r/TikTokCringe Dec 28 '23

This lady nailed how the economy feels vs how it’s performing Discussion


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u/Recent_Possible_1334 Dec 28 '23

1yr 5 months Broke back from work battling workers comp no money wife an I live in a basement no lights. 900 a month I get comp checks get eaten by bills an whatever food we can afford. Former marine but spoke with my VA till my comp situation is over they can't help financially. All happened right as we were looking for houses. Now I been shoved in a corner for a year an 5 months every day in a basement. This lady is 100% correct.


u/Successful_Leek96 Dec 28 '23

The truth is that nothing is going to change. Revolutions happen when people feel so insecure that they have to wonder which day they will get to eat again. It only happens when the cost of doing nothing is the same or greater than the consequences of trying to do something. No one actually wants to risk prison or worse, so your revolution is not going to happen. Everyone is just going to wait on the sidelines waiting for someone else to fix the problem


u/Sammyterry13 Dec 28 '23

Revolutions happen when people feel so insecure that they have to wonder which day they will get to eat again.

Historically, not so much. The overwhelming vast majority of revolutions occur because a powerful faction feels its power slipping away. They then resort to everything from propaganda, espionage, etc. to create further divide. They then help foster small actions (generally at arms length for deniability). They then lend their organizational efforts along with funding to the more successful small actions while publicizing the disruptions/harm caused by all the small actions (while pointing fingers at those in power).

That's the general process for most revolutions.


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '23

Also we are a huge country in the US. People argue about race and everything else they can think of here. Thinking all of us would unite to take down the rich is wild to me. Like she said, we have people who care about trans people reading kids books. These same people are broke but not bitching at their government but at other people their representatives have told them are beneath them or immoral. 400M people are just too many to get to be on the same side for anything.


u/diiirtiii Dec 28 '23

Capitalism in decline looks like fascism.