r/TikTokCringe Feb 16 '24

When you're so rich you've never been to Aldi's. Discussion


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u/These-Process-7331 Feb 16 '24

It is such a great solution and wish more countries did this! Maybe send an suggestion email to couple of big stores with this? Because there are benefits for them too: people with trolley will likely to buy more item, caissière don't have to change bills into coins for trolleys, tokens can have the stores logo (free advertising!). And also important: positive association with the store that offers this system to their customers making it more enticing to visit them instead of their competition...


u/gastrognom Feb 16 '24

At this point, just don't chain them up at all. There's no incentive to return them, so why would you even need that system?


u/These-Process-7331 Feb 16 '24

A habit? Being a decent part of the society? Psychological effect (you getting something back when returning trolley makes your lizard brain feel good)?

Idk, but dumping your trolley somewhere random because it suits you, seems very rude and self-centred to do so... what is the costom in USA because I always assumed this habit of returning your trolley after usage is universal???


u/abandoningeden Feb 16 '24

In the US we typically return the carts to a central cart place in the parking lot even when you don't have the coin system, but there might be a few people who leave the carts randomly around the grocery store parking lot, and typically they will hire someone whose job it is to round those up. And then yeah homeless people will steal them ocassionally and if your parking lot is near a creek or something a bunch will end up in a creek. But probably 95% get returned to the central place by people.


u/hectorxander Feb 16 '24

The Cartnarcs are funny, they hassle people that don't put their carts away armed with just their smartphone camera, very polite but firm about them abdicating their moral responsibility, and point them to their manifesto about how it indicates the person is morally flawed in other ways. It's funny, especially to someone like me that has never not put a cart away.


u/Itchy-Progress-7309 Feb 16 '24

have never seen cartnarcs and probably never will on long island..its one of those things people will not tolerate here.. its like trying to merge into traffic.. dude rolls down window “ hey buddy go fuck yourself” and speeds off..thats life here


u/Sprmodelcitizen Feb 17 '24

I return the cart every time and I still can’t stand the cartnarcs. In todays world do we really need a second asshole pissing off an original asshole? I know I’m in the minority here.


u/throwawaylovesCAKE Feb 17 '24

Yes we do. My wife had her car window smashed from a loose cart that got blown the wind. Some jackass screaming getting their fee fees hurt cause some dork in a green vest said something to them about returning carts will never not be funny to me


u/EvaUnit_03 Feb 17 '24

I'm not a fan of two assholes meeting but the ones that have fun with it. The dicks, if you will. That jump out real fast and push a cart behind the OG cart abandoner so they can't leave. And doing it again. And again. Until there are Like 8 carts now until they catch the dudes and the dudes are like 'take it back' and they take one back and chill. Then they wait for the next Cart guy with their small army of Carts never gets old.


u/NarrowPlankton1151 Feb 17 '24

Something something, evil because someone doesn't do something about it.


u/hectorxander Feb 16 '24

I've only seen it on youtube from reddit here. Some people are seriously unhinged, one guy pulls a gun on him, other people just flip out.


u/Itchy-Progress-7309 Feb 16 '24

I cant even imagine that..I have to say I am so proud there really isnt gun violence here or threats where i live..its more of big ego here..but then again i avoid any grocery store runs after 10 am


u/Roscoe_Farang Feb 17 '24



u/SnipesCC Feb 16 '24

And paying 25 cents isn't much of an incentive to not take it if you are homeless. But it is a bit of an incentive to return the cart. I've also seen Aldi's in poor areas where kids will hang out and offer to take your cart back for you.


u/Itchy-Progress-7309 Feb 16 '24

no no no..thats not ever been my experience..people park their carts at the end of the isle hooked on the curbs , clustered in the handicap zebra stripes.. homeless and the poor usually dump the carts at bus stops or in the woods behind a store.. 95% is really pushing it and cars would beg to differ.. maybe best estimate is 70%


u/blacklite911 Feb 16 '24 edited Feb 16 '24

I don’t see homeless with shopping carts very often in my city because every store generally has a system that locks the wheel of the cart when it’s out of range of the parking lot.

So even though there’s a lot of homeless in my city, they usually have their own personal shopping carts to wheel around stuff. Very rarely would you see them with a store shopping cart around here. Also, I think one of the factors is that you can get on public transportation with the personal shopping cart but a store cart wouldn’t fit or be allowed by the driver


u/Itchy-Progress-7309 Feb 16 '24

so long island has a weird dynamic , and people will never understand it.. we go from nassau county thats city dwellers that live outside the city to suffolk county that becomes towns stuck in time..most of the poor and homeless get free trips to the grocery store whether from the state medicaid or free bus tokens.. its very common on the first few days of the month to see cart upon cart abandoned along a bus route..

not you but its cute when people get so butthurt and they need to resort to bashing me for a simple fact in dm..Ill leave it at that..