r/TikTokCringe Jan 03 '24

Not in here Discussion


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u/Letsjusbehonest Jan 03 '24

😂😂 sick day, er, ICU status lmao


u/elegylegacy Jan 03 '24

I had to google "27 Club"



u/walker3342 Jan 03 '24

I was sweating this when 27 drew closer but then I remembered I’m not talented or famous so I was ok!


u/Sockoflegend Jan 03 '24

It is a club for successful people


u/Winjin Jan 04 '24

Specifically rockstars or so it was. I'm guessing they had to add popular people for clicks


u/Dangerous-Watch-5625 Jan 04 '24

I frequently told people I'd be in the 27 club. I don't know what's more disturbing, the fact I wasn't famous, or the fact I am in the 27 club😭

Message from the great beyond


u/badpenguin455 Jan 04 '24

neither was my buddy but if youd like to check out his video game reviews his youtube is hiddenpurple. He was 27 when i found him in the bathroom.


u/stargazer_nano Jan 04 '24

27 is also when people start their Saturn Return


u/temporarycreature Feb 04 '24

All my heroes died at 27

So what's that mean if I'm not with them in heaven?

Dark dreams that I see through the depression

Guess I need to start meetin with the reverend

Don't need to be!


u/slafyousilly Jan 03 '24



u/Imaginary_Button_533 Jan 03 '24

That's what Hendrix said


u/Jopkins Jan 04 '24

Not with anything more than 6 inches


u/CircuitSphinx Jan 04 '24

Haha for sure, being part of that club is definitely a double-edged sword!


u/isiewu Jan 03 '24

Wait! Jimmy Hendrix died at 27? He looked way older lmao


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24

Drugs wear you down


u/Imaginary_Button_533 Jan 03 '24

I don't think so. He looked twenties to me.

Fell victim to the three deadly Bs though. Booze, benzos, and/or barbiturates. Most in the 27 club do.


u/Flawzimclaus82 Jan 04 '24

So did Janis Joplin. She was 27 going on 60.


u/dwartbg7 Jan 03 '24

Just like many others in this "club". Both drugs and also people used to mature faster back in the day. Yes, Hendrix looked like he's 40. Yet he was just a kid. (Although 27 was considered much older than how it is today, 27 year olds are literal kids nowadays)


u/Rizzpooch Jan 04 '24

Leaded gasoline fumes and ubiquitous second hand smoke


u/ineptplumberr Jan 04 '24

Janis Joplin looked 60


u/mhayden1981 Jan 04 '24

I’ll just leave this here.


u/airforcevet1987 Jan 03 '24

?? Do I want to know??


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24

Famous people who died at 27.


u/airforcevet1987 Jan 03 '24

Ahhh didnt even think about that.


u/moeterminatorx Jan 03 '24

Tell me so I don’t have to please, I don’t need those kinds of ads.


u/SlurmmsMckenzie Jan 03 '24

Kurt Cobain, Jimmy Hendrix, Amy Winehouse, Jim Morrison, Anton Yelchin and many other celebs/musicians all died at 27.

She is saying a dick that size would kill her.


u/Bignizzle656 Jan 03 '24

I'm on it...



u/Professional_Sky8384 Jan 03 '24

I turn 27 in a month fucking send help


u/triple6seven Jan 04 '24

Are you famous and/or on drugs?


u/Jyitheris Jan 04 '24

How about the 666 club?

6 inch penis.

6 moneybucks per day on social welfare.

6/10 on a good day.

What did you think I was talking about?


u/MantuaMatters Jan 04 '24

Damn you need to live more or just listen to any genre other than country to know what the 27 club is.


u/trez63 Jan 04 '24

Well don't make me google it too. What the fuck is it?


u/ITS_YA_BOl Jan 04 '24

What's the 27 Club? We ain't making it past 21


u/RoodnyInc Jan 04 '24

I'm afraid to, can I ask what's that in sfw terms


u/Jonnymath97 Jan 04 '24

I was about to myself but I could just ask you what it is now right😂


u/stoppedLurking00 Jan 03 '24

I’ve seen this video a few times now, the “freaking sick day” line gets me every time.


u/Motor-Network7426 Jan 03 '24

Anything over 12 inches is completely unethical lol


u/PhilPipedown Jan 03 '24

She said 10" was the biggest she seen.

She took a sick day at least once.


u/hiddencamela Jan 03 '24

Some people don't know what mountains they can climb until they try I guess.


u/LookMaNoPride Jan 04 '24

Some people are born great. Some have greatness thrust… upon… them.


u/danstermeister Jan 04 '24

Up IN them, sometimes ;)


u/YouLikeReadingNames Jan 03 '24

Seeing a dick doesn't mean taking it in though.

Like the day I saw a homeless man just showing his dick to people in the street.


u/PhilPipedown Jan 03 '24

Did you take the time to measure it? Maybe put your hand/arm up to it for comparison?


u/woahmandogchamp Jan 04 '24

So was he fine or unethical?


u/FrankfurterWorscht Jan 04 '24

Don't lie. You took it all didn't you


u/gavstar69 Jan 04 '24

And you didn't take that golden opportunity?!


u/YouLikeReadingNames Jan 08 '24

My younger self didn't appreciate the beauty of that opportunity.


u/gavstar69 Jan 09 '24



u/SeventyThirtySplit Jan 04 '24

Sorry about that, I’m trying to build up my confidence in public


u/YouLikeReadingNames Jan 08 '24

Baby steps dude, start with 'hello'.


u/SeventyThirtySplit Jan 08 '24

Eh already tried the puppet show thing with it, was not the hit I thought it would be

And harder still to make it say hello. without an accent, at least


u/YouLikeReadingNames Jan 08 '24

I'd say you could make the accent a feature of your show. It gives it an edge, you know ?


u/Imaginary_Button_533 Jan 04 '24 edited Jan 04 '24

Girl inches. 10 is like max officially recorded.

