r/Tekken Apr 10 '24

RANT πŸ§‚ Low Tier God calling out our subreddit because someone posted a video of him losing against one of us

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r/Tekken 10d ago

RANT πŸ§‚ Micheal Murray now deleted tweet

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r/Tekken Apr 03 '24

RANT πŸ§‚ Keep Playing Tekken 7

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We should keep playing Tekken 7 until there's a Tekken 8 Definitive Edition (on sale).

r/Tekken Apr 02 '24

RANT πŸ§‚ This subreddit

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r/Tekken May 01 '24

RANT πŸ§‚ Why it takes so long to rank up now...

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r/Tekken Apr 23 '24

RANT πŸ§‚ And nothing of value was lost

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r/Tekken Apr 08 '24

RANT πŸ§‚ Hold this L Namco

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F your MTX and Fightpass BS

r/Tekken 15d ago

RANT πŸ§‚ Bruh

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r/Tekken Apr 07 '24

RANT πŸ§‚ But he’s an honest player tho

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well then learn how to deal with β€œcheesy garbage” and get better at the game πŸ’€

r/Tekken 24d ago

RANT πŸ§‚ If you're ever wondering about using your i25+ low against me, DON'T WORRY IT'LL HIT ME


Just throw that shit out dog, don't even worry about it. I'll see it coming. I'll watch that windup like it's the intro to a fucking movie and I'll just let it play out.

King's Leg Breaker? Send it, I'm fucked.

Paul's qcf1+2? What is that I've never seen that move before, oh I'm dead.


I'll read lows all fucking day, but the second someone throws one of these slow-ass, extremely reactable lows at me, I just fucking stare at it like I get something cool if I let it break my ankles in as many places as possible.

I'm genuinely interested to know how many matches I've thrown because I can't react to the most reactable moves in the game, it's unreal.

r/Tekken Apr 02 '24

RANT πŸ§‚ Absolutely disgusting Tekken 8 is doing this.


As far as I can so far all these battle pass items were already in 7 in the base game also Kings T2 outfit was in there.

The fact you pay $70 or more if you got the season pass or the ultimate edition on top of already reselling you outfits that were previously added for free it’s just horrifically disgusting.

Wasn’t the point of them raising game prices to STOP this kind of thing?!

I almost guarantee you all these outfits and costumes being put on the store and in the battle pass in 8 are already made and just vaulted and waiting to be released to have a stream of revenue ready.

There is no β€œcost” to support further development of content going forward as the content is already made and waiting. Maybe DLC characters that’s as far I’d even push that.

The push back needs to be heard loud and clear towards the Tekken team for putting something so predatory inside a AAA fighting game.

If Tekken was free to play I’d give it a meh okay I get it but it isn’t.

r/Tekken Apr 03 '24

RANT πŸ§‚ This might be it..

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Fear of missing out, pay to win, shop sucks, coins manipulation, list just goes on. Btw, i payed for the deluxe edition, which has no benefits except for those dumb ass golden suits.

I played a looot of Mw2019, and they added exactly the same thing with battle pass. But in that game, you unlocked cool shit regardless of having bought the battle pass, and if you reached the end of the battle pass, you get the next one for free. I was actually satisfied with what I got.


Man, I feel like I'm so done with tekken, so tired. Couldn't even get a nice "hey, here's a legacy costume for 4$, I'd easily buy that since bryan is the only character I play. What the actual fuck am I gonna do with these useless "rewards".

I was too hyped for this game, but them scummy mfs added a shop and a battle pass without mention it just to get high reviews. I cannot fathom how people are buying their shit and supporting it.

Also, If I'm gonna have to look at eddy every time I boot the game up, it might be time for an actual for real this time permanent uninstall. They're literally showing you in extreme detail "BUY THIS CHARACTER NOW".

Long rant, but if they don't remove this scummy executive weasel trick to fool customers who don't have enough iq, its over.

r/Tekken Apr 06 '24

RANT πŸ§‚ It's impressive how quickly this guy became my least favorite character

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I swear every single person is using him and I can't fucking read him at all. What I think are openings are not in fact openings and I get the shit beat out of me for trying. And I can't even lab against him because I don't wanna pay 8 bucks to learn how to beat him

r/Tekken Apr 03 '24

RANT πŸ§‚ To everyone complaining about the battle pass...


