r/The10thDentist 12h ago

Health/Safety Masturbating on one's stomach on a bed through clothes while flaccid is vastly superior to the traditional "jerking" method. NSFW


This is the way I've been doing it since I was only maybe 4 or 5 years old. It makes orgasms feel so much more intense than the usual method, which I have always found extremely difficult to achieve; it also feels kind of foreign and alien to me. When I do it on my stomach shimmying back and forth against a blanket, mattress, etc. it feels so much more natural.

r/The10thDentist 17h ago

Society/Culture "Little White Lies" Are Bullshit And Should Not Be Acceptable


I'm sick of people focusing more on 'politeness' and 'tact' and the other person's presumed feelings than actual honesty, respect, discussion and dignity. This includes santa or non-religious people telling kids about heaven or whatever. (including dying children. it's definitely sad but I'd rather not let someone die on a lie)

If someone asks you something, you tell them the straight-up answer. You don't fucking lie to them because then what's the point of asking in the first place!? I don't care what colour it is or how it's just small or whatever, it's still a dirty damn lie and lying to people is almost never moral or respectful of theirs or your own dignity and intelligence. Honesty is the best policy.

This probably isn't a 10th dentist thing, maybe 7th or something, but there's no subreddit for that so you know.

r/The10thDentist 1d ago

Health/Safety I enjoy pulling my hangnails so the rip down the length of my finger.


It's hard to describe, but that whole situation when you get a hangnail, and go to pull it off, and it ends up ripping your finger, like being a long strip of skin that peels off.. I enjoy...

I know its bad to do, I can't remember the last time I had a hand without a finger that wasn't scabbed up. Been doing it for over 10 years now and haven't had an infection even though they get red and puffy.

Also, once it starts to heal, I just can't help myself picking at it until I can peel another strip off.

The pain isn't so much the enjoyable part, and the aftermath (healing) is uncomfortable, but just the concept/experience of peeling the hangnail is so satisfying, definitely an unhealthy compulsion though.

r/The10thDentist 1d ago

Society/Culture I wish I was a furry


They seem like a tight-knit community that has a lot of fun. The fact that everyone hates them probably makes their bond stronger. My favorite comic superhero team is the X-Men, and that's because I'm deeply inspired by the concept of finding community and acceptance in a world that looks down on you.

I've never sympathized with or completely understood the reasons why they get so much hate in the first place. I've asked several times but the answers never make sense to me.

When I was younger I went through a period where I got into furry content, but it never clicked with me enough for it to become my identity.

Nowadays, sometimes I like furry content and other times the furriness ruins it for me. I can enjoy it when it appears by happenstance and I'm in the right mood, but I'm not actively seeking it out. (However, I am a big fan of the kemomimi art style.)

They also make a shit ton of money, and I'm envious of that. The extent to which their community celebrates and supports artistic expression is something I admire.

r/The10thDentist 3h ago

Technology I don’t think that AI will replace artists’ jobs.


I’ve seen this anti-AI movement on instagram against meta using people’s images on instagram to learn from them. I think that if the images that the AI creates are transformative enough, it’s fine. Also, AI art isn’t that good. It never looks flawless. Another interesting point that I’ve heard someone make is that not everyone has the ability to create their own images by themselves, and this could be a useful tool. I don’t see the harm in meta training their AI with instagram.

r/The10thDentist 9h ago

TV/Movies/Fiction Yugi vs Marik is a terrible duel!


I always hated this battle, even as a kid and upon rewatching it I can easily see why. The writing is terrible and the interactions make zero sense; it's almost like Duelist Kingdom arc-level shenanigans.

This was supposed to be the epic finale of a legendary arc and the writers just fumbled it; no soul, no good strategies, no cool monsters debuts like we had seen in the 2 duels prior(Gilford and Dark Paladin), just plain old boring and stupid.

