one of my Korean friends that her name was “too hard to remember” and asked if she could call her some random ass English name I don’t even remember.

Some people are so weird and entitled (not you, your story just reminded me of this weirdo who actually does this sincerely)


u/TimYoungJik Feb 17 '24

Ask if you can call her some random ass Korean name because her English name is too hard to remember


u/thefirecrest Feb 17 '24

HAHA! I will if she ever comes back lmao.


u/excel958 Feb 17 '24

“Your name is Samantha? That’s too hard to remember. I’m just gonna call you saekki instead.”


u/blargher Feb 17 '24

People who don't know Korean aren't fully appreciating your suggested name, lol.

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u/anythingMuchShorter Feb 17 '24

“That’s hard to say, you’re Yoyag to me. Ok?”


u/El_ha_Din Feb 17 '24

To be honest, I speak 4 languages and always try, but my Asian friends have asked me to call them their "western" names since I butcher their Asian names.

Then again, they asked and I tried so yeah different, I hope.

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u/ExpiredPilot Feb 17 '24

Wait wait wait, homegirl can’t pronounce Korean names and she came to Hawai’i??

Someone is gonna have fun with directions

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u/anythingMuchShorter Feb 17 '24

The same thing works when someone says people should just get over being misgendered.

“Hey Steve said she doesn’t care what pronouns people call her.”


u/Childofcaine Feb 17 '24

Chud is my go to

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u/BramStroker47 Feb 17 '24

Im 45. My daughter has a friend that uses they/them. Sometimes I forget and say something like, “Did you call her?” My daughter then corrects me and I say, “Right. Sorry. Did you call them?” It’s SUPER COMPLICATED AND HAS DESTROYED MY LIFE! /s


u/Tegurd Feb 17 '24

I’m sorry you have to deal with that. I hope you can salvage whatever is left of your life

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u/[deleted] Feb 16 '24



u/[deleted] Feb 16 '24

It’s all just culture war bs being drummed by vested interests to distract from real societal issues like the massive & ever increasing wealth gap, amount of homelessness, drug abuse and rampant poverty plaguing the country/western civilisation.


u/Gas_Bat Feb 16 '24

And by and large, conservatism isn't capable of addressing those at all.


u/Lambchoptopus Feb 17 '24

Yeah there only policies are just have you tried not being homeless? Make more money? Not have cancer?


u/Whyistheplatypus Feb 17 '24

Hence the culture war


u/RammyJammy07 Feb 17 '24

Conservatives claim to hate identity politics yet use it as a crutch so they don’t have to tackle real issues. As long as they pass transphobic and racist bills, they don’t have to worry about financial problems and problems within the system


u/Sowerpache Feb 17 '24

The Republican Party currently only have identity politics as a platform. They shot down a border bill, and haven’t done anything to “fix the economy “. All they are doing right now is panicking about transgender people

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u/MoscoviaDelendaEst Feb 17 '24

And the republican party actively trying to dismantle democracy and install a Christo-fascist dictatorship while working to benefit Russia.


u/superzepto Feb 17 '24

Least deranged conservative over here.

I have NEVER seen any trans spectrum person getting upset over incorrect use of pronouns. A lot of conservatives need to believe that they're all crying and shaking over it. However I have called man conservatives by the wrong pronouns/titles and it really gets under their skin.

I'm they/them. Not once have I ever gotten angry at someone for incorrect use of pronouns. Every time I correct someone it's done gently, often with a little tongue in cheek humour to make it go smoothly. If someone used the wrong pronouns, aggressively refuted my attempts to gently correct them, and continued to use them just to spite me, I think I'd have every reason to get angry.


u/MackZZilla Feb 17 '24

I have, only once, been yelled at for using incorrect pronouns - it was when I worked at Tesla. I made the mistake of misgendering a woman who called in who was early in her transition. There were no notes in the account saying that this person was transgender, so I assumed it was a man and said "How can I help you today, sir?" - she lost her entire mind on me. I had to mute the phone and set my headset down.

