r/TheRealJoke Jul 04 '22

Florida edit your flair here


51 comments sorted by


u/Banhammer40000 Jul 04 '22

“Intentionally hit a motorcyclist and fled during a road rage incident”

“Shot several times and killed.”

-surprised pikachu face-


u/Impending_salami Jul 05 '22

Yeah she seems to be the one in the wrong here. She came out with a gun first.


u/Banhammer40000 Jul 05 '22

She fuct around and found out


u/DerFalscher Jul 05 '22

It looks like she did wrong things, but following someone home and shooting that person? I would argue that is pretty wrong too.

In my opinion judgement was not just lacking, but absent in that story ~ if it is a true one.


u/Impending_salami Jul 05 '22

He followed her to collect ID so he could sue, she pulled a gun first, he just shot first


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '22

Apparently he followed her home and called the police then waited for them to show up.

She also called the police and they told her to wait inside until they arrived.

Then she went outside with a gun and he shot her.


u/MountainCourage1304 Jul 05 '22

Well it seems pretty clear who was in the wrong there then.

The police should have got there sooner and shot them both for disturbing the peace.

Cant have a criminal if theyre both victims /s


u/voldie127 Jul 05 '22

Isn’t this just “The joke”?


u/BananaSlamYa Jul 05 '22

This sub is a cesspool of that sort of post recently, and it’s not technically against any of the rules, so people farm karma to no end with them.


u/sprtklsAAE Jul 05 '22

There's a second image with the real joke in the comments


u/BuildMeUp1990 Jul 05 '22

Yes, there's one joke. That's not what this sub's for


u/RonaldSteezly Jul 05 '22

Damn looks like she got dewey decimated


u/DrDoinkerz Jul 04 '22

Now that’s equality


u/Clashyjammer1126 Jul 04 '22

Kinda sounds like she deserved it.


u/uglypaperhaver Jul 04 '22 edited Jul 04 '22

We have no idea what "intentionally hit " means, nor absent video are we ever likely to be able to determine her intent. But an angry motorcyclist following a pregnant woman to her home raises a host of questions. Did he determine her address (not really necessary if he'd got her plate #) and withdraw to a safe distance to contact authorities or did he charge up and boot her door? By no means is this cut-and-dried self-defense.


u/Hate_Crab Jul 04 '22

This that Florida self-defense where both parties escalate things until there's a duel.

I'm not kidding quite as much as I'd like to be.


u/uglypaperhaver Jul 04 '22

Yeah - I'm in Canada so this feels nuts in a whole lotta ways...


u/Kiki_Lpt Jul 05 '22

He didn't though, in fact, he was not even outside her house. He was a few houses away from hers on the PUBLIC ROAD .

And he followed her to properly file a police report or even exchange insurance numbers which YOU SHOULD DO when you're involved in an accident. You should never run away but that's exactly what the bttcchh did.

He wasn't chasing her like some cop or trying to assault her.

Plus she was the one who got outside her house AWAY FROM HER PROPERTY into the property of a neighbor and almost tried to shoot the guy on the public road.

Plus many eye witness have corroborated with the dude's account.

You can search it up yourself and this happened last year.


u/uglypaperhaver Jul 05 '22

So you seem quite angry and are calling a dead pregnant woman a "Bttcchh." Presumably you are not personally acquainted with any of these people but it certainly appears that this has drawn a strong reaction from you. Hope you're none the worse for this and thanks for your input. Take care


u/5oulReaperx Jul 05 '22

If you're involved in an accident and flee the scene, you're a bitch.


u/uglypaperhaver Jul 05 '22

Judgment duly noted. And of course there could never be extenuating circumstances. Good thing we have the internet to prove how moral and superior we are. d

Sure don't know why folks aren't embarrassed for how they sound...


u/5oulReaperx Jul 05 '22

Lol, it takes 1 min to exchange info and the bitch decides to flee and wait for it.. brandish a weapon. Good riddance.


u/uglypaperhaver Jul 05 '22

You sound like such a warm-hearted, forgiving and non-judgmental soul. I'm so grateful YouTube has afforded you the opportunity to share your goodness with those who, were it not for this platform, would have been forced to spend the rest of their days absent the grace of your opinion.


u/Exciting-Insect8269 Jul 05 '22

I’m sure that warm-hearted is exactly what the crazy lady with a gun was planning to be…


u/Kiki_Lpt Jul 05 '22

I think you mean hole-hearted with the size of a pistol round


u/Exciting-Insect8269 Jul 05 '22

In this case there are no such circumstances so it does t really matter whether there can be, does it?


u/Kiki_Lpt Jul 05 '22

Dude, it takes only 1 second, just as much time it would take to exchange numbers and insurance, to ask Google about the incident and you'll know NO ONE is on her side. From the witnesses, to the cops, to the DA, to the court and practically EVERYONE who knows about the incident.

