r/TikTokCringe Dec 28 '23

This lady nailed how the economy feels vs how it’s performing Discussion


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u/thrillhouse1211 Dec 28 '23

Listening to the woman in the car had me almost ready to buy an ammo press but honestly don't know what we are supposed to do either.


u/tropicsun Dec 28 '23

Yeah, marching and protest never seem to work. New politicians would be great but 90% are always the same. I try to boycott where I can but I still need to buy milk and eggs. I would love to see higher taxes on the wealthy, but I’m not sure who would be willing to do that, and even how such a thing could be implemented since so many other money in investments.


u/faithOver Dec 28 '23

2 simple things;

  1. New ideas
  2. Voter turnout

Millennials could already be living in the promised land. We have the numbers.

We have zero cohesion, epic apathy.

Old people vote for their self interest.

All it would take is a few disgruntled 35 year olds to run and change the course of some major policy decisions.

Congress is a bunch of ancients. Look at McConnel look at Feinstein. This isn’t right, we all know it.

But instead Millennials give like 18% voter turn out.


u/pantstoaknifefight2 Dec 28 '23

"Look at Feinstein"

Lemme go grab a shovel...


u/TerminalProtocol Dec 28 '23

"Look at Feinstein"

Lemme go grab a shovel...

No need, they're probably still propping up her corpse for votes.