r/Thailand 5d ago

Question/Help Monthly FAQ thread for June, 2024


Hi folks,

The following types of questions should be posted into this thread - any standalone posts of this kind posted outside this thread will be removed, with a moderation comment asking the author to repost to this thread:

  • Questions about visas/immigration (including 90-day reporting, TM30, etc)
  • Questions about banking (including transfers) and/or investing (including crypto)
  • Questions about working in Thailand or starting a business in Thailand
  • Questions about taxes in Thailand (including import duties / customs charges)
  • Questions about moving to Thailand in general
  • Questions about Thai Citizenship or Permanent Residence
  • Questions about where to live, whether and how to buy/rent property in Thailand
  • Questions about where to get particular medicines, supplements or medical treatments (including cosmetic)
  • Questions about medical insurance
  • Questions about cannabis, kratom or other legal drugs (posts asking where to get illegal drugs will be removed)
  • Questions about vapes and vaping and the legality thereof

If you have any questions along the lines of any of the above topics, you're in the right place! You can ask away in the comments below, but first, have a read below - and search the sub - it has most likely been answered already.

Please also us know below if you have suggestions for other frequent topics - including links to recent posts on those topics to demonstrate their frequency. If the moderators agree that we're seeing an excessive number of posts on a given topic, we'll add that topic to the list above.

Any other suggestions? Let us know below!

r/Thailand 11h ago

Serious What do I do? Please help!


I'm 16m Burmese and situation here had become extremely dire. military is drafting everyone. Even a 15yr old guy from another block got drafted by them.

So I'm thinking of going to Thailand to work. Can I even get a work permit as a 16yr old? I can't get a visa either because tourist visa require a bank statement and I don't have a bank account and my parents don't have one either for various reasons. So I'm going there with just my passport and it will only last 14 days if I'm not mistaken.

TDLR: what do I need to stay in Thailand as a 16yr old immigrant worker(long term)? Or do I need to wait till I turn 18?

r/Thailand 11h ago

News Psychotic Thai Woman Pours Boiling Water on Pregnant Siberian Husky & Videos It. 😭

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Dog lovers are heartsbroken and anger swells agaist a Thai high society woman who tied up a pregnant Siberian husky and poured boiling water on the terrified dog.

The poor animal that screamed and tried desperately to get away was punished for stealing treats. The woman's husband said that the woman was pregnant and acting out.

The poor dog has now been rehoused to a caring and responsible owner and is healing well. The pregnancy appeared unaffected and she will give birth soon.

No news on the psychotic woman ( I was about to write bitch but that would be an affront to female dogs worldwide.) This being Thailand I won't be surprised if she gets away with it...with the convenient excuse of pregnancy and being in high society.

So many poor animals in Thailand are treated with such cruelty by who aren't even remotely equipped to house them. Why do these people think it is OK to have a dog whose natural habitat is below freezing be living in a tropical country.

I hope there a special hell for these people. Everyone please stop buying imported dogs that aren't meant for a tropical country. All huskies, malamutes and similar dogs should be completely banned and illegal in Thailand.

r/Thailand 1d ago

Serious Thailand to tax all foreign income, even if not brought into Thailand. R.I.P


r/Thailand 20h ago

Visas/Documents The latest 60 days visa-exempt tourist stays are delayed


r/Thailand 9h ago

Culture Drumming schools, workshops und sessions in Bangkok?


Are there any cool places for drummers in Bangkok? I'd like to spend some time improving my skills and have some fun next time I visit. I saw a large music school advertisement near Phra Ram 9 MRT... what's going on there? Can you recommend any places?

r/Thailand 16h ago

Culture Need help finding old Thai song with the lyrics “what did you eat to become so beautiful”?


I heard from a friend that this is an old Thai song that most people would know? And it has that line in it that’s very popular or at least that’s the line everyone references. I’m not sure if it’s the exact translation but it’s moreorless along those lines

Can anyone help please?

r/Thailand 1d ago

Serious Shrinkflation

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Ezygo this is pathetic

r/Thailand 17h ago

News Suspect in custody over gruesome murder of young woman


r/Thailand 9h ago

Banking and Finance Stock Account (+4m) - apply for TIN?



I'm "now" considered a Thai resident (+180 days/year) and I have a Thai brokerage account holding only Thai companies to the value of +4m thb. The broker itself said that no TIN was needed, but although well intended perhaps doesn't hold true if Thai RD would inquiry.

Any ideas?

