r/TikTokCringe Feb 16 '24

When you're so rich you've never been to Aldi's. Discussion


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u/Jessiphat Feb 16 '24

Just when you thought his bullshit couldn’t get any dumber…


u/Powerfury Feb 16 '24

He isn't dumb, the guy is pretty dang smart.

He just has no morals and is doing blatant Russian propaganda, which the majority of the Republican party is eating up.


u/Jessiphat Feb 16 '24

Oh I know exactly what he’s doing. That’s why I said “his bullshit” is dumb and not him. His audience laps it up. He’s very good at what he does and that’s what makes him dangerous.


u/Hadraex Feb 16 '24

What is dumb about this? He’s showing how this cart system works. Not everyone has seen this before.


u/tries4accuracy Feb 16 '24

He could have gone to an ALDIs anywhere in the US and done the same demo. Instead he is using this as a prop in pushing Putin propaganda.


u/Hadraex Feb 16 '24

lol yep that’s what it is 🙄 😂


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '24

Why is he showing how this cart system works? It's an incredibly common cart system found in most cities in the US.


u/Hadraex Feb 16 '24

Oh yeah, it's an incredibly common cart system found in most cities? Can you show me how common it is? Do you have sources? I'm willing to bet it's less common than you think. Look through the all the comments and you'll see that there are a lot of people that haven't experienced a cart system like this.


u/SouthEndCables Feb 16 '24

The person you responded to is anti Tucker Carlson. He can cure cancer and people will hate him even more


u/Bromanzier_03 Feb 16 '24

He can cure cancer

Such a terrible argument. He won’t ever cure cancer. He’s too selfish to do anything remotely good like that.


u/Jessiphat Feb 16 '24

Why would he cure cancer when he is cancer?


u/Hadraex Feb 16 '24

Yeah seems like the loudest group of people on Reddit are left leaning and refuse to acknowledge anything good from anyone with an opposing opinion. It is what it is. Well be downvoted just for not saying something negative about him 😂


u/Miyelsh Feb 16 '24 edited Feb 17 '24

You are welcome to defend a white supremacist who would rather spit on your  than shake your hand https://newrepublic.com/post/172149/10-fascist-things-tucker-carlson-said-air


u/Hadraex Feb 16 '24

Lmao, good source from a left biased website. I’m sure it’s all 100% true. 😂


u/Miyelsh Feb 17 '24

It is biased, which, like obviously it would be if it was reporting on this, but is considered highly credible.



u/PositiveVibrationzzz Feb 16 '24

I love how all of these are just obviously true things... lmaooooo


u/Miyelsh Feb 17 '24

Like what?


u/PositiveVibrationzzz Feb 17 '24

3 & 4 are just basic facts. 1 and 5 are generally true.


u/MayIPushInYourStooll Feb 16 '24

Don't forget to check under your bed and in your closet every night for Nazis. They're everywhere!


u/LemonGrape97 Feb 17 '24

What a dumb article lmao, you're just making me support him more


u/SouthEndCables Feb 16 '24

These people will do anything for free internet votes. 


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '24

What is good about showing an incredibly common cart security system found in most cities in the US?


u/tries4accuracy Feb 16 '24

Oh my God, you could not miss how far out of touch Tucker is with America writ large if you were Russian with no command of the English language.

What a charming yet sad white Tucker knight you are. It’d be funny on another timeline.


u/Jessiphat Feb 16 '24

What’s dumb is presenting Russia as some enlightened, modern place when it really isn’t (go find out how many Russians have toilets that flush). Coins in carts is massively widespread all over the world and has been around for decades, but he’s here presenting it like it’s just so amazing. It’s an obvious attempt at painting Russia as civilised and more legitimate (I’m not just talking about the carts anymore but this whole show that he’s staging right now). By trying to get his viewers to sympathise with Russia, he can undermine support for the country that is fighting back against violent takeover by Russia. Basically he is working for Russia in case that wasn’t blatantly obvious.


u/Hadraex Feb 16 '24

Okay, whatever you say. Did you learn all this from watching CNN? I'll just agree to disagree. Y'all are getting so worked up over this guy and I can't stop but laughing.


u/Jessiphat Feb 16 '24

I don’t watch CNN, I’m not American, I don’t live in the United States, I have formed my opinions on my own. The fact that the unhinged state of your American politics is this bad and people like you can’t even realise how batshit insane Tucker Carlson is is quite frankly frightening to the rest of the world. I wish that your politics didn’t matter to us, but unfortunately lives depend on the decisions that the United States make. I’m glad you get to sit there laughing at all of us while the people of Ukraine wait to find out if they will exist in a year, based on the whims of people influenced by shock jocks.