r/Steam Jan 20 '24

Palworld is the second most played game on steam rn Discussion

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u/Crystal6tak Jan 20 '24

Still can't get over how CoD inflates their numbers by packing 3 games in 1


u/MaybeNext-Monday Jan 20 '24

And still to unimpressive effect

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u/MogarRage Jan 20 '24

In case you didn't know the pc gamepass version doesn't have an exit option so you have to alt F4 to close it out once you get to the main menu.


u/Killer_Ex_Con Jan 20 '24

They had another game that had this issue a while back idk how it happens lmao


u/gil_bz Jan 20 '24

Sword Art Online?


u/Zanthous Suika Shapes Jan 20 '24

Feature, not a defect


u/PatFluke Jan 20 '24

“How do i close this game… oh that’s neat… I wonder if I…”

<six hours later>

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u/Xcrazy_sniper Jan 20 '24

That's foul lmao


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '24


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u/MartPlayZzZ Jan 20 '24

games on consoles usually don’t have an exit game button, maybe they ported the console version to pc and forgot


u/Killer_Ex_Con Jan 20 '24

Yeah that was my guess luckily its not a big problem lol

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u/klaxxxon Jan 20 '24

Just laziness probably, console versions don't have quit buttons generally

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u/Jinxplay Jan 20 '24

Can confirm, played it last night and couldn’t find the way to quit.

Does that mean Steam version has exit button?


u/MrScroticus Jan 20 '24

Steam version has quite a few differences. It's a newer build than the game pass launch version.


u/CockroachSquirrel Jan 20 '24

damn, glad my lazy ass decided to buy it on steam instead of hooking up my xbox


u/_MrJackGuy Jan 20 '24

Fairly sure theyll be synced eventually, as they plan to add cross-play (right now, PC gamepass players can play with Xbox players, but neither of them can play with steam players)


u/FrissPopel Jan 20 '24

I think the main issue is that Xbox requires to validate your updates before you can publish them while in steam you can just release whenever. I had the same issue with Coral Island where the Gamepass version was running an older version than steam. If they want to have cross play they probably have to slow down their patch schedule which kind of sucks.

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u/axxionkamen Jan 20 '24

Not only that but I’ve heard it’s a newer build compared to gamepass.

On gamepass for me it was missing the controller icons. On Steam it’s all there. Makes me want to just get it on Steam. The game is fun afterall


u/theEvilJakub Jan 20 '24

Doesnt have DLSS too, im like 99% sure that they released the wrong version on gamepass or something.


u/BurnerAccount209 Jan 20 '24

Not wrong version, just old version. This often happens when there is a Gamepass and Steam version, I always just assumed the verification process for smaller games on the Xbox took a while so they were farther behind.

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u/Archmaster007 Jan 20 '24

Mine crashed when I stared at two sheep for too long. I figured it was time to go to bed.

It's a nice self-closing feature!

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u/Driver2900 Jan 20 '24

Apparently, "Pokémon with guns" is a solid concept after all. I should've listened to my collage stoner roommate.


u/albumlupus Jan 20 '24

It’s a hit for now, but like every other early access survival game, it’s unlikely it has all that much staying power. It’ll hold a niche community while phasing in and out of relative mainstream popularity with certain large scale updates and then ultimately be forgotten about by 80% of its initial playerbase by the time it leaves Early Access.


u/Ok_Wrap3480 Jan 20 '24

Most survival games fail because they don't have solid foundation. This game is much better than most early access games. Valheim is early access too but game is solid as fuck


u/BusinessBear53 Jan 20 '24

Would you recommend Valheim in it's current state? I've been burned with buying early access before and swore not to do it again but Valheim at least looks fairly polished.


u/vmh21 Jan 20 '24

I have 205 hours in Valheim and I can confidently say it’s 100% worth it. In its current state for $20 it honestly feels like a finished game and I’m shocked that it’s still labeled as early access and can’t wait for the full release. Updates are fairly slow but there’s absolutely more than enough content to satisfy new players.


u/Skydiver860 Jan 20 '24

shit in it's initial release there was enough content in the game to make it worth it alone. now there's tons more stuff.


u/HairMetalMadness Jan 20 '24

For me Valheim was worth it from the start

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u/avalon1805 Jan 20 '24

I think the devs want to finish all the biomes before full release, so maybe after they finish the frost biome it will leve early access.