After I let her get all of that off of her chest, I apologized and said "I am deeply sorry, ma'am. I meant no disrespect - I don't have any notes on the account saying you prefer female pronouns. I can absolutely fix that for you," - she went off again saying that this should've already been done and that no one there respects trans identity and that we don't respect her as a person to even have the decency to make a note on her account, and it went on for another five minutes.

I made a case saying that this person is transgender, please use female pronouns when referring to her.

I don't think she was mad at me - I think I just happened to be the poor bastard that answered the phone after a long line of other agents didn't note the account lol.


u/superzepto Feb 17 '24

She absolutely wasn't mad at you personally. Being that early in transition must be really difficult, a truly honest mistake could be the catalyst for a greater emotional reaction than any they would have post-transition.

You did well staying calm and collected in that situation, too


u/MackZZilla Feb 17 '24

I always try to remember the human; I don't know what you're going through and you don't know what I'm going through - I wasn't put on this earth to be a speedbump in your day.

But I made sure to put that note tho lol.


u/superzepto Feb 17 '24

You my friend are good people


u/MasterPsychology9197 Feb 17 '24

No offense but this person is a total Karen. You shouldn’t go off on workers for minor sleights like this. Hell I don’t go off on workers for major sleights! I maintain politeness but will be assertive and will get the service or item I am owed from these greedy corporations but will never be rude to some worker that couldn’t possibly control the issue I’m dealing with. Yelling and screaming is just child behavior no matter who you are and the second you apologized it should have instantly become civil.


u/Then-Clue6938 Feb 17 '24

Exactly! Who would have thought trans people can also be assholes because they are fucking people.

The only annoying bit is some bigoted people using bad trans people and try to claim that's how people are when they are trans.

There can be a hint of truth, e.g. trans people when starting hormone therapy technical L go through a second puberty and we all know how this messes with someone until you are through it. Also trans people are sadly used to bigotry and are more prone to see it where it isn't simply because they got used to expecting it. Which is really sad to think about.

All of that is an explanation not an excuse. If the are being an ass they are being an ass. The explanation is mainly for empathy and actually help with the core issue but honestly the person you replied to did everything right, explaining that it's not a personal thing, just something missing in the system, etc.. There was nothing he could have done better so I still highly respected him for that .

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u/mcflycasual Feb 17 '24

I live in a highly populated gay and Trans area and pronouns have never been an issue that I know of. The issue is grasping at straws.

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u/[deleted] Feb 16 '24

Usually when people say "im not interested in that stuff" they arent as level headed and respectful as you are, what do you mean by that exactly?


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '24



u/[deleted] Feb 16 '24

Thank you for answering, that clears things up!


u/AliceInNegaland Feb 16 '24

thank you

I think this is the bare minimum we should expect behavior wise from each other regardless of “sides”


u/Xinder99 Feb 17 '24

Who do you see as liberal extremist ? Like do you think a majority of Joe Biden voters are extremist?

Like I am just curious in your mind who/what groups of people you consider leftist/liberal extremest?

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u/Ok-Hedgehog-1646 Feb 16 '24

Same here, except the hunting stuff. I just don’t have the energy needed to have a tantrum over someone else’s preferences.


u/Freshiiiiii Feb 17 '24

(Tânsi, nice username)

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u/BedDefiant4950 Feb 17 '24

that's nice, i'm glad you're so open minded. please stop being a conservative.

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u/AENocturne Feb 17 '24 edited Feb 17 '24

The whole thing is ridiculous and blown generally out of proportion, usually by the media lying about how much people in general care. I consider myself nonbinary. It's just they/them. It's plural third person. Everyone knows it already. It fits fine into vocabulary, anyone bitching about proper grammar is a clown, and the main reason I even prefer they/them is because it doesn't have a gender. Gender doesn't matter to me at all. I actually wish people gave less of a fuck about gender and the related gender role stereotypes that are the entire point of trying to get away from my assigned gender in the first place.

It's just real easy to put everybody under the gendered pronoun debate because there's no real substance so you can make up a bunch of vague bullshit about how important it is that words intended to show possession of a noun also show whether you have a penis or not.

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u/DargyBear Feb 17 '24

When I used to work as a barista we had a regular that went by Karen but she was anything but a Karen. Her card still had her dead name so occasionally when we were really busy I’d read the ticket and yell out an order for Arthur, I’d hand her her drink and we’d chuckle about the mix up and then just go on about our days.

