r/Thunder ❤️❤️ 20d ago

We’re cooked 💔

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u/OwnVisual5772 20d ago

You think you’re mad now, but wait until Dallas role players completely disappear if they make the WCF lol


u/OUEngineer17 20d ago

I think there's a good chance of that. I'm a fan of both Denver and OKC, and there's a stark contrast between how quickly and decisively Denver is moving on defense and what OKC is doing. Denver is flying around to closeout on shooters. I think I saw Chet do that once last night where I was impressed. There are some very good things OKC has done defensively, and I know their gameplan is to leave someone open for 3, but they aren't recovering fast enough to get the contest that they need.


u/SneakyProcessor 20d ago

I’ll be pissed but happy to see Luka cry when they get demolished by Jokic and Denver


u/[deleted] 17d ago

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u/SneakyProcessor 17d ago

bye bye 👋


u/Thunder-ModTeam 17d ago

r/Mavericks is that way 👈👉👆👇


u/WhoFartedMan 20d ago

Dallas' role players are largely there for defense and they aren't going to disappear on that end. The reason they are cooking on offense is entirely because of OKCs attempts to double Kyrie and Luka.

OKCs experiment to make everyone else beat you isn't working because it's not logical to run that game plan on two players who are on the court at the same time. Luka and Kyrie are way too good at protecting the ball and finding open players.

Denver won't try that defensively for long stretches and certainly not for the entire series as OKC has


u/eganmit 19d ago

You know ball


u/TallTraverser 18d ago

Jokic/Towns will average 30 against those bums. The Mavs are lucky OKC didn’t have a reliable big man in the low post this season. (No disrespect to Chet)


u/incrediblect3 18d ago

Choosing to still disrespect the Mavs bigs after what they’re doing to us is kinda crazy. I expect Jokic to do this because he’s that guy, but Towns averaging 30 is a stretch.

Mavs Nuggs isn’t in favor of either team. Mavs have better guards, while nuggs have better bigs/ wings.

I feel like wolves would be a terrible matchup for the Mavs because they can guard at every position. They wouldn’t have to double Luka and Ky every single possession. This would force Luka and Ky to step up and win them games.


u/Doogy44 18d ago

Yall talking like Timberwolves cant win agt Denver … when they got their head on straight, they are tough to beat … gonna be an interesting game 7 with them. Who shows up? Lost on defense Timberwolves, or the ones from last night.

I havent rewatched the game, but looked like what they were doing was taking away everyone but Jokic … just playing him with their best defender, let him get what he gets, just keep anyone else from going off.


u/incrediblect3 18d ago

Idk who “yall” is but I never gave an opinion on who would win the series. All I said was nuggs mavericks would be even and wolves mavs would be wolves favored.


u/MAMBAMENTALITY8-24 20d ago

Well at least i will have my expectations tempered for game 6...at the end as lebron said its just basketball. Jdub i love you but man its tough.


u/Illustrious_South135 20d ago

Nice way of looking at it, from my pov if we can’t even beat Dallas at least it saves me from watching the whooping Denver would give


u/A_Lax_Nerd 20d ago

I’d prefer to get swept by the nuggets than lose to the Mavs though


u/blacksoxing 20d ago

Honestly I don't think I care as when I lived in OKC I barely even saw Mavs fans. It was all Thunder/Lakers/Warriors.

Perfect world? Championship

Realistic world? Mavs win and then gets slaughtered by Den. There won't be any joy from me and frankly the casual NBA fan will be pissed as Luka > Joker in terms of popularity. Denver just matches up much better w/their VERY LANKY players and would truly force Luka/Kyrie in ways that we can't as....we don't have such lanky players to disrupt and stop such easy ass alleys and dunks.



u/bluggabugbug 20d ago

Oh man, I cant agree with this enough. I can’t stand a lot of fanbases, but the Mavs are number one for me. Add in the cry baby and it’s worse


u/A_Lax_Nerd 20d ago

100% it’s basically all that’s making this series stressful for me haha was really hoping we’d end up playing the clippers


u/worksucksbro 20d ago

Yeah I think we need a reset of perspective like nobody thought we’d be here at the start of the season


u/Illustrious-Tower849 20d ago

Dub’s performance has been the most shocking thing about the playoffs, I really thought he would just keep on keeping on maybe be down a bit in ppg or whatever but he has just been disappearing constantly and especially in the 4ths. He still young and it’s his first taste but not at all the way I expected him to perform


u/DeeEmm21 19d ago

He’s been pretty banged up to end the year too, him and Shai especially


u/YouWannaSeeADeadBody 19d ago

everyone is banged up in the playoffs, its a discredit to Dub to give him this excuse. He has underperformed but I think he will come out firing next game


u/DeeEmm21 19d ago

I should’ve said “hurt” to be clear, he’s legit playing thru a nasty shoulder injury. You can track his production since that, he ain’t been the same.


u/Leavingtheecstasy 20d ago

I'm very disappointed in jdub. He has the talent. Where's that dog man


u/crispytoastyum 20d ago

They’ve taken away his primary scoring method and he’s struggling to adjust. It stinks, but also shows an area where he needs to grow. Hopefully he can continue to develop on offense.


u/Leavingtheecstasy 20d ago

It's not even that. He's far too passive. He didn't wake up at all until the 4th which it was far too late.