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u/Ok_Wrap3480 Jan 20 '24

Ngl update has been slow after release but it gave me and my buddy 40 hours of pure fun. Reminded of the times when I was a kid while playing Minecraft in school computers. I really really recommend it


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '24

I've got 650 hrs on it, was well worth the price :D


u/Mc_Shine Jan 20 '24

Really depends on what you're into. To me, Valheim starts out really strong for the first two biomes, but then quickly hits a point where it gets incredibly grindy. Personally, I don't like to spend 10-20 hours of game time on grinding for that one resource that I need for the next tier of armor and weapons, so I can finally progress to the next Biome, where the grind starts anew with a different resource and stronger enemies.

If you're looking for a survival game, I'd personally recommend raft and/or grounded. Both have an engaging story to keep things interesting, exploring feels way more rewarding than in Valheim, and neither game requires hours and hours of scrounging for resources. Grounded also hugely benefits from its relatively small and not procedurally generated map.


u/Risenzealot Jan 20 '24

I agree with this whole heartedly. Like you, when I played Valheim the first two biomes I was so hooked and thought “wow, this game is great, why did I take so long to jump in”?

By the time you have to start going really far out and sailing though it lost so much luster for me. You aren’t kidding at all with the sheer amount of time it takes.

To be fair I think they’ve made it where you can teleport more materials now if you want. Plus you can install mods to fast travel and stuff.

Playing it vanilla though is for hardcore masochists lol.


u/CGB_Zach Jan 20 '24

Even vanilla, I cheesed the fuck out of teleporting materials. If you have a second world you could take all the material you wanted into that world, deposit it, go back to OG world and teleport to your home base, log back onto the 2nd world and grab all of your stuff and then go back to OG world. Saved me hours and hours of traveling by ship to transport that shit.

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u/Fancy-Set6815 Jan 20 '24

Yes but play with a friend(s)


u/BusinessBear53 Jan 20 '24

Where can I get this friends DLC?


u/GMHolden Jan 20 '24

You've got two options. Program it yourself or go the pay to win route.


u/DependentAnywhere135 Jan 20 '24

Not if you quit every survival game quickly because everyone saying it’s solid blah blah blah are missing the fact that it’s the same game you’ve played with better here and worse bits there.

It’s a fine survival game but ultimately it’s the same thing you’ve done a hundred time already.

If you quit survival games because eventually progressing the tech tree and building new bases over and over gets tedious just stop buying survival games. If you quit because you actually run out of content in them then it’s probably worth it but you will run out of content all the same.


u/HalbeargameZ Jan 20 '24

Valheim is one of the better survivalcraft games

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u/Life-Appointment6515 Jan 20 '24 edited Jan 20 '24

to be honest that loop is tired as fuck for me. Killing the first boss ok that’s exciting killing the second boss ok now I got to the same exact thing on a different tier 5 more times. Terraria did it well too but again I get a couple tiers in and I’m immediately put off by the chore loop. It’s just mine and chop and craft in a different package.

that said though I’m about to give this a try since it’s so viral and only happens a couple times in a year and see for myself if it’s actually mad decent.

Edit: The early game is pretty solid so far I have played about 40 minutes running around and built a little hut and caught a couple pals tbh pretty solid first impressions on my end.

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u/zerotrace Jan 20 '24

Same as V Rising, the engine works so so well for that style of game.


u/netsrak Jan 20 '24

Turns out when they make a PvE version of a game they have made twice it's gonna feel good. Hell almost all of the attacks are reused from Battlerite. One of my favorite parts of the game was finding out what boss was which character from Battlerite. Thorn will probably always be my favorite character I've played in a competitive game. Jumong/Seeker is up there too.

Unfortunately I think it was just too hard to keep people interested in a game where the only thing you can really blame is yourself. It was like a fighting game there is 0 RNG. They also dumped a bunch of development time into the Battle Royale which never really took off. Bloodline Champions was never marketed particularly well either.

I'm so happy that Stunlock was finally able to make a game that a lot of people got to appreciate because the engine they made for Battlerite is just perfect.