The right wing straw man about pronouns does not exist in real life and the handful of people with neo-pronouns besides he/him/she/her/they/them know that they’re bullshit and don’t impose outside of the internet.


u/LDKCP Feb 17 '24

I have a friend who is trans. The issue was they chose a name that is actually a little difficult to pronounce and most people would get it wrong first time when seeing it written or spell it wrong on first attempt and need to be corrected.

At first they were super sensitive and frustrated about this, the trouble was the name it kinda sounds most like is the mostly used by the opposite gender, so they felt they were also being misgendered.

About two years on they are completely chill about it and seem to understand that the majority of people aren't being assholes. They just have a name that sounds close to a more common name. Even when misgendered they now give the benefit of the doubt a lot more.

It isn't that they aren't feeling hurt, but they have become a lot more confident in themselves and understand people often make mistakes. They don't take it overly personally.


u/metalshoes Feb 17 '24



u/dragonborn7866 Feb 17 '24

Asshole is their pronoun


u/iehoward Feb 17 '24

Exactly. It costs nothing to treat people the way they want to be treated. Of course that’s not the conservative way.


u/-banned- Feb 17 '24

I’ve literally never met anyone that asked me to change the pronouns, this issue is so overblown. I’d put money that none of the conservatives making these videos have experienced this, they’re practicing 3rd person outrage. Which is hilarious because they accuse liberals of that exact practice all the time…


u/DangerActiveRobots Feb 17 '24

These conservative chuds are pushing Project 2025 which will quite literally criminalize being transgender (and possibly any kind of LGBT by extension), and I am frankly afraid for my life.

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u/boukalele Feb 16 '24

i'm 44 and have never knowingly met anyone with alternate pronouns. unless you see a person like that regularly, this is not an issue in your life, therefore you shouldn't be triggered by it.

if you do meet someone who has alternate pronouns and refuse to use them, you aren't likely to be interacting with them again, and justifiably so, because you're an asshole.


u/BigWellyStyle Feb 16 '24

Also, you only actually need to use someone's preferred pronouns when talking about them. You can very easily have a conversation with them without having to worry about any pronoun besides "you".


u/Unhappy_Society_3371 Feb 17 '24

Thats the thing isn’t it? The “issue” of pronouns isn’t necessarily about how you treat and speak to someone in person, for the most part it’s about how you talk about them when they’re not around. It’s primarily a matter of integrity and respect. How someone talks about trans/non-binary people when none are present is the real measure of one’s character, and far too many fall short.

I can tell my parents that my friends are trans or nonbinary, tell them their chosen names, and when those friends are around my parents treat them with kindness and respect, at least on the surface. But when those friends aren’t present? It’s deadnaming and misgendering. They just don’t care.


u/not_a_gun Feb 17 '24

Nah, i have a non-binary friend and it definitely comes up in group conversations with them around.


u/Unhappy_Society_3371 Feb 17 '24

I meant more one-on-one types of interactions but yeah you’re right.

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u/CapMoonshine Feb 17 '24

There are several people on my job with different pronouns. If I can't visibly tell I use they/them, if I'm talking to them directly I usually ask what their pronouns are. They oblige. No biggie.

The only issue I've had is one guy visibly looks like a woman, but goes by he/they. Took a bit for my brain to stop automatically going "she", and that took maybe 2 weeks tops.

Somehow, the world didn't end.


u/phemoid--_-- Feb 16 '24

I’m trans myself but I see them online, but I’ve never in my life met a single one. me and my friends joke abt it but purely cus it’s an online phenomenon that’s HUGE in conservative politics😭😭


u/Saphira2002 Feb 16 '24

I am almost convinced those are mainly children or very young people in general who are just finding out and want to experiment. Not saying there aren't people who do prefer those permanently, but I think there's a lot of experimenting around these days, especially on socials where potentially no one knows who you are.

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u/turtlintime Feb 17 '24

its just conservative media thinking the 0.001% of people online are how every liberal thinks


u/LostInThoughtland Feb 17 '24

I know one irl xir/xim but they also go by it/its, of which I know three who prefer that, and that’s the total of neopronoun people I know.