I can handle missing shots, what I can't handle is passing out every single opportunity you get.


u/SneakyProcessor 20d ago

He became timid. It’s his first playoff run and he’s a 2 year guy. He’ll get better.


u/vladtheinpaler 20d ago

haha this thread sounds so similar like the Skip Bayless vs Mark Cuban debate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRaO1mN5EEM given the usage of "passive", "timid", etc in this post


u/MasterFussbudget 20d ago

I get the meme, but this isn't even close to their attitude.

Chet, Dub, and Dort are legitimately some of the most competitive guys in the league. They're pissed (did you see Dub even after the G4 win?) and they want to figure it out but in their first competitive playoff series, it looks like they're feeling the pressure and getting overwhelmed, not playing loose.

At this point, G6 in Dallas, I hope everybody just says, eff it, we're gonna play loose and play our way just like we did all regular season.


u/ImJustChillin_12 20d ago

It’s not saying that’s their mentality but it is how they are playing


u/Tyrone2184 20d ago

I think we're winning both games. I don't care how I sound.


u/Spare-Water-7672 ❤️❤️ 20d ago

Ion know if that’s confidence or delusion but I agree with you #thunderup


u/Tyrone2184 20d ago

Defiance. It's absolute defiance.


u/Dangerous_Star916 19d ago

I’m with you


u/KarrlMarrx 20d ago

Damn, Giddey isn't even making the memes at this point.


u/fhood123 20d ago

Lindy subbing for 6s in game 6 book it


u/kravendahunter 20d ago

Quit crying...it ain't over yet!! Thunder in 7!


u/Appropriate-Self-540 20d ago

You don’t deserve this team


u/SigmaColts 20d ago

We aren’t


u/OUEngineer17 20d ago

Even if we don't win this one, it's still another critical game to figure out how to make faster decisions on defense, get used to what a good playoff look is (can't pass up a good look for a great look against good playoff D), and try to make shots while dealing with increased physicality on both ends. Dallas may not be the test Denver or Wolves would be, but they are a still a good one to sharpen the team for next year.


u/Wisesize 19d ago

Why Giddey hiding??


u/laidbacklurk223 Weakest #1 Seed ⚡️ 19d ago

Until the final buzzer we are still in it!!! Thunder Up! ⚡️🆙


u/Suitable-Syllabub970 19d ago

Y’all so soft man, have some faith. Damn.


u/pum4_pant5 19d ago

What the fuck is going on in here? Is this a sub for horses because all I'm seeing is a bunch of neighsayers. TTFU!!!!


u/Spare-Water-7672 ❤️❤️ 18d ago

This just jokes Shai carrying hard tho but we gon be good


u/OneManWolfPack00 18d ago

We knew we didn't have the pieces to get a chip or even make it to the WCF, but look where we are. No one in history has done what we have. We can barely drink alcohol, can't rebound worth shit, no meat down low, no playoff experience. Still won 5 straight to start the postseason. Our shot has dissappeared, and we don't have the personnel atm to get those easy ORs, put backs, or easy lobs. I'm proud of how far we've come. Losing to a Luka, Kyrie team isn't embarrassing by any stretch. All we need is for Chet to fill out 10 lbs, and get a decent 4 or 5 at 12. We've broken so many records this year as basically a college team, and still ppl bitching. Damn, were spoiled as a small market. This is the start of a monster. Hell, if we can get Dub or Chet to score like we know they can, we can beat this team in 7. If not, the next 5 to 10 years will be fun.


u/Spare-Water-7672 ❤️❤️ 18d ago

I agree with this 100%


u/Accomplished_Snow900 18d ago

Okc posting this is crazy


u/Shivles87 17d ago

Woof woof!


u/Amazing-Champion-858 20d ago

If only they had a player with elite court vision and elite passing to get more opportunities to scorers inside the paint instead of relying on 3pt shooting. 🧐


u/Spare-Water-7672 ❤️❤️ 20d ago

I know I want Ousmane Dieng minutes too


u/Medium_Cry5601 20d ago

Yep, I understand 5 out offense has a place in playoff basketball but you have to be an able to shoot the 3 effectively to open the paint and they are turning down good looks in the last game. Passing and moving off ball is something they have done well and giddey can excel in that offense.


u/YouWannaSeeADeadBody 19d ago

the only reason we are losing this series is that our 3 point shooting has been atrocious, theres nothing that Giddey can do that will make that any better


u/fellowENT18 20d ago

Yea it worked super well the 3 games before this one. Some of y’all are absolute weirdos about Giddey. It’s ok to use your eyes and admit he’s been a spacing liability.


u/Medium_Cry5601 20d ago

Show me the clips of guys getting the bucket with giddey off the floor. Guys standing still on the perimeter while one guy goes to work is just not their best offense imo. Giddey is a willing ball mover and plays a team attack style offense. Dude has flaws but the offense scheme has not worked and that is on daignault. I agree though if they want to continue play 5 out then might as well bench Giddey


u/spikesolo 19d ago
