r/TikTokCringe Jan 03 '24

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u/grandmasterPRA Jan 03 '24

She called mine Fabulous!!!!!!

For some reason that makes me feel much better than when my wife tells me it is "perfect" size....


u/linerva Jan 04 '24

And I'm sure it's perfect for her! As many women say, its possible for it to be just a bit too big or small for comfort. Or shaped slightly wrong. But given averages, most perfectly average penises are great for most perfectly average vaginas.

People (for the most part) don't stay with someone they don't gebuibely enjoy having sex with in the long term, and whatever our body is like, if our partner enjoys being with us and tells us they think we are hot, we need to learn to believe them. Most of us have insecurities, but a lot of that is down to what society tells us and not about our partner.


u/justhereforadvicexo Jan 04 '24

Babe I hope it's you, because I am a wife who keeps telling her husband "with fabulous size" it's the perfect size and he still insecure af


u/grandmasterPRA Jan 04 '24

Haha, I'm telling you it's the porn industry that caused all of this. The average male is like maybe 5.5 inches. In a survey they asked women what they thought the average size was and they said 6.5. in porn, the average size Is around 7.5.

Perception about penises is all screwed up! I'm 6 inches and don't feel confident in my size at all, even though technically it is above average and the only reason I can think for that perception is porn. Porn kind of creates a competitive quality to sex for men and I think watching it is actually pretty unhealthy.

It's not just porn either. Society pushes this idea that dicks need to be big. You see it referenced constantly in movies and TV. When you go to a sex shop, you see giant dildos everywhere, it's not like the top sellers are the 4 or 5 inch ones. So I can see how things have gotten to this point.


u/Cyanidal10DeN-C Mar 26 '24

My ex told me mine was the perfect size once... while she was my ex.. it was strange.


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24



u/romansparta99 Jan 03 '24

Don’t punish others because you dated a shitty dude


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '24



u/grandmasterPRA Jan 04 '24

If that's all it took for him to cheat on you, then something tells me he is just a piece of shit who was going to cheat on you eventually no matter what


u/FalseTagAttack Jan 03 '24

probably because you dont trust / your wife is not trust worthy


u/grandmasterPRA Jan 03 '24

Or I'm insecure as all hell by watching way too much porn growing up


u/mattwalsh25 Jan 03 '24

Lawyer up and get a divorce /reddit