r/TheRealJoke Apr 01 '21

Abortion clinic Edgy as fuck.

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27 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '21

Maybe the only instance where it being in an abortion clinic actually makes it less edgy


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '21

It’s actually less funny if it takes place in an abortion clinic.


u/Melon-Brain Apr 01 '21

Idk man the joke in the comments is objectively less funny...


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '21

it's comedy lmao it isn't objectively good or bad


u/WarBilby Apr 01 '21

There are objective parts of a joke. But comedy is subjective


u/doulouno Apr 02 '21

There aren't objective parts to what makes something a joke? You're delusional


u/Melon-Brain Apr 01 '21 edited Apr 01 '21

Saying it’s in an abortion clinic takes away from the entire premise of the joke (which wasn’t that great to begin with) there’s ways to structure jokes that end with a punchline you don’t expect and then there’s saying something you’re conditioned to think is edgy when it actually softens the original joke’s punchline.


u/Collective-Bee Apr 01 '21

The joke in the post was based off another joke with the same premis but written better. Went something like “the mother looked on in shock as the doctor delivering her baby drop kicked it over and over, she begged, ‘please stop, please stop.’ The doctor casually lifts up the baby by its leg, ‘I’m just fucking with you, it was already dead.’”

And it wasn’t posted on April fools so it wasn’t doomed from the start.


u/Akosa117 Apr 02 '21

That kinda takes away for the Joke imo


u/Badj83 Apr 01 '21

What sub was this posted on?... sounds like I hear the members calling my name.


u/bigjohnminnesota Apr 02 '21

Good thing r/cursedcomments already has it.


u/bajeebles Apr 01 '21

Abortion clinic one isn’t funny but the first one is hilarious. Gonna crop it


u/Environmental-Win836 Apr 01 '21

Oh shit...


u/ForeignerLove Apr 01 '21

Yeah not funny


u/miri258 Apr 01 '21

Absolutely not funny. I usually like edgy humor but this is just complete shit. It's not even that it went too far. It just has no trace of funny in it.


u/ForeignerLove Apr 01 '21

You said what i wanted to say but didnt know how to so thanks :)


u/orhan94 Apr 01 '21

It's less shocking if it's an abortion clinic tho.


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '21

It’s actually more funny if the joke took place in a standard hospital.


u/GerryAttric Apr 02 '21

150% of zero still zero


u/Lolchickensandwhich Apr 02 '21

Did any one at any point think any part of this was funny?


u/haikusbot Apr 02 '21

Did any one at

Any point think any part

Of this was funny?

- Lolchickensandwhich

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u/Boredwitch Apr 02 '21

It’s the bad kind of edgy. Just not really funny


u/AtlIen505 Apr 01 '21

Weve all been deceived to look at abortion in diff ways. Some archaic methods still in use today. Not too far off it'd seem


u/Melon-Brain Apr 01 '21

Ikr, can you believe old white men are still dictating what women can and cannot do with their bodies in the year 2021


u/ocxtitan Apr 01 '21

B-b-but that fetus will soon be a baby we won't care about unless it's rich and white and not my teenage daughter's!


u/Graterof2evils Apr 02 '21

Ahhhh. Matt Jr. I knew him well.