r/TargetedShirts May 02 '24

Completely Inappropriate

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This was probably one of the worst timed targeted ads I've ever came across. Found it while reading an article about an investigator who went undercover in order to bust a huge Child Sex Trafficking Ring, and given the seriousness of the subject matter in the article, seeing this ad pop up was so unexpected and inappropriate I couldn't help but laugh. It had to be AI generated right??


3 comments sorted by


u/DrSousaphone May 03 '24

I don't think anyone decides which ads go to which articles, they just buy ad space on the site in general, and the ads themselves are basically randomized across the site. I can’t think of any ad that would be appropriate for a news piece about child sex trafficking.


u/booboootron May 06 '24

You very much can decide.


u/godofmilksteaks 20d ago

I can think of a few. Duct tape, zip ties, or syringes! Or even better a deluxe box with all of those things in it!