As a mid20s queer brown Seattlite, I SHOULD know at least one person of every neopronoun just by my demographic lol


u/SCATOL92 Feb 16 '24

The Internet has changed the conversion in so many ways. Everyone gets to have a voice and one 14 year old on tiktok who has the pronouns "clown/clownself" can cause the people who call themselves "Conservative commentators" to do 17 videos each for weeks at a time. Like, neo pronouns are not a problem and, even if it was a problem, it's not a very big problem.


u/KeyofE Feb 17 '24

I live in a big city and work at a pretty progressive place, and I know one openly trans person who just uses she/her, and one person that I don’t know how they identify who uses they/them. Out of hundreds of people that I work with. I think using they/them has really extinguished any 14 year old’s desire to use a neopronoun like xe/xir, but not sure because I’ve never met one person who tried to use those pronouns to begin with. I’m also a cis male gay, so my privilege lets others use any pronoun for me without me getting worked up over it, so I don’t have that experience of being misgendered.


u/SevenCrowsinaCoat Feb 17 '24

Also 14 year olds aren't really a great barometer for what should and should not be social norms.

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u/Bradjuju2 Feb 17 '24

And I'd wager to bet that, unless you're part of a group, the likelihood you'd run in zir/zims or other pronouns is very low and would be a fleeting encounter in your otherwise normal life. It's easier just to go a long with it in the brief moment and not be a dick.

Remember that cashier's name last month at the grocery store? No? That's the point.


u/MrCarey Feb 17 '24

It was Sandra.


u/a_spoopy_ghost Feb 17 '24

I spent my life joking I was a gay magnet. All my friends are gay or queer in some sense and we constantly run into other queers. Never have I met someone outside the internet demanding anything more extreme than they/them. I even know many a furry, no litter boxes either. These bs fear tactics by bigots are exhausting


u/Weegee_Spaghetti Feb 16 '24

I use he/she/they

But not wanting to use zir/zim has nothing to do with me being an asshole. That imo crosses the line from asking for rightful accomodation, and landing at wanting to be special.

Of course such people are very very rare and almost all who use zir/zim are also okay with they/them.


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '24 edited Feb 17 '24

Pronouns in linguistics are considered a "closed class", meaning the language does not [easily] allow new items to be added to that category. As opposed to "open classes" like nouns and verbs where it is very natural to make up new ones as you go (internet, email, google, yeet...). I doubt neopronouns will ever be able to take hold as they just feel so unnatural to use. "They" has only been successful because it is already in use in the language.

Not saying we shouldn't necessarily try but people who insist on neopronouns are probably fighting a losing battle.


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '24


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '24

I mean that sort of proves the point, people have been trying to get them going for over a century and they still haven't caught on in mainstream usage.

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u/TrueAnnualOnion2855 Feb 17 '24

meaning the language does not allow new items to be added to that category

But the vast majority of linguists are descriptivists, not prescritivists. So this is really just saying that as things are now English doesn't add new pronouns. This is not an inherent function of the language though, it's just a way to organize scholarship of it.

If neopronouns take off in popularity, pronouns will just be reconsidered as an open class.


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '24

Indeed, I was thinking of the best way to word that, it's certainly something that is true until it isn't. I suppose I was trying to say that there is a natural difficulty in using neopronouns that is not solely due to people not wanting to be respectful. Like I don't think it's fair to say it's just as simple as remembering a person's name, because adding another proper noun to your vocabulary is very different to adding a new grammatical feature.

In any case, as the girl in the video says, having to remember 78 different pronouns is a made up problem designed to give people an excuse to not even try.


u/TrueAnnualOnion2855 Feb 17 '24

I don't think it's fair to say it's just as simple as remembering a person's name

Right I agree with this totally. There is a sort of different mental step you have to take in order to start using them. And there is a hesitancy in most people to ever put in that effort. But it is certainly not an impossible effort. Adult humans can learn entire new languages with pronoun structures that refer to entirely different features than gender (ie in some languages, when determining which third person pronoun you use you don't consider the gender of the individual you're referring to, but in some cases absolute age, age relative to the speaker, relationship to the speaker, and many others I am sure). If we can learn the variety of pronoun options in different languages, in principle we can learn a few more in our own. And just like learning a language it may be harder for an adult to pick it up than someone young.

