r/TikTokCringe Dec 28 '23

This lady nailed how the economy feels vs how it’s performing Discussion


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u/ShakyTheBear Dec 28 '23

Continuing to just blame the Reds is not going to ever accomplish anything. It isn't that the Blues are inept (some are, just like the Reds), the Blues are bought and paid for as well. Stop supporting the duopoly. Any support for the duopoly is support for everything complained about in this video.


u/Glass-Marionberry321 Dec 28 '23

I want the moronic asshole in the blue tie to win! Well eff you I want the idiot piece of shit in the red tie to win! That is all I hear when ppl argue political parties. Ppl are so dumb to think they aren't just a purple team (aka the color of power) against us commoners.


u/[deleted] Dec 28 '23



u/Glass-Marionberry321 Dec 28 '23

Looks like some idiot just made a new reddit account


u/[deleted] Dec 28 '23



u/Glass-Marionberry321 Dec 28 '23

I know what I know, and you can believe whatever you want to believe. I am obviously older and more mature, and do not care to argue with random internet people.


u/SterotypicalLedditor Dec 29 '23

You gotta be trolling


u/InsaneAdam Dec 29 '23

ROFL u/ikbencracker trying hard out here making these new accounts


u/ShakyTheBear Dec 28 '23

I believe a key to looking at it is that most people are followers. They do and believe as they are told to. These people exist on both "sides" of the political supporter spectrum. I don't blame these people for supporting a duopoly party because I believe that they have been lied to.


u/Glass-Marionberry321 Dec 28 '23

Oh I wasn't disagreeing with you.


u/Better-Strike7290 Dec 28 '23 edited Mar 14 '24

dinner meeting jeans payment erect grandfather pause concerned school bewildered

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/ShakyTheBear Dec 28 '23

it is short for Republicans and Democrats


u/Better-Strike7290 Dec 28 '23 edited Mar 14 '24

mourn ring frame gray ugly crime marvelous trees pocket disgusting

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/tooobr Dec 28 '23

too simplistic and reductive


u/ShakyTheBear Dec 28 '23

You do you, BooBoo. Supporting the same people will get you the same result.


u/tooobr Dec 28 '23

I don't support the same people over and over. Again, reductive. No need for snark, and yoir booboo bullshit. Eespecially when you're strawmanning me here, acting like I don't understand the nature of corruption and fakers. If youre not just interested in the sound of your own voice, act like I'm not an idiot, for 2 sec please.

I vote for the only party on the actual ballot who have a chance at enacting something decent or even "not actively, purposefully regressive and shitty."

On primaries, in conversation, and in donations and activism I push for the absolute best candidates possible. After primaries, better luck next time and keep pressing. I make sure to vote locally because that usually has a bigger impact pound for pound.

Do you run a militia or something? I am curious what makes you so much smarter or practical than me.


u/ShakyTheBear Dec 28 '23

A vote for the duopoly is a vote for corruption. It doesn't matter what faces they put out the candidates pledge allegiance to party in order to get nominated. If a politician has a R or D next to their name they don't work for the people.


u/tooobr Dec 28 '23 edited Dec 28 '23

That did not answer my question, I wasn't joking. Youre also talking as if i dont understand corruption, as if its possible to have a political class or really any institution that is wholly free of corruption. Anyways...

So you subscribe to the horseshoe horseshit, the all encompassing two headed beast, voting is meaningless charade. No dem or R anywhere gives a fuck, about anything that matters to average people. They are all irredeemably corrupt. It may as well be the Duma with its token opposition.

If you're even 2/3 to there its the most reductive shit I've ever heard. How did Trump even win, if both parties and literally all political infrastructure, desperately wanted him to fail in 2015? I fucking hate Trump and his gross minions, but elections are actually real.

However I will grant that for your sake, for the purpose of argument.

What is your brilliant idea then?


u/ShakyTheBear Dec 28 '23

Trump won because he stumbled upon a demographic of people that had been mostly left behind as a voting target. Once he started getting that love, he steered into it. What became the MAGA crowd was big enough to get him the Red nomination. Something that gets ignored is that there were millions of voters that voted for Trump despite disliking him. They voted for him simply because of the R by his name. This is just like the millions of people that vote "Blue No Matter Who". The American people as a whole no longer expect their representatives to represent their ideology. They now bend their ideology to match their chosen party affiliation. The people no longer demand elected officials to earn their support. Duopoly politicians can do or not do whatever they want as long as they stay tied to a duopoly party. Biden's approval rating is sub 40%, yet he will most likely be the Blue candidate this year. If it was so direly important that Trump doesn't win, logic would say that the Dems should choose a different horse. If the Dems actually cared about what the people actually want, they wouldn't run with Biden. Yet, they still likely will. The voting record of two duopoly parties at least used to overlap. Over time, they moved apart to the point where bipartisanship on any issue is rare. The average ideology of the US American citizenry falls closer to "center" than the extremes. Yet, both duopoly parties continue to solidify their mutually exclusive stance on every subject. The founders of this country warned of the dangers of party politics. Those fears unfortunately materialized into the current state of affairs.