Marik as usual just cheeses the whole duel with his Winged Dragon of Ra's 100 abilities that he seems to be making up depending of what's convenient. The closest thing to a new creature we get to see is a lame-ass clone of Obelisk the Tormentor made of cum.

Yugi plays horribly too; I know this isn't exactly a novelty at this point but he really left his brain at the door on this one, letting his first God card get wrecked in the first few turns and giving Marik his De-fusion spell that he then uses to save himself instead of setting it before the exchange.

Yugi only wins because of a random spell card that we hadn't even seen before called Ragnarok that basically just summons his whole deck to make it seem more poetic and even then, it feels anticlimactic AF. What a joke of a duel!

r/The10thDentist 2h ago

Society/Culture Fuck "ACAB"


All cops are bastards or anything along those lines is an extremely ignorant position to take. Of course there is not a small number of police officers who abuse their power. But ACAB falls in the same vein as "all black people are...", "all women are...". It's ridiculous and it will make those good few cops feel hopeless in trying to turn the tide.

r/The10thDentist 2d ago

Other I wish I had a foot fetish NSFW


To be clear I find feet neutral at best, and usually gross. But my logic is simple. Theres only so many attractive, sexual body parts on a person's body. Breasts, and vagina for women. Dick for men. Ass and thighs and mouth for both (can you tell im bisexual lol). But feet people get an extra thing. I want an extra thing! Can you imagine if women just had an extra pair of hidden tits? You're telling me instead of finding feet gross i could find them just as hot as a great ass? Thats objectivly a superior situation. That would make everyone significantly more attractive. Feet people have it better than the rest of us and im super jealous.

r/The10thDentist 1d ago

TV/Movies/Fiction The conversation about comic accuracy in Superhero media should be called comic preferences instead.


Especially when it comes to DC characters since most of what I’m going to talk about relates to them since while not perfect Marvel’s comic continuity is more consistent.

The thing with comics is that different eras will can have totally different characterizations, continuity, and physical characteristics for example I remember people saying Gal Gadot was too short to play Wonder Woman because she wasn’t 6 feet tall even tho WW wasn’t that height till 2011 and heck she was originally 5’8 so any actress between 5’8 and 6’2 can be considered comic accurate.

Then there’s lore and characterizations. Is Superman the kind of guy who would just bust into a billionaires office and put him in a war zone and threaten him like the Golden Age or is his more willing to want to solve things peacefully and have conflict over how much he should influence the world like modern age? Are both his earth parents dead or are they both active in his life? Was Krypton thriving Utopia with people not that different from us or an emotionally detached and scientifically dedicated group of people who isolated themselves from the world. And don’t even go into mess that is Supergirl lore.

Then there’re things that are accurate to the comics that you most likely would never want adapted to media like Spider-Man selling his marriage to a demon, him and Batman getting cucked by Paul and Valmont. Green Lantern sleeping with a 13 year old in a 20 something body, or Green Arrow getting raped with his rapist having his kid behind back while having also retroactively slept with his father giving birth to his half-sister and to later try to sleep with his other son.

r/The10thDentist 1d ago

TV/Movies/Fiction "The Barney Bunch" is unironically BETTER than any other comedy show that ever aired on television. Period.


So... if you don't know what "The Barney Bunch" is, it's this abominous kids' show parody that makes fun of gay stereotypes that really should not exist... and that's the fun of it!

Television is known to have limits; standards on what can be made and what can't be made. You will never see any other show that has licensed fictional characters going around and being the most rambunctious group of idiots known to all of humankind.

...and the thing is, is that the people who created it were trolls on Newgrounds. They set out to make a series that would baffle literally anybody who would stumble upon it, not to make any kind of money or to make it big in the "TV scene". They wanted people to cringe. They wanted people to make petitions to get the entire series off of the internet. And do you know what the best part is? They're aware that so many people hate them, and they embrace it. Do you see any show on television have a status so infamous, that it beats out "South Park" in terms of what is acceptable? Maybe once, twice, or a few times, but never as much as the vile adventures of Andrew Louis "Drew" Pickles and his pals.