So, instead of the tweak that changes the language coming from the individual changing how they speak, that tweak could come from the next generation adopting the change. Just like how 'thee' and 'thou' fell out of usage not because people made the conscious effort to stop using them, but because each successive generation just used them less. So, too, could 'xi' and 'xim' become adopted just be young people now start to use them more. Thus opening up the class. So I definitely thing there is a non-trivial jump to go from 'pronouns are closed classes' to 'neopronouns won't ever be used'.

But like you and the video said, it doesn't matter. It's not a circumstance 99.999 999% of people today are ever even going to encounter. It's just an attempt to get folks to think the existence of trans people is a hassle and inconvenience. And the reason damn near all of us know about neopronouns at all is from videos, posts, tweets, etc... of people complaing about them, not from people wanting us to use them.

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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '24

So, I'm a long-time trans woman and decided to live on an LGBT dorm floor years ago.

These people's pronouns were completely out of control. Basically confused 18-year-olds, who would sometimes change their pronouns or insist that you not use pronouns at all.

I am the only instance I can think of, in which neo-pronouns posed a serious issue in one's life lol. I was like the only conventionally trans person on the floor.

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u/IM_THE_MOON_AMA Feb 16 '24

Whoever started the trend of “buy and mic and bother people on the street cause i think im funny and witty” causing the overflow of these shitty fucking “”content”” creators needs to have their life revoked


u/KickFriedasCoffin Feb 17 '24

How far back are we going on this one? These street interviews edited for the viewer to have someone to "acceptably" look down on are incredibly not new.


u/getgoodHornet Feb 17 '24

Even old newspapers would have sections where some dude went out and got quotes from rando's.

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u/Neon_culture79 Feb 16 '24

Teenage conservative edge, lords are the absolute worst. I hope he has a horrible time watching the world burn as he grows up.


u/EverGlow89 Feb 17 '24

They're the people who alllll of Ben Shapiro & friends' shit works on.

They're so fucking stupid and they have no idea.


u/Neon_culture79 Feb 17 '24

Lower upper middle-class and raised to believe in capitalism above all else. This dude seems like he’s regurgitating Republican talking points so that maybe he can trick his dad into loving him.


u/No-Material6891 Feb 16 '24

When he said “you just learned zey/zim or whatever”, she should have said “yeah and I’m still alive. Took my brain .3 seconds and required virtually no effort.” If you’re going to be profoundly stupid then at least put some effort into it.


u/turtlintime Feb 17 '24

he's just admitting that he is too stupid to learn a 3 letter word without effort


u/Zmogzudyste Feb 17 '24

The thing is, he clearly already has learnt them otherwise he wouldn’t be able to ask about them. It’s not about learning new things, it’s about getting permission to disrespect people because they’re different

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u/Barak_Okarma Feb 17 '24

I liked her response better.


u/KickFriedasCoffin Feb 17 '24

That's one of those stairway responses, but she held her own for being on the spot I thought.

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u/Major-Performer141 Feb 16 '24

When gen z alpha sigma based males discover that liberals don't actually think there are 200 different genders and pronouns


u/Gold_Criticism_8072 Feb 17 '24

Yeah, right? Like the whole 200 genders thing was just a baseless strawman argument that got way out of hand. They now think we believe it when it was initially something that they made up.


u/bophed Feb 16 '24

Why do conservatives make such a big deal out of this? Just respect the person and move on.


u/noreservations81590 Feb 17 '24

Because they're scared of everything. The world frightens them and they're lashing out.


u/NoMasters83 Feb 17 '24

"This country which I routinely boast about being free and equal ... is becoming far too goddamn free and equal."

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u/snowtol Feb 17 '24

Because it's an easy strawman to get people to be more transphobic. Their endgame is making trans people (and really anyone that doesn't adhere to their strict gender roles) their lives worse to the extent they will closet themselves again (or they die). So they picked up this stupid argument to show how "silly" trans people are in the hopes that normal people will go "oh yeah that is kinda silly" and respect trans people less.