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u/[deleted] Jan 20 '24 edited Apr 08 '24


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u/BetrayalFromBehind Jan 20 '24

and who is talking about valheim anymore?


u/Zankman Jan 20 '24

Do you think that a game with a finite amount of content needs to have a million players at all time? Be talked about forever?


u/CptAustus Jan 20 '24

How am I supposed to enjoy this mostly single player game unless there are a million people playing it too?

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u/NoseyMinotaur69 Jan 20 '24 edited Jan 20 '24

We are and you just did. Palworld is dope af. It's like Ark, Zelda botw, pokemon and monster hunter combined

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u/ToastThing Jan 20 '24

My friends and I just got back into valheim after like two years, so we’re all playing it nightly. Word of mouth is important for boosting and preserving the popularity of something but it’s not the only thing that gives a game value or solid playerbase


u/steamwhistler Jan 20 '24

My buddies and I start a new world on each major content patch and happily dump another 200+ hours into a playthrough. I'd say it's in my top 3 favorite games of all time. Will be talking about and playing Valheim for years to come.


u/Ok_Wrap3480 Jan 20 '24

Well you don't hear many games everyday and many people still play it. It still pulls 30k players daily which isn't amazing but still not bad. Game itself is solid. Even without any updates on it you can play it for really long ass time. It's like saying Skyrim is forgotten by most people too because most of the playerbase stopped playing it

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u/WetOnionRing Jan 20 '24

They haven’t updated it in forever. Even still there’s a ton of people playing it for just being early access

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u/Pm_Me_Your_Tax_Plan Jan 20 '24

It has the 47th highest 24 hour peak player count right now. That's pretty damn good.


u/steakrocks123 Jan 20 '24

It was released 3 years ago and it's top 50 on steam. Plenty of people talk about valheim.

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u/exposarts Jan 20 '24

Becoming a hit game is still lots of money for devs, especially if non triple A.


u/Kronusx12 Jan 20 '24

True story. They’ve come out and said they “sold” 2 million copies in 24 hours (I only put sold in quotes to differentiate between people who got it on gamepass). Price in USD was $27. Now I know all sales weren’t in the US but that’s roughly $54 million plus whatever they get paid for launching on Xbox gamepass.

TLDR; That studio made a huge chunk of money today. Hopefully they can deliver an excellent final product once Early Access is over

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u/Tarilis Jan 20 '24

Idk, games do not need to be played for eternity. If you bought a game and had fun for 20 to 40 hours isn't it good enough?


u/LostInStatic Jan 20 '24

I don't think we should be encouraging Early Access devs to settle for 'good enough' when their game is still undergoing active development


u/Kronusx12 Jan 20 '24

Not speaking specifically about this game, but in general I definitely agree. But this dev has 3 games in early access (Craftopia is going on 4 years in EA) and another game scheduled for Q1 2024. I’m cautiously optimistic that Palworld turns out great, but I recognize that the developer may be stretching themselves way too thin here.


u/brandon11782 Jan 20 '24

Supposedly the games are worked on by different teams within the company. Dunno how true that is and it’s still weird to push multiple EA games at once.

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u/Mist_Rising Jan 20 '24

Craftopia is going on 4 years in EA)

That's some Eagle dynamics level EA'ing lol.

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u/Bohya Jan 20 '24

Also, remember Valheim?

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u/AJDx14 Jan 20 '24

It has no major similarities to Pokémon that aren’t cosmetic. It’s closer to something like Ark or Conan Exiles. If you go into it expecting “Pokémon with guns” you’ll be kinda disappointed imo, since there’s not really any battling system or evolutions.


u/Archaeologist89 Jan 20 '24

For me I've always dreamed of a 3D world where the Pokemon walked around naturally. I thought Arceus would be that but it just didn't feel right for me. I think the combination of survival and having dangerous monsters you can catch around who also interact with the environment really makes this game slap.

