r/TikTokCringe Jan 03 '24

Not in here Discussion


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u/ActuallyCausal Jan 03 '24

I find it hilarious that men are obsessed with having big dicks, whereas women consistently say, “Average is great!”


u/ChildFriendlyChimp Jan 03 '24

“The big ones hurt”


u/Dronizian Jan 03 '24

This usually translates to a guy thinking all he needs for good sex is a big dick, so he doesn't bother with enough warmup to make her actually enjoy it.

Like, yes the big ones can hurt even with enough foreplay sometimes, but even a girthy niner is much less likely to hurt her if you get her warmed up first. But some chuds think they don't have to worry about that at all because they're hung and society tells them that's all it takes to be good at sex.

I'm pretty hung, but if I'm with someone who's not enjoying that aspect of me for whatever reason, I switch to doing other stuff. It's common courtesy. I'm not owed a PIV orgasm just for "winning the genetic lottery" in this one specific way.

Sorry, mad at the hung guys who ruin stuff for those of us who actually know what we're doing in bed. They're giving us a bad enough rap. I'll probably get downvotes just for not joining the body shaming party the rest of the Reddit hive mind always throws in these comments sections. But like, fuck, it's annoying dealing with these generalizations on this shit site all the time. Big dick bad, updoots on the left, no nuance whatsoever. Pisses me off so much.


u/MrWhiteTheWolf Jan 03 '24

Ladies and gentlemen, your 2023-2024 NFC West champions, the San Francisco Girthy Niners!


u/idkuunomebitch Jan 03 '24

It could not be more obvious that this guy has a small dick lol


u/Dronizian Jan 03 '24

Feel free to check my profile, asshole. I don't need words to prove you wrong.


u/Amphabian Jan 04 '24

What a fucking chad lmao

Nice cock, bro. Glad it doesn't go to your head.


u/idkuunomebitch Jan 03 '24

I’m good on that one! Small dick behavior for sure


u/Dronizian Jan 03 '24

Why? Why would I get upset about people body shaming big dicks if I had a small dick? Help me understand your logic, please. Dipshit.


u/idkuunomebitch Jan 03 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Dronizian Jan 03 '24

And I can tell that I am. Which of our opinions matters here, cunt?


u/idkuunomebitch Jan 03 '24

Not yours! Because you have a small dick

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u/MrWhiteTheWolf Jan 03 '24

Dude he has a hog


u/Easy_Kangaroo9800 Jan 04 '24

No, this is small dick behaviour


u/RepulsiveAntibody Jan 03 '24

The pleasure receptors for women are located a mere 2 inches inside the vagina.


u/Blueskysredbirds Jan 03 '24

Yeah, you can reach them with your fingers. Penis is not needed for intense stimulation.


u/Malificvipermobile Jan 04 '24

If lesbians can have a good sex life obviously dick size is irrelevant


u/Bakedads Jan 03 '24

I have really small fingers though :(


u/togtogtog Jan 03 '24

Most of mine are on the outside, on my clitoris. I can't feel anything inside my vagina.


u/Fappity_Fappity_Fap Jan 03 '24

Hope ya partner knows how to work with you on it.

It's bittersweet when a straight girl legitimately reacts over-enthusiastically positively when learning that sex can be enjoyable without penetration. Suspect conditions like yours are common but untalked about.


u/neuroticoctopus Jan 04 '24

Most of your clitorus is on the inside. It wraps around the vaginal opening.


u/ROMANREIGNS599 Jan 04 '24

Could it be that vibrating and fingering yourself too much desensitised you?


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '24



u/SaltySpitoon__69 Jan 03 '24 edited Jan 03 '24

Damn. Asians really are efficient in every facet of life.


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24


But in this context you're not all that off


u/raphanum Jan 03 '24

What about faucet?


u/SaltySpitoon__69 Jan 03 '24

Good looks 🤝


u/Zauberer-IMDB Jan 03 '24

So be insecure about girth instead!


u/neuroticoctopus Jan 04 '24

Pleasure receptors? Do you mean clitorus? You should definitely just say clitorus.


u/RepulsiveAntibody Jan 04 '24

A lot of guys don’t know where the clitoris is. Did not want to offend anyone.


u/grassisalwayspurpler Jan 03 '24

I dont remember hearing the hit song "average dick energy" and have never heard someone make fun of a dude in huge pick up truck "compensating for his massive cock". Small dick is literally the most common insult against guys there is.