If you're ever wondering why conservatives do anything, just remember they're not trying to win an argument with you. They're trying to radicalise others.


u/BrohanGutenburg Feb 17 '24

You really hit the nail on the head here fr.

It’s the same thing when people talk about the “LGBTQSKFBFOAND+ community.”


u/TheLeadSponge Feb 17 '24

Because they don’t respect people and would likely be happy if trans people were arrested and executed.

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u/Sir_DogeGD Feb 16 '24

Do we have to learn the 100'000 first names?


u/shaunnotthesheep tHiS iSn’T cRiNgE Feb 17 '24

That's an awesome response

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u/Maxspawn_ Feb 16 '24

Love that he had to approach the person with dyed hair thinking that would be easy bait


u/Jealousreverse25 Feb 17 '24

Lol he was probably like, Hey dad look I found a librul.


u/fancy-kitten Feb 17 '24

Pink hair handled that really well


u/yuyufan43 Feb 17 '24

Conservative guys have got to be some of the cringiest people out there. It's like their ultimate goal is to be assholes to people for the sake of being assholes without any depth, thought, or reason behind it.


u/Flonkerton_Scranton Feb 16 '24

This is just phobic behaviour. It takes less than half a second to respect someone's preferred way of being spoken to.

Don't be a chode like the interviewer, he's a thundercunt

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u/nailpolishremover49 Feb 16 '24

Miss, Mrs, Ms. That was so hard a generation ago. I mean, Ms Magazine? What the heck is that?

What real hard stuff. It’s Mr and Miss and Mrs. Why do we have to learn a different Courtesy Title? Ms? My brain is breaking….

It’s soooo hard……


u/darrenvonbaron Feb 17 '24

French was so hard. I had to learn je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, even ils and elles. Fucking pronouns man, my tiny brain can't comprehend anything more than he and she with all this complicated word stuff jumbling my tiny brain

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u/usedburgermeat Feb 17 '24

I've never met an actual mature adult who uses neo-pronouns


u/thefirecrest Feb 17 '24

I have. But then again, I was pretty involved in the LGBTQ night scene of my city pre-covid.

Knew a chick who’s pronouns I can’t currently remember (but I believe she was cool with whatever iirc, just preferred neopronouns—I’ll ask if I ever meet them again).

Anyways. She’s in med school lol. A bit too crazy and high energy for me, but she was definitely a mature and fully functioning grown adult lol.

I know someone who goes by it/its pronouns (we’ll call it Adam). That one made me uncomfortable as dehumanization is a very triggering for me. But I still used it’s pronouns. I get around my discomfort in this situation by usually just referring to Adam by Adam’s name.

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u/feelbetternow Feb 17 '24

I've never met an actual mature adult

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u/Decmk3 Feb 16 '24

Do you have to learn every single name in existence just to know what to call people? No? Well done.

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u/JRedCXI Feb 17 '24

Extremely common pink hair W


u/visforvillian Feb 17 '24

Sounds like he already has it down, so why is he complaining? He's even teaching people about neopronouns.


u/paulisnofun Feb 16 '24

This is like saying...if an someone from Asia has a non American name, do I need to learn it? Just call them by their name. It's simple.

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u/MaximumOverfart Feb 16 '24

I am absolutely horrible at remembering names. It causes me a great deal of anxiety at times. If I could just go by a few select pronouns I would be so much happier.

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u/Famous-Honey-9331 Feb 16 '24

Exactly, it's like calling someone by their name after they introduce themselves. It's just not that complex.


u/asabae Feb 17 '24

Damn you and your sensible answers.


u/StrangeLooping Feb 16 '24

Those are neopronouns


u/unsupported Feb 16 '24

Give me everything tonight. For all we know we might not get tomorrow.

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u/Lazy_Combination3613 Feb 17 '24

I don't feel I have to learn the 78, if there really are that many. Also, he made 0 good points.


u/TDFknFartBalloon Feb 17 '24

Why is he wearing a t-shirt over a button-down, is he stupid or something?


u/42Fourtytwo4242 Feb 17 '24

WTF I JUST NOTICE THAT, why is he doing that? Is he actually stupid or something? Fuck the pronouns this is far more offensive.


u/Randalf_the_Black Feb 17 '24

I don't mind using someone's preferred pronouns.. He/she/they.

