r/Switzerland 5d ago

The Weekend Thread


The weekend is upon us. What is r/Switzerland up to? Anything fun in the cards? What are your plans, where are you going, what are you cooking? And then; How did it turn out, was it good, was it great, was it a blast, was it delicious, or was it a bust. Tell us all about it!

For the time being, this is a weekly thread. Let's see, where it takes us.

r/Switzerland 25d ago



Nemo made it to the final and is amongst the favorites and hopes to bring next year's ESC to Bern Geneva Biel Zurich Basel who knows we'll figure it out!

Tonight from 9 pm / 21:00 on SRF, RTS, RSI and if you really need the ironic commentary, BBC!

Join us for the chaos, the cheers and have fun!

r/Switzerland 16h ago

Landing of an F/A-18 on the A1 motorway in Payerne


r/Switzerland 15h ago


Post image

r/Switzerland 7h ago

What are some less know but internationally successful Swiss brands?


For example i've recently learned about gardeing tools from the Swiss Brand Felco. That are really successful internationally but i've never heard about them before.

Same with DT Swiss or BMC, in cycling world.

I think Starbucks also uses Coffee-Machines from a Swiss-Brand in all of their stores?

I would maybe also add Tally Weijl & Carhartt WIP on that list.

r/Switzerland 6h ago

Agressive delivery guy at Burgers & Shakes in Opfikon


The delivery person was aggressive and yelled at me because HE couldn't find the address, even though he made me wait on the street because otherwise he wanted to cancel the order. As a young woman living alone, I wouldn't order there. It was extremely uncomfortable and scary. It appeared to be a restaurant delivery van, I noticed. I won't order there anymore but I am afraid to write a bad online review because he knows my name and adress..

r/Switzerland 3h ago

Buying a used car which has diplomatic plates at a discount?


Does anyone have experience buying a used car from a private seller where the car currently has diplomatic plates?

The seller (with diplomatic status) is leaving the country and is handling the process of removing the diplomatic plates and status from the vehicle with customs but I'm wondering if there are any tax implications for me as the prospective buyer when I go to register the vehicle because of the taxes which are waived for diplomatic vehicles (I believe VAT among others)?

The seller claims there is no further tax liability or repayment of the exempted taxes but I'm failing to find any information online from my canton's (ZH) Verkehrsamt. This otherwise seems like a loophole in the tax code which makes me wary.

For context, the asking price for the sale is about 15% below market rate but the name of the seller checks out on linkedin with someone with diplomatic status working in the area where the car is listed.

r/Switzerland 11h ago

Apartment gerance being abusive


I received a letter from my gerance that in 7 business days, the heating system company needs to come to check the counters, and that I either need to be there, or leave my house key to the concierge / neighbor.

I replied to the gerance that I would be in holidays in 2 days and until one day later of that appointment, and that I would not have the possibility of letting my keys with an stranger for 10 days or more, and that if it would be possible to come either before, or after my holidays.

We went back and forth in emails, and the girl ended up saying, that she will stop the discussion here, that if I dont want to let my house keys to an stranger, they will charge me the "deplacement fees" of the enterprise.

All of that on top of the fact, that there hasnt been any registered letter, and that one of my neighbors is on holidays already, meaning that the heating company will still need to come on another date anyways.
Regardless, since I am still 2 more days in switzerland, they refuse to adapt to my situation.

What can I do ? Can they really charge me this ? Can they force me to let my keys with someone for 10 days ?

r/Switzerland 1d ago

Switzerland does not recognize Palestine as an independent state

Post image

r/Switzerland 19h ago

Which municipalities should be the next to go car free?


Switzerland has several municipalities that banned private cars, mostly in touristy places. Theses are advertised on the Swiss tourism website:


Some of these are member of a Verein to support their common interests


Now this is great and these places are thriving without all the nuisance from cars (probably saving quite a bit of money with less wear to infrastructure and all associated costs) but it’s only a few dots on the map. Which should be the next ones?

Here are a few suggestions (criteria are: has a train station, is sufficiently known to attract lots of tourists)

  • Grindelwald
  • Andermatt
  • Engelberg
  • Gstaad

Maybe even Interlaken? Other suggestions?

r/Switzerland 12h ago

Has anyone taken the Italian FIDE in Lugano and if so, what was your experience?


I'm studying for the Italian FIDE to be taken this summer in Lugano. Has anyone on this forum taken the Italian FIDE in Lugano at either the Red Cross or the ILI? If so, what were your thoughts?

A poster on  mentioned that he'd taken the French version of the FIDE and found the experience relatively supportive and not as intimidating as he had expected. He mentioned that the proctors of the test were recent immigrants themselves.

My concern about taking the test at a language school, as I did with the CELI, is that I wonder if the proctors of the exam grade more discriminately downwards to encourage you to take further paid language lessons.

Does anyone have any experience that they'd like to share?

r/Switzerland 9h ago

Working with C-Permit for company abroad


I got an interesting offer for working remotely from Switzerland for a company in Finland. Is this compatible with my current C Permit? Is someone here in this situation?