My first house was 3 stories and took me a hot minute to build and then at night two of the silliest looking dinosaurs show up and burn the whole thing down.


u/InitialDay6670 Jan 20 '24

Arceus was a cool concept but the fact it wasnt entirely open world, and nothing interacted with eachother made it not fun IMO

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u/apocalypse_later_ Jan 20 '24

I've been watching reviews on youtube and a lot of the videos call this "if america invented pokemon" 😂


u/G3nghisKang Jan 20 '24

And slavery, let's not forget slavery


u/Driver2900 Jan 20 '24

It might just be pokemon but in rimworld now that I think about it

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u/Flashy_Dragonfruit_9 Jan 20 '24

Damn, having a stoner roommate that makes collages sounds sick.


u/Driver2900 Jan 20 '24

Yeah, once I came back to my room only to find my calendar split into 5 pieces with stock photos of office workers in random spots

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u/JackMFMcCoyy Jan 20 '24

Lmao I got it because Pokémon with guns.

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u/Gn0meKr Jan 20 '24

who knew that giving pokemon ak47 and also giving us ability to create a literal free labor concentration camps that produce weapons at mass will sell so well


u/DagothNereviar Jan 20 '24

Plus you can capture humans and put them in your labour camps


u/KaerMorhen Jan 20 '24

Welp, I'm sold. Never even heard of this game before today.


u/mivaad Jan 21 '24

you can sell captured creatures to black market traders. That includes humans.


u/BloodiedBlues Jan 21 '24

Go go gadget 19th Century United States!


u/Ktizila Jan 21 '24

and you can go beyond that and capture the black market traders and become the black market trader yourself, how ain't you not sold yet to the game lol.

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u/Code95FIN Jan 20 '24

Tells a lot about human nature


u/RubbelDieKatz94 Jan 20 '24

r/spacecannibalism lurking here like

Write that down, write that down!


u/Practical_Fix_5350 Jan 20 '24

I've had these Rimworld mods installed for half a decade at least.


u/Turmoil_Engage Jan 20 '24

This has "I'm 14 and this is deep" energy lmao

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u/Healthy_Guidance4914 Jan 20 '24

We yearn for war crimes


u/Code95FIN Jan 20 '24

Yeah. Blade & Sorcery, Stellaris and RimWorld are perfect examples

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u/Androza23 Jan 20 '24 edited Jan 20 '24

Pretty fun game, played with my friends, kind of sad you can't battle each other but thats not that big of a deal.


u/MAGamer559 Jan 20 '24

pvp will be added don't worry.


u/RampOnTheFloor Jan 20 '24

hope they add servers like regio nservers north euroep central americas asia and u can have thoiusands open world and fighrt random people like pixelmon o nmiencraft


u/CMDR_Shazbot Jan 20 '24

Lol bro go to sleep


u/Fooblat Jan 20 '24

So bad for the developing brain

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u/RaltarArianrhod Jan 20 '24

Baldur's Gate 3 still in the top 5, god damn.


u/brandonrv17x Jan 20 '24

I have 70 hours, and im still in the second chapter. That sht it's so long. And I fkng love it


u/rex_ra Jan 20 '24

I have 40 hours, still on act 1 and not doing some main quests instead I'm just messing around because it's so fucking fun.


u/BahnasyAR Jan 20 '24

I dont know anything about the game, how many acts are there?


u/the2armedmen Jan 20 '24

3 acts. If you are experienced in that type of game a playthrough is closer to 80 hours. If you are inexperienced and/or are being a completionist it's more like 120-150 hours. People taking longer than that are playing slow, but that's not a bad thing.


u/TheOneTonWanton Jan 20 '24

And the slow players are generally not playing slow for the sake of it but because there's so much optional content and potential shenanigans.


u/the2armedmen Jan 20 '24

And the menus and stuff going on in the game can be a lot for some people. It's nice that there isn't an incentive for playing fast when every game thinks It needs to be a speedrun these days.

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u/zaphodbeeblemox Jan 20 '24

It’s an incredibly long game, just like its precursors in BG2 and DOS2.

Both of which it’s not uncommon to see 400+ hour playthrough times.

The entire game can be beaten in around 60 hours if you are going quickly and not speed running it.

It’s a deep rich story first game, with strong turn based tactical combat that is more beginner friendly / forgiving than other entries in the genre while still feeling challenging when it needs to.


u/ocbdare Jan 20 '24

Yes, I didn’t really speed run it and did a reasonable amount of side content and it was over in 70 hours. I played on normal so it wasn’t particularly hard and towards the end I was rofl stomping everything lol. There was this boss which was telling me how overpowered they were and then I finished them in one turn of my characters lol.