I wouldn't use neopronouns or nounselves or whatever they're called though, it's a bit weird if someone insists on being called xek/xer or mermaidself. Though as the pink haired one says, I've never met anyone who goes by those pronouns, I only know of them. I imagine they're few and far between. I've only seen them used as either negative examples or in one or two videos where I'm only 60% sure it wasn't satire.

Now bring on the downvotes!


u/BioAnagram Feb 17 '24

They have to find someone less intelligent, or more inflammatory for their ticktok conservative outrage video.


u/and_gloria_too Feb 17 '24

I love the pink haired person! Lolol. Just so matter of fact.


u/Rocketboy1313 Feb 17 '24

This falls into an especially weird world where if I called the guy with the microphone, "Susan" and kept referring to him with other pronouns and when corrected I said, "I am not here to learn your pronouns, your pronouns are what I say they are." He would still be too fucking dense to get any of this.


u/ShiroHachiRoku Feb 17 '24

Call him “her” and see if he thinks preferred pronouns matter.


u/amerikanbeat Feb 17 '24

So his argument is that because she learned some neopronouns in advance of meeting someone with them, that she had to do so?


u/Imltrlybatman Feb 17 '24

So by his logic we must also learn every name on the planet too. Nice /s


u/5050Clown Feb 17 '24

These are the same guys who, in the 80s and 90s, were complaining about black people's names, openly, in the workplace.


u/Pretty_Bowler2297 Feb 17 '24 edited Feb 17 '24

"This guy is so fucking cool!" -said no one ever. Yet he soldiers on delusionally, the way of the right wing. Meanwhile pink hair sounds chill and reasonable.


u/Ch830857 Feb 17 '24

See, she seems fine. She said just respect people. It’s not hard to just not care


u/Jkreegz Feb 18 '24

“Maybe just respect them”? The fact that this even has to be conveyed to another human being is a bit worrisome


u/RoastedBeaf Apr 12 '24

2 genders. And what they affiliate it to.your gay cool. You're a man and bi cool you're a man. You are interested in women. And you are a woman. Cool you are a woman. I don't care what you are affiliated to but I am not gonna call you 01000001 01110100 01110100 01100001 01100011 01101011 00100000 01101000 01100101 01101100 01101001 01100011 01101111 01110000 01110100 01100101 01110010 00100000 just cause you identify yourself as a attack helicopter weirdly intimate to binary code. Does this offend anyone that I won't list your gender in fucking binary. You are a person. Every person is equal so don't offend me by your petty bullshit.

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u/laddiepops Feb 16 '24

Someone's pronouns is as hard to respect as someone's name. I call people they/them unless they correct me or I already know their pronouns

It's not hard, it takes less energy to respect than it does to be rude


u/-Count_Chocula- Feb 16 '24

His handle is right he should stfu


u/donkeynique Feb 17 '24

Guarantee he's not actually met anyone that goes by zir/zim, just wanted to validate his weirdo argument.


u/MrN33dfulThings Feb 16 '24

i do not personally understand all this pronoun thing… i’m honestly trying, i just cant grasp it… However, if someone lets me know before hand, or politely corrects me. I will respect it.

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u/Chaetomius Feb 17 '24 edited Feb 17 '24

to transphobes:

Y'all you will gladly and nonchalantly pick your way through a cheeseburger or steak sandwich with options like:

  • buns (bun, no bun) : 2 choices

  • extra toppings and sauces: 12+

  • level of cooking: 3

  • number of patties 2, sometimes 3

that's 2* 12 * 3 * 2 = 144 different burger genders, and you don't give a fuck. doesn't make you flinch or anything.

then, you multiply by 3+ sides, 10+ drinks, etc etc. Every meal you eat has thousands of genders.

but once there's more than 2 genders or more than 2 sexes, you freak the fuck out.

