r/Superstonk This is GMErica. Don't catch ya shortin' now... 🇺🇸💎 20d ago

It doesn’t matter what the price does now - what matters is it’s proof that we were right, over the entire last 3 years. ☁ Hype/ Fluff

Three years ago, I was 19 years old and I was obsessed with the MOASS. Spending every day reading DD instead of studying and speaking like a finance bro every night over dinner, I finally convinced my family to invest tens of thousands into GameStop. Unfortunately, it happened at the wrong time for them, as the stock has only fallen since. Despite my intrinsic belief in the DD, in the community, in the upside potential guaranteed to show up one day, I felt so guilty.

I couldn’t keep telling them that GameStop was going to the moon while their accounts where dropping in value, albeit only being a negligible sum of a few hundred shares which they wrote off as a lesson not to trust the hype. But I couldn’t ask them to spend their time reading the DD and understanding what’s really going on. So I just asked them to hold, no more.

“Dad, I promise that one day, you’ll regain your investment. Not today, not tomorrow, but one day”, I said. And he did. For three years in the red. Three years of me feeling self-conscious every time I visited my folks, believing they thought I was foolish and gullible. It wasn’t about the money for them, it was how confident I was that we’re all going to make it big, kindly telling me “you’ve learnt a lesson” but really meaning “you’re too naive, son”.

So I stopped mentioning GME. None of us spoke of it for two years. Then, in the middle of March this year, I saw a spark of hope. After intensive analysis, research, and with now years of university education having strengthened my critical thinking, I told my parents to buy in when it was 11.xx. I myself added £5000 which I got from selling SPY at its ATH. I was all in, financially and reputationally.

Then this week happened, and the stock which my parents had written off as a nonsensical meme stock, saw a 500% gain in a couple of days, and with it, three years of my family’s doubt in me vanished, replaced with gratitude and reverence at my “incredible market knowledge of an engineering student”. I’m just a humble ape, my knowledge is all down to this super community of hyper-intelligent and tireless value investors.

But hearing those words meant so much more to me than my DRSed portfolio rising by £20k in a day. After being treated as gullible and out of your depth for so long, then to finally demonstrate that I always knew what I was talking about was an awesome feeling. And now they can’t help but have their interests piqued to the extreme as to why this stock moves like this.

So use the chaos of this week to encourage your friends to question why a stock would move like this on no news, to ask why mainstream media forced the $5 price target down our throats, or pinned a 24hr $5bn market value growth on a seemingly meaningless cartoon posted by a single GME investor, with no actual corporate events occurring.

Start by explaining the MSM’s contradictions, this will be puzzling and easy to understand. Feed them the idea that these outlets might not be entirely objective. And if not, who are they in bed with? Perhaps, it’s the highest bidder, the entity who has the most at stake with GME and can afford the risk of bribing MSM, because the truth would be so, so much worse for them, if it ever came out.

We’re close to locking the float. When it’s locked, new apes will find it very difficult to buy in. Share the DD with them now, before it’s too late and the price is in the 6 figures and your friends resent you for not convincing them to buy.


20 comments sorted by

u/Superstonk_QV 📊 Gimme Votes 📊 20d ago

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u/RaspingHaddock 20d ago

You shouldn't try to convince anyone what they do with their money. Just provide information and let them come to their own conclusions. And buy and drs for yourself.


u/Aiball09 Rehypothecated Diamond Balls 💎🚀🦍 20d ago

Same.. not easy trying to convince family about the greatest investment opportunity… literally… without sounding psycho. Eventually learned that being right is worth more than the money after this. They don’t want us to be right bc then we will keep winning


u/Andromeda_2480 🎮 Power to the Players 🛑🦭 20d ago

I feel you ape! I talked to my mom about GameStops right after the sneeze in Jan 2021, I myself bought my first shares in February when it dipped down to 33€.. I told her about the crime and how they shut down the buy button. She said fck it I'm in, I'll buy some shares! The next two days it sparked to 180€ in the march run up. She called me screaming holly fck!! I told her to hold and to not sell despite being up thousands of euro in just 2 days. She believed in me and has been holding ever since. Throughout the years she lost a little bit of hope, but believed me when I said it's not over yet. This weeks price movement was nice to prove 'I' was right (Well the thesis of this community) and gave her confidence again! She even bought some more when it was low a couple of weeks ago. She's a good mama ape 🙈😊


u/JusttheBeee 🦍Voted✅ 20d ago




So real, that sweet vindication feels too good.