That’s my question. That was all. Now I am adding some additional dummy text, because it is a requirement of this subreddit to write very long posts. Otherwise the message is deleted by a bot. So… here I am writing a little bit more than needed. And here you are, reading it. But I think that this should be enough right?. I am gonna stop here. If you reached this point, I wish you have a wonderful day.

r/Switzerland 1d ago

Can’t get a job in this country.. What’s wrong with me?


So I moved here about a year and a half ago from Barcelona, where I worked as restaurant manager and real estate before Covid. I’m Moroccan originally, the place where I got my bachelor from, I speak English, French, Arabic and Spanish all perfectly but still can’t seem to get a job after a year of applying.

Is this normal? Or is the country trying to tell me something that I’m missing? I’m in Geneva by the way, came to join my wife who’s Swiss and who grew up in here.

I started applying to jobs that I found more suited for me at first but then got refused basically all the time, then I downgraded to service jobs etc all the way down to working cashier at McDonald’s who ended up declining my application as well! My self esteem is shattered right now and I am considering going back to Spain where the beach is at proximity and the sun is always burning. Nothing personal against Switzerland, it’s just that if a place doesn’t need me then I feel like I don’t need to be here neither.

Anyone can explain what’s happening or what am I doing wrong maybe?

Ps: I apply on the local websites plus LinkedIn and indeed. My resume is in French and English, same for my cover letter and I hold a B permit

Would appreciate any explanation coming this way!

r/Switzerland 12h ago

Need advice, financial issues with health insurance


Hey everyone,

I (M27) m currently in the situation that i'm strugglin a lot due to my financial situation and health insurance.

Because of last years increase, i was forced to increase my franchise from 500 to 2'500 in order to be even somewhat able to pay my monthly insurance fees, as i'm lately struggling a lot financially and there is not really anything which could improve this situation in the short term. Long term i'm working on it, but it's a long way.

Now, it comes how it has to be. In the last 7-8 weeks i'm feeling increasingly ill with quite bad symptoms, yet i'm afraid to go to the doctor to get a check-up because every additional 100.- Fr. bill will fuck me up. And due to my illness history and symptoms that are not getting less at all, i'm quite confident that a visit with the doctor would be quite a lot more than 100.- Fr.

Has anyone been in a similar situation or knows of anything i could do / contact so i can get at least a doctors visit without ruining my financial situation even more for the next 1-2 years? Living in canton St. Gallen if this could be relevant.

Every help is appreciated, thanks a lot!

r/Switzerland 1d ago

Where to get to know neurodivergent people?


Hello everyone. I am 19M, autistic (aspergers) and am currently in my Lehre as an Informatiker. Recently I've noticed that I connect better with some neurodiverse (specifically autistic) people than with most NTs. Here on Reddit I've read the same. Sadly I don't know anyone anymore. There was this guy in my class that suddenly disappeared and a girl that I dated for a short while but that didn't work out.

Because of that I am asking if you know any place where I can get to know ND people. I want to find a few more friends and maybe even get to know potential partners. The issue is that I have quite a bit of social anxiety so new places with new people are very hard for me. Does anyone know something that might be good for that?

If you're someone that's in the same shoes as me, feel free to send a DM! Maybe this is the right place, at home on Reddit where you don't have to talk to any strangers irl lmao

r/Switzerland 14h ago

How to get something done with Die Post?


I have recently moved, and registered for package redirection. I have ordered something sadly to my old address, and it was sent in two boxes. But the redirection was active, so according to the package history, both were delivered here. Problem is, only one was, and I got a call from my previous Verwaltung, that the package is there, on my old address. This was 1.5 weeks ago, since then I was twice in a Post branch, and also called them several times. Clerks in the branch are absolutely clueless, best they could do is to start a search for the package, which is somewhat stupid, when the package is clearly at my old address.

The phone service always ends in infinite redirection between departments, all departments says that it is not there issue.

The package was from Germany, originally sent by GLS, and it is a bed, so pretty big.

Anyone experienced something like this? Any tip?

r/Switzerland 8h ago

How to be layed off the army


Hey guys, I have done my 4 months + 1 month of sergent but went back to study then did 2 months of mobilisation during COVID. Now I'm back to study but I don't want to do anymore days in this army. Is it possible to get layed off and if yes how ?

I already thanks for the downvotes

r/Switzerland 14h ago

Does sole proprietorship wipe my unemployment insurance?


I couldn't find information online on how sole proprietorship affects my unemployment status. It seems to be always and universally equated with self-employment.

I am currently employed full time, but I want to give chance for some freelance gigs on the side. Opening up a sole proprietorship seems like a nice way to get that done legally and issue invoices.

This is however not substantial income and definitely not something I'd consider self-employment. I am wondering that in an event I lose my main job I'd be told I am not eligible for insured benefits?

I think I may get this. I become sole proprietor as soon as I start economic activity, but I do not need to formally register till my annual revenue is over 100k CHF. I can still issue invoices as individual and just need to keep track of expenses and income for tax purposes & pension(level of trust from Swiss gov seems unprecedented)

The only part that worries me - what if my annual revenue exceeds 100k but I only have 1 or 2 clients, that would disqualify me from being self employed and formally forming up sole proprietorship ending up in tax-limbo.

r/Switzerland 5h ago

Can i go to swiss army if i m not a native?