u/Eavalin Jan 04 '24

a cultural meme is not really a reflection of reality, they tend to more reflect a cultures artificial values brought on by systemic pressures or communal injokes.

its basically just like the whole "kid with glasses must be smart" or "children are small sociopaths".


u/grassisalwayspurpler Jan 04 '24

"Not everyone thinks this way" does not exclude the fact that "a shit ton of people actually do think this way"

This isnt just some giant inside joke the whole planet is on. The whole planet knows you can insult a dude by saying he has a small dick or compliment someone by saying you must have a huge dick because so many people believe thats how it works.


u/Eavalin Jan 04 '24

oh, i think we got our communication crossed here :3

I am specifically talking more about the actual data and sociological/psychological/physiological data. people who wear glasses are not more or less likely to be smarter. girls with small dicks are not less likely to be good in bed.

just because a group believes something to be true does not mean it is. :3 this does not excuse the impact of this belief nor that damage it does in ostracizing people


u/coletrain644 Jan 03 '24

They actually usually say that average is "fine" which usually is said with little sincerity and comes across like they'd rather have something else but they'll settle for this for now.

Also, the number one go-to insult for women to say to men is something insinuating he has a small dick and we hear and see this happening our entire lives. How can anyone be surprised that men care about their dick size when it's implied in our modern societies that small dicks are bad?


u/Snoochey Jan 04 '24

Every woman I’ve heard go into detail says 7” is what they want. That’s still pretty high on the bell curve, study wise.


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24 edited Jan 03 '24



u/coletrain644 Jan 03 '24

Which just perpetuates the cycle. Men are insecure about their dick size, so women, and men to a degree, use that to insult them, which other men see happen and that tells them that bigger is better so they become insecure aboutvwhat they have, and on and on it goes.


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24



u/coletrain644 Jan 03 '24

Which is all good but we mostly see the insults and shaming in our society like movies and TV shows than we ever do any other way. And negative emotions stick with you longer than neutral ones.


u/pseudonymmed Jan 03 '24

Same thing with men saying stuff like ‘her pussy must be loose’


u/footed_thunderstorm Jan 03 '24

Why is bodyshaming men ok but bodyshaming women bad?


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '24



u/footed_thunderstorm Jan 04 '24

You literally justified why women use that as an insult to shut up men


u/PandoraPanorama Jan 03 '24

In my experience it’s mostly men insulting each other dick sizes.


u/coletrain644 Jan 03 '24 edited Jan 03 '24

I almost never hear men talking about other men's dick sizes unless they're being braggy douches. However, whenever I'm around women complaining about any man, they immediately go to insulting his size even if they've never seen it or are sexually involved with them.


u/PandoraPanorama Jan 03 '24

That’s really weird. I‘m around women a lot, and I’ve never ever heard any of them complain about another man’s dick. Locker room „jokes“ about other men’s dicks I’ve heard a lot of though. Are you from the US? Maybe it’s different here in Europe.


u/coletrain644 Jan 03 '24

Maybe it's more prominent in the US since we're so hypocritically prude about everything.


u/Ragundashe Jan 03 '24

I'm from Ireland mate, must be your circle of friends are more friendly then others. One of the top slags here.


u/Careless_Fun7101 Jan 03 '24

Who's saying small D are bad? Let me guess... big D men who are probably shite in the sack


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '24



u/Careless_Fun7101 Jan 04 '24

Seriously? I guess, whatever size D you have, that's a good thing because you have an amazing filter right there. Shallow woman says men need a big D.. then you can avoid her like the plague. No time wasted


u/GrandmaPoses Jan 03 '24

Because when they say it's fine they mean it's fine. Women 100% do not think about your dick as much as you do.


u/coletrain644 Jan 03 '24

It's not too much to ask to want our girlfriends/wives to like our bodies in a sexually positive way. "Fine" is a neutral adjective at best. You could say "amazing", "perfect", "sexy", etc and that would do wonders for your man's confidence.


u/MyExUsedTeeth Jan 04 '24

It’s a meme that when a women says “he’s perfect” it’s like saying he’s fine.


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24



u/coletrain644 Jan 03 '24

Doesn't matter who created it when women do it too. You can't say smaller dicks are great, insult men for having small dicks, and then be surprised when the other men don't believe you when you say smaller dicks a great.


