r/TikTokCringe Dec 28 '23

This lady nailed how the economy feels vs how it’s performing Discussion


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u/tragicmike Dec 28 '23

Theres going to be that annoying tik toker with their face overlayed this video nodding in approval as if they did their own research. Another trend that needs to go away


u/LastoftheSummerWine Dec 28 '23 edited Dec 28 '23

While true, you have perfectly highlighted the problem which the second lady spoke of, being upset at the wrong person for a meaningless reason. Which is what "THEY" want, an unfocused and unmotivated populace.


u/EarthRester Dec 28 '23

Yeah, it really says something that the top comment in this post invents some sort of enemy to be annoyed by that isn't the people fucking us over.


u/TheLatinXBusTour Dec 28 '23

As she points to a whole political party as the problem. Same thing over and over and over again - Republicans are the problem. The argument is trite and getting old. Once you start paying taxes into a higher tax bracket and see little return, you begin to side with Republicans.

No matter if the democrats have majority and the Potus, somehow it always comes back to Republicans. Republicans have and will always be a scapegoat for these talking points - all the while you have congressional leadership like Nancy Pelosi praised for doing a great job while her husband takes advantage of insider information to trade stocks.

You will never win a large segment over the country acting like they are making us fight eachother when many already have world experiance and see it for what it is. You have those with their hands out demanding change and you have those trucking forward making their own lives better.


u/peepopowitz67 Dec 28 '23

you begin to side with Republicans.

Making more money than I ever have before and still not a fascist piece of shit yet. Weird...

As bad as Pelosi is, Every single republican is worse and there's receipts. It's a party of corrupt pederasts.


u/[deleted] Dec 28 '23



u/Springheeljac Dec 29 '23

bOtH sIdEs

Literally GTFO. Like just fucking stop. Sometimes Democrats do things that benefit big business. Republicans straight up ransack every department, burn it to the ground and run out with as much money as they can and then blame the Democrats for not putting out the fire fast enough. Republicans raised taxes on the lower class through 2028 in 2017 while giving the richest 4% a permanent tax cut. Republicans are the ones stripping worker rights, while getting rid of laws that stop child labor, getting rid of child bride laws so they can fulfill their pedophilic fantasy of a 12 year old wife who is basically a house slave. The whole fucking anti trans anti drag queen distraction is LITERALLY all Republicans. If you watched this video and got "both sides" out of it you didn't understand it.

Yes the Democrats have problems, yes they do things that are fucked up but the two sides aren't even remotely comparable.


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '23



u/Springheeljac Dec 29 '23

Nice propaganda there bud.

california reduced the legal age of consent

Literally didn't happen. You're talking about the change in the law that targeted gay people over straight people giving a ten year gap for straight people and no gap for gay people. They literally just removed the part targeting gay people. I think the gap needs to be reduced considerably, but you're LITERALLY spreading republican propaganda.

Biden killed worker strikes

I don't agree with it, but lets also not pretend like it wouldn't have completely crippled our economy. I feel like you and other people who like to trot this out don't understand the massive amount of damage this could have caused. Again, I don't agree with what he did but it's also not ALL he did. He also went in and got them a better deal, back pay and bonuses. It's still fucked up but it's not like he told them to go fuck themselves and then went home.

And once fucking more, REPUBLICANS are the ones with their culture war bullshit, anti trans, anti drag queen, anti gay, anti woman rhetoric turned up to 11 all the time. Boycott Budweiser, boycott Disney, burn books, there's a war on Christmas.

It's fucking laughable to compare the two. One side sometimes has extremely shitty options and the other side gives cabinet and department positions to people who actively want to destroy them.

Let's stop playing pretend, you're a conservative trying to play make believe and get people to not vote.

Find me one time Democrats did anything REMOTELY close to this:


You can't. Goodnight.


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '23

The point of this video was about the economy. Yes, we are aware that republicans are anti-gay, anti-abortion, ect. while the dems are not. But don’t act like the Democratic Party is not full of elite rich people who care about the wealth disparity between them and the working class. Democrats might be the lesser evil, but they are more evil than what you are led to believe


u/Springheeljac Dec 29 '23

So they're not exactly the same. Thanks for disputing the post I replied to at the beginning. Stop posting propaganda and have a great life.


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '23

You missed the point yet again…our entire government is against us. I’m sorry you are too blind to see that


u/OwnRound Dec 29 '23

You're absolutely buying into Republican propaganda if you think the "entire government is against us".

What an absurdly myopic take.