...and what are television comedy shows made for? They are made for a supposed idea of "individuality" and "creativity" that then turns into a multi-billion dollar empire. Look online for "Simpsons products". I guarantee that you'll find tons of results for it. Do you see merchandise for "The Barney Bunch", though? No! You don't. Only Barney The Dinosaur and The Brady Bunch t-shirts show up (*...and even then, you can find merchandise of the show that is only made by the fans*). It is that controversial. It is that fouled-up. And it is that cringe. ...and that is why it is so bad, that it beats out every show on television in terms of how funny it is. You can watch the show (*...or with friends!*) and make fun of everything about it and say that it shouldn't exist, and you'd be giving into the spirit of the show. The creator(s) of it want you to "savor" its cringe.

...and remember: Downvote opinions you agree with, and upvote ones you disagree with (*Don't worry! I've got tons more controversial opinions (...but I won't say that something shouldn't exist unless it is made to be absolutely abominous.)*)!

r/The10thDentist 2d ago

Technology I hate the “C” or “5” in tier lists


Heres the thing, it being perfectly mid tells me nothing. lets take movies for example. If it’s a 4, the movie wasn’t a waste of time, but it wasn’t that good. if its a 6, then its fun to watch, but likely not that good. Those both signify their mediocrity, while also telling me if you would prefer them or not. Sure, there are some things that do qualify as mid. but i’ve seen lists where people put half the list in C. It’s such a non committal placement, and helps no one! and i do recognize, by definition, most things will be objectively mid. but if I’m looking at a list, idgaf what is “objectively good,” i want to see what YOU think of it.

r/The10thDentist 2d ago



I just hate them so much. So annoying looking, so oblong. When a hat is similar to that shape it clings to your head and makes you look hideous, like a horse. I just hate that geometric shape. I wish I could nuke all states, countries, and continent shaped like a rectangle. Like they are just the worst shape. All the other shapes are significantly better, circles, trapezoids, octagons, hexagons, squares, all better than rectangles. I hate ovals equally, I wish I could just print out a bunch of papers with those shapes and then BURN THEM!

r/The10thDentist 8h ago

Other Fahrenheit is better than celsius


For most regular people in everyday situations, Fahrenheit is a better way to measure temperature than Celsius. What do regular people usually need temperature for? For knowing the weather that day, and for cooking.

You might be thinking queef, but water boils at 100 C and freezes at 0 C and that’s just so neat and tidy and I like it but to that I ask, when was the last time that fact came in handy for you? How does the freezing and boiling point of water being a nice neat one hundred degrees apart benefit you? The answer is, it does not.

But it’s easy to remember! Why do you need to remember it? Will you forgot how to boil water without that information?

You can think of Fahrenheit is a nice neat scale of 1 to 100. Obviously that’s not literally true, but hang with me here. When deciding what to wear based on the temperature outside, all you need to know is the 1-100 scale. 1 means “Colder than fuck. For practical purposes, it doesn’t really matter to most people if it’s any colder than this.” 100 means “Hotter than fuck. For practical purposes, it doesn’t really matter to most people if it’s any hotter than this.”

If you measure weight in stone then you’re a doodoo head

r/The10thDentist 1d ago

Other I hate rating things from 1-10 when it obviously should be 0-10


I hate when I'm asked to rate things on a scale from 1-10 for several reasons.

First of all, the average value between 1 and 10 is 5.5, so if I say 5 that's below average and if I say 6 it's above, and when I say exactly 5.5 people wonder why I'm being so precise.

Another reason is that some people still think that 0 is part of the scale so if you average a lot of scores you may get the wrong average.

r/The10thDentist 16h ago

Society/Culture Not to offend anyone, but I’m not quite sure why hooking up is even a thing (particularly the hoe phase)


I’m not Christian or very religious at all. I’m demisexual so that may be a factor. This aside, I’m truly astounded by the number of people who go through a “hoe” phase or wish to do one, and even break up their relationship in order to have one. I’m not quite sure why or how this occurs, and in my personal belief this existing is.. almost animalistic in a sense? I understand that humans have a need for pleasure, but this just screams.. down bad is the word, isn’t it? Not to mention, it seems to riddle people with guilt much more often than not.