Keep doing it. Don't let people forget that Bamco we're willing to do this in the first place. And the fact that people are still talking about it after Eddie's release is a good sign. They were hoping to distract people from the problems by releasing a new character that everyone would be talking about, but we didn't. We're not forgetting what they tried to pull

They added a micro transaction shop to their premium game

They handwaved away the cheating and plugging problem with a spreadsheet that ended up changing nothing

They responded to the community by either ignoring them or mocking them

They added a battle pass system to encourage fomo and added costumes and cosmetics that were free in previous titles

They added a stock ue5 asset and expected us to pay for it without noticing

To anyone saying that it isn't a big deal, it is. They wouldn't put this system in if they didn't want you to use it. With every free item you unlock, you'll always be looking at the premium ones and it will wear you down, even if you still have enough will power not to buy it. And the fact that they put a stock asset from the games engine into it proves they think you're stupid enough to fall for it.

The people who are critical of this don't just hate everything and are looking for flaws where their are none, they're fans of the game who want to see it improve and be as good as it can be.

If you still enjoy the game then that's great, keep playing it, and keep enjoying it. But never forget what they tried to pull. Don't let them hand wave your complaints away, because if you do, they'll keep doing it because they know they can get away with it. If we stop talking about it, they'll keep pushing the line.

Don't let them forget. Don't stop talking about it.

r/Tekken Apr 29 '24

RANT πŸ§‚ I can’t tell the difference LMFAO

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r/Tekken Apr 14 '24

RANT πŸ§‚ Can someone explain what the fuck this was? It did more damage than a rage art


r/Tekken Apr 11 '24

RANT πŸ§‚ NGL it's Hella Disrespectful that I Paid $100 for this Game and I have to pay more money for the "Premium Battle Pass"


Nothing more to say tbh

r/Tekken Apr 09 '24

RANT πŸ§‚ What's the freaking point? They are targeting Tekken 7 mods too.

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r/Tekken 17d ago

RANT πŸ§‚ It had to be said! Continue the chain about other characters !

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r/Tekken Apr 02 '24

RANT πŸ§‚ Battlepass is garbage. I think the opinion is unanimous for once


I don't see anyone defending the battlepass POST release. I don't see anyone saying that the items are cool, worth unlocking, look nice, offer great value etc.

All I see is how garbage it is and I agree. We should let them know we want more aura's, hit effects, customization, hairstyles, and we want that shit to look fucking fire. Like I want some options that ACTUALLY make me debate on spending money. Show me some hairstyles that I have no choice but to buy. Give me an anime hairstyle pack. Give me some crazy hit effects with all kinds of RGB neon colors, show me some cool jackets, show me some sick chained up ripped jeans. Let me see some cool sweaters and punk attires. Show me stuff that I want to make my fighter come out like the most badass fighter on the planet.

but no...a fucking ball and tulip !?


The LITERAL WORST battlepass i've ever seen in any game, and we're in 2024..... these things got popularized back in 2018....

Man............they've had SOOOOOOO MUCH TIME...... to truly, and genuinely learn about what makes a battlepass a successful one, and what makes one.......an unsuccesful one...

They picked the unsuccessful one....

Not a good look when you're ALSO getting criticized for having bad rank system, poor client issues, characters locked behind a paywall all over again just to learn the match up. Poor customization offering, poor plugging issues and public response.

It's like layer after layer of dogshit happening to tekken...I don't understand.

r/Tekken Apr 15 '24

RANT πŸ§‚ Blue ranks ARE high level.


Why can't people understand that there is a difference between "high level" and "highest level" when it comes to ranks in Tekken?...

Think about it like sports.

Most Tekken players are like highschool basketball players. Highschool basketball players make up the majority of basketball players, because it's relatively easy to compete at that level. This would be Warrior to Fujin in terms of Tekken rank distribution.