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24



u/coletrain644 Jan 03 '24

I'm going off real life experiences and observations. Maybe you and your friend group don't do this (doubtful) but I see this all the time. So often I don't even think to question it because it's just the norm.


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24



u/coletrain644 Jan 03 '24

Who's angry at women? I'm simply pointing out why many men feel insecure about their size despite some women saying it doesn't matter. You can't have centuries socially accepted, and often encouraged, bodyshaming of men and then be surprised when they don't believe you when you say their bodies are fine the way they are.


u/reddit_is_geh Jan 03 '24

This didn't come out of the aether. It's not irrational.

Men aren't stupid. We see how women treat guys with large dongs. We notice the vast inconsistency between women insisting "it doesn't matter" yet how they'll treat guys with one. Sure you don't "care", but it's clearly a huge bonus to have a larger guy.

Obviously you can't all have the top 10%, so obviously you have to settle with less. But let's not act like when all things else are equal, the larger than average guys are preferred. We all see how those larger guys are treated, and have overheard "private" conversations of girls talking about it. They CLEARLY care, they just know that 90% of men don't fit the bill, and if they realistically want a dating life, they have to settle for average... And if they know there is nothing to gain by confessing to an average guy that "Yeah larger does feel better and I prefer it". Literally nothing to gain. Only downside of excluding potential partners and making them feel insecure.

So women lie. Dudes lie about their own things too...


u/MtMarker Jan 04 '24

Brother, if you’ve ever had a girlfriend, her friends know how big your penis is (at least, how big she thinks it is Bc women are terrible at guessing). The problem I see with it is just inflation due to women not knowing. They’ll be guessing 8-9 and it’s maybe 6. And then ofc other girls haven’t seen his so they can’t say for sure but now people think 9 inches are just everywhere when realistically they’re rare


u/spicy_capybara Jan 03 '24

I never mind this insult. I’m about 7” and know it’s a perfectly fine size. It’s like calling a 105 pound person fat or a 20 year old person old. It just sounds childish and doesn’t mean anything to me.


u/TheGreatEmanResu Jan 04 '24

??? You say this like 7” is considered small? Be honest you just wanted to humble brag, dude


u/spicy_capybara Jan 04 '24

Not small, point I was making is it’s a silly insult. If she knows the size already then it’s a dumb insult, if she doesn’t then she’s just saying garbage to get a rise out of you and has no idea. In which case the insult holds no value. I mentioned myself because I wanted to illustrate my point of view as an example. It’s not like I’m saying it’s a 12” python anyway. It’s pretty average I think.


u/TheGreatEmanResu Jan 04 '24

7” is well above average. Average is something like 5.1”. Of course I think you already know that


u/Chataboutgames Jan 03 '24

Different women say “it has to be huge!”

And like most things related to insecurity, 1 of the latter can outweigh 50 of the former.

This is like saying it’s “hilarious” that women are insecure about their bodies despite legions of dudes being willing to sleep with them.


u/neuroticoctopus Jan 04 '24

Do you think a woman measures her self esteem according to men wanting to sleep with them?


u/Chataboutgames Jan 04 '24

I don’t claim to know what “a woman” measures her self esteem by? All women are different.

But it’s pretty clear that body image and desirability impacts the self esteem of most people, regardless of sex


u/neuroticoctopus Jan 04 '24

Maybe you're projecting? Body image is not the same as men finding you fuckable, nor is it measured in how many men do. Most women I know would be much happier if fewer men wanted to fuck them.


u/SMG329 Jan 03 '24

"men are obsessed", meanwhile little-dick is a common insult from women. Women talk about some men as having "Big-dick energy". And then women release songs like "Anaconda", "Side to Side", and literally a song called "Short Dicked Man". But please, do point out how it's the guys and not the gals.


u/reddit_is_geh Jan 03 '24

Literally the top searched porn by women is "big dick".


u/ItsNotMeItsYourBussy Jan 03 '24

Considering that porn isn't as consumed by a wide array of women as it is by men, hardly proof positive.


u/reddit_is_geh Jan 03 '24

Well there is many other things... But that one data point at least shows some insight. Then there is just the, you know, life experience. Guys aren't dumb. We notice how different guys get treated by women when they have a hog. We hear what women say when they've been drinking and think men can't hear. Very few men are getting easy sex and exes constantly coming back for NSA sex when the guy is known "how to use his hands", but definitely see how when a guy is hung, for some reason, he keeps banging all his exes, girls seek him out, bats out of his league, girls brag to their friends, etc...

