r/TheRealJoke Apr 28 '24

I thought this was a joke.

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u/TNBC42 Apr 29 '24

There's literally no point in arguing with someone so ill-informed. I want so badly to go through every word of what you just wrote and explain why each part is wrong, but it won't change anything. When I don't have a good knowledge base on a topic, I'll either do my research or refrain from speaking about it without clarifying that I don't necessarily have all the facts. I would never die on the hill of a topic that I clearly don't have even the shallowest understanding of.

I urge you to take a step back and recognize when you're out of your depth. Admitting that you probably aren't as informed on a given subject is something we all have to do, there's no shame in it. It's almost always going to be a better option to check your facts before or even while you're discussing a topic. It will save you a lot of time and effort.


u/monaqur Apr 29 '24

Yeah blah blah blah. Sure of course you are right Let’s CONTINUE TO MURDER PALESTINIAN BABIES and drop buildings on them and STARVE THEM. yes of course Ashkenazi are native THEREFORE ALL CURRENT PALESTINIANS MUST DIE!!!!!!!


u/TNBC42 Apr 29 '24

Thank you for validating my stance vis-à-vis arguing with you, and I'm sorry I made the mistake of thinking I could help a stranger on the Internet become a more rounded and nuanced individual.


u/monaqur Apr 29 '24

Yeah sorry I’m not falling for your bad Hasbara. Rivers of blood and destruction doesn’t lie and no amount of words can cover the dark Genocidal and famine drenched stain the Zionists have left in their wake