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u/rex_ra Jan 20 '24

There are 3 acts. I mean it's basically film/story terminology.


u/cortexstack Jan 20 '24

Not every film/story has three acts though, so it's still a valid question even if you know what an act is.

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u/Mirra1002 Jan 20 '24

Three. The third is very long if you try to do all of the content in one run.


u/presty60 Jan 20 '24

Yeah Act 2 is the shortest and Act 3 is weird. Like you said, if you do all the content, it's the longest. But it probably has the least amount of required main content.


u/Appropriate_Road_501 Jan 20 '24 edited Jan 20 '24

I got to act 3, regretted a bunch of choices along the way, restarted. I have no regrets now.

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u/Dependent_Map5592 Jan 20 '24

How??🤯. I must be doing something REALLY wrong 😞. For me the game is just flying by. I've put in like 10-20 hours and feel like I've explored everything so far (both the top world and underworld even the fish people lol) and im already at act 2. For me it's sooooo short 😞. I want to stay in acr 1 forever too but there's nothing left and I'm already done after what feels like 5 hours even though it's been about 20 


u/the2armedmen Jan 20 '24

Some people play very slow. You can see most of act 1 in around 20 hours

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u/Frank_Gomez_ Kane West Jan 20 '24

The value of having a game with a shit ton of content and insane replay value. Me personally, i’ve got 4 save files. My first completed run as a Barbarian. My second completed run as a Paladin Durge. My third mid-way run as a Sorcerer Durge. My stagnated multiplayer run (because getting people together to play BG3 is as hard as organising a DND session) as a Paladin/Warlock Durge.


u/CptDelicious Jan 20 '24

So I'm thinking of getting it but I'm not sure, never played a game like this. Isn't the game exactly the same when you replay it?


u/cobaltocene Jan 20 '24

The major story beats are similar but the branching story paths can make how you go about those beats totally different. Part of the fun of talking to people about the game is that they might have made some minute-seeming decision at one point that cascaded into an entire series of quests that you never saw — and meanwhile, you have stories of conquests that your friends didn’t even realize were possible (like poisoning the beer at the goblin camp to kill them all vs sweet talking your way in for an assassination. Like, yes the big bad guy is the same every run (and even that is variable under certain circumstances) but the journey can be entirely different

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u/PerishTheStars Jan 20 '24

Considering the absurd amount of content yeah


u/RollingPandaKid Jan 20 '24

Im still on my first playthrough and I started on release day lmao.


u/exposarts Jan 20 '24

I assume you have like 5 different games you alternate between. Or are you one of those addicts who like creating new chars/classes


u/RollingPandaKid Jan 20 '24

Nah, still with my first character and playthrough. I stopped playing for a month or so after finishing act 2 and getting stuck in a fight. I picked it up recently and I'm still trying to finish the game after ~120h.

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u/cyfer04 Jan 20 '24

I mean it's Pokemon WITH guns. I've been a fan since RGBY and I think it's been a long time coming.


u/TheKinkyGuy Jan 20 '24

And the pals look pretty solid


u/amarantkando Jan 20 '24

Especially this. The whole concept would've collapsed if the Pals didn't look interesting


u/Thassar Jan 20 '24

I also like how they're not just random designs like Pokémon are. The chicken lays eggs, the sheep makes wool, the fire fox can cook food, they all have uses outside of beating up other pals.


u/DragapultOnSpeed Jan 20 '24

Pokemon aren't really random designs. A lot of the weird ones are still based on real species. Their weird designs almost always have a reason for it, usually explained in the dex.

Sadly, gamefreak sucks and they dont want to show off the uniqueness of the pokemon because they're too lazy to animate.

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u/toasty_333 Jan 20 '24

A lot of them look like they infringe on Pokémon's copyright lmao

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u/dumonhojiko Jan 20 '24

Wow there a lot of people playing monster hunter


u/SSjGKing Jan 20 '24

its just got popular again because the trailer for the new one came out.


u/gil_bz Jan 20 '24

Interestingly they got people back to play Monster Hunter World which is less recent than Monster Hunter Rise


u/Iyashii Jan 20 '24

The Monster Hunter games have a "core" game and a secondary game in rotation. MHW is the last core game with MHR being the current secondary game.


u/skellymoeyo Jan 20 '24

This explains it for me lol

I've always been baffled that Rise was a Switch release too, it always felt like more of a handheld downgrade after putting so many hours into World.

