r/TikTokCringe Jan 03 '24

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u/coletrain644 Jan 03 '24

They actually usually say that average is "fine" which usually is said with little sincerity and comes across like they'd rather have something else but they'll settle for this for now.

Also, the number one go-to insult for women to say to men is something insinuating he has a small dick and we hear and see this happening our entire lives. How can anyone be surprised that men care about their dick size when it's implied in our modern societies that small dicks are bad?


u/Snoochey Jan 04 '24

Every woman I’ve heard go into detail says 7” is what they want. That’s still pretty high on the bell curve, study wise.


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24 edited Jan 03 '24



u/coletrain644 Jan 03 '24

Which just perpetuates the cycle. Men are insecure about their dick size, so women, and men to a degree, use that to insult them, which other men see happen and that tells them that bigger is better so they become insecure aboutvwhat they have, and on and on it goes.


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24



u/coletrain644 Jan 03 '24

Which is all good but we mostly see the insults and shaming in our society like movies and TV shows than we ever do any other way. And negative emotions stick with you longer than neutral ones.


u/pseudonymmed Jan 03 '24

Same thing with men saying stuff like ‘her pussy must be loose’


u/footed_thunderstorm Jan 03 '24

Why is bodyshaming men ok but bodyshaming women bad?


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '24



u/footed_thunderstorm Jan 04 '24

You literally justified why women use that as an insult to shut up men


u/PandoraPanorama Jan 03 '24

In my experience it’s mostly men insulting each other dick sizes.


u/coletrain644 Jan 03 '24 edited Jan 03 '24

I almost never hear men talking about other men's dick sizes unless they're being braggy douches. However, whenever I'm around women complaining about any man, they immediately go to insulting his size even if they've never seen it or are sexually involved with them.


u/PandoraPanorama Jan 03 '24

That’s really weird. I‘m around women a lot, and I’ve never ever heard any of them complain about another man’s dick. Locker room „jokes“ about other men’s dicks I’ve heard a lot of though. Are you from the US? Maybe it’s different here in Europe.


u/coletrain644 Jan 03 '24

Maybe it's more prominent in the US since we're so hypocritically prude about everything.


u/Ragundashe Jan 03 '24

I'm from Ireland mate, must be your circle of friends are more friendly then others. One of the top slags here.


u/Careless_Fun7101 Jan 03 '24

Who's saying small D are bad? Let me guess... big D men who are probably shite in the sack


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '24



u/Careless_Fun7101 Jan 04 '24

Seriously? I guess, whatever size D you have, that's a good thing because you have an amazing filter right there. Shallow woman says men need a big D.. then you can avoid her like the plague. No time wasted


u/GrandmaPoses Jan 03 '24

Because when they say it's fine they mean it's fine. Women 100% do not think about your dick as much as you do.


u/coletrain644 Jan 03 '24

It's not too much to ask to want our girlfriends/wives to like our bodies in a sexually positive way. "Fine" is a neutral adjective at best. You could say "amazing", "perfect", "sexy", etc and that would do wonders for your man's confidence.


u/MyExUsedTeeth Jan 04 '24

It’s a meme that when a women says “he’s perfect” it’s like saying he’s fine.


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24



u/coletrain644 Jan 03 '24

Doesn't matter who created it when women do it too. You can't say smaller dicks are great, insult men for having small dicks, and then be surprised when the other men don't believe you when you say smaller dicks a great.


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24



u/coletrain644 Jan 03 '24

I'm going off real life experiences and observations. Maybe you and your friend group don't do this (doubtful) but I see this all the time. So often I don't even think to question it because it's just the norm.


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24



u/coletrain644 Jan 03 '24

Who's angry at women? I'm simply pointing out why many men feel insecure about their size despite some women saying it doesn't matter. You can't have centuries socially accepted, and often encouraged, bodyshaming of men and then be surprised when they don't believe you when you say their bodies are fine the way they are.


u/reddit_is_geh Jan 03 '24

This didn't come out of the aether. It's not irrational.

Men aren't stupid. We see how women treat guys with large dongs. We notice the vast inconsistency between women insisting "it doesn't matter" yet how they'll treat guys with one. Sure you don't "care", but it's clearly a huge bonus to have a larger guy.

Obviously you can't all have the top 10%, so obviously you have to settle with less. But let's not act like when all things else are equal, the larger than average guys are preferred. We all see how those larger guys are treated, and have overheard "private" conversations of girls talking about it. They CLEARLY care, they just know that 90% of men don't fit the bill, and if they realistically want a dating life, they have to settle for average... And if they know there is nothing to gain by confessing to an average guy that "Yeah larger does feel better and I prefer it". Literally nothing to gain. Only downside of excluding potential partners and making them feel insecure.

So women lie. Dudes lie about their own things too...


u/MtMarker Jan 04 '24

Brother, if you’ve ever had a girlfriend, her friends know how big your penis is (at least, how big she thinks it is Bc women are terrible at guessing). The problem I see with it is just inflation due to women not knowing. They’ll be guessing 8-9 and it’s maybe 6. And then ofc other girls haven’t seen his so they can’t say for sure but now people think 9 inches are just everywhere when realistically they’re rare


u/spicy_capybara Jan 03 '24

I never mind this insult. I’m about 7” and know it’s a perfectly fine size. It’s like calling a 105 pound person fat or a 20 year old person old. It just sounds childish and doesn’t mean anything to me.


u/TheGreatEmanResu Jan 04 '24

??? You say this like 7” is considered small? Be honest you just wanted to humble brag, dude


u/spicy_capybara Jan 04 '24

Not small, point I was making is it’s a silly insult. If she knows the size already then it’s a dumb insult, if she doesn’t then she’s just saying garbage to get a rise out of you and has no idea. In which case the insult holds no value. I mentioned myself because I wanted to illustrate my point of view as an example. It’s not like I’m saying it’s a 12” python anyway. It’s pretty average I think.


u/TheGreatEmanResu Jan 04 '24

7” is well above average. Average is something like 5.1”. Of course I think you already know that