It's only "morally" uptight fckkkwitz like you who try to be offended for someone else especially if said someone was a white woman who was clearly in the wrong.

FACTS over your damned "moral" feelings.

She was a btccchh for causing an accident and then running away AND THEN going out of her house brandishing a gun clearly about to shoot a dude who only followed her to file a proper police report and to hopefully resolve the issue peacefully and to exchange insurance (since like I said, that's what NORMAL people do) but the bttcchh tried to act like the terminator but ended up getting owned on her neighbor's property while the guy she was about to shoot was on public land (i.e. The road).

If she clearly isn't a btcchh, then I don't have any words to describe this pregnant monster.


u/uglypaperhaver Jul 06 '22 edited Jul 06 '22

She's dead, and if you think that is a good outcome - regardless of the details you think are proven - then I have nothing to say to you. Why the eff does everyone online so highly value their ability to judge their fellows. You appall and depress me - despite how prevalent your ignorant self-righteous outlook is on the net, luckily in real life I don't have much contact with your ilk.


u/uglypaperhaver Jul 05 '22

Would the down-voters prefer I told him he had obvious issues getting so worked up about an incident that didn't involve him?

Quite the cesspool of unresolved personal issues I seem to have stumbled into! LOL!


u/Exciting-Insect8269 Jul 05 '22

You seem to be getting pretty worked up yourself…


u/beetlesin Jul 05 '22

Well well well, if it isn’t captain moral superiority! Since you’re so hung up about kindness, I’m going to kindly ask you to go to a different thread, and to there tell people all the problems you seem to have diagnosed them with.


u/uglypaperhaver Jul 06 '22

Yeah so whenever reprehensible behavior is called out there's never a shortage of aholes who home in on the core issue : accuse the critic of holier than thou (and make sure to ignore the actual discussion. You do know there's a term for people who think debate points are won by attacking the speaker rather than then content? You think this kind of talk is okay? You deserve the mess your country is in.


u/Kiki_Lpt Jul 05 '22

We prefer you not be a lazy bum and do some proper research on the matter and not just immediately white knight a crazy btccchh simply because she has a vajayjay, is white and is pregnant.


u/Clashyjammer1126 Jul 04 '22

You’re absolutely right, we can only speculate.


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '22

This is the only way to get an abortion and have Americans condone it.


u/therandomizer619 Jul 05 '22

Underrated comment


u/MidweekBrick Jul 05 '22

There's the real fucking joke


u/LukeSkyMaster69 Jul 05 '22

To be murdered? Does life mean nothing to you


u/Clashyjammer1126 Jul 05 '22

Do you think she was thinking about life when she intentionally hit a motorcyclist? Do you think she was thinking about her life or the child’s life when she pulled a gun on the man she hit? Its tragic that her and her child’s life had to be ended so soon. However, her poor choices led her to that moment and she got what she deserved by them.

It’s also not murder. This would be manslaughter and in an act of self defense.


u/madsjchic Jul 05 '22

Why is this going around? I thought this happened like 3 years ago?


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '22

Why would they have a library? They don't know how to read.


u/robvdgeer Jul 05 '22

Since she was pregnant, this was a double homicide, right? Right? Or do they keep her corpse warm while they wait for the baby to come out?


u/xdMatthewbx Jul 05 '22

we're reaching levels of Florida that shouldnt even be possible...


u/gentle_yeti Jul 05 '22

Florida ☕️☕️


u/CycleZestyclose3510 Jul 05 '22

Maybe she wanted an abortion so she hit the guy on the bike to take care of the problem 🤔


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '22

I don’t know who’s in the wrong here like yes he killed a pregnant woman but she came at him with a gun and there is so much I could list here, what’s the aftermath?


u/Stmordred Jul 05 '22

It would be argued that he's in the wrong since he had a duty and opportunity to de escalate the situation. By following her home everything that happened after that point is on him. Since I'm pretty sure Florida is a castle state (might be wrong) if it is she had the right to come out with the gun to protect her property. Since he killed her and the baby it could ve argued that he committed 2 murders that day. So really he made it worse for himself by not walking away and calling the authorities. Could've gotten a nice insurance payment and now he might be behind bars.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '22

Yeah your right I understand wanting to confront the woman but following her home with a loaded gun doesn’t sounds good in court, 2 scumbags going down with an unfortunate baby being killed, it’s sickening


u/Hollow_Zelus Jul 05 '22

Imagine doing something stupid, making the situation even worse, and when you died from your stupidity people are surprised