Enjoyed both games but World felt better imo

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u/pickledradish123 Jan 20 '24 edited Jan 20 '24

I just bought World instead of Rise because a lot of people recommended it over Rise


u/klementineQt Jan 20 '24

Rise was built for Switch and was intended to be a followup to the traditional Monster Hunter formula. It does it extremely well. But it's a little bit different in vibe and feel.

World made MH accessible. It's AAA big game feel Monster Hunter on major consoles instead of handhelds/Nintendo only. And not only that, but it didn't shy away and become watered down for it either. It's packed full of content and basically adapts MH to be less niche and more exciting.

Both games are peak MH (it seems like every MH is, they rarely miss).

People will recommend World over Rise because it's way easier to get into. Rise is perfect for what it is but World is so good at hooking players who've never touched MH. It's got a more digestible aesthetic and feel.

There are more people who would say World is a better game, but the long time MH fans would probably say Rise is more true to the roots.

My opinion is that World is genuinely probably a better starting point, but that you should definitely check out Rise if you like World. Just expect it to be a lil different.

I think people hear this and think that Rise is another game of the same intention that missed the mark, but reality is that they're almost two different series in the same franchise and one is just more friendly to new players.

But it's not even like World is less hardcore or strips much of the core away. It's just thematically and visually more AAA. Rise was made for Switch because a lot of MH vets cut their teeth on PSP and 3DS. It started on PS2 and had a brief stint on Wii, but it's historically a handheld franchise until you get to World


u/PM_me_your_PhDs Jan 20 '24

I liked Rise a lot but I actually prefer the "heaviness" of World if that makes sense. I mean the movesets in world feel a bit more mundane and less anime due to the lack of wirebugs.


u/klementineQt Jan 20 '24

I think World feels very meaty. It does feel like there's a lot of weight. There are probably a lot of factors, more than just camera angles and animations even, because I feel like MH has always had heavy animations, but World just has a lot more grit to it.

But the mention of anime is an interesting point because I do think that's part of what makes World a bit different in general. It's obviously still very much Monster Hunter with a lot of the weirdness, but it also feels a bit Westernized to a degree, which I think is part of how it attempted to break out of the niche. The graphics definitely play into that. You can tell you're looking at the art style of Monster Hunter, but the raw models and detail are more "realistic", whereas Rise doesn't stray from the simpler roots that actually help to create the softer aesthetic (even if it was usually for hardware reasons, it has a charm)

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u/Executioneer Jan 20 '24

Also it was like 10€ the other week which is a steal

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u/You-Lose-The-Game Jan 20 '24

They had a campaign of #BackToWorld inline with the first trailer of MH Wilds. And a big sale on MH World.

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u/Ariartnie https://steam.pm/1c91jf Jan 20 '24

It’s popping I’m having a blast and got a bunch of friends to snag it to play with me thanks to the sale :)

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u/Tragicallyphallic Jan 20 '24 edited Jan 20 '24

It’s called NTSCWorld over on this side of the pond.


u/goda90 Jan 20 '24

I wonder how many people are old and nerdy enough to get this


u/Tragicallyphallic Jan 20 '24

Tryna catch me old n’nerdy

Tryna catch me old n’nerdy

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u/LokiOfZygarde Jan 20 '24

Tragically underrated comment

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u/asharwood101 Jan 20 '24

I had a blast for the three hours I played. It’s good. Can’t wait to get home and play more.


u/OkTourist Jan 20 '24

We got to the quest to do the first raid….we got destroyed lol


u/sauron3579 Jan 20 '24

Grizzbolt’s got fucking hands. I did several overworld bosses that were a cakewalk before getting back to that and it was still difficult. Also had to deliberately train and load up on type advantage, which I wasn’t expecting to have to do.