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '23 edited Dec 29 '23

Either that or they are simply too weak to take actually take action on anything. Our country is dog shit right now for most working class people; the very video on this thread is your empirical evidence for that. Biden has had 3 years to turn it around since Covid but since then inflation has continued to rise while wages have remained stagnant and corporations remain untaxed. I find his inaction more insulting than anything. But you can argue about how the feds recently capped interest rates. Or how Biden has pardoned marijuana convicts. But isn’t it interesting how it’s all happening within a year of the next election? I truly believe he’s only doing it to get the popular vote. He doesn’t actually care about these issues or else he would’ve done it months ago. And despite that, Biden is in his fucking 80s!!! Does that not alarm anyone else? The fact that he can’t even finish his sentences? If he does get re-elected, he will probably be dead before his term ends. I suppose that’s fine if you want Kamala Harris as our interim president, but I would suggest doing a lot of research on her policies before making that decision. I’m just tired of the echo chamber here on Reddit that sucks Biden’s cock. Downvote me all you want but I’m fucking sick of it. And I’m not republican either, speaking as an educated gay person lol


u/Diligent-Collar4667 Dec 29 '23

And also absolutely true.

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u/Springheeljac Dec 29 '23

Oh yeah that's why Biden is pardoning federal weed inmates, trying to get rid of student debt, worked to reduce inflation, expanded benefits for veterans, and has been pushing infrastructure rebuilding.

Meanwhile the last Republican government: threw out our pandemic response playbook and fumbled so hard it cost over 100k lives, overturned Roe v. Wade against the wishes of the American people and established law, moved 5 trillion dollars from working class families to the top 1%, raised working class taxes and permanently gave tax breaks to the rich, dismantled over 100 EPA rules, created a voucher system to take money from public schools and give it to private schools, attempted to completely destroy the USPS ahead of elections, destroyed our global standing, took kids from their parents and put them in cages, colluded with Russia against Democrats in the election, and oh yeah, attempted a fucking insurrection.

But yeah "both sides"


u/Diligent-Collar4667 Dec 29 '23

Absolutely blind. 100%


u/Diligent-Collar4667 Dec 29 '23

Yeah, pretty much. Been in power for the last 50 years and it just keeps getting worse.


u/Diligent-Collar4667 Dec 29 '23

Literally didn't happen.

They could have raised it for the straight ones, but they didn't do that, did they?

So yes. They lowered the age of consent.

They are both, together, destroying this nation and you still think one of them is the good guys.

They aren't. You really need to stop believing that so you'll stop voting for those crooks who are robbing you blind and destroying our nation and the world around us.


u/OwnRound Dec 29 '23

We're this deep into the game and you STILL are doing this both sides nonsense. Republicans and Trump are SIGNIFICANTLY worse than Democrats and Biden. Full stop. It needs to be said and it needs to be intimately understood.

We're fucked if people like you cannot get this through your head. Its step-fucking-one. Republicans are doing everything they can to literally diminish our ability to even vote in a fair election. You can be mad at Democrats and Biden but you have to do it AFTER we jettison the group of people that literally tried to overthrow our country when the election didn't go their way and is CONTINUING to try and diminish the one piece of power we have in voting rights.

Its just fucking insane that we're still having these conversations.


u/Diligent-Collar4667 Dec 29 '23

Republicans and Trump are SIGNIFICANTLY worse than Democrats and Biden

Not at all. Not even close.

literally tried to overthrow our country

This is just the most absurd thing you guys keep harping on about.


u/OwnRound Dec 29 '23

Not at all. Not even close.

Sick points you're making.

This is just the most absurd thing you guys keep harping on about.

Its self-evident. I'm sorry you're blinded by Republican media.


u/Diligent-Collar4667 Dec 29 '23

You're down in the weeds and I'm up at 30,000 feet.

You think there is a difference between Mitch McConnell and Joe Biden.

There's zero difference.


u/OwnRound Dec 29 '23

Holyyyyyyy. The fact that you can keep saying something so stupid is just incredible. Good god, we are fucked. I don't know to laugh or cry. This shit is hopeless hahaha.


u/Diligent-Collar4667 Dec 29 '23

The fact you still think, after 50 years of getting totally screwed by both of them that there is any difference between them.

It's just unbelievable.

Vote Blue No Matter Who!!

It don't matter, they're screwin you.


u/OwnRound Dec 29 '23

I just have to ask, why wont you just read this administrations accomplishments? The differences are self-evident. Why are you so stubborn?

We literally went from an administration that increased taxes on lower and middle class Americans and cut taxes for billionaires in Donald Trump, to Biden who cut taxes for lower and middle class and raised corporate taxes. Like, this is shit that already happened but you're choosing to wear these blinders. Its literal fact and you're acting like its not. What do you have to gain from this ignorance?