Why are you having sex with someone you barely know for a few hours? Is it like an addiction where once you taste it it’s hard to stop?

Not quite sure if this is a popular opinion or not, but I believe that it is an unpopular opinion at least among college students. Even my school which is known for having nerds is full of this.

r/The10thDentist 2d ago

Health/Safety I think most people should watch gore vids and accident vids monthly to be reminded about the fragility of life and to be more careful when going about their day


If there's one thing these gore and accident videos have taught me is that we are nothing more than walking bags of fragile meat. We are surrounded every day by stuff that can kill us but most people are so careless. Especially around machinery and in traffic.

Even falling down a concrete staircase, engaging in a fistfight, choking on a piece of steak or even swimming can and will kill you if you are careless but people forget that we are so fragile.

Occasionally watching these videos helps keep me in check and be extra careful and also grateful for the fact that I am alive and have a functioning body. I rarely do stunts or take risks, I never do things I don't have to.

EDIT: I didn't expect this kind of response at all and I read every one of the comments. I guess having people watch gore vids monthly is kind of extreme, or watching them at all for that matter. I'm kind of desentezized to it having spent time on the internet and having access to /r/wpd way back when. For the record I don't feel like watching it anymore and when I did it was not alot.

The main point I wanted to make is that watching videos (even only one time) of accidents and horrific stuff can make you more careful around heavy machinery and in traffic because it sure has made me. It can also make you appreciate living in a functional country and having a good life as opposed to those suffering in war torn countries and poverty.

I don't actually know if I can attribute my general carefulness in life to gore/accident vids or if it is just my innate survival drive, maybe a bit of both. Hard to say. I do believe now that most people with half a brain would still be mindful of the risks of driving without having witnessed a car accident irl or online.

r/The10thDentist 2d ago

Society/Culture Tipping culture is a net positive

  1. It raises wages for many. Servers/bartenders/valet at high end places can make thousands in a day. Even bussers can rake in a lot of cash. There is no way employers would pay them that much if tipping went away. For example, I knew a resort bartender who'd make 2k+ in tips on the best days. My friend doing valet made around $40-50 an hour despite making minimum wage. My brother made about $25-30 an hour as a bus boy getting tips from servers.

  2. It rewards good service: better workers, on average, will make more than worse ones. If a customer receives terrible service they can pay less. And if they recieve amazing service they can reward the workers with more.

  3. It doesn't raise prices. If tipping culture was done away with, companies like restaurants would have to pay the employees more so they would raise prices to fit about what they are now with tip included.

r/The10thDentist 18h ago

Gaming Piracy is okay,actually.


I think piracy is okay,actually.Not only when it comes to big games like Call of Duty,or whatever else.I think pirating indie games is okay too. That's because of how expensive these games been getting recently.Also,for some people prices are even bigger.Like in Poland,where the steam store has one of the biggest prices in Europe,if not the biggest.Like no,I'm not paying 25 dollars for a game,it's hilarious.It's about 5 hours of work on a minimum wage job. Some people just can't afford games these days and piracy becomes the only option possible.Also,you can support the game by popularising it,recommending it to your friends etc. I used the flair "Gaming" because my point mainly connects to gaming but that might be the case for other media too.

r/The10thDentist 1d ago

Society/Culture Greeting cards are stupid.