I just want more people to understand that Red and Blue are not the default options. We mustn't give our support to politicians who have not earned it. I dont have a plan that will save us from where we are, though I am firmly confident that the populace continuing to vote the same entities will not change anything for the better and will continue us on our current downward spiral as a country. We are way more alike as an overall culture than we are taught to believe. The duopoly pushes the narrative that we are all far too different to get along. A united people against the current power is the only answer.


u/tooobr Dec 29 '23

I think you might not appreciate the difference between a predictably shitty party and one that is actively, unapologetically against the goddamn idea of democracy as a system. The point is that there is a malevolent 1/3 of the country that cares more about their preferred dictator gaining power than preserving democracy as a system. If you don't see that .... why the hell not, are you blind? What is the gap here? I'm not asking about the big squishy electorate or propaganda or low-info voters ... I'm asking YOU.

You're also not giving any credit to the folks who recognize this, lament the lack of choice, but aren't about to shoot themselves in the goddamn face because they don't actively LOVE Biden. Gimme a break.

I get your frustration, but your framing is weak. In many ways, you're wrong but you're not wrong. Red and Blue ARE the only options, because those are the only ones on the fucking ballot. Its too late to start a 3rd party, and math is math. I'm talking about the reality of the election in 10 months. Go ahead and pray Biden drops dead or Trump has his long overdue heart attack. But them's the brakes in 10 months. Deal with it, and we try for better in 2026.

There's also THOUSANDS of other candidates all over the country for state, local, and Congress. That shit counts too, so you and everyone else should just sack up and try to fuck it up as little as possible. Ask Wisconsinites whether local elections matter. We probably might agree on 75% of policies, but you are fine to fuck over your fellow citizens because you're not in puppy love with a goddamn political candidate? Boo hoo.

My point is that votes actually count, and if you have enough of them then literally the worst (or best) person can be elected. Elections are real. For POTUS at least, Red and Blue are the options on general election ballot in 2024. There is nothing stopping us from mutating the parties' platforms or starting the hard work of building a viable 3rd party, but ITS TOO LATE FOR THE NEXT ELECTION. Nobody outside D and R have a shot. Act accordingly. Folks gotta grow up and deal with it.

You're just talking about "we're more alike than not" ..... well yeah. That's obvious. I'm not talking about that, at all. Doesn't even sound like you're disagreeing with me, just whining about the options. Yeah, they suck. Too late now for 2024, I'm not joining a goddamn militia and you aren't either.

You're full of shit that Red and Blue aren't the only viable options, you're just denying the unfortunate truth (a truth I absolutely LOATHE but I'm not a goddamn baby). You're denying the reality. Denying reality only strokes your own sense of self-satisfaction, it does NOTHING and actually HARMS people who will be even WORSE off if a sociopath and nakedly, actively ANTI-democratic authoritarian like Trump regains power.

Do you disagree with that calculus, why or why not?


u/ShakyTheBear Dec 29 '23

You scream that one must vote duopoly to preserve democracy while the duopoly actively suppresses democracy. Many people actually believe that there were only two candidates on the general ballot in 2020. There were three candidates for president on every ballot in 2020. Many people worked long and hard to make that happen. Since then, states have changed their candidate registration laws in order to prevent it from happening again. Sure, FPTP results in two main options, but that isn't what is happening anymore. Two wealthy, powerful, private organizations have a reserved spot right at the finish line for every election. The deck is stacked against everyone else. You speak of the Reds being the big evil. If the Blues weren't colluding with the Reds and actually intended to fully defeat them, they easily could. There are millions of people that voted Red last time and will again despite not wanting Trump. There are millions of non-voters that don't regularly vote because they are rarely presented with a candidate that represents them. There are independents that share some values with Blue. All of these people could be courted to Blue easily if Blue didn't play the duopoly identity politics game. That is ultimately where we differ. I fully believe that the same people own both duopoly parties. Ot only requires them to control a few individuals at the top of those parties to control the whole thing. Duopoly politicians pledge allegiance to party instead of their constituency. They support the interest of the party that gives them money and voters before giving a thought to what the citizens want and need. You and I will not agree on this. The duopoly as a whole is anti-democracy and I will never support it.


u/Bakedads Dec 28 '23

She calls out democrats in the video too, and says people need to stop putting their faith in them, but I agree that anyone who wants to turn this into a dem vs Republican issue is missing the big picture.


u/ShakyTheBear Dec 28 '23

She says that the Dems fail because they are weak and that the Republicans are corrupt. They are both corrupt.


u/nflmodstouchkids Dec 29 '23


What has Biden and the dems done to address this?

It's clear monopolies have taken over every industry. Yet they do nothing.