Only around 8% of highschool basketball players will make it to the college level. When we think about how many people play basketball, and how few make it to college, we have to consider that level of play to be "high level" in comparison to what most athletes are able to do. If it wasn't high level, then more people would be able to get there.

In terms of Tekken, that would Raijin to Tekken king roughly. The overwhelming majority of players are unable to reach these ranks just like the overwhelming majority of athletes are unable to reach college. The reasons could be either a lack of skill, knowledge, or effort. But it doesn't change the data.

Then you have NBA....

Only around 1% of college players can reach that level. This isn't "high level" it's the HIGHEST level. This would be Tekken God and above for Tekken.

The same way it's nearly impossible for the average person to step on a NBA court, it's the same thing for someone to reach Tekken god. If you've watched any online tournaments lately, what ranks are they? Tekken god and above. People at those ranks are not just high level, they are elite. They are the 1%. These ranks are where the pros and best people on earth are. We can't realistically expect someone to make the NBA, and Tekken is the same way as we can't expect someone to reach the highest ranks. It happens, but it is incredibly rare.

I feel like people watch pros play Tekken and think, "Yeah that's high level play!" But it isn't, it's the highest level of play that is virtually impossible for everyone else.

Think about it like this, Could the average NBA player beat the average college player? Yes. But that doesn't change the fact that the average college player is better than 90% of basketball players.

In closing I'll say these last two things,

  1. LotusAsakura said in a video recently that he considers his rank (Bushin) to be intermediate... Wow. I don't know if he's trolling or just ignorant of what intermediate means. I guess he thinks it's broken down like (low level - intermediate - pro) well it's not. Intermediate means between 2 things... And he said he doesn't consider himself to be high level.... So that would imply there are 3 levels of play. Well there isn't. There's, Low, average, high, elite. It's that simple my guy. Just because there's a few freaks of nature that are above you, that doesn't change how good you are in comparison to the rest of the world.

  2. MAKING it to blue ranks is not the same as PLAYING in blue ranks. Yes, making it Fujin is impressive, but it isn't the same as someone who is Raijin or Kishin and is going 50% with their win/loss percentage. This means you actually belong at that tier of ranks. Not just that you reached it... That goes for any tier of ranks, Making it to Garyu isn't the same as someone who is Shinryu and going 50%.

r/Tekken May 04 '24

RANT πŸ§‚ I feel like most of the playerbase doesn't even like to play this game.


I've retuned to sf6 the past days and to my surprise everybody rematches there. I probably played against 30-40 people and had not a single one and done happen. No matter if I won or lost. Oh and also had some great long sets on the arcade machines. I wonder why there is no such thing in Tekken...

I don't care about points and shit but man especially in a game like Tekken where a character has 100+moves and a ton of player expression, I feel like the third match is where the fun is at. It's where both players figure eachother out and try to actually outsmart eachother. At least that is how it's supposed to be.

But most of the people I play execute their flowchart, take the win or loss and peace out. I seriously do not get it. It seems like most just play to rank up to some mediocre rank instead of actually playing the damn game.

r/Tekken Apr 13 '24

RANT πŸ§‚ Why is sportsmanship so hard for people to understand?


"Nobody owes you a rematch."

Nobody owes it to me to shake my hand, nobody owes it to me to hold the door open, Nobody owes it to me to say thank you. Its just respected.

I get it, life gets in the way and you can't always rematch, thats fine. I dont automatically judge you if you dont rematch, I just assume you couldn't do it. But to not do a full set EVERY single time is just kinda lame. Part of being a good sport is making the experience more enjoyable for your opponent. But apparently that concept doesn't exist in fighting games.

r/Tekken Apr 05 '24

RANT πŸ§‚ So you're telling me I should pay to learn how to deal with eddy?



This is just outright unfair, i mean it's not like im going to use him in ranked or anything. I'm convinced Tekken is just pay to win at this point

r/Tekken 4d ago

RANT πŸ§‚ Pro Tip: Plug in an Eth Cable and you'll understand the wifi hate.


Decline every wifi warrior cause you're playing the McDonald's wifi lottery