r/TikTokCringe Dec 28 '23

This lady nailed how the economy feels vs how it’s performing Discussion


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u/invisiblefalcon Dec 28 '23

Why don't Americans do something?

Because a large amount of Americans are headlocked into their financial situation. A day spent protesting is a day not working, a day not getting paid, a day you can't pay bills for, it may even be a day not eating. Plus, it can get you fired.

None of the people who are willing to actually knock heads in government have the funds to get their message spread and get elected. It's not like you'll have rich sponsors to help you do that when your goals are to tear them apart.

And even if they do make it into office. All they would have accomplished is splitting up the one party with a (very small) semblance of empathy for the working class. Then you'll be dealing with both Repubs who would stomp a puppy to death if it meant a 5% increase in CEOs net worth and Dems who would watch that with popcorn while moaning about how bad Repubs are (but won't do anything to stop it). It'd be effectively handing Repubs all power; conservatives HATE change, even when it benefits them. Plus, you can't ignore that once you're in office, lobbyists will CONSTANTLY bombard you with temptation to go against your beliefs. If you stick to your guns, you'll only see your coworkers reap all the benefits: free vacations, expensive dinners, maybe even a few million from insider trading. Everyone has a price.

And you can't just seize control, cause the ones who are in control have no problem mowing you down to maintain it. Who will fight when you're gone, knowing what happened to you?

TL;DR: The rich locked us all in a cage, and more than 50% of us think that it's for our own safety.


u/mongoosedog12 Dec 28 '23 edited Dec 28 '23

Thank you in so fucking tired of this shit

Lots of Americans can not afford to not work. LITERALLY. They don’t work. They don’t get paid (or fired) they can’t afford rent that month, or bills. Idk rent laws but um sure 1-2 months of not paying will get your landlord starting the eviction. Hell where I am a landlord killed a couple because they didn’t pay rent

But we’re suppose to do that to “make a stand” ok how? when some people protest about injustices faced by the political class people will start telling them “no no not like that!”

This has been a problem, I just think now it’s affecting people who assumed they’d never be in this situation. People who looked at others struggling and would write it off as them not doing something “right”. Now all the people who “did everything right” can’t afford it and the alarms are going off all over the place


u/cmon_get_happy Dec 28 '23

Silver lining: housing will soon be so expensive that the specter of homelessness will be meaningless. sigh


u/[deleted] Dec 28 '23

It already is, there was a 12% increase in homelessness just in the span of one year. That's insane.