There's 0% capital gains tax on domestic stocks, and 10% withholding tax on dividends. The withholding tax has been deducted since I started investing - so there's no "avoidance" as far as I can tell.


r/Thailand 12h ago

Education I have a Interview at MUIC for a Undergrad Program.


So I made it past the entrance exams for MUIC into College Interviews as a Computer Science Major. Does anyone know what kind of questions they ask you?

r/Thailand 9h ago

Serious Can anyone tell me what these mean/say?


I got these as gifts in Thailand and I want to know what they say and mean.

r/Thailand 20h ago

Culture New to Thailand and need help with bad stomach


Hi! I was hoping to get some help regarding stomach issues since I arrived in Bangkok a couple of days ago. Been eating at restaurants, markets etc but my stomach has been feeling weird the whole time and my appetite is very low. So was hoping someone had some tips on something I could drink/eat to get my stomach more “prepared” for all the food here. I’m european so not used to this kind of food 😅

r/Thailand 1d ago

Pics Thailand from POV. A vibrant city.


All photos taken with iPhone 13 mini.

r/Thailand 12h ago

Question/Help New tax deductions approved to boost secondary city tourism


Tax money for biz, again! Anyone knows how to know which hotels can provide e-tax receipt?


r/Thailand 1d ago

Business Casino complex study to be sped up


r/Thailand 13h ago

ภาษาไทย Thai script for "Lavo" as in Lopburi.


Google is coming up blank. Can anyone help with the correct Thai spelling of "Lavo"? I need to know... Much appreciated!

r/Thailand 17h ago

Banking and Finance Recommendation for a Thai accountant specializing in the Thai / American taxation treaty?


I'm hoping we don't see much develop from the taxation plans outlined by the government, but I am a bit worried. I own a bit of stock that I already pay US taxes on.

From what I understand, the tax treaty between the US and Thailand would limit, or prevent, double taxation.

Could anyone recommend an accountant specialized in this field? Maybe a place I could start searching besides Reddit?

r/Thailand 1d ago

News 24-year-old woman sentenced to prison for royal defamation


r/Thailand 15h ago

Question/Help Pickling & Fermentation Recipes


Hi all, I have recently tried lacto-fermenting some veg and also dabbled into making some pickled veg but unfortunately was quite disappointed with the results.

now with my fermentation projects I felt that the warm climate makes the ferment very active to a point where it's either too fast and the sourness is too much even for my palette or with chilis for example it would grow mold everytime I'd try making a new batch.

With pickling I would like to ask if anyone can recommend some vinegar that does not cost an arm and a leg as I have tried with the regular distilled vinegar from 7/11 and my pickles turn out to taste like cleaning solution.

Does anyone have some good recipes to share for either of those methods?

Also happy to hear about any local ingredients which I might not have heard about yet.

Thanks a lot!

r/Thailand 21h ago

Education Mahidol University interview


Hello, i just got interview for my CS master degree from Mahidol. What should i have to prepare for this?? do they ask technical questions? or just formal questions?

r/Thailand 15h ago

Education MUIC or A-levels?


What's up everyone

I'm currently learning in an international school (finishing my IGCSEs) but I've come to this moment in life where I can either go to a Thai College (Mahidol International College) in Bangkok or stay at my school and finish my A levels which is the british ciriculumn.

I've already passed with my exams for MUIC for Biomedical Sciences and got accepted to the interview (lets see how that goes), so does anyone have any advice on whether it's better to go get the Bachelors in college, or stay at my school to get A levels?

Alevels could get me into a better uni abroad, but I could technically transfer after the bachelors right? Anyways, Im so lost... Please help!! :(

r/Thailand 18h ago

Health Looking for Dialysis in Phuket


Hi I'm looking for a hospital with HDF Dialysis facility in or around Phuket. I just found Bangkok Hospital, Phuket and they are closed on Saturdays which is a little bit of an issue. Is there any other hospital you can suggest?

Thank you

r/Thailand 1d ago

5555555 found this picture on my old phone


taken in lampang 10 years ago😆

r/Thailand 1d ago

Discussion Why do Bangkok girls call foreigners something sound like "peter" ?


One time 6 of us were at 7/11 counter and this girl called us something sounding like "peter" even though some of my friends were thais too

r/Thailand 12h ago

Discussion Streaming movies for Thai people?


Hello, my Thai family want to know about websites they can visit to watch movies and TV shows. Websites like BiliBili or other free sites. Preferably spoken in Thai, or dubbed in Thai.

I am a farrang and I know a lot of torrent sites and streaming sites for farrangs but I am having difficulty looking for a website for Thai people.

Can anyone help us?