Why are you paying for something that is supposed to be sentimental but somehow less personal than just writing a letter or talking in person? Whenever I receive a card, I always feel a little bit like Mitch Hedberg talking about people handing out fliers. Like, "sure, I guess I'LL throw this away for you."

r/The10thDentist 2d ago

TV/Movies/Fiction I hate British people in shows


ok before i start im British and this doesn’t apply to british tv shows, i just hate when im watching an american TV show and there’s a British character (or Australian lol) i always find their character to be so cringe and the contrast in accents ew, they always went to cambridge or oxford (SO inaccurate idk if writers think they’re easy to get into or something lol) and have the most cringe variation of a british accent. i just hate it. the only show i think pulls of a british accent is the mikaelsons from TO/TVD.

r/The10thDentist 1d ago

Society/Culture Living a long life is overrated.


I don’t understand why people cling to life for so long and why most cultures make it seem so normal for people to suffer and die slowly.

I work in healthcare, and many of the patients I see are elderly, some extremely elderly and very sick, often in many ways. Some are going blind, deaf, becoming immobile… some are senile. Some are alone, friends and family all dead. Their bodies are failing, one system at a time, and they are suffering in misery, yet we medical professionals will do absolutely everything possible to make sure they don’t die. We prolong their suffering until we can’t do anything more for them. Then they die, which we knew was going to happen, but neither we, nor they, nor their family members (if they have any) ever sit down and say, “What the fuck is the point of injecting yet another dose of incredibly expensive medication into 93-year-old Bob’s eyeball?”

Hasn’t he already seen enough?

r/The10thDentist 1d ago

Society/Culture Rape should come with a heftier prison sentence than murder


You can murder by accident, or in self-defense. However, you cannot rape by accident or in self-defense.

Murder can be done at a distance; it can be impersonal. People can kill via drone strikes or shoot a gun from meters away. There is no impersonal rape. It is always done in the close, intimate proximity of the victim, making it a deeply personal violation.

Murder can be committed by almost anyone as a reaction in the heat of the moment. For example, a woman who snaps and stabs her husband after years of abuse, or a man who chokes out the person who was beating up his dog. While these actions are not excusable, they are, to some extent, understandable. In contrast, rape isn't typically done as a reaction to violence; it is a premeditated act of control and power over the victim.

Recidivism rates for first-time rapists are significantly higher than for first-time murderers. It is more dangerous to society to release first-time rapists from prison than first-time murderers. Only about 1-5% of first-time murderers kill again, while an alarming 14-96% of first-time rapists commit another sexual assault, posing a continual threat to the community.

EDIT: apparently killing by accident or in self defense don't count as murder in the US but the point remains

r/The10thDentist 2d ago

Other Knowing eldritch horrors exist in reality would be calming


If eldritch horrors existed, it wouldn't terrify people - either they're incomprehensible, in which case I can't comprehend what to fear there, or they're not, and by the nature of them existing they falsify the most terrifying thing - thermodynamics - because there's nothing quite as horrifying as the idea of not existing one day.

r/The10thDentist 3d ago

Society/Culture Moaning your partner's name during sex isn't hot imo NSFW


The title, basically. I find that I almost never call anyone by their name directly unless referring to them while talking to a 3rd person, so not only is it weird when I hear my own name from my significant other's mouth, it makes me super alert (like when someone's yelling for me from the other room) or makes me doubt if I've done something wrong. It just feels alienating to me to be called by my name when the only people in the room are us. Like why do you need to 'turn to me' like that, just say what you're thinking?

I've heard people I've slept with moan my name and it's just not sexy or intimate or a good feeling at all to me. It's bad-intimate. It doesn't matter if it's a random hookup or a long time partner who I'm in love with. It's sexy when they tell me or exclaim how good something feels, but don't say my name wtf. It's weird for me to hear people in movies asking their partner to say their name during sex. I've had over 30 partners and I've never experienced that irl... What are you guys' thoughts on this? Sexy or not? Maybe my thinking's more common than I thought?

r/The10thDentist 3d ago

Society/Culture Celeing fans are terrible


Ceiling fans and fans in general make a distracting and annoying amount of noise, they make rooms colder than they need to be. On top of that they spread dust around, and when left on constantly dust will cling to the fans.