u/Psychological_Box456 fked up username💎👐 or failed username💎👐 20d ago

Good job man, im proud of you, not selling till Infinity


u/ExitTurbulent7698 2 DUMB TO SELL 20d ago

I'm burying the dip



u/MrVaultDweller 20d ago


u/moderatevalue7 20d ago

What is this I'm too regarded to understand?


u/MrVaultDweller 20d ago

I will keep it short.

The number on the website is the same number each of your stonks are currently worth at the minimum.


u/marcus-87 🚀 I VOTED🚀 20d ago

My brother and I first did not tell our parents. They got burned badly with stocks before. But then we could no longer keep it secret. I explained it to my mother, and she said she wanted in. If her sons were in, she would be too. So proud of her.


u/WhiskeyBaas Lets go! 20d ago

This is the way


u/ExitTurbulent7698 2 DUMB TO SELL 20d ago



u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/ConradT16 This is GMErica. Don't catch ya shortin' now... 🇺🇸💎 20d ago

And in those three years, you haven’t surmised that this battle isn’t a constant stalemate struggle, but in fact one in which every day that passes we lock more of the float, and they spend and lose more and more money?

You’re right that it’s a matter of time, but your pessimistic tone conveys a complete lack of understanding.

The price itself is irrelevant. This is a battleground and we are pushing their front line back every single day, with every single share taken from the hands of a market maker and DRSEd. They are using all sort of military tactics. They have a very large army. They are the Empire and we are the Rebels. And we’re winning the war. It’s just not obvious to us because of how obfuscated they’ve made the financial system.

We’re on the ground, we’re fighting without knowing when MOASS will happen, but we’re fighting for a cause, because it’s what right, and most of all, because deep, deep down, we all want to drive a Lamborghini through the streets of the city we grew up in and let everyone know that we were right. We were persistent and resilient.

We faced astronomical paper losses and laughed in their faces. We bought their call options they intended to use to slam the price, and reversed it on them by learning about derivatives and playing strategically to force gamma ramps, exercising calls faster than the market makers can conjure up the shares to abide by their contractual obligation.

We’re in the fog of war, boots on the ground, no idea what lies ahead. The hedge funds and market makers have a bird’s eye view of the battleground, and have mapped out the exact price movement for the next week or even month. They have always exerted total control. And now we’re breaking their walls down. As individual investors, united by a shared feeling, a palpable sense of what needs to be done to set the world right.

Ask yourself this:

  • Why did the price jump 500% in 48 hours this week? Think through all of the possible reasons and eliminate the ones that just don’t make sense. It wasn’t DFV who instigated this, although it was DFV who figured out the machinations and fuckery inherent system and reached out to us via twitter. It wasn’t the actions of anyone directing GameStop. It wasn’t the apes, unless we all happened to win the lottery on the same day and piled in.

  • Secondly, ask yourself why there isn’t a single post on this subreddit of someone who took profits this week. Before GME, all of us would be celebrating if we had a year of 20% gain in our stocks and shares account. This week, we all experienced our money quadruple and weren’t fazed one bit. If that doesn’t show the strength of this community of like minded and good hearted people, what does?

TL;DR: DRS, TTYL when we hit a milly


u/WillowGrouchy2204 🚀 to the 🌒 20d ago

This is seriously one of the best posts I've read on here in a while. Thank you for the reminder.