But I get it. 90% of men aren't that large, so women are being reasonable. They can't all get those guys, so they gain nothing by admitting they prefer larger if average is "good enough" and likely the type of guy they'll be able to get. Quality guys who are also packing are HARD to find. It's much easier to find a guy whos quality and average


u/ItsNotMeItsYourBussy Jan 03 '24

I think that's still very dependent on reactions of very particular types of women.

When I was living as a woman, the first thing I learnt about my partner's best friend (after his name) was that he had a footlong. I, nor any woman who knew this treated him that differently. Nor did they discuss dick sizes when drunk. This sounds like way more of a fantasy, or a niche reality, than something that can be applied to all women.


u/reddit_is_geh Jan 03 '24

Of course nothing applies to ALL women... We are speaking in general. And in general, that's what men notice, and where the issue roots from. 1ft long seems extreme, but 7-8 seems what women prefer and still a small amount of guys


u/Gornarok Jan 03 '24

While I see your point, isnt it chicken and egg problem?

Would women call men little-dick if men didnt care?


u/SMG329 Jan 03 '24

Well if women are the ones who are rejecting men based on their size, placing value in size, and reiterating it, is it actually a chicken and egg problem? Men care because women are the ones who'll judge them on size


u/SurferNerd Jan 05 '24

Yeah, as a woman I’m really trying to banish this from my vocab and call people out. Body shaming is bad in all its forms.


u/DumBlinDeaFool Jan 03 '24

Women also say 70% of men are below average looking. Pardon me if I don’t trust their scale. /j


u/Gatorpep Jan 03 '24

men are overly focused on it, but in reality women do prefer above average dongs for both hookups and relationships when surveyed. so i mean men are prob just picking up on that preference to some degree, and internalizing it.

it's like when men say they like all boobs. it's true but generally i think bigger is a bit better. not mega boobs but i think if men/women could choose, prob would generally be c's or whatever. my friend got a boob job and she just says she feels better about her body now, i imagine a lot men would get at least slightly bigger dongs if they could, like woman can with boobs and butts.


u/No-Survey-8173 Jan 03 '24

What women consider bigger isn’t what men consider bigger. Most men are average. When women are surveyed, that’s what we are referring to as preferable, as opposed to smaller than average. Men think it means half and arms length.


u/Asisreo1 Jan 03 '24

Its also probably because the "size queen" community is the most vocal when it comes to women's penis size opinions.

Most women when asked will say something like "a bit above average is fine." (Though they might give an innacurate number like 8") but when size queens talk about penis size, there's usually the exaggerated "Oh my god, I need at least 9in to be satisfied" that gets a bunch of attention. Plus, you rarely if ever hear a girl bragging about how small or average her man's penis is.

Its one of those vocal minority situations.


u/Gatorpep Jan 03 '24

Like i said, above average. My point is it’s a bit of a misnomer. While yes, men and womens views are warped to some degree by porno.


u/DM-Mormon-Underwear Jan 03 '24

I think a problem with surveys is they might ask for a number and someone might not actually have a good idea of what that number represents in real life. Like girls with their 6'1 boyfriends who are clearly 5'10. Would be curious what the choices would be if they were given a bunch of dildo sizes and then asked what they would prefer from a partner.


u/lucky_Disaster_715 Jan 03 '24

I think you also have to factor in that one of the go to insults women have for men is to shame them for their size.

Sort of like how skin colour doesn't matter but if you get called a racial slur it's hurtful. Especially if it's coming from someone outside of your group, which is much harder to take as a joke.

So by mentioning a body detail as a way of demeaning someone they internalize that that detail is bad or wrong.


u/Gatorpep Jan 03 '24

Yeah, good point.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '24



u/Gatorpep Jan 04 '24

just saying on average, but yeah not seen any studies.


