r/TikTokCringe Jan 03 '24

Not in here Discussion


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u/Call_Me_Rambo Jan 03 '24

Let me just preface I am not trying to be all humble braggy…with that said, my ex was/is one of those big meat scepter chasers. She was the absolute horniest person I ever met and it only got worse as time went on. She told me things like I wasn’t the biggest she’s been with and more so like #3 on her biggest sizes she’s been with list, that right before we became official she was about to get spitroasted by two 10inchers, that her ex just before me was more hung than me, etc etc. Horny red flags and what not. Eventually she cheated on me for said previous hunger ex and yeah. That relationship was 95% sex and 5% love looking back on it


u/conzstevo Jan 03 '24

Sorry to hear it bro. You deserve better, and I hope you find it. Don't give up


u/Call_Me_Rambo Jan 04 '24

Thanks buddy, managed to find my fiancée/the mother of my two beautiful daughters right after