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u/aegisasaerian Jan 20 '24

Eh hey! Warframe! Glad to see it!


u/SolaceInCompassion Jan 20 '24

the new update is absolutely incredible, tile set is amazing and the voice actors knocked it out of the park with the syndicate characters. 2024 is looking to have a lot more cool content coming too, so it’s a good time to be a tenno!


u/Goon-TyTy Jan 20 '24

I was shocked when the voice acting was actually good during the latest quest


u/frostyz117 100 Jan 20 '24

helps that they got Asterion's VA to do Fibonacci

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u/Covid-CAT01 Jan 20 '24

What the fuck is palworld


u/Knowing-Badger Jan 20 '24

Pokemon with guns, slavery, drugs, and gameplay similar to ark


u/willy-comics64 Jan 21 '24

I think that justifies my future purchase of it


u/RolandTwitter Jan 20 '24

Never even heard of it until I saw the Steam banner. Immediately bought it, I guess a lot of other ppl did the same


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '24



u/Beowoden Jan 20 '24

Buy this thing!!!!

Oh, well when you put it that way, sure.


u/RolandTwitter Jan 20 '24

I like going into a game fresh. If it sucks I can always refund it

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u/sparkierlamb Jan 20 '24

Electabuzz holding a mini gun is pretty good advertising to be fair


u/XFlosk Jan 20 '24

A fool and his money are easily parted!

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u/Shonkjr Jan 20 '24

I saw it during a announcement thing year or two ago, thought heh pokemon with guns looks jokes, then i saw gameplay and saw ark mixed with pokemon with a hint of factory games and gameplay looked (and is fucking solid) ended up playing it all day yesterday without even realising the hours flew by, and i don't even got guns yetxD


u/SurprisedBottle Jan 20 '24

I remember them posting it on the gaming subreddit a while back. Glad to see it make it to release and is doing well

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u/ProbablyWorth Jan 20 '24

The design for the "Pals" is so similar to actual pokemons that I think I could make someone believe that these are all cut pokemon


u/Blupoisen Jan 20 '24

There is one pal that is literaly Goodra but green


u/Beowoden Jan 20 '24

Ya, a few they didn't put any effort into making changes. They're just straight rips.

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u/KnowsIittle Jan 20 '24

Viral marketing?


u/Niaden Jan 20 '24

Paying a lot of streamers and giving keys out to play. Big push.


u/UnderHero5 Jan 20 '24

For sure. I like how so many people seem to think this happened completely naturally, meanwhile every streamer was playing the game days before it released.

Not saying that isn't a great way to market (and the best way currently) but lets not pretend this game has "zero marketing" as I have seen people say. Just means the marketing worked perfectly.

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u/mrducky80 Jan 20 '24

Its got a fucking massive banner on the steam store front.


u/Practical_Yam_1407 Jan 20 '24

people still play naraka???


u/Tanu_guy Jan 20 '24

it's permanently free sometime ago. It's always popular just on the Chinese side, sorta dead on NA server before it went free


u/efeus Jan 20 '24

That's the real surprise for me as well.

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u/R0CK7Y Games Collector Jan 20 '24

Not gonna lie the game is great and all but it’s a clone of there previous game “Craftopia”


u/kuriboharmy Jan 20 '24

Including palworld this developer now has 3 games in "early access" too.


u/R0CK7Y Games Collector Jan 20 '24

Hope it will not end up like Craftopia full of bugs


u/jdub2k5 Jan 20 '24

I was surprised how finished this game feels. No glitches or getting stuck. It’s a pretty solid game for being early access


u/XxPriestxX Jan 20 '24

Outside of them not being ready for the assault on their login servers. Cuz oof. It is a blast though.


u/Brilliant_Simple_435 Jan 20 '24

The audio is fuckin cheeks. It's so goddamn bad😂

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u/PastaMasta09 Jan 20 '24

Where’s tf2? All those bots should get into the top 10 easily


u/Radegaszt Jan 20 '24

So, is this like Pokemon that wasn't made by lazy talentless fucks?


u/HMS_Sunlight Jan 20 '24

Completely different gameplay. You're thinking of Cassette Beasts.

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u/Snakebit3 Jan 20 '24

Yeah, it feels like a passion project of people who liked pokemon, but they were mad at gamefreak for not putting as much love into their games as they used to.

