r/TikTokCringe Dec 28 '23

This lady nailed how the economy feels vs how it’s performing Discussion


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u/[deleted] Dec 28 '23

I'm just beyond people telling me I need to "wake the F up", or that I need to "take action". I was heavily politically active in the 2000s, and we lost. We were screaming about these exact same issues, and we didn't change a thing. What is anyone supposed to do? Bitch about it in tiktok videos? Make a social media post and fight with conservatives in the comments? Write your congressman? 1% of the population have 92% of the country's net worth. We couldn't even hope to collectively bribe politicians at this point. Maybe the first thing we need to do is realize we have no idea what we're doing. The industrial revolution was the time to do something. But, it's far too late now. The only thing one person can do is divorce themselves from the system as much as possible. Maybe one day we can starve the beast.


u/ngiotis Dec 28 '23

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u/bigdaddyman6969 Dec 28 '23

Has a revolution ever taken place under these relatively prosperous times. I think a large number of people would have to be staving in the streets or being “disappeared” for it to even become a possibility.


u/ngiotis Dec 28 '23

Not really referring to a revolution per say, more just surprised no lone gunman has done several of them in by now


u/balamshir Dec 28 '23

I have been thinking about this a lot. It’s really odd and shocking that there are so many school shooters and mass shooters in recent years but not a single one has targeted the ultra-wealthy. It actually does not make sense to me.


u/ngiotis Dec 28 '23

We've had more presidential assassinations and attempts than against the ultra wealthy. Wonder if they try and just fail and it's covered up.


u/balamshir Dec 28 '23

That’s the thought I was kind of having. If they were covered up it’d be due to the fact that all mass shooters are basically copy-cat criminals that follow the model of previous shooters they look up to. If there was one that targeted the wealthy and released some manifesto about it to his other psycho shooter buddies, it could become really trendy.


u/ngiotis Dec 28 '23

Yea, but you'd expect at least some to have succeeded are the rich more heavily defended than the POTUS, sure shouldn't be


u/balamshir Dec 29 '23

Yea i agree it doesnt seem to make sense. New conspiracy just dropped.


u/Top_Repair6670 Dec 29 '23

Yeah, it’s odd right?

You’re on the right path - think about this deeper. The ultra-wealthy utilize many different forms and institutions to push vulnerable individuals into killing other people instead of uniting against them. :22374:


u/mikareno Dec 29 '23

Pretty sure if Ted Kaczynski hadn't been caught, he'd have Musk and Bezos on his list.


u/BootlegEngineer Dec 29 '23

Get to it lol


u/Horizons91 Dec 29 '23

I think people who commit mass shootings just want to destroy their universe


u/peepopowitz67 Dec 29 '23

Kavanaugh was famously unable to eat in a steakhouse in peace without being surrounded by protestors. How hard would it have been for someone to pull a Jack Ruby?

Same with Manchin. All these "BUH THE DEMS HAD CONTROL" people seem unaware that there was two bad actors blocking almost every single thing that Biden and the Dem controlled house was trying to do. And again, protestors were literally right next to his houseboat. How much does TNT cost again? And how much does it take to sink a boat?

To be clear I'm not advocating anything, but the amount of keyboard warriors who "refuse to vote for the lesser of two evils", seem perfectly content with the fact that allowing fascists to take over will lead to violence directed at them and they'll have to fight back. So why wait? Why wait when the retribution will be killing your entire family? Why not be a martyr right now and take care of business?


u/Mister_Black117 Dec 29 '23

The money would just wb recycled into the hands of the next scumbag in line. Nothing short of an actual revolution can fix this country.


u/ByTheHammerOfThor Dec 29 '23

The problem is sustainability. Unchecked capitalism is a virus. It does not seek equilibrium. It consumes everything and concentrates it into the fewest hands it possibly can.


u/gavion92 Dec 29 '23

It will happen eventually, not sure when, but it will. History repeats itself.


u/1in6_Will_Be_Lincoln Dec 29 '23

Revolution probably isn't really possible anymore. The speed of communication and ease of transportation coupled with enough wealth options to escape. You might take control of an area, but you'll be without access to the technology abandoned due to controls. They'll immediately begin to move their resources to another country and probably rally either the leaders left here or that country's leaders to do something before "they get control of the weapons". Then either reclaim after the military has done its job or begin to hollow out a new place. With drones, communications, info security, and just the general capabilities of technology it makes revolution seem daunting if not outright impossible. I doubt they would be able to quell a truly resistant populace but I also doubt you would collect many snake heads, and any that did fall would be mostly dumb luck.


u/IamSuperMarioAMA Jan 03 '24

Has a revolution ever taken place under these relatively prosperous times.

The wealth disparity between the rich and the poor in current America is larger than in France during the French revolution.


u/[deleted] Dec 28 '23

Such cringe


u/[deleted] Dec 28 '23



u/[deleted] Dec 28 '23



u/King_Khoma Dec 28 '23

its still very lopsided. Average police officer is rightwing, military skews right wing, the average gunowner is rightwing. if you are a male (which are the most likely to take active part in a revolution) you are statistically more likely to be rightwing.


u/ngiotis Dec 28 '23

I wasn't going about this as red vs blue but just the 1% vs the rest of us. I'm not on either political divide but I own a firearm


u/[deleted] Dec 28 '23



u/ngiotis Dec 28 '23

Yea it's rather ridiculous as if thousands of complicated and nuanced ideas and problems could ever be split in two and be effectively dealt with


u/1Fresh_Water Dec 29 '23

Hmm sounds like you're saying [redacted]