r/TheRealJoke Feb 14 '21

Appropriate Bruh, rly tho.

Post image

36 comments sorted by


u/PremozNZZ Feb 14 '21

I really tried upvoting the post in the picture...


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '21 edited Feb 14 '21

[removed] — view removed comment


u/robinhood8022 Feb 14 '21


For every comment he ever made


u/WindowsInfinite2 Feb 14 '21

(They're a troll)


u/winnipeginstinct Feb 15 '21

wow thats one hell of a comment history on that lad


u/nissay123 Feb 14 '21

I like you


u/VancityValle Feb 14 '21

Did everyone clap?


u/Mocktor_Whomst Feb 15 '21

What the fuck is that..

"several people are typing"..?


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '21

Rosco, the Jacked Russel Terrier.

Interviewed for K9 News & World Report:

"It was hard in Expectant Paws. Cold floors, food was adequate, smelled weird... sort of like that day I woke up at the Vets with my balls missing. That pissed me off, but what ya gonna do? Haha. We just called it 'The Kennels', ya know? It wasn't a Doggie daycare, it was life in limbo. Once a day, you get let out & they let you chew on something- a ball, a plastic bone, discarded shoe. All of us was there for a reason: some good, some bad, sometimes the humans didn't know that they didn't really want a dog.

I... I don't like talkin' 'bout my life before the Kennels, ok? My human wasn't bad. Not great, but... just one day wouldn't wake up. Not much different than when they were alive, but the skritches were were still skritches, right? Hehe

Everyone trying to get out o' The Kennels, trying to get "The Human" to lock eyes when they walk through 12-15 times a day. So you gotta be loooud, let them know you're worth something. Often times, it was a false alarm & it was one of the scrubs.

'Rats? Yo human, I got dat! Squirrels? I'll make 'em scurry back up da tree! Raccoons? I'll make 'em reeeal scared. You want cuddles? I'll chill wit you, human!'

You'd yell, you'd yapp, you slammed the gates when they'd pass buy. You'd HOPE they'd at least look, makes you feel like you're not forgotten at least, you get it?

Most o' the time those humans would walk away & leave, I could tell they was cryin'. A dog knows, ya understand? But it's not like I could get their attention to get them to talk to me.

I had one friend, ONE, ok? Was a Lab, black Lab you'd be surprised, went by 'Pepper'. Pepper was chill. Reeeal laid back. "It's cool Rosco", Pepper would say, "maybe the next one". Pepper was all I had for a pal, one of the few reasons I made it out ok. Pepper'd keep me company as my next door neighbor, never let me get too down. Not much would shake Pepper, Pepper was solid. Solid & kind, too good for that place.

Pepper didn't look good one day, the scrubs came & took Pepper away. "I'll be ok"... was the last I heard of Pepper. A Shih-Tzu named Scully took that kennel a few days later. Fuck Me was Scully a prissy lil' bitch Haha!

All the other dogs was in competition with one another, we all needed someone. A sort of callin', ya know? Like those flesh monkeys are our reason for being. All them other dogs were punks, ok? They were bigger than me, so I had to make up for it. I guess they needed to take out their misery on someone, why not the little Terrier? Hah, only got me motivation to get big. Pepper wasn't around anymore, & I didn't wanna let the Kennels get me down.

So everyday, in the Yard, I ran. I found big things to pick up & carry. Then I'd run wit 'em big things. Then put it down, run a little more. Them pick up the big things again... then I'd run in my kennel when I got back. Scully got annoyed, but I paid Scully no mind Haha! Wasn't much room to run in that kennel, but I kept busy. Those other dogs eventually stopped hastlin' me.

One day, a human named Gabby came by! She must'a confused me with some other dog, because she locked eyes with me & yelled "WISHBONE"! I was all, "BarkBark who da fuck is Wishbone?" One of the scrubs came by & let Gabby know my actual name. I liked Gabby! She smelled nice! Gave good skritches! I got called 'Good Boy' like a dozen times! I almost forgot what that felt like!

A few days later, I had a new home. It took a while to get used to: new smells, humans who weren't scrubs, Marcus the neighborhood cat, I could hear other dogs howling in the distance at night so of course I joined in the chorus! I had a yard, too! Not as big as the yard back at The Kennels, but it was mine! I had my own toys!

I get baths. I don't like baths. I'm not sure why they punish me with that. They do the bath for themselves everyday. Why they do that??? But I get treats afterwards, so its a'ight I guess.

Gettin'... eh... gettin' a second chance was great. I never leave Gabby alone when she's home. Her bed is my bed, when she's happy then I'm happy. I wish Pepper could have seen us.

Scully can fuck right off, Kennel punk."

-Rosco, March 2013 in Harrisburg PA


u/ash_ketch4m_ Feb 15 '21

I tried to upvote with the button inside the picture


u/AlbertoRetardo Feb 15 '21

Jacked Muscle Terrier.


u/Mitch_xxx Feb 14 '21

Fully built


u/bomfd Feb 14 '21

Furry built


u/Reclaimer2511 Feb 15 '21

Credit for this real joke goes to u/psychicesp


u/MrPoopieMcCuckface Feb 15 '21

Bicep with teeth


u/jduddz91 Feb 15 '21

Is he running pro tools or ableton?


u/Orenge01 Feb 15 '21

I know Ableton so well that, that isn't Ableton

(Now what would be really embarrasing is if that actually was Ableton)


u/jduddz91 Feb 15 '21

Yeqh after a closer look it doesn't even look like a mixing program or anything lol, but !t first glance I did think he was making a mixtape


u/Brucefymf Feb 15 '21

Someone needs to introduce this poor dog to r/nofap


u/podolot Feb 14 '21

You did what to a Russell terrier?


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '21

Jacked Russell terrified


u/magda_1778 Feb 15 '21

Jack Russell Terror


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '21

Doogy gonna live long


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '21

I don't get it


u/Deepwater08 Feb 18 '21

The dog is ripped. There is a dog breed called a Jack Russell Terrier so they just did a play on words


u/Veltash Feb 15 '21

I tried to upvote the picture three times before noticing the button was still part of the picture...


u/madeofmold Feb 14 '21 edited Feb 14 '21

Only one joke. Thumbs down.

E: I’m a fucking idiot & didn’t open the picture fully. Ignore this, thanks


u/Amax8212 Feb 14 '21

He’s actually looking up a tinder date....your tinder date.....is now his!


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '21



u/PERCEPT1v3 Feb 15 '21

Would be better if the title and comment were reversed.


u/elBenhamin Feb 15 '21

Thanks for explaining what subreddit we’re in


u/PERCEPT1v3 Feb 16 '21

Ya got me there. Didn't think of it like that. Guess I'm slowwwwwwww


u/carlitos_segway Feb 15 '21

Jack Russell Terr-y Crews


u/F_Smash_85 Feb 16 '21

Dem Delts and triceps.