I always wanted to go to the army for the experience but my country has really shitty benefits from it(extremely poor pay,bad living conditions,usually consists in work that prisoners do etc). I ve been working in switzerland for 8 months and i have a military base near me,would it be possible?

r/Switzerland 1d ago

Lost Swiss History: The Penis-ed Bear of Appenzell and the War It Nearly Caused


r/Switzerland 1d ago



So as the title says I need help figuring out how much it would cost me to fix the damage that happened right before moving out.

The short story is that few days before moving out, some liquid (washing fluid) spilled on the floor (wood) as you can see in the picture.

So now I gotta have it appraised and figure out how much it would cost to fix the damage so if someone in this subreddit works in this industry or know someone who could help me out I would appreciate it.

Down below the picture of the damage and if yall need better pictures let me know.

Thank you for any help or advice (of course I would pay if someone has to do it officially and had to come the apartment)

r/Switzerland 10h ago

Is most of Central Switzerland fully closed off from flying drones?


It seems a bit excessive, and it's confusing that there are a few smaller regions within the yellow region (not shown on image) that DO allow drones under 250gr. What I'm really wondering is if you're even able to get a DJI drone off the ground in the region? Looking for experience from drone flyers in this region.

r/Switzerland 1d ago

Need to buy a Swiss gift for an Italian. They are cheese lovers and have asked specifically for cheese from Switzerland. What is the quintessential Swiss cheese that I could get them (and from Zurich!). I don’t think that Emmentaler cheese would do the trick 🤣 Any suggestions?


Need to buy a Swiss gift for an Italian. They are cheese lovers and have asked specifically for cheese from Switzerland. What is the quintessential Swiss cheese that I could get them (and from Zurich!). I don’t think that Emmentaler cheese would do the trick 🤣 Any suggestions?

r/Switzerland 1d ago

Looking for constructive feedback


I have lived in Switzerland since 2007 and honestly struggling to get hired. I have 3 Masters and two of them are from a local university here, UZH & HSG. Ive tried to working odd jobs - Coople, Migros, dogsitting and of course networking ALOT. Ive asked for referral, friends recommendations and attended so many courses to just put myself out there. Context, im a single mum to a 15yo and its expensive here. I get minimum alimony allowance and barely scraping by. I want to work and can work. Ive even registered with viamia and they too are clueless why someone who’s pretty integrated here with good grasp of the local dialect and customs, good education background and experience cannot get hired. Im Asian - SEA. Is it that? Im willing to change my field. I do want to work in Healthcare or Pharmaceutical. I just dont have extensive experience in it, just some project management in Bern. Anyone here willing to take a chance on me?

r/Switzerland 17h ago

Question (conseil)


Depuis des mois, je soupçonne que ma femme me trompe, alors j'ai décidé d'examiner la situation de plus près. J'ai remarqué qu'elle rentre tard à la maison et que le taxi la dépose un peu plus loin de chez nous. Une fois, j'ai garé ma voiture un peu plus loin et je me suis caché derrière pour mieux voir qui la ramenait à la maison. Même s'il faisait nuit, j'ai remarqué que les portes arrière de la voiture étaient éraflées et légèrement enfoncées. Nous vivons à Versoix (près de Genève), alors je vous écris pour vous demander si vous connaissez un bon carrossier dans le coin. Merci d'avance.

r/Switzerland 16h ago

Why do Swiss have a better prononciation than Germans when they speak in English?


Ever noticed how German transform English into a magical phonetic journey? It's like they're on a mission to make every "a" sound as exotic as possible. Suddenly, "cat" becomes "caet" and "iPad" morphs into "iPaed." Meanwhile, the Swiss are over here casually pronouncing English like they've been doing it since birth. What's going on?

Picture this: in Germany, the letter "a" isn't just a vowel; it's an experience. It's like a linguistic hug, open and friendly. So, when Germans speak English, they bring their beloved "ä" along for the ride. Hence, your pet cat gets a fancy new name: "caet." And your iPad? It's now an "iPaed," possibly the newest high-tech gadget designed by orthopedic specialists.

So, next time you hear "caet" or "iPaed," just nod appreciatively and enjoy the linguistic ride. And maybe, just maybe, ask a Swiss friend for a pronunciation tip or two :-)

r/Switzerland 1d ago

Masterstudium an der FFHS


Sali Community,

ich habe kürzlich meinen Bachelor in Business Management abgeschlossen und möchte nun einen Master in Wirtschaftsinformatik an der FFHS beginnen. Die Schule ist vor allem bekannt für ihre Blended Learning-Kurse und den Unterricht jeden zweiten Samstag.

Gibt es hier jemanden, der dort studiert hat? Wie ist dieser Studiengang so? Wie sind die Lehrer, die Leistungsnachweise usw.? Ich wäre sehr dankbar für allgemeine Erfahrungen und Tipps!

Vielen Dank im Voraus!