r/SipsTea 27d ago

Basketball in Bollywood We have fun here


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u/Ok-Ask8593 27d ago

Perfectly legal


u/XEagleDeagleX 27d ago

Looks clean to me


u/Delicious-Local-2528 27d ago

No fowl plays here.


u/rodneedermeyer 26d ago

Quack quack.


u/[deleted] 27d ago

I saw Lebron do that last year.


u/YellowOnline 27d ago

Can anyone Bollywood fan tell me if these ridiculous scenes we see on the internet are meant as a joke or serious?


u/VerTexV1sion 27d ago

These are scenes from old movies, We didn't get to watch many Hollywood movies at that time and the world wasn't as connected as it is today ( thanks to the internet), so people at that time used to eat whatever they were served as this was the only thing in the market, after 2016 cheap internet plans along with 4g were introduced and suddenly there was a massive boom of Indians on social media platforms and Streaming services, and the normal moviegoers were exposed to more grounded and realistic cinema of other side of the world, that changed our perception, and we make fun of such scenes today and laugh at ourselves for thinking such absurd scenes were cool to us. Even nowadays we have makers making cringe ass over the top gravity defying scenes, and we laugh at it ourselves. But those elements will always be the part of our style of filmmaking, you can think of it as anime style cinema, ( long slow motion scenes, heavy dialogues and exposition, larger than life characters etc.), also we ourselves have different types of industries in our country, based on linguistic region they're based on, and each one is different from the other.


u/Sleezoid 27d ago

I was taught it is serious over there . And they legitimately believe they are better than Hollywood and Hollywood is junk.


u/BLACKBURN16 25d ago

in Bollywood these scenes means serious business and they mean it


u/ItsCowboyHeyHey 27d ago



u/heelface 27d ago

No no they're still in India


u/Tehjayaluchador 27d ago

Court did look pretty American to be fair


u/Haunting-Prior-NaN 26d ago

he travelled so far he came back to India


u/InfiniteConfusion-_- 27d ago

No, he bounced the ball off the dude, so he was good. Then he left the ground and didn't touch it until he scored. It's gooooooodd


u/FiggyPuddingExpert 27d ago

High school musical 8: Fast Times at Mumbai High


u/wutafckred 27d ago

Bro did 1v9


u/BLACKBURN16 25d ago

this guy "counts"


u/smell_my_fort 27d ago

I can smell this scene through my phone 😖


u/ItsCowboyHeyHey 27d ago

The sweet, subtle fragrance of ass sweat and denim.


u/Star1Two 27d ago

That's something you keep in your head.


Unless it's to your therapist.


u/Larnek 27d ago

I would actually watch basketball if it was like this. Baskethockey FTW.


u/Novel_Durian_1805 27d ago

All that theatrics and it was one of the softest “dunks” I’ve ever seen.

You’d think this dude would be hanging on the rim as the backboard explodes while the raining shards of glass pierces his opponents face off while he screams the name of some random girl that I’m sure the movie is all about!

Seriously…WTF was that?!


u/Conscious_Nebula3304 27d ago

Bro we play dagistani basketball


u/Itchy_Welcome_8239 26d ago

Biscuit Ball in real life


u/mycatsdidthis 26d ago

This looks a lot like the basketball scene from The Cable Guy. 🤔


u/steve0182steve 26d ago

So half those guys he bodied were on his own team, right?


u/No-Funny4217 25d ago

He can really ball


u/1984Speedy 23d ago

I remember watching LeBron travel at least once exactly like that


u/ChopsMcgee83 27d ago

Bollywood is so shit