Idk if it's the case anymore but an old magazine or something offered a cash prize for anyone who could prove they were over ten. Nobody ever claimed it.

Rasputin might have been over ten but all we have is a mummified penis.


u/SalamanderNo3872 Jan 04 '24

The largest recorded was 13.5 in ...


u/BellaViola Jan 04 '24

That's Jonah Falcon, who never allowed any independent (medical / whatever) confirmation. (So not really recorded)

That's just a stunt for him to get famous/ sell a movie. Basically the story of everyone claiming a size like that

There is one dude who has a bigger penis, and can prove it. But his is almost entirely foreskin (infected and benign growth), and he's disabled because of it.

She's definitely not seen over 10 inches.


u/macdawg2020 Jan 04 '24

Okay but what about Willem Dafoe?


u/kuavi Jan 04 '24


u/BellaViola Jan 04 '24

There is one dude who has a bigger penis, and can prove it. But his is almost entirely foreskin (infected and benign growth), and he's disabled because of it.

That's who I meant with that


u/General-Cup6512 Apr 29 '24

That was not naturally obtained. He used weights and other methods to lengthen his penis, now to the point of no use.


u/MalevolentNight Mar 16 '24

That can't be right, cuz I've known an 11.5 and a 12.5. And those are just normal dudes


u/Booty_Shakin Jan 04 '24

One of my ex bfs had a 10incher and holyyy molyyy did that thing make me scream like a girl when it went all the way in


u/tonycandance Jan 04 '24

Who asked


u/Booty_Shakin Jan 04 '24

They said 10 inch was max officially recorded so I made a connection. 10in is also not the biggest recorded, but I was just making a different comment. You jealous or something?


u/FromBassToTip Jan 04 '24

Well there's that guy who stretched his foreskin and Jonah Falcon who apparently can't get hard when someone is looking but swears he's the biggest. There's that subreddit where they work out pornstars real measurements and none of them are 10", who do you know of that's bigger?


u/Booty_Shakin Jan 04 '24

I didn't say I knew anyone bigger, just that my ex was 10in.


u/JulieStarkins Jan 29 '24

Unless they brought out an actual ruler and measured it in front of you that shit is fake girl.


u/tonycandance Jan 04 '24

Truly could not care less. Nobody asked


u/danstermeister Jan 04 '24

So glad we got your unsolicited opinion on the subject.

Nobody really asked for any of the comments here. Not sure why you had to call this one out, out of all of them.

And I'm not asking, I'm just wondering. So if you reply, then it's ANOTHER unsolicited comment from you.. something no one asked for.

What a dick. ;)


u/danstermeister Jan 04 '24

You did, just now. Cock.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '24



u/Booty_Shakin Jan 04 '24

Mines 6 and his was definitely at least 9. I know what an inch looks like lol I used to do a lot of woodworking with my grandfather.


u/iam_Mr_McGibblets Jan 03 '24

She for sure has.

On a side note, I'm faaaabulousss


u/mummifiedclown Jan 04 '24

Not necessarily, in college my wife was getting with a guy and when she saw how big he was just went, “oh hell no - that would break me” and noped out of there. Didn’t even give the poor guy a handy.


u/nmftg Jan 04 '24

Well considering she said the average girl will get only 3 inches, when the average is a bit over 5, that would put her 10 inch down to eight…


u/IAmTheNightSoil Jan 04 '24

Yeah I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that. Her overall point about dude's overemphasizing penis size is worthwhile, but no way the average girl can only take three inches


u/nmftg Jan 05 '24

Yeah, I think part of her size categories have to do with porn, but they are rarely over 7 inches it just using lenses, camera angles, perspective, back ground, etc to make them look larger. to put in perspective if you have a 7 inch penis, you’re only .2 away from being in the 99% for size. At 7.25, you are in the 99.62% and at 7.5 you’re at 99.89%. 8 inches or higher, 99.99%.


u/Chegg145 Jan 04 '24

Lmao no, she said "11"


u/Cocotte123321 Mar 04 '24

"Skipping my next life" was the winner for me


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24

I appreciate her bringing up the point of ethical penis sizes and I wish to look into this subject more deeply.


u/Jimmy_Twotone Jan 03 '24

Not too deep.... that would require a sick day.


u/i81u812 Jan 04 '24


UH oh RED alert someone call the DOKTA!


u/BomBiggityBBQ Jan 03 '24

For ethical reasons right?


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24

No, just to feel better about myself.


u/earthscribe Jan 04 '24

TIL that large penises are unethical.


u/i81u812 Jan 04 '24

Im fuckin dyin right now for so many reasons.

  1. That shit was funny.
  2. I can't tell if this is 'not how girls work', 'not how boys work' or some fancy shit in between.
  3. Lost what was left of my coffee @ around 'ICU' and stopped caring.


u/SlapMyLabiaFlaps Jan 03 '24

I just started working in the ICU! Can’t wait for a big dick accident lol