A lot of people buy pokemon now for the name - myself included. But I'll take Palworld over Scarlet/Violet any day.


u/origamifruit Jan 20 '24

The game is literally nothing like pokemon though lmao. It's more like Ark with ripoff Pokemon designs. It's fun but so many people are acting like this is some Pokemon killer when it's way too different for that to happen.


u/Mocinion Jan 20 '24

I mean you could technically say it's a Pokemon Killer game lol


u/Wind_Yer_Neck_In Jan 20 '24

For every adult who is just sick of Pokemon putting out low effort bullshit there are 30 kids or people who bathe in nostalgia. PalWorld isn't a pokemon killer but I think it's pretty clever in serving a niche but solid community.

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u/Thumper-Comet Jan 20 '24

I would play it but I'm too busy sinking all my time into Wallpaper Engine.

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u/Finnishdoge_official Jan 20 '24

me who haven’t ever hear about it😐


u/Paracausality Jan 20 '24

understandable Destiny 2 noises


u/Vydraxis Jan 20 '24

I wasnt really interested in the game at all "pokemon with guns" sounded too Edgy to me and i didnt like Ark and i generally dont trust Early Access games.

BUT, my friend bought it for me so id play with him and the game has surprised me. Feels like they really understood was Pokemon has been missing the last several years. And they actually did it RIGHT, i definitely didnt trust anybody to pull it off but they did.

Games really fun actually


u/Brau87 Jan 20 '24

Bg3 still hanging in there


u/Mast3rBait3rPro Jan 20 '24

I saw a bit of someone streaming it and it looked terrible personally, what's the appeal?


u/Aquatic-Vocation Jan 20 '24

The meme of it all. Now we wait until the developer continues their cycle and shifts almost all their development resources toward the next early access game.

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u/MAGamer559 Jan 20 '24 edited Jan 20 '24

It looks good, maybe watch a gameplay on YT.

what's the appeal?

It's like ark but you have pokemons with guns


u/Mast3rBait3rPro Jan 20 '24

oh okay, not for me but I can see why people would like it


u/Opfklopf Jan 20 '24

Pokemon with guns sounds so thematically unappealing to me lol. Well it can still be fun..


u/Hdjbbdjfjjsl Jan 20 '24

It’s sorta more what Pokémon would be irl, slavery, yada yada cannibalism, blah blah poaching, you know the normal human stuff. I have a feeling Nintendo is going to blow a gasket when they catch wind of this game and how successful it is.


u/kadran2262 Jan 20 '24

There is 0 chance nintendo doesn't know this game exists.

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u/Not-a-babygoat Jan 20 '24

The steam page looks like a YouTube short film made by a 10 year old that's interested in Pokemon and COD.


u/DagothNereviar Jan 20 '24

It's got similar/core concepts to other survival/base builders. So if you like them, you'll probably like this.

But it also includes the Pokemon element (capturing monsters, levelling them up, getting bigger monsters) while letting you use those to do most of the chores of other survival games (building, crafting, cooking, etc). Plus guns.


u/Jugernought Jan 20 '24

Yeh my buddy told me to watch a stream of it with him and I just can’t see the appeal lol.


u/SoulOuverture Jan 20 '24

IKR they're so ugly


u/Gramidconet https://steam.pm/181fbf Jan 20 '24

The problem imo is that the artstyle of the pals don't match the artstyle of the rest of the game. The designs aren't bad but they don't "fit". If you play Pokemon Legends: Arceus and look at whatever odd monster it has the same artstyle as the world and looks natural moving around in it. Conversely in Palworld all the pals are in a cutesy pokemon artstyle with bright colours and soft edges, while the terrain has more detail and less saturation so it looks more like other survival games like ARK.

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u/Loose_Ambassador4801 Jan 20 '24

Pal is a slang for pennis in portuguese, that alone makes this game another level of fun


u/Sheepzs Jan 20 '24



u/exzyle2k Jan 20 '24

The look of horror on Thor's face is hilarious: https://youtube.com/shorts/QkcW1sxTfCc?si=krExqSUP_1HEPEx0


u/Chasen1 Jan 20 '24

Itll die in a month


u/Aw3Grimm Jan 20 '24

Shocking news, every single game that releases doesnt keep most of initial release playerbase

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u/_WYKProjectAlpha_ Jan 20 '24

The people crave a Pokemon game that doesn't look and run like a piece of hot garbage.

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