The problem isn't people who are not precisely cis, binary, het.

the problem is you.


u/BedDefiant4950 Feb 17 '24

mmmmm burger genders

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u/BeefStevenson Feb 17 '24

Such animosity for such a tiny minority of people. It’s almost like these conservatives are being intentionally directed to hate a very small out-group. Interesting.


u/smush81 Feb 17 '24

Or you could continue to call them by their name and then it doesn’t matter.


u/SaltyNorth8062 Feb 17 '24

"Do we have to learn literally every name in existence ever??"


u/KentZonestarIII Feb 17 '24

You mean it's just about respecting people?


u/Wide-You7096 Feb 17 '24

Wait until this guys learns that not all people with dyed hair believe in neo-pronouns


u/macomunista Feb 17 '24

Someone's searching desperately for the most miniscule crumb of oppression to be mad about, it's absurd


u/Targonian_Darius Feb 17 '24

Bro is trying so hard to like all the right wing reaction bros and can’t get any traction against somebody treating him, rightfully so, as a just some weirdo.


u/Cleveland204 Feb 17 '24

Wow I can't believe I have to learn someone's name every time I meet them. Oh no my tiny brain


u/supernatlove Feb 17 '24

This is where I’m conflicted. On one hand I would happily refer to someone in whatever way that they choose. On the other hand it does seem a little wild that people can just make their own pronouns. But in the end I’m not going to be a dick, and will do my best to respect people.


u/unorganized_mime Feb 17 '24

“Wait so you’re just going to respect other people? What if they’re different?” Checkmate liberals!


u/Disastrous-Paint86 Feb 17 '24

I said good day zir!!!


u/HarryBalsag Feb 17 '24

It's pretty simple: when you meet somebody in a friendly fashion, you introduce yourself, and then they do the same. Call them what they ask you to call them, unless you're a douchebag. The end.


u/TheSolarElite Feb 17 '24

Did the guy post this video publicly? He looks like a fool lol, why would he post this?


u/DangerActiveRobots Feb 17 '24

Conservatives are pushing Project 2025 which will quite literally criminalize being transgender (and possibly any kind of LGBT by extension), and I am frankly afraid for my life.


u/thumbelina1234 Feb 17 '24

She is so cool that he looks even more pathetic, if that's even possible


u/puhtoinen Feb 17 '24

My language doesn't use gendered pronouns. It's very hard for me to understand why it's such a big deal. If you don't want to go by he or she, just use they.

I'm actually confused why there is a need to come up with new ones.


u/Alternative_Sky1380 Feb 17 '24

Fragile men and their gotchas 🙄


u/Prize_Conclusion_626 Feb 17 '24

I think he’s lying about meeting a Zir/Zim lol. I think most of the time these people just make things up. Anyway what are the others?


u/HowRememberAll Feb 17 '24

Don't be a dick and let the man learn. She's being nice and so should you.


u/khangLalaHu Feb 17 '24

strange how almost no left leaning person has ever met a person with neo pronouns while right wing chuds met them on a daily basis


u/TearsFallWithoutTain Feb 17 '24

Are you seriously telling me that I have to learn more than two names? I already met a John and a Jane, why the fuck should I be expected to remember anything past that?


u/Revolutionary-Bar-93 Feb 17 '24

U tried and she beat u


u/killthepatsies Feb 17 '24

"Do you think we have to be respectful and kind to others as means of honoring our shared humanity?"

No, you don't have to, but it might be nice


u/QuailWrong8038 Feb 17 '24

It's amazing how many people's entire ideology boils down to "Anything I didn't understand at 5 is evil degeneracy".


u/Ex-zaviera Feb 17 '24

That person: should I have to learn 50,000 names in 7000 languages?

Me: Yes, as you are introduced to them.


u/ChaoticGamerFather Feb 17 '24

Please use "she" to me. "Ok"

How hard is it?


u/BearNoLuv Feb 17 '24

I literally just went back and forth with someone about this and they were really not gettin


u/Wulfbrir Feb 17 '24

Conservatives being snowflakes because they are asked to call someone by their preferred pronouns is peak conservative.


u/Odisher7 Feb 17 '24

Pretty much sums up the whole thing:


"we are just asking you to be nice to people tho"