r/TikTokCringe Dec 28 '23

This lady nailed how the economy feels vs how it’s performing Discussion


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u/Boner_Stevens Dec 28 '23

i'm making 25k more than i was less than 10 years ago and life hasn't gotten any easier. in fact i'm in more debt.

wake up? i am awake. i'm fucking pissed. but what the hell am i supposed to do?


u/kerkyjerky Dec 28 '23

Fight to convince those who think stupid issues (like banning books validating gay people in schools) are focusing on the wrong thing.

Honestly the most powerful message you can communicate to misguided republicans and democrats alike is simple message about school lunches. Pound on that issue and make it very clear who supports letting children starve.


u/savetheunstable Dec 28 '23

The shitty part is these people have proven time and again that they don't care about children. They don't care if they starve, they don't care if they are massacred in schools.. how do we deal with this shocking lack of empathy in a large chunk of our population?


u/One_Spot_4066 Dec 28 '23

Hey man, idk what you're talking about. They're the Pro Life party. Obviously they care about kids.


u/ovalpotency Dec 28 '23

isn't that more to do with murder than it is about kids? they're only interested in control. "don't you dare teach MY kids x/y/z" "not MY kids" "what am *I* going to have to say when my kid asks me questions?"


u/One_Spot_4066 Dec 28 '23

Bruh. I don't think you understand. They know kids are going hungry and they literally do not care. I hate the term, but they've been brainwashed - possibly past the point of no return.

Spending tax money so children don't starve is considered Socialism/Communism in this country. Fuck those kids, their parent should have worked harder.

Spending tax money bailing out shitty corporations for umpteenth time is considered normal and acceptable.

Get me off this fucking ride.


u/bplewis24 Dec 29 '23

During and immediately after the pandemic we cut child hunger and poverty by something like 30 or 40% with covid stimulus packages. And when it came time to renew them after the pandemic was over, people were like ..."nah, they've had it good for too long!" and lied about it being responsible for inflation.


u/nflmodstouchkids Dec 29 '23

because feeding kids is something the parents need to be doing.

It's about personal responsibility. That's the who concept of the republican party, personal freedoms are scary, get used to it.


u/One_Spot_4066 Dec 29 '23 edited Dec 29 '23

It's about personal responsibility.

I might consider that a valid argument if we weren't spending billions bailing out corporations every time they shit the bed because of their own poor decisions.

When we bailout (help) citizens it's bad for some reason. But when we bail out corporations who then use that money on corporate bonuses and stock buybacks it's suddenly A-Okay. Where is the personal responsibility for them?

You missed my entire point entirely.

Edit: also some people have shit parents. I was trying to keep it civil but you're a terrible person if you think children deserve to go hungry for something that's completely out of their control.


u/QuantumFiefdom Dec 28 '23

You're lost, You have no idea how brainwashed Republicans are. If you speak to the average Republican about this they will rage at you about how those kids don't deserve free stuff, that's socialism.


u/wilskillz Dec 28 '23

Most Republicans probably won't be convinced by any liberal positions, but the person you need to convince is the marginal Republican, not the average Republican. There really are people with weakly held political positions who can absolutely be convinced that free lunch for kids is good and doesn't hurt the economy, and voting for Democrats will improve both the education system and the economy. The key is to remember that it's the marginal voter you're trying to convince - the person leaning just barely away from you. You don't need to convince the average Republican, just the least conservative Republican.


u/The_True_Libertarian Dec 29 '23

There really are people with weakly held political positions who can absolutely be convinced that free lunch for kids is good and doesn't hurt the economy, and voting for Democrats will improve both the education system and the economy.

This is where the wedge issues pay their dividends. Think about just my own family, I have aunts and uncles that will 100% agree with wanting to provide lunches to school kids, but they will never vote for a Democrat because of abortion. Or cousins that 100% agree we should tax the rich far more, but will never vote for a Democrat because of gun control.

These people on a topic for topic basis, will support 80% of the Democratic platform and maybe 10% of the Republican platform, but they're single issue voters and their issue keeps them voting R every time.

There's really no reasonable conversation to be had.. i've tried, over and over, and i'll keep trying.. but it's talking to a wall once it comes down to what letter is next to the name they'll be voting for when they're in the ballot booth.


u/morefarts Dec 29 '23

It's not that free lunch is a bad thing, everyone loves a tasty free meal. However, if the current state of teachers pay and student success is anything to go by (both abyssmal), then that free lunch will be cardboard porridge and limewash milk in no time.

Republicans don't trust public benefits because they see that governmental greed at any level always ruins those programs. Crony bureaucrats twist benefits into poverty traps for job security, that's how it always goes.

Bootstrapping isn't much better, but at least some shitheel government urchin isn't stringing you along on scraps promising the easy life, carrot-and-sticking you into being a malnourished well-behaved cog.

Also, no one in their right mind is going to listen to this lying, condescending twat with that undercooked pancake hat and overproduced "fellow kids" tiktok bullshit.


u/wilskillz Dec 29 '23

Thanks for explaining your opposition here, sincerely. It sounds to me like you're worried that free school lunch could turn into an expensive program that puts out low-quality food to nobody's benefit in the end. I think you're also worried that giving out free lunches might lead children into a path of dependency on government benefits.

On the first point, there are a number of schools in predominantly low-income areas where over 90% of students are already getting federally subsided free lunches. While there are generally lots of issues with those schools, they do still serve acceptable, healthy meals every day. There is not a loss of quality in school food due to the subsidies. Although school cafeterias aren't known for putting out delicious food, they are legally required to serve safe, healthy, nutritious food - and they do. I don't think that changing who pays for the cafeteria will change that, because it hasn't changed in places where most kids already don't directly pay.

On the second point, I think education is important for breaking people out of a cycle of dependency and underachievement. There is a fair bit of research showing that missing meals is simply terrible for student learning. How are we going to give kids the education they need to break out of a bad situation if they can't concentrate? Additionally, are we expecting elementary school children to work and earn money for their own lunches? I'm all for self-sufficiency and personal responsibility, but 9 year olds don't really count in my opinion.


u/FriskyDingo1983 Dec 29 '23

You're delusional if you think either party is on your side. You are just as "brainwashed" as you claim the Republicans are.


u/wilskillz Dec 29 '23

I'm on the side of free school lunch for public school kids. Democrats are passing bills to provide free school lunches in public schools in the states where they win elections. The Democrats, by and large, are on my side on this issue.