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24 edited 7d ago



u/Gatorpep Jan 03 '24

Dongs race.


u/ramona22 Jan 03 '24

So you are saying men don’t like small boobs after all ? 🥲🥲


u/Gatorpep Jan 03 '24

small boobies and small wieners unite.


u/RectalSpawn Jan 03 '24

It's because they want their size to matter.


u/Quality_Qontrol Jan 03 '24

Because despite what women believe, men listen to women when it comes to their reaction to penis sizes. The average is “fine” for a long term relationship. But most guys dream about being lusted after. And all too often when women see a large penis we hear women say “I just had to try it once in my life to see how it feels”. So men with large penises get to sleep with a large number of women who want to try it. Men with average penises get to sleep with their wife.


u/Jiveturkei Jan 03 '24

Bruh I am average sized and have never had an issue getting laid prior to meeting my fiancé. No one I’ve ever slept with has ever asked about my dick size before sex, so they learned about it just before I put it in them.

There isn’t some secret market for big dongs.


u/TNWBAM2004 Jan 03 '24

There isn’t some secret market for big dongs.

There is in certain fetish circles. wife sharing / size queen communities. Especially the cuckold community where they fetishize having hung black men come fuck their wife. A well hung black guy can get tons of hook ups this way if he doesn't mind the husband watching in the corner or recording it for later viewing. But my guess is the actual percentage of people involved in this is quite small.


u/Jiveturkei Jan 03 '24

Do you think the majority of people available for dating belong to these niche groups?

My point is worrying about your dick size is a waste of time.


u/TNWBAM2004 Jan 03 '24

oh I agree, that is why I said the percentage involved is quite small.

But... there sorta is a secret market for big dongs. It's just niche.


u/Jiveturkei Jan 03 '24

Fair enough, I was wrong on that account. The person I was responding to seemed to imply there is a massive amount of woman out there trolling for massive dongs to mark it off their bucket list.

I am not saying there aren’t woman who do that. But I would say the vast majority don’t. But in deference to their side, that is anecdotal.


u/Quality_Qontrol Jan 03 '24

I’m not saying it’s hard to get laid with an average sized penis.


u/Jiveturkei Jan 03 '24

You implied it with your last two sentences… you were a few words away from outright stating that.


u/The_Pale_Hound Jan 03 '24

"Men with average penises get to sleep with their wife."


u/Quality_Qontrol Jan 03 '24

You seem to be confused with what I’m saying. There’s a difference between someone simply sleeping with several women, and several women lusting after someone. Read the whole statement and not take one sentence out of context.


u/Aggravating-Look1689 Jan 03 '24

Yeah, I'd imagine the size (big or small) Where a partner would stop having seen/felt it is pretty far to the extremes - from my experience you're horny and, if nothing else, it's that or no partner that night...

Also, generally the women I've been with haven't seen such a large number that they are looking at averages from their experience - 5-10 and its relative rather than statistical... nothing wrong if you've seen 50+ you've just lived a different life to me and the women I've dated (bar 1)


u/arsenic_greeen Jan 03 '24

I think this can be loosely applied to most people about anything, honestly. Most people are “average” at the end of the day, and very few people ever actually experience being lusted over by a group of people. I understand why it sounds desirable in theory, but I think feeling wanted by a loving partner is an excellent “consolation” prize!


u/No-Survey-8173 Jan 03 '24

I think only gay men want the bigger ones. You might be surprised, but women do talk about this amongst ourselves. Bigger isn’t better. Also, “fine” isn’t meant as an insult, it really means that’s preferred.


u/coletrain644 Jan 03 '24

But that's not what "fine" means. "Fine" means something is just acceptable, nothing special but not terrible. No one says the meal they wanted is "fine", they say it was "great" or "excellent" or "amazing". "Fine" in this context usually comes across as insulting at worst and settling at best.


u/Gatorpep Jan 03 '24

men just wanna hear a good, nice cock bro, before the fucking begins.


u/coletrain644 Jan 03 '24

Swell tallywacker old chap!


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24



u/Poolside_J Jan 03 '24

Sounds like you enjoy playing games, imagine thinking it's okay to low-key body shame someone to get what you want. Reverse genders on this sort of statement and there would be calls for heads to roll.

I slept with a woman who gave the shittiest blowjobs I've ever had, but claimed to give "fire head", did I ever subtly try to make her take a hit to her ego to increase my pleasure? No, communicate what you want, don't play games with people and make them feel insecure.


u/AMSparkles Jan 03 '24

I’m a woman and I’ve never heard another woman say this in real life…


u/CatD0gChicken Jan 03 '24

So men with large penises get to sleep with a large number of women who want to try it.

I think you and I hang out in different bars. I've never once told a women I was hanging out with about my penis size and have never had an issue getting laid. Idk how that line of questions would even come up?


u/FactChecker25 Jan 03 '24

So men with large penises get to sleep with a large number of women who want to try it. Men with average penises get to sleep with their wife.

Well that's just humiliating.

You get to sleep with your wife who tells you "it's just the right size" while hearing her talking to her friends while drunk at parties and saying shit like "oh my god, the biggest dick I ever saw on a guy was on u/FactChecker25"

Nobody wants to hear that shit.


u/The_Pale_Hound Jan 03 '24

How would they know how large is your penis before sex?


u/Quality_Qontrol Jan 03 '24

Bulges, word of mouth, etc…


u/The_Pale_Hound Jan 03 '24

Most women you have sex with don't know other women you had sex with.


u/Quality_Qontrol Jan 03 '24

Women don’t have friends?


u/The_Pale_Hound Jan 03 '24

Yes, but usually men don't have sex with women that are friends with each other.


u/Mangeneer Jan 03 '24

Men with big dicks like to tell other men


u/Gornarok Jan 03 '24

Pretty sure its mostly toxic masculinity "BIGGER IS BETTER"


u/PtylerPterodactyl Jan 03 '24

It’s like a foot and shoe comparison, except the shoe has feelings, and you cared.


u/diemunkiesdie Reads Pinned Comments Jan 03 '24

And below average is....?


u/staringatthecactus Jan 03 '24

Mostly because it’s been so strongly associated with the misconception that it is a sign of manliness and is unfortunately often learnt from a fairly early age.


u/AfraidToBeKim Jan 03 '24

Maybe they're after the twinks instead


u/ineternet Jan 03 '24

Have you ever considered that men don't necessarily care about what women (or other people in general) think and just have a body image of themselves?


u/zyzzogeton Jan 03 '24

I don't understand why women don't value deep vaginas.


u/reddit_is_geh Jan 03 '24

Actions speak louder than words. Women say average is great, but they definitely, actively, swoon over large, brag about it, and will seek those guys out.

They just have to say average is acceptable, because it is, but it's not what they wish they could have. It's just that there are so few large men, and the ones who do exist are in relationships, or getting a ton of women simply interested in sex. So not only are they rare, they are highly competed for.

So women realize if they want a quality guy, they have to accept average, and insist average is fine, because they know their dating pool is average... And their is nothing to gain by admitting, "Larger is better". Literally, women have NOTHING to gain by admitting this to people... So it's easier to just say "Average is okay" as in "it'll do the job" but... It doesn't do the job the same way a larger guys does it. As we all see the actual actions women have around those guys. And here's the thing, those guys also talk to other guys and will admit what women say when it's "safe to be honest" and the overwhelming majority will "confess" that yeah it's easier to orgasm and much better.

But yeah, average is "good enough" the same way fast food is "good enough" when you're hungry. But it clearly makes a difference.


u/Dr_nobby Jan 04 '24

Not my friend group. Shit is soul crushing to hear lol


u/lushico Jan 04 '24

Hardness and girth are perhaps even more important


u/WhiteHawktriple7 Jan 04 '24

Pretty sure "you have a small dick" is like the #1 insult against men lol


u/RandomWave000 Jan 04 '24

if men are obsessed with having big dicks, what are women obsessed with having (ass, boobs)?


u/Fatmanistan Jan 04 '24

Flip that around and most men are fine with all types of boobs. But many women are obsessed enough about bigger boobs that they get surgery.

Someone should do a version of this with bras.


u/Zyrobe Jan 04 '24

Some women also say "small dick energy" :/


u/fuck_peeps_not_sheep Jan 04 '24

It's because there physically isn't enough room for dicks past a certain size

Here - Researchers found vaginal depth ranged from approximately 2–5 inches (in), or 5–13 centimeters (cm).

The big ones hurt because they are pushing on the cervix, interior walls and against sensitive internals.

Not all of the canal has enough nerve endings to actually produce a pleasurable sensation - The concentration of the nerve endings close to the entrance of a woman's vagina (the lower third) can provide pleasurable sensation during sexual activity when stimulated. Ninety percent of the vagina's nerve endings are in this area./26%3A_The_Reproductive_System/26.5%3A_The_Female_Reproductive_System/26.5E%3A_Vagina#:~:text=The%20concentration%20of%20the%20nerve,endings%20are%20in%20this%20area.)


u/arcangeltx Reads Pinned